Andrés NinBolshevik PartyBolshevismBourgeoisieCapitalismCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyFascismImperialismLeninMarxismRussian RevolutionSocialismSovietSpainStalinStalinismStrikeTrotskyWorkers MovementWorking Class

PAGE THE MILITANT SATURDAY, AUGUST 15, 31 leon Trotsky Writes On Stalin Latest Speech EDITORIAL NOTES New Zig zag and the New Dangers not to FREE SPEECH AND THE sharpen the sword for the Communist Stalin speech at the conference of industry consist of 18 its effectiveness 18the apparatus men have extinguished the, from thirty to forty percent. This fig.
the economists on June 23, is of ex. not measured and not checked up in an lanterns? If long ago, then why did the ure, which would appear improbable had 1930 was a tough year for free speech the National Textile ceptionul interest. Not because it con ever more precise manuer? We learn chief mechanic keep silent so long? We it not come from Stalin, will appmar parThe course of under the stars and stripes, according Workers Union in laterson deserves tains any deep generalizations, broad further that the rexime of economy. wrote about the extinguished lanterns ticularly threatening if we take into con to the eleventh annual report of the criticism, and readers of the Millant perspectives, precise summaries, clear rationalization of industry have long ago two years ago. The question arises: can ideration the administrative struggle American Civil Liberties Union, publish know we have not spared it. We have practical indications. There is nothing. gone out of style loes the speak anyone more clearly, more categorically. which the trade union Imreaucracy, to ed last week. The sharpening of the criticized the official party in that situa of this sort. Clippel thoughts, as al er welch his own words? Dout they attest to his inconsistency Isn it clear wether with that of the party and the class struggle, with the state authorities tion from the standpointus is the case way, deliberately ambiguous formula sound like a monstrous slander of for that the transformation of the Five Year Soviets, led against the turnover for the everywhere on the offensive against the with everything the Opposition on an into which may be listed here you letection, and primarily a mered an into four plan was an act of past yours. The proverb muys, Let well chongh alone. The gruwih of a turnrights of the workers, is reflected in the ternational scale as criticized in the the other, the casting of the blame upon indictment of the highest command? It the most light minded adventurism?
The basic conclusion is pointed out over signifies that under the conditions total of 1, 363 free speech prosecution official line that it weakens the post the executors complete disharmony be is a fact, Stalin continues, that lately compiled by the Union in its report. tion of Communist before the reform tween conclusions and premises all the costs of production in a whole series quite precisely in the draft of the plat existing in the third year of the Fire Contrasted with 228 similar prosecutions isty and the bourgeoisie whom they thene qualities and features of bureau of enterprises started to rise. We know form of the Ipiternational omposition Year lan, the working masses fort in 10:28 the whowing for the past year nerve. But the Paterson atrair has cratic inconsistency penetrate Stalin whut such words as here and there. The administrative chase after maxi restless. The chief reason for the turn But out in a whole series of enterprises mean mum tempus must give way to the ela over is seen by the bureaucracy in the is a revelation of the alarming encrouch brought forth another kind of criticism speech through and through.
ments which the democracy of cap. criticism of the reformists for er of the confused web of the speech, facts with Stalin. This means thut the sakboration of optimum (the most advan incorrect system of wages in its too talism has been making on the legal post rors which helped the development of break through which can no longer be er is afraid of the facts, emears them tageous) tempos which do not guarantee rent equalization. No matter how this tion of the workers movement. the Communist unton there. The au passed over in silence. These facts give up and minimizes them. Under the fulfillment of the command of the question should be solved we shall roCommunists have borne the brunt of thors of this brand of criticism are the the speech its genuinely political sigui words in a whole series of enter day for display purposes, but the conturn to this later it does not in itselt If it should be liberated from prises is concealed heavy Industry: stant growth of economy on the basis exhaust the problem of the turnover to the attack. says the report, as was to Lovestoheites, the people who first called ficance.
the shell, the following will be the re Yielding six percent increase instead of of the dynamic wuilibrium, with a cor any extent. If. during half a year or be expected since they stand everywhere us renegades.
