AnarchismBolshevismBourgeoisieCapitalismCominternCommunismCommunist PartyConfederación Nacional del TrabajoImperialismLeninMarxMarxismOpportunismSocialismSocialist PartySovietSpainStalinismStrikeSyndicalismURSSUnited FrontWorkers PartyWorking Class

Weekly Organ of the Communist League of America Opposition AV VOLUME NO. 22 (WHOLE NO. 81 Entered as second class mail matter, November 28, 1928 at the Post Office at New York, under the act of March 3, 1879.
NEW YORK, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 5, 1931 PRICE CENTS Consolidate the Weekly!
AllOut: New York Gives New Impetus to Expansion Program Fund All Efforts Now for a Broad and Genuine United Front Move out ask for genuine united front. Ebreoks no delay. With the deepening of thus, by one more experience, learn that Gordon Arrested at Boston Meeting The last meeting of the National Com. as it is, there can be no doubt that they Amidst the fires and fames of World mittee decided to appeal to the members will pull the belt a little tighter and War, at a time when international soc.
and friends of the Communist League make the necessary sacrifices to guaran ialism had collapsed, the national socto make up the balance of the two thou tee the uninterrupted weekly publication ialist parties had (with few brilliant sand dollar fund needed to finish the ex of our beloved paper. Their per exceptions) turned social imperialist, the pansion program which was laid out for formance speaks in favor of this as socialist youth assembled at Berne. SwitIn an adjoining column, we print Tom, purpose, can liberate the working class the year. This decision of the National sumption, and the contident appeal of the zerland, unfurled the banner of proletar. Call from Prison Mooney clarion call to all revolution from capitalist oppression and forever ary and militant labor organizations and destroy the capitalist dungeons.
Committee is a timely reminder that we National Committee is predicated upon ian internationalism, It was there, in should not forget the practical tasks we it.
April 1915, that the first Sunday of California State Prison, Aroups.
Tom Mooney names scilic organiza have undertaken nor leave them in Although the problem presnts itself at every September was set aside for the San Quentin, California, We agree with Tom Mooney that the tions upon which he calls to build August 20, 1931. time for action has come. and unre genuine united front, to create ardok completed. Approximately utwertebrad stand the moment es mon practical question. mobilization of the working south against To All Militant and Revolutionary indor To the Moon mittees uchout counLabor Organizations and Groups Communist movement, to all revolution try.
a corresponding proportion of the ob scope and power, and its certainty of He does not call upon the imperialjectives of the program have already success, from the broader aspects of the The kindled sparks served as torches ury and militant workers it becomes a ist agents within labor ranks, the rekolden opportunity and an imperative actionary trade union bureaucrats, nor been attained. These results bear consue. It was a great day for the Comto light up the path towards proletarian Dear Comrades and Fellow Untonists: vincing testimony to the practical feas muntst vanguard of America when our revolution. The socialist youth, actively The time for action has come. Too duty to close the ranks and act upon these who have deceived with slick ibility of the plan, to the accuracy with Militant recovered from its first defeat alded by the Bolsheviks, Inspired by long have we been deceived with slick swervingly and unitedly instruksie promises. Their role as deceivers and which the National Commitee estimated and raised its head again as a weekly Lenin, Liebknecht, and Luxemburg, cour promises away with them! From the which will reverberate from coast to betrayers he has already unmasked by the resources and responsive spirit of publication. And not only for America ageously led the struggle against oppor cell where have been buried alive for coast, for the unconditional pardon of his burning denunciations. genuine the membership and its own ability to the embattled sections of the unconquertunts and social patriotism.
Hande in Afteen long years appeal to every work. Tom Mooney and the release of all class united front must mean an effort to fulfill the obligations.
hand with the revolutionary socialists of ing class organization with a spark of war prisoners. The Communist League include all of these organizations and As matters stand now planned who are united in a single fightmethod of work stands vindicated, but ing fraternity, have drawn a new strenahead, organized Left Wines, heldes det appeal for united action.
to that of Tom Booney from his prison there need be no fear of the deceivers the program remains uncompleted. The sth and inspiration from the triumphant revolutionary Marxism.
the of The most flagrant frame up this cell, where he has been buried for fit and betrayers within some of these orHill country has ever seen is dragging into teen long years. We say: Yes, this is ganizations. The filliquits, the thing now is to finish the job. This will resurgence of our militant paper. It is signify another step forward for our these considerations which will animato The victorious October gave unprece its sixteenth year, and not even a glim sue can serve as a common rallying mans and the other little Mustes hate movement. Not the least of the post our whole organization as the man when dented impetus to this development. In pse of freedom is in sight. In fact, ground for all revolutionary and mit more than anything else to work in com tive results of a triumphant completion we say that the re establishment of the November 1919, in Berlin, a few months am more securely imprisoned today than tant groups!
