BourgeoisieCapitalismCommunismCommunist PartyGermanyLeninSocialismSovietSpainStalinStalinismStrikeTrotskyUnited FrontWorkers MovementWorking Class

THE MILITANT WORKERS OF THE WORLD, UNITE Weekly Organ of the Communist League of America Opposition Entered as seond class mail matter, November 29, 1928 at the Post Oflice at New York, NY. under the act of March 1879.
VOLUME IV. NO. 19 WHOLE NO. 78 NEW YORK, SATURDAY, AUGUST 15, 1931 PRICE CENTS The Wage Cut Offensive Trotsky Greets Weekly Militant.
Mass Arrests In Silk Strike Left Wing Makes a Half Turn to Unity Chicago Opposition Condemns Murders in the elected preberete ve striker as elected by the strike committed this of Negro Workers Towards Sharp Working Class Struggles of Resistance National Committee of che Communist League of America (Opposition)
Dear Comrades: Our little group in Kadikoy was very happy to receive our old friend, American capitalism is now embark strike, efforts were made by the Pittsing more definitely upon its long cher burgh Terminal Coal company in partithe militant, in a new form. Let us hope that the paper, with its regular ished aim of reducing the working class cular to revive and put new life into weekly appearance will now exercize not only a doubled but a tenfold instandard. It is seeking thereby to shift the dead body of the to offset fluence. am sending yon an article on the latest turn In Stalinist policy The the burden of its economic dificulties the growth of the National Miners Unfurther onto the back of the workers. ion. The strike now appears to be on world capitalist press violently exaggerated the significance of this turn from At the very inception of the present the decline and evidently the operators its standpoint, but from our standpoint, its significance ennnot be estimated to crisis the signal was given in the de are somewhat getting over their fear highly. We are approaching a critical stage in the which will mand of the most powerful banking in of the militant union for at the proalso have to have its effects inside the party and inside the International.
stintions for a lower cost of production osed loover conference on coal, the The world crisis, the Spanish revolution the great events in Germany all. a demand growing in volume until now operators refused to sit jointly with the these put vast tasks before the Militant. We are fighting for genuinely selenti wage cuts follow all along the line Lewis forces fic Ideas and prinieples with inadequate technical, material and personal No matter how great or how slender But it should not be forgotten for one means. But correct ideas always end by making available for themselves the their prospects for revival, to the capi moment that, for example, the coal op corresponding means and forces With Best Commnuist greetings Yours, talist rulers there is hardly any doubt erators ignoring of all the unions in Confronted with no serious break in, The Daily Worker now reports that The that the commencement must of neces. the field and continuing their brutal as Kadikoy, July 19, 1631 TROTSKY the ranks of the literson silk strikers, United Front General Strike Committee Hity imply a measure of stabilization on suults upon the workers standard, is the police agents of the busnes are pro has decided upon a definite mode of proa lower level than hitherto. greatly due in a measure to the failure of the ceeding to the attempt at breaking the cedure to gain attempt bring about contracted market and an enormous capa Centrist party leadership to utilize the After the Massacre Hackbone of the movement by the policy unity with the rank and file of workers aeity of production makes that course real opportunity which were and still of mass arrests and the clubbing of who are still under the domination of compulsory. The lower level sought is are avilable for a fighting united front.
pickets. Last Tuesday alone brought the fake union. committee of fifteen first of all to be applied to the work. Let the National Miners Union take ing class. While sought as a way out of the steps for a genuine united front of While most of the pickets were seized afternoon to prevent a program of unity the present crisis, it will not at all the various sectional organizations by the police in front of u laterson dye to the rank and file workers of the Asserve to diminish the contradictions of which ave split away from the decrepit plant, more than a dozen others were sociated of the chief poluts of capitalism. On the contrary, it in and it will certainly mark arrested at the conclusion of a sharp which are that a committee of twenty.
creases the antagonisms of present class the first serious hurdle in the way of CHICAGOand by police terror. For example, cncounter between the police and striktive rank all file shop workers from relations.