Lovestone and Gitlow are sitting cheek sult: The Lett Opposition, this time forty qercent, it at the same time drives rect distribution of domestic means and even quarter, the workers of an enin the vanguard of the fight. But the lator movement, in all of its manifesta by jowl with the reformists and reactoo, proved to be right. All its warna upward the cost of production, under a broud, planned utilization of the worla terperine are renewed at least thirty to forty percent. this mets that not only tions suffered wherever it camo into tionaries in Paterson, but they atatek ings have been justified. But we, the mining in this maner theksibility of market (page 43. the skilled upper strata but the working conillet with the ruling class. Free their policy no less than we attack the bureaucrats, with our rude slander and its further growth. In addition to this, mans as a whole are in a position of perspeech is thus an issue of the movement policy of the National Textile Workers with our oppressions of the Opposition, it turns out that calculation is thrown THE PROBLEM OF THE proved to be the fools. Stalin, it is overboard, and rationalization is out WORKING FORCE pretul migration. According to the as whole. From all indicutions, the and the Communist party. They Stalin informs us, for the first time words of Stalin, the worker makes current year will show a still greater y score the dilatory tactics of their understool, expressed these thoughts in style. Does not the alarming conclusion and will magnify the importance of the July 25. The delay. they say, has to thunder at Trotskyism with cast thon is even darker than it is presented the plan is hindered by the lack, not only then to go elsewhere, to a direrent place.
increase of the prosecutions and attacks friends in the Revolutionary Age for different words. He continued, of course come to the fore that the actual situa: with such clarity, that the execution of this aim to work little mod of skilled workers but of live working to seek fortune. In this benign, but in issue to a corresponding degree. It de been very costly. And why? Because Iron banalities. But it is not the bur by the speaker?
serves more attention and a more clearly it made it possible for the National caucratie logic of Stalin which Interests How could this happen? Why and how per improbable at first night. The notiving it, approaches the basie defect forces in general. This fact may ap. ersonce tragie phraxe, Stalin, without detined attitude on the part of the pro Textile Workers Union. to assume us, but rather the dialectics of the econ letarian vanguard than it has been show leadership and to take the initiative in omle process which is mightier than have accounting and caleulation en Russian village has included within it of the Five Year an: the rude disthrown overboard?
calore in general strike in Paterson. the mightiest bureaucratic incomplete about it. Since when are the walls of hidden reserves of surplus population detriment of the workers. Gigantie elec Stalin keeps silent sell, from time immemorial, obvious and turning of the economic balance to the ing up to now.
In our opinion, it is a great mistake and that is not all. The reformists, by ness of thought.
the economic plant built, not according whichi, moreover, increased anmully by tric stations, factories, are ling to take the abrogation of free speech their mistake, let the Communists break THE FIVE YEAR PLAN to plumb line but according to the eye. hundreds of thousands. The growth of structed, great quantities of machinery, for granted as a proof that there is no through on another sector. The heslo IN FOUR YEARS With his characteristic precision, Stalin the Soviet furms, the collectivization and tractors, are turned ont, the village is justice under capitalism. We know that tation and delay says the statement, replies: Long ago. How is it that the mechanixtion of agriculture should being collectivized but the proletarians, We learu from the speech that the the leaders did not notice it? Stalinis naturally have increased the number of who should be the basic core of this well enough, but the knowledge is small have also made it possible for the We will reply in his stead. Cal those migrating from the village.
consolation. The labor movement and National Textile Workers Union to enter execution of the industrial plan pre silent.
Strike situation and sents a variegated picture. There are culation, which was not ideal eren be: dunger, it would appear, proceeded from same time from place to place in search The whole kigantie process, migrate at the the Allentown Its Communist nucleus needs the maximum of free expression and should not spread dissention and disruption there. branches which have, for five months fore, because the Soviet state has only the formation of kigantie reserves of thel of fortune. No, the flow of working yielded an excess of forty percent over begun to learn to keep an accounting on Serious errors indeed surrender it lightly. It is one of the Did the Alusteites make any more the corresponding period last year, there a state scale, was thrown completely the attraction of the peasants to the not because the peasantry achieved some army of labor. But no, it appears that forces from the village to the city censed penalties the ruling class must pay for its parliamentary form of government mistakes which Lovestone and Gitlow are branches which bave growe twenty overboard from the time that the bur city has ceased completely. Is it not sort of an ideal well being, but because thut it promises democratic rights and noticed? Yes, they made one more and to thirty percent, and finally, there are eaucratie leadership substituted for because the contradictions between the the position of the workers this must be Imbues the masses with a belief in their it is pointed out in the Revolutionary Age branches which have yielded only six to Marxian analysis of economy and fericity and the village have disappeared sa honestly, clearly. openly extraor.
