AnarchismBolshevismCapitalismCominternCommunismCommunist PartyFascismImperialismPrivate PropertySocialismSovietStalinismStrikeSyndicalismTerrorismTrotskyURSSUnited FrontViolenceWorkers MovementWorkers PartyWorking Class

THE MILITANT WORKERS OF THE WORLD, UNITE Weekly Organ of the Communist League of America Opposition IV VOLUME NO. 21 (WHOLE NO. 80)
Entered as second class mail matter. November 28, 1928 at the Post Office at New York. under the act of March 1579.
NEW YORK, SATURDAY, AUGUST 29, 1931 PRICE CENTS The End of the Labor Cabinet 34 Kentucky Miners Framed; 18 On Trial In Pennsylvania Wall Street Cracks the Whip and MacDonald Jumps Bureaucrats Sabotage United Front in Chicago Jobless Conference geons.
The second Labor party government of arch. Only the humble, plebian, christ England has paned into limbo, and its lan MacDonald is low enough to execute Unity of Conflicting Defense Movements Needed departure will not be marked by the so mental and humiliating a task. It 18 to Strengthen the Struggle slightest feeling of regret by any class too debasing a job for the high born Sir conscious worker. twenty six months, Neville Chamberlains, aristocratic Lord it limped along on the unsteady crutch Irwins and Sir Samuel Honres, or even Before the echoes of the big strikes in their betrayals of the coal miners for which stand out most prominently in the The protest movement inust have the supplied it by the sufferance of the Lib. country equires like Baldwin. fine Pennsylvania, West Virginia and Ken years gone by.
class war in the coal fields. They are widest possible foundation and scope.
erul party votes. The unemployment role for the socialist statesman of the tucky have dled out, and while the rom It was at a meeting in Canonsburg not the only ones, for there are dozens Throughout the country, the Left wing problem which it undertook to solve new order! Yet why not? If one must brings of new anti starvation rebellions about a month ago that striking miners of smaller cases Leng fought in almost must be in the fore to assemble all the lehte without solution, but has increased not crawl under the feet of the mightiest are being heard again in the coul fields, was trying to act his role of scubs hera ritory. But they are the most dramatic insis so as to spike the game of the in magnitude and acuteness. The work Imperiallsm in the world?
miners by the dozens are being dragged er as best he could under the circum examples of the determination of the coal Judical Assassins. Anybody who places ers standard of living which it so nobly It will not be for long. Four weeks into coal operators courts to be rail stances. Surrounded though he was by barons and their court to railroad light the separate interests of one group above lower level no struggle of resistance to is done, perhaps never to return to the terms of imprisonment. The coal barons place. As a result of the light, the eigh And unless the whole working class prosecution.
promised to preserve bas Bunk to or four months, and MacDonald day ronded to the electric chair or to long his armed thus, Fagan got the short ing workingmen to the electrie chair or the interests of the united movement is playing directly in to the hands of the wage entx met with anything but a frowe position again. Feeling is running his thirst for vengeance upon the miners who teen defendants, led by 80 Thompson, is immediately aroused to a comprehem more than a tendency to pursue such a Unfortunately, there is and Implicit sabotage from the statesmen of the Second International. If the In ainst him in the ranks of his own dared to fight against the dreadful explol one of the most active strike organizers, sion of the inminency of the danger to disastrons course. partieularly in the party. The men whom only yesterday he tation to which they were subraitted dian workers and peasants did not suffer threatened with expulsion from the Labor Their thirst will be slaked only when ful assembly and inciting to riot. not another victory for capitalist class jus of the on the one hand, and of have been indicted for conspiracy, unlaw. these fighters, the records will contain case of the Ilarian miners. The press regime of blood and iron, it was not threaten him, MacDonald, and Snowden frame up charges and send the mine will have the consolation of knowinx ute that cannot be regained. In both the other, are filled with mata denun For Tack of willingness on the part of with the same measure. The mood of militants to death in the electrie chuir that besides the coal operators standin: cases, the plan of the prosecution is a clations.
his majesty most loyal socialists the working masses is unmistakable. or to a living death in prison.