mon with us in any genuine struggle, of the whole program will be its influence weekly Militant was no triding experi after the Comintern had been formed, when first arrested. The dictatorship of The Need for Action or even for the release of all class war in convincing ourselves and others that ment, but a deliberate action. We meailt amidst tumult and uncertainty, victoris capital knows the economic conditions With the capitalist oflensive forging its prisoners. They prefer the ranks of rewe mean what we say and accomplish to carry it through at all cost and wo and defeats, the Young Communist in are so ominous that to issue a pardon way ruthlessly, with its dungeons lilled action to the camp of revolution and what we undertake. There has been will do so.
ternational was horn. Continuing the at this time would be as though a light with minera from Itartan, Kentucky, and they prove it daily at every serious test.
more than enough of blue and bluster in best traditions of the Socialist Youth ed match were thrown into a powder from the Pennsylvania telds, with Negro But it is our task to make them stand the Communist movement of America, International practical demonstration of different crete question and affirm this by their FIRST RESULTS method will have a wholesome effect all out the day a lluing expression of its my continued imprisonment serve their workers from Chicago and Scottsborougt. in front of the workers on every con Following an appeal to the last meetanti militarist work. The traditions of purposes. Let this appeal be the spark kuishing in fail and the continued in refusal to participate in a real stras the way around. were enrichened, made more which will start an unparalleled com The central task of the moment, upon Arne Swabek, national secretary, close young revolutionist. Growing thousands masses to demand my unconditional of all class war prisoners has become an But without the Communists, there can ing of the New York branch by comrade glorious, enshrined in the heart of every flagration agitation that will arouse the crease of class war victims, this isade slo. Such leder types will oppose to unitel front with the Communists beof freedom for Tom Mooney and release entuse they aim to maintain capitalism.
which the appeal of the National Comto ninety dollars was contributed or mittee is primarily based, is the stabili pledged for immediate contribution by de youth rallied to the call of the y. pardon and the release of all class warever more potent one, netton upon which be no united front and the workers will xation of the Weekly Militant. Tho the comrades assembled. This action The fight against militarism was intim. against militarism, armaments, war. prisoners, launching of this enterprise in the face should serve to give a new impetus tol aiely connected with the struggle against cry working class organization should the crisis and more acute working class to heed the clarion enll of Tom Mooney of the traditional Summer slump was the completion of the Expansion Program misery, the a bold step, but it was necessary and Fund, not only in New York, but through wage slavery, with the winning of the elect delegates and be represented on rulers of Wall Street. in crder to extrl they will have to fight all such leaders youth for Communism. The Pardon Mooney Committee that will dirstanding in the way, therefore correct. This is the tenth out the country. The following comrades was becoming the acknowledged leader eet the activities of the workers in this cate themselves from their economie dir.
issue of the resurrected Weekly. It was contributed: Cannon, 00: Sylvia of the International proletarian youth.
The Communist Duty undertaken without adequate reserves. Bleeker, 00; Marty Abern, 00; fight. The task of such committees will ficulties, will attempt to feed the greedy Upon the Communists devolver be to call mass meetings, distribute lit maws of class oppresion with many more there and all Summer the financial resources Lewit, 10. 00; AI Glotzer, 00. Pledges Today more than ever since the last erature, carry on monster publie demonvictimssterling champions of the profore, the duty to bring thix genuine unof the organization have been strained in addition were made as follows: war, the need for systematie anti millstrations, and engage in an energetic cam letariat. But it is not yet too late for ited front Into life. Their sula line fidently believe that the worst is behina Glotzer, 00: Harry Milton, 00: Max wide cconomic crisis compels the Impor. under the feet of the arrogant rulers of a gigantle movement which will prevent terests of the working class and of us in this respect.
Engel. 10. 00; George Clarke, 00 inlist powers to intensify their search Callfornia.
following the glowing spirit of Tem However, it must be said frankly that Field, 10. 00; Louis Basky, 00; Jerry for new markets. The increased armaFrom his prison cell Tom Mooney Money and the other class war prisoners.
a new push is needed all along the line Marsh, 00: Capells, 10. 00. Grand ments, the numerous peace conferences, One of the immediate tasks of these days: ask for a genuine united front. To weld together various workers or to secure the Weekly If all the sur total 48. 00. What do the comrades in the widespread militarixation of the committees will be to force through the This is entirely correct and will meet sanizations, with varying programs, into porters of the Militant see the situation the other cities say?
youth, the offensive of the capitalist gov pressure of an awakened publle opinion. With the approval of every red blooded one solid fighting front around this one ernments against the Communists, the the publication of the Wickersham Comworker. Only a genuine united front common purpose will bring about divers campaign against the Soviet Un mission of the suppressed report on the can produce a movement sufficiently mighty echo of approval from every militon are a few of the outstanding sigas Mooney case, prepared by its experts. strong in numbers, suficiently strong intant worker.
of the day.