The amalgmated unions ten percent of growth, and even less than ble regulation, the naked administrative After all, in the third year of the live dinarily worsened in the last period.
existence and their right to them. The for August extent to which they are really granted stayed at work after the called that. As if in passing, Stalin remarks spur. The co efficients of growth have Year an, we entered into socialism But that was wrong only be that to the last category belong the become questions of bureaucratie pres. But no, in Stalin last speech, we do not al Left Opposition sys: The standard The draft platform of the Internation18 another question. It depends among its strike.
poor strategy. Nor is it in coal industry and heavy metallurgy, that tike. Where is there place here for cale see anything about the realization of of living of the workers and their role other things, upon the strength and the cause it militancy of the resistance to their cur the Interests of the amalgamated unis, the real base of industrialization. clation? That director or chairman of a serialism. The speaker became much in the state is the highest eriteron of tailment. And for this resistance, the bons, says the Lovestono statement, What is the relation of the different trust proved to be the hero who commore modest and confined himself to a socialist succese. If and the workers that follow them that parts of economy among themselves? pleted and exceeded the plan, having simple reference to the improvement of bureancray would approach the tasks of the Statinist Communists alone an insignificant min ority are hange upon the volume of support from firmly convinced of the charges of the the reply to this question depends the mine, in the form of bad quality of pro have no intention to content the fact it conomy from this standpoint, it would sullicient. The issue a large number of workers should be this score, there is no reply. Yet, upon robbed the budget and having alilal the position of the peasant poor. We planning and ot a living regulation of the masses of the workers, and it also that the August strike fate of the Five Year Plan. With a duetion, under the adjacent branches of well. However, as an explanation of the not miss fire so wildly, every time, it house economy On the contrary, the coonom stopping of the flow of people from the would not be compelled to conduct democratic sentiments of sections of the Dose of breaking the strike of the in construction may collapse at theists who tried to calculate correctly all village, it is completely insufficient. Have policy of extravagant zig. and would draws strength within limits from the proposal was issued for the express pur wrong computation of the parts, pretty bourgeoisle.
rect planning, and what is still more im. drive out the sacred bureaucratic Viewed in this light, the Communists strike breaking proposal.
Abeline the same statement while the portant, with the incorrect regulation of cords, constantly fell into the category dically that the cities have lost the pow. tion warned five years ago. The Blendred million peasants improved sort The Platform of the Russian Opal ought to make a real effort to put the of the penalized. Now we hear from er of attraction for them! This might sheviks, agents of the lourgeoiste among labor movement as a whole, not merely ket line and the Asbeiated and the the erisis may unfold towards the very Stalin that in industry there is an unbe the case only if we assumed that the the workers, point trimphantly to the issue of free speech on the agenda of the members were on the pic a plan in the process of its execution United Textile Workers Unions were in end of the Five Year Plan and create interrupted working week on paper.
of its Communist wing. To do this er fectively, they will have to put aside position from the Communist party com. tion and development of its indubitable a false, accounting. Did not the oppoststationary or even lowered. Stalin bringe tiut ngainst the Soviet state. Then position of the city workers did not rise material wretchedness of our workers.
the shops the expellers of the Left Op insurmountable difficulties for the bible successes on paper appers that simultaneously during this time but was they are trying to rouse the proletarthe infantile shrieks about Fascism and put the question as it really stands plain of the delay which, they say. Successes. Nevertheless, the fact that ton warn in every number of its Bulus right up to this harsh conclusion, our workers accept the hourgeois and democratie country with a constitutile Workers Union which has no base thirty to forty percent growth, only aſ is much more capable of accelerating new The rulers of America say this is a freel made it possible for the National Tex. heavy industry has shows, instead of a letin that nakal administrative pressure without, however, calling it by its name. Benxhevik slogan, Inck to capitalism.
The chief place in his speech is de The complacent official who sees Neution which guarantees freedom of speech of the workers, to inject itself into the than that is covered up by Stalin wie itself: state figures are far more flexible mined by the turnover of the working upon improving the material condition in the industry and lacks the confidence growth of six percent, and even 1688 counting under orders, but not industry voted to the fact that industry is under hevixm in the position The Comunists should answer: Very situation.
the meaningless, trival phrase: The than steel and coal? Didn we write force by the general movement from of the workers, is performing the best well, let us have a little of this freedom for legal activity. They shoulding in spite of all the disloyal use that Yes, the word Renegade has a mean picture is variegated.
dozens of tmes that the further Stalin enterprise to enterprise. At a time when usible service to Mensbevism. He is From the same speech, we learn that leads the Five Year Plan, the more ex the flower from the village to the city pushing the workers under its yellow go to the where with this appeal and organize has been made of it. Its meaning is in a number of enterprises and continguished are the lanterns? This was stopped completely. the turnover with hanner. Iage 42. labor organizations everywritten clear for all to see in the state omle organizations, they long ago (O of course, proclaimed a counter revolu in industry and partly away from industhem to fight for it They should dements quoted above.
ceased to count to calculate, to make tionary slander. All the blockheads, all try altosether has grown immensely. physical migrations of the workers may One mit not deceive himself. The mand these legal rights not only for It is reported that the Communist up actual balances of incomes and ex. the roges, yelled about the deteatism Stalin Informe is that in the majority become the pre condition for politien!