Laborite bullets and police clubs were Nothing but a high tide sweeping towards behind the procution, the oflicial swift trial, swift execution of sentence. rights to the defense of the Kentucky distributed just as freely among the In the left could wash so inveterate a re In Ilurlan, Kentucky, the grand jury spokesmen of the of bureau They are dominated by the fear of victims 18 though the case were a piece dians striving for freedom as they were actionary as Hendreson away from his is still in session and continues to turn cracy is kiving all the aid and comfort rising protest movement. Such a move of private property. Mach makes extratin the wildest days of any Tory gov. mooring. From now on and for a long out one indictment for murder after an it can to the state forces.
ment must really swell to such proporacant charges alust the other altime, every day will be field day for his other. The thirty four miners who are Ilarlnn and Washington these are the tions that it will destroy the malevolett lever endeavor to make sectarian capital If anything, the second appearance of demagogues and windjammers in the Brie up for trial in connection with killings two group cases of frame up victims plans of the prosecution.
out of the case. The Anti Communist the MacDonald minstry surpassed the tish labor movement. Every rogue, er that occurred last May at Evarts with phobia of the prevent leaders of the first only in the vileness of its servility cry former henchman of MacDonald, four fatalities, now have more than a Is no secret. Just as well known to imperialism. The kindest thing that every clever artificer of phrases will hundred indictments issued against them.
is the sectarian policy which the can be said about its record in power 18 seek to capitalize on the growing dis new legal assassination is being plan has followed under its present lender.
that it was just one shade less revolting contentment of the workers. Far ana ned by the Kentucky barons of coal and xhir. Tut to allow much scandalous than the praises song for it in the United away in the lead in this despicable came their judical sorts. This time it is to uation to last for even another day is States by Norman Thomas, Oswald vil. It is not difficult to foretell will to be executed with dispatch and on to compromise hopelessly the cause of lard, and the refined gentlemen of the the Maxtons and the Wheatley and the mass scale so that there may be less the endangered miners and the movement same kidney.
for them that must be built forthwith Citrines who themselves crawled out of opportunity to arouse a powerful workMacDonald and the Dole the MacDonald swamp only the day ie ers protest movement in time. The CHICAGO. The objective conditions have forced No mas movement will he built upon Immediately after the latest terroristic the party oflicials to accept certain of the the basis of potty bickeringos between the The Labor government was shivered on fore. tragedy, too. For there is no prosecution is fully determined to send the root of a distinctly class issue. The doubt that these Left wing ex the 34 coal miners to the electric chair. campaign (murder of four unemployed) Opposition unemployment proposals, as rival defense organizations in the in of the Chicago bosses and landlords to witness the United Front Unemployment terests of a fantastie prestige. The urofficial register for unemployed on Aug. perts in radical talk and timid inaction 18 on Trial in Washingtion crush the crowing ust 10 showed a figure more than double (to say nothing of ontright trenson at In Washington, Pa. the trial of an ment, two lewemployment move. Conference held August 16th at the leoKont, nnpostponahle nevel of the hour is came out. One was plo auditorium in Chicago. This Una joint defense movement of the that registered when laber came to the proper time. will reap the rich power. Far from diminishing in bulk, harvest of proletarian dissatisfaction, of other 18 miners has begun. Were it from the Chiengo district committee, the employment Conference was a prelimin Defense Committee and the ID.