This Report, am given to understand purpose and in conviction to batter open is a factual record and, when published, the prison doors and to advance the view of the statement of the Central It is therefore pertinent to ask, in Are the Leagues prepared to play the will definitely prove that the California American working class toward the soc Committee of the Communist Party pubsame role that the socialist youth dial authorities combined to organize the lal revolution. Only an international lished in the Daily Worker of August 28 in the last war? Can they mobilize the frame up.
BOSTON being informed, sent a representative youth for the defense of the Soviet Un solidarity, steeled by a revolutinoary (Continued on page 2)
munist league of America (Opposition quested that the be given charge revolutionary sterbeglet gainst their own and weaken their forces. The effect was arrested at a street meeting in of the case, a gratifying change of course capitalist class?
they quite naturally should have in Malden here for speaking without a on its part as compared with the sabotcombined numbers tost when they permit. The meeting, one of a series at aging action it pursued in the demands The absence of systematic and effective quarrel among themselves. This case which Gordon had been speaking to ev. for defense made upon it in the Phila anti militarist activity, and the virtual ought to serve as a ocmmon rallying er increasing groups of workers, was delphia Morgenstern Goodman case. Bail sterility of the Leagues caused by the ground for all revolutionary and miliheld in connection with the anti deporta was set at 200. 00 which upon being revisionist theories, false strategy and tant groups which should unite for eftec In view of the coming municipal elee In order to have as successful acamtion campaign, and had attracted a large furnished, enabled the release of com tactics and bureaucratic regime predom tive work in the face of a common enemy. tions in New York, the local branch of pain as possible, it is essential that a number of Malden workers. After having rade Gordon. Trial was set for Sept Inating in the International Communist patrol arrived in an auto and comrade without a permit, although as is the as in 1915, the revolutionary socialisted alphabetically, and other similar position in an effort to do all in its the collection of signatures for the place power to cooperate in the furtherance ink of Communist candidates on the to stop speaking Gordou refused. bit that the prosecution may change the struggle against militarism, led the fight haste to unite and organize Pardon of the Communist campaign, has address: ballot We are prepared to participate in this is. against opportunism in the revolution Mooney Committees in every cits anded the following letter to the official collection campaign.
another ten minutes and then, at a Representatives of the Left Opposition ary ranks, so today the Communist youth state in this nation for immediate ac New York District Executive Com.
We await an early response.
signal from the sergeant, when Gordon have conversed with Harry Cantor, head should rally around the Left Opposition Communist Party of the Comradely once more refused to leave the platform of the locally, and arrangements in its struggle for revolutionary Marx All the militant units and individuals 50 13th St. STONE he was pulled down by a couple of burls are being made for the defense, althougaism, against opportunism, for the regen within the of New York, Secretary.
cope and into the police auto. There comrade Cantor emphasized that in such eration of the Communist movement.
The Amalgamated Clothing Workers.
Comrades: were loud and noisy protests from the cases it is not the policy at We should greet the seventeenth InThe Communist Party, and all of its The New York Branch of the Commun No reply has yet been received from crowd which had by that time swelled present to provide attorneys or pay fines. ternational Youth Day resolved to emu subdivisons including the Trade Union ist League of America Opposition of the party, but the New York branch of to more than three hundred workers. However, it appears that there is a good late the young comrades who came the Unity Lengue, the International Laborters its services in the coming election time mensuele splavine plans for the max tiemen of Law and Order, the order was can be made with the ot cooper fore us to carry on their work until Defense and other similar organizations. campaign. We are redav to supply imum participation in the campaign in All of the groups who have split away speakers, press space, literature, and spite of the obvious desire of the stalslven to the cops to stay and break it ate in the case. Mr. David Niles, of final victory.
from the Communist Party, such as the aid in any other manner assigned to us. linist officials to prevent our cooperation.
up. At the police station, Gordon tie the Civil Liberties Union, has informed Young Communists! Struggle for the majority Group, the Communist League and belt were removed so that, accord the Left Opposition comrades in Boston unity of the Communist youth movement: Opposition, the Communist League of ing to the sneering remark of the serge that he wants to make a test case out of For the unity of the world Communist Struggle.
ant, he would not hang himself (1. the arrest and is willing to cooperate movement!
The Conference for Progressive Labor The International Labor Defense, upon with the Action Against opportunism! For revolutionThe Farmer Labor Party, ary Marxism!
The Industrial Workers of the World The «Turn of the Syndicalists and Macia Nationalism Young Communists, young workers The Proletarian Party, young students! Demonstrate on SeptThe Socialist Party.