Communist, but for all labor organiza: arty (Majority Group) is going to penditures. When one reads these lines of the left opposition. But what doel of enterprises the composition of the migrations tions and parties, as Lenin demanded of change its name. It is high time.
he does not believe his eyes: How is this the phrase: have long ago ceased to workers changes during half a year or the provisional government in Russia. What then does the leadership of count, to enlculate mean it not that even a quarter of a year by at least (To Be Concluded)
The Communists in America, as the. LEON TROTSKY.
Bolsheviku in Russia under Kerensky, should insist upon free and open discusProblems of the Spanish Revolution tatorship of the proletariat and the sion of all questions and point of view in order that the workers may judge preme expression of proletarian demfairly for themselves. They should stop oeracy as against bourgeois democracy.
their hooligan tacties of breaking up The point of view of Blanrin can only meeting and become the champions of lead to diverting the masses from their free discussion. Continued from Last Issue) tionalities, which is simply nothing but of the oppressed nations are concerned. their position and they have to subor. true objectives and to strengthening their one aspect of the bourgeois democratic The duty of the Communist will con, dinate their tacties to it, The Theory of the Four Revolutions This does not illusions in the possibility of a sleep revolution.
sist of fighting against all chauvinism exclude, but on the contrary, it pre coing democratic revolution realized by WHAT IS RENEGADE?
According to comrade Maurin, there In Spain, therefore, there is only one which seeks to liquidate the class strugDenunciation is an indispensable wa are four revolutions to be realized in revolution to be carried cut, as a congle into a national unity, and of plac supposes democratie slogans in the pre the petty bourgeoisie.
pon in the arsenal of the proletarian rev Spain: the economic revolution, the polof the cont existing above the differenc sent period towards the end that the olutionists. Lani insisted on it and itical revolution, the religious revolu between the productive relations and solidarity of the proletariat of all the worker and peasant masses shall conexplained that unless reformists and he tion, and the national revolution. the juridical political zuperstructura peoples.
vince themselves, upon the basis of their The author of the lines has been trayers were exposed and denounced by And this revolution can have at its head This way of putting the question only the working class, establishing its Maurin would not their proper name the workers would not have adopted a own experience, that the only road lead round to Maurin by an old and sincere fundamentally erroneous orientation 10 ing to their emancipation is the estab that he has decided to combat his er friendship and it is not without sorrow know whom to trust in the movement of wrong from every angle and has also dictatorship.
this highly important question if, folishment of the proletarian dictatorship. roneous point of view. But, amieus crisis. In recent years, we have seen lutely nothing in common with Marxism.
The Question of Nationalities stead of turning his back contemptuously this principle, like all of lenin teach All revolutions have an economic char.
to the Russian revolution, he had drunk Maurin who according to his declara Plato, sed magis amica veritas (Plato da ings, perverted and distorted and turned acter. If they did not have, there would In dealing with the socalled national into its opposite. Denunciation and opibe no such revolutions, for they are char thet have ben employed No widely and acterized precisely by the fact that they revolution. Maurin made a declaration directly at the fountain of the theory tions, is not an orthodox Communist my friend, but truth holil more deur (what does he mean by this? for up ly. which product great astonishinent, not) and the practise of the Bolshevik party Lenin left us a perfectly constructed to now the orthodox Communist has or so falxels that they lost for a time, radically transform economic relations Only ideological clarity, the indispensmuch of their meaning and power. Noy. On the other hand an economic revolu, among the intellectuals of the Atenco doctrine on the national question. Sauerywhere been the one who remained able basis for effective metin, can avert certibles, the mains udvaretathes all its on which also not at the mange timen edists. am going to make from it, siving up his sterile attempt Narxlam) bare noen realt ende worst like to believe notwithstundina.
as be claims, byt among the Commutin ought to have drawn his inspiration true to the doctrine of revolutionary disaster for the Spanish revolution. We validity and is nextnning to show itsele sticole world be your bebe ning temen uca tion he said, approximately. Tohle to create an absurd theory about nato adopt an intermediate line between that Maurin although siner hu lecture ther and fakery Events have helped this again, 18 nothing but concentrated Balearic Communist Federation 18 sep position, does not pronounce himself oil. will correct his mistakes and decide as they help every revolutionary prin economics. In this way. one National Convention or Dictatorship speak of an economic revolution and ther for the position of the former or to rectify his equivocalition. It is ciple.