We feel it our duty to say that those lish economy to stay. Canute could case and his new economy. of working class case, its farcical aspects would assert the Chicago branch of the Communist poses. 1) to organize all possible forces who stand in the way of this joining ler command the waves of the sea to desire and demand for militant action theinselves. In this principality of coal League of America (Opposition. In preparation for the September 13th of forces, are imperilling the favorabile recede than MacDonald could decrease the rich harvest which the Communists and steel, the jury was selected secret The party bureaucrats utter inability Conference so that delegates are present outcome of the defense!
the number of jobless or figure out should renp. but which they appear to be ly. The defense attorney was not even to analyze a struggle correctly, and cor from all possible working class organi In the meantime, defense funds are good way of solving the problem. Out still incapable of even approaching. kiven the right to question prospective rectly to lead the workers in times of xiaons in Cook County and (2) to elect desperately needed. Money for the of the 600, 000, 000 deficit estimated for Over this whole vast canvas of events. jurors. Defense representatives who tense situntions, showed itself very clear a delegation of 25 to present the de the next budget, some 200, 000, 000 was which will still unroll before us in all merely attempted to copy the names of ly in their leatlet their nain demandsmands of the Unemployed Councils to should be sent to its headquarters at calculated as the sum the government their enormous economic and political the jurors, were run out of the courtroomheing We demand death penalty for the Governor Emerson take Itellet Commit. So East 11th St. Room 430, New York, would have to advance, nominally as a consequences for England and the rest Press representatives, at least of the murderers of the workers and arrest tes. The General Defense Committee loan to the unemployment Insurance of the world, the Communist party 18 Daily Worker and the Federated Press, of the policeman and Lieutenant Hardy This is what happened. Rybicki who of the which is also collectfund the dole but actually as a sub not to be found occupying the place are refused admittance to the court ses who shot the workers.
hnd physically forced Hugo Oehler away ing funds for the Kentucky miners, has sidy. The dole, which was originally which logically belongs to it. Its name sions which are held in virtually star Verily, verily. verily. One can imagine from the hall entrance but a short time its office at 55 Lake Street, Chicago, conceived as a self sustaining instita is not even mentioned. It lies some chamber style. The most despicable fea: a muddle headed person demanding that before, opwed the United Front Cinem III. Give generously, and more than ture of the whole trial, which may end the capitalist policeman arrest themselves ployment Conference in the name of the that act swiftly to forge a well joined government contribucrippled and bleeding from the thousand with five years terms for each of the fer carrying out their duties as blue and assisted in electing the fron ring of solidarity and the frame by a permanent tion.
Entirely unwilling and unable to wounds which a cruelly irresponsible defendants involved is the fact that loom. conts in upholding the rights of capitalist chairman, vice chairman and secretary np victims of Washington and Kenuteky.
cut the Gordian knot with a socialist bureaucracy in the Comintern has inflicting directly behind the prosecution are property. One can imagine an ignorant Slips of paper were prxsed around with Do not iwrmit our tighters to burn in the chuir or to rot in the masters dunproposed to solve the problem in as reactible price is being paid for the victories burgh district of the United Nine Work: manding that the capitalist judges cive (Continued on page 4)
tionary a manner as any objective of Stalinism.
ers of America, lat Fagan and hil Murthe death penalty to those who are Tory would endorse: Cut the wretchedly MAX SHACIITJAN. ray, two men who have grown fat on enforcing the bosses laws and maininadequate dole by ten percent. Cut the taining capitalist order. But certainly paltry wages of the civil service emyou would think that eren a ioneer ployees. Erect a reactionary tarif wall would know better let alone a Com Just as we go to press, a telegram from effort will be made to assure the Left. ten percent largely affecting food.
munist a party official, or the District comrade II. Goldberg of St. Louis an Opposition and all other labor and rev.
stuffs which the worker pays for and Committee.
nounce the break up of an Opposition olutionary organizations the right to consumes. That will balance the budget The Chiengo branch of the Communist meeting in that city and the arrest or hold publie meeting without the inters and cover the deficit.
League (Opposition) immediately came the speaker, comrade Martin ayer. ference of the police.
And balanced it had to le, for the potont in leaflets (quoted verbatim in Ang.