In recent days, the Catalonian questhe petty bourgeoisle of the cities and ember 8th against capitalist militarism The Socialist Labor Party, etc. tion has occupled the foreground of the country. This fact gives the Cataland war. JOS. know it will not be easy for some Spain political life. The Cataloniau anist movement a conciliatory and Stalinists Change their Stand but Evade Most Essential Points of these groups to cooperate, one with statute is to be discussed by the Cortes portunistic character. Macia, Compagny the other. But this is a basic issue, and at Madrid: will it be adopted? The and the other leaders of this movement The Communist party has finally in clear that, on this question, the Stalinevery sincere man and woman willing to Jubilation in the Catalonian nationallst have adopted the only policy adapted to corporated into its unemployment proists have made a turn about face in the gram a part of the demand put forward direction of the Opposition not their be welcome.
swiftly abated. From the latest Infor petty bourgeoisie, that is, the policy of by the Left Opposition for a campaign customary hysterical turns of 180 de mation, Macla himself went to Madrid to those weated between two chalrs. It in favor of large, long term credits to sees, nor even complete turn to the paign for the support of the Spanish of my life in a California dungeon for that, following a conversation between were made against Macia in the Spanish We are anxious to sum up our cam have spent fifteen of the best yeara defend the Statute. The telegrams ada is only eight days ago that complaints the Soviet Union. In the new unem correct position, but at any rate, nature Left Opposition press in ship shape style. the ideals and purposes all these groupe Macla and Zamora, Barcelona is sure that press and even from the tribune of the ployment program published in the Daily in the right diretion. The cool and offWorker of August 29, 1931, we find that hand manner in which the change is The aim we have set ourselves, and it represent and my fate is in their hands. the Statute will be adopted by the Cortes Cortes for having conspired with the the last point which the party declares made cannot conceal the fact that for is a modest one, to raise the sum when they Aght for my freedom, they without great difficulties. What lies be National Confederation of Labor against that the masses must demand reads as more than a year now the stalinist hier militant Spanish comrades in their et fight for their cause the cause of labor. hind all this agitation around the Cat the central power of Madrid and for hav.
follows: archy in the party and throughout the forts to issue a popular weekly organ. My continued imprisonment is the very alonian Statute. 10. Development of trade relations Comintern has systematically and bitThe Catalonian nationallat movement the of against the bourgeoisie.
ing supported the strike movement of demand for recognition of the Soviet vitally necessary slogan of economic col for this campaign, at least, we want to hear of their divded efforts. Only by led entirely by the Catalonian petty compagnys delivered a flamboyant speech with the Soviet Union (including the terly sabotaged the promulgation of this pour laisistance will not end there, but heste ovdence of the futility and weak the money raised as quickly as possil their combined strength can they defent bourgeoise. It is in this movement that in the Cortes in favor of the anarcho Union not only as a fundamental re laboration wit get Soviet Union.
the common foe.
the great popular mass of Catalonia has syndicalist of In reality, Macia quirement of international working class What We Demanded put all its economic and social hopes assured himself, on the eve of the plebis solidarity, but also as a vital immediate far back as April 1930, the hail each and every one of my fellow aroused by the April revolution. The cite for the Catalonian Statute, of the Since our last list, we have received workers and comrades in this struggle. Communist party being too weak in Cat aid of the a political anarcho syndical economie need of the starving masses) Militant wrote: We regard it necessary the following contributions: in order that the idle factories may, for the Communists to conduct a cam. branch, 00: Toronto branch, 00: Revolution that will bring to an end this led by the confusionist Maurin, having quilly without the aid or at least the mands of the successful construction of Hoover government for the establishment Dreyer, 00: Morris, Loch barbarous dog cat dog, profit mad, capi tavored the policy of Macia by its false benevolent neutrality of the ortanix the workers government and its fire of broad and long time credits to the Sheldrake, 00; Previous total: tallatie system. separatist policy, has enabled Macia Catalonian workers. The syndicalist year plan.
Soviet Union by the United States This 155. 81. Grand total to date: 106. 81. To ench and every one of you send to canalize into the zone of his influence, lenders of the of who undividedly Following upon the Insertion of a sim should, in fact, be a central slogan of by an evangelical social agitation of rule the Catalonian working class have thar point in the demands of the Un the Communists in all countries It is Not much more is required to all the fraternal revolutionary greetings.
the most vulgar demagogy, the sympath tent this necessary accord to Macla, in employed Countels of New York, upon posible to demonstrate to the American sum completely. Let us do it generousTOM MOONEY ies of the great majority of the popular the hope of having social peace.
which commented last week, it is (Continued on page 3)
ly and speedily!
31, 921 masses of Catalonia, primarily those of (Continued on page 2)
Offer Aid in Party Election Fight tion: The Anarchists in Spain Credits for Soviet Union Our Spanish Fund