The astonishent of Communists of the Proletariat?
for that of the latter. but, as we have ardently desired by all those who reLet us take the word renegade. This political revolution as two distract and could not be more justified.
Insofar as the appreciation of the said, politics does not tolerate a vacuum: sard him as a force of the first order epithet for turncoats and traitors is a separate ideas.
The emancipation movement of the opevents in Spain is concerned, there is and that is why, seeing himselt obliged in the Spanish Communist movement.
sword of rinor edge in the hands of the proletariat to be used sparingly Europe in the nineteenth The religious revolution that updet pressed nationalities constitutes a rev. one point upon which all die tendencies to adopt a definite position, he chooses Marcelona ANDRES NIN.
and always surely. If it is disloyally precisely an economic and political revolutionary factor of the first ordes and of communism concur: the Spanish rev the road of the radical petty bourgeoisie.
employed to hack indiscriminately in evolution characterized by the struggle plays a role of extraordinary importance olution finds itself today in the bour The Constituent, he ize the democratic revolution. This must e says: cannot real cry dispute within the camp of the rev. of the bourgeoisle against feudalism, The Communist could by no means adopt The differences come forward when be the work of a national convention READ AND SUBSCRIBE TO olution, it loses its sharpness to cut which had found ite prineipal defender an attitude of prohibition towards this it is a matter of settling the strategic directed by the advanced elements of THE MILITANT down traitors on their way to the camp in the papacy. In Spain, in reality, it movement, disdainfully considering that and tactical line. The stalinists, copy the Ateneo of Madrid. The author of the enemy. But this, unfortunately, is not the problem of the religious rev. it is an affair of the bourgoolale ing slavishly Lenin formula of 1906 of these lines finds himself obliged to is the way it has been used, as we have olution that is posed but rather combatting it in the name of an abstrace 1907, finally abandoned by Lenin himselt combat vigorously this false point of THE MILITANT seen in America for the past three the problem of the relations between internationalism which only serves in in 1917 and not its spirit put forward view which should it triumph, would years.
Vol. IV, No. 19. Angust 15, 1981 Who will forget the cry of renegade one aspect of the church and state, which is only reality as a cover for imperialism, as a the slogan of the democratie dictator bring incalculable evil to the Spanish rev.
which Lavestone, seconded by Foster, ocratie revolution, bourgeois demn defense of despotic centralism. The ship of the workers and the peasants olution. No assembly of the bourgeois Published weekly by the Communist League of America (Opposition)
hurled at the American section of the sense it can be said that in reality none of all oppression, will pronounce him and the dictatorship of the proletariat ize the democratic revolution under the That is why in the Communist, who is the vigorous enemy as it between the bourgeois republic democratie type we contend can realat 84 East 10th Street, NY.
it is true, for genuine internationalists teenth century can be considered as the right of the peoples to dispose treely This conception led the Chinese revolu today are the Communists and not the wear an armor against it. Misused in such. Religion is only the formality of their destinies, including their right tion to an enormous disaster. The Com advanced elements of the Ateneo, typi Martin Aborn Editorial Board this shameful way, the word lost its which covers up the struggle of capital to separation from the state of which munist Left Opposition, drawing its to cal representatives of the radical petts Mar Shachtman James Cannon power and significance for a time. It ist society against feudalism.
they form a part if that is their wish. spiration not from dead formulae but bourgeoisie condemned to impotence.
Maurice Spector became a jent, as useless as a blunted sword. And yet the word means some The same can be said about the pro On this point, there cannot be the slight from living experience, declares that the ole organism equivalent today to Arno Swabeck In our country est ambiguity. But, does this mean that the bourgeois democratie revolution can the French convention of the eighteenth thing, it remains a weapon in the hands blem of nationalities.
of those who use it honestly. The in it is not the problem of a national rev: the Communist should declare himselt only be realized by the dictatorship of century cannot be other than the consubscription rato: 00 per year; foretgh 50. Five cents per conv.
cidents in Paterson have done much toolution that is posed, but rather of a partisan of independence? In no way, the proletariat. The Communists must press of the Soviets or of the revoluBundle rates, cents per cor restore the meaning of the word, to removement of emancipation of the na least of all insofar as the Communits) not lose sight of this strategic line of tionary Juntas, instruments of the die Mistakes of Comrade Maurin cannot aratist.
tho the