The meeting was held on the corner of As one of the steps in the free speech entates of Wall Street had cracked the whip! Gone is Britannia pride and the Communist party, Earl Browder con openly and loudly. We are not so much meetings pointing out the urgency of imFor the first time since the leader of whole Left wing movement must any kol 15th issue of the Militant) and open airBrondwny und Park under the auspices fight, simrade John Elwands of Chicago of the St Louis branch of the Comman to speak on Sunday, September 13, cracks the whip, the MacDonalds dance of the Left Opposition that the Con Co. recommend to the Federal Govern front movement of all Chicago working During its course, the police set upons. On the same day. at P. tie Chamberlains only shuffle around Soviet Union as an aid to the Five Year the Communists must do is to initiate protest against the les murders, in or Payer who was on the platform, was one of the rebel mining sertions. Workfrom the United here. the expose the in police court.
urgent to Staes have taken on serious proportiow and devitalized adoption of the idea by working class, In unions, among the nn scare and in order to waxe effectively. The local Opposition comrades intend meetines and in particular to the world it, the Bank of England was compelled the Daily Worker of August 25, 1931, the demand powerful.
According to employed. That is the war to make the There is an oppor unemployed for the six hour day, imcompel the St. Louis potior to lack down aninst the police hounding of militant to borrow a quarter of a billion dollars. last of 12 demands presented to the tunity to connect the needs of the non mediate relief, etc.
from their high handed methods. Every labor meettings and agitators.
equally divided between the Bank of New York City administration by the Unemployed concretely with the Soviet need France and the United States Federal employed Councils of Greater New York for credits and machinery. There is a Reserve Bank. But these credits sd vanced to sustain the price of sterling thon shall recommend to the Federal Gor workers demand that at least some of is the following: The city administra magnificent opportunity to have the bills has been almost completely ex: ernment establishment of more favorable the hundreds of millions of dollars adhausted. More credits must be secured code Communist Party Leaders Seized and Held by Dominion Authorities under Sedition Act sterling. And where are they to come Such a pitiful attempt to smuggle collapsing capitalist systems of Germany.
Communism in Canada is to be sub September Assines will determine wheth Phyleal injury to nerenn. narty, ar from if not from the United States? But third of the idea distorted at that, into England, etc. shall be diverted as credJected to its first major politieal trial. er the Communist party continues its threats of such injury. In order to nethe adow aceply enough involved polite will never do. What do mere facer has been sabotaged by Browder and Co. tion is at the Criminal Code, federal, Originally enacted by order in council prosecute or pursue such purpose or pro The proposal of the Left Opposition Proceeding on the instructions of the semilegal existence or is forced com complish such change or any other purpose, or which shall by any means banker Under this teria is concealed Airst of all the demand for Soviet re for two reasons. first. it involves are provincial and city police officials com in 1919, the section in question was infessed purpose, or shall sou teach adro the name of the House of Morgan, Brt. cognition by the and even more futation of their fantastic theory of na bined forces August 12, to raid the party corporated into the Criminal Code in cate, ndvise or defend hall he an uninw.
for decades. But before another penny hundreds of millions of dollars, in the with the Opposition. No other argument eral leading members of the Central tion, organization, noclety or corporation being a member of, or Anyone convicted of is to be advanced to England, the Am form of long term credits, to Russia, enen Committee. Among the comrades for whose professel purpose or one of whose organisation or having its literature in defending such an erican bankers demanded guarantee. abling it to purchase machinery badly has even been advanced against the idea whom warrants had been issued were professed purposes is to bring about any his possession may suffer spennity of and the need for a national and inter if it were not plain enough, the British in turn require the opening of numer national) campaign for it. The obscure, Bruce, editor of the Worker; Ewan, change within Canada by use of force.
banks elucidated. Cut the dole, cut ous factories for work on the machinery timid demand of the New York Unem secretary of the Workers Unity Leagne violence or physical injury.
which Canada in the Crisis wages cover the deficit with the strip ordered. They can mean nothing else, ployed Councils is one small step in the John Boychunk, Tom Hill and Sam Carr. tertches, advocats, adviser or defends Gorernmental resort Bail has been set at 15, 000 each. The the use of force, violence, terrorism or marks the enlminating point in a poliny ped hide of the proletariat.
and the Unemployed Councils and the right direction.
to section 08 The Collapse of the Cabinet of xharpened police repression. Involved But the hide of the proletariat is not in the common crisis of world capitalism, so lightly stripped. How strong the reeconomie conditions in the Dominion sentment of the British proletariat is have grown progressively worse. Exagainst MacDonald brutal economy parts have suffered a entistrophic deplans. proceeds clearly from the split From our comrade Henri Lacroix in lots from a neighboring locality but in ernment which, after having stated from Maurinist confusion on the other, and literally clestitute, industrint unemploycline, multitudes of Western farmers are jacks of every description, from the additional details on the Trotsky vote names, whereas the number of candidates that it would give Trotsky authorization calcurd States a minimum of two Nions. At the Federal elections that car.
to stalinist irresponsibility and Left wing leaders of the trade unions in Santander about which we spoke from district should have been live to live in Spain, has come out against the We are anxious to send from to the reactionary Henderson, cut loose The Communists and sympathizers of the request for a visu made for our com hundred dollars, and we are confident ried him into oflice, the millionaire lende from Maclonald only out of fear that our last issue. The Ixecutive Committee of the Astillero decided to write in the name rade and will have to listen to the voice can be raised. The neext is great and take such measures as will provide for or the Conservative party promised to the workers might cut loose from them 80 violentis as to end in the camp of Spanish Communist Opposition, receiving the founder of the Red Army in the of the workers.
must be met. Funds should be forwardThe Santander incident is highly Amp Militant, St Hast 10th Street New York. woman in this country prepared er immediately to Gonzales, co the the civing of work to every man and pat with a united cabinet, the MacDon from Astillero (Santander. received at and guide the only labor union in Astil.
Trotsky, told the fomatie. It is a straw in the wind. The that with a little extra effort the same work. But in the nature of things, the ald ministry has fallen, cut to pleces the same time the information that some lero, who voted Stalinist bureaucrats that Trotsky is future is with the Left Opposition but Bennett Government would as little solve by American imperialism. new cabinet of the workers voted for comrade Trot to the tasks the problems of capitalist anarchy as the has been patchedup, composed of all sky in the last elections to the Consti considered by them the soul and the only it it can measure up of the present. Handicapped by Inck of Additional contributions receivedl since preceding Liberul regime. Higher cus Why does the latter remain prime min. ter some delay, for up to this time we ment. Trotsky, the red soldier of the the necessary funds, our comrades have the last issue are as follows toms tariffs in a world of capitalist the parties, from Baldwin to MacDonald tuent Cortes. The news reaches us at gulde of the world revoltuionary moveproletarian revolution, upon receipt of Appealed to the revolutionary militants (All New York. Gomex:. 10 Un states all engaged in raising trade bar.
ister instead of turning the office over had no friends in Santander. Trotsky received 78 workers votes the news, hastened to send a friendly throughout the world to lend their ald Comunista: 30 00A. Brand rier, can only accentuate the general in the efforts to issue a weekly organ mark:. 25 John Justin 26Sympath chnos. The Imperial Conference which the fo ner? Because the tenture of office of new cabinet is confined to How did this happen? The had letter of greetings to these comrades.
of the Spanish Left Opposition, an iminer: 96 Hermann: 00. Pre Mr. Bennett sought to instruct resulted The Spanish workers vote for Trot peratively needed antidote to anarcho vious total: 144. 70. Grand total to date: in mutual insults. The masterly stroke the perio cessary for executing the presented no candidate in this district hands of the Yankee oli and the local Communista demanded ball sky. The Republican reactionary gov. syndicalist poison handler 01 Payer Arrested in St. Louis Half Hearted Stalinist About Face On Issue of Credits to Soviet Union Anti Communist Arrests in Canada to maintain the fragile par quotation for trade relations with the Soviet Union. rancel by the to bolster up the or Increase the Spanish Press Fund to 200 Dollars!
to on rempted