the capitalist offensive. That is also Immediately following the cold blood. Mayor Cermitk orders evictions stopped crs who attempted to cross the city Nie cach union meet to discuss methods to The increasing class antagonisms can the way to deal with the reformists andled massacre by Chicago police of the ped in the Negro sections for a short leading to Clinton, neighboring upou obtain unity, that the basis of discussion be expected to be expressed in sharp pendo progressives who in reality are Negro workers gathered on the South time till the riots calm down. We later on where the strikers are at shall be one united strike committee, one cned struggles on a scale which has only for the kind of hurdley which side of the city to prevent the eviction workers must answer by foreing the tempting to get the support of the mansmited picket line an united front not yet been witnessed in the United do not imply struggle and the exam of a 72 year old Negro woman, the landlords and their city officials to stop silk workers employed. At the city line shop committee in ech shop. 12 31. States. As a first sign, there has al ple of the coal miners is only one out Chicago branch of the Communist Lengue ALL evictions in ALL working class the police threw a cordon cross the ready been considerable Increase in of many.
of America (Opposition) issued a leaffet neighborhoods! The bosses and their street and for hours kept a mass of Such a meeting is a step in the right the number of strikes and conflicts dur Wage cuts hit the workers in the condemning the police murder and call tunkeys are also organizing charity strikers from passing through. Ilowever, direction only if it is followed by other in the first half of 1931 ay compared most direct sense and hecome an importing upon the workers for a united pro campaigns to give bread crumb relier the militancy of the workers finally prefar more important and effective steps.
to the six months previous tant lever to help set them into motion test. The leaflet reads as follows: to worthy families. We must expose vailed and despite police efforts, a num. If this meeting of workers from both Any actual beginings of revival could against their class enemy. Regardless On August 3, unemployed workers this fake charity and fight for immediate ber of them succeeded in breaking nions is to be another of the united not seriously alter these perspectives as of all the servile and treasonable efforts under the leadership of the Unemploy unemployment insurance for all unem through the cordon of police. The lat fronts from below made No famous it would first of all involve an increase of the capitalist labor agents to prevent ment Council, attempted to stop the evie ployed workers. ter thereupon pursued the pickets and the Staliniste, then it is better that of the burden upon the workers backs. their resistance the workers will movetion of a 72 year old Negro Indy. They Thirdly, and most important, the succeeded in arresting fifteen of them. It not be held. Ninety nine times out of The concrete illustrations are already nevertheless, compelled by these circuin were met hy squads of armed police. bosses are increasing their drive against Significant in the whole iteklent, which heen a cheap sham, an excuse, a cover a hundred such predure has only at hand in the present wage cut drive. stances. It will increase the abyus be and three of the Negro workers were all militant workers, particularly against is but one of many others of a similar under which the real united front is The most serious aspect of this drive 18tween the needs of the masses and the brutally murdered. Besides killing un the Communists, because the commun kind, is the fact that according to the mothered. It is imperatively necessary in the fact that it is gravitating towards high muid gentry now in leadership of employed workers, the Chicago police ists are the leaders in the working class reports the workers are members of the to conduct the broadest agitation among the busie and important Industries. No the existing major unions. New pro seriously wounded another, and arrested struggles. The bosses are trying to build amalgamatted of one will believe that the workers om gressive currents will spring up within and clubbed scores of others.
a smoke screen of a led scaro in militancy of these workers, despite the unions. That is the base of the uniployed by the Steel Corporation them and the opportunities for working The bosses and their paid flunkeys order to divert attention away from the fact that they are not atiliated tu the tod front. But this remains hopelessly have escaped wage cuts. The board of class organization will advance also in have the blood of directors meeting held recently evt. the unorganized industries.
workers on their hands! The bosses wage cuts, racial discriminations and doubt that the busis for a powerful niven a program of action which they dently realixed that it would not be so Even an upward conjuncture of an and their system are responsible for the police attacks upon our class. Expose ity movement of the two contesting sides can develop to obtain the adherence to good to administer a wage ent dramatic erican capitalist economy will fully em murders of these three Negro workers. this smoke screen! Answer the attacks lu the workers ball of the strike, not the united front of their organizations.
ally just at the moment, when much ado body such prospects. It will mean a The bosses through Mayor Germak, of the bosses with greater unity, more only exists but can be strengthened with was made about the Hoover administrarent opportunity for Communist lender have called together their lesser flonkeys solklarity, and bigger organized strug the most effective results for the strike It is therefore necessary to take the tion opposing wage cuts. It would ship. But the one essential step in the Negro and white preachers, politicians les against unemployment and wage. The principal barrier in the road of next step immedately precious, invaluperhaps too seriously compromise the ad present situation, toward establishing clitors to increase their efforts to break cuts!
the strike development remains, as be able time has been lost. The Left wing ministration. But the actual cut is mere it is a correct policy of welding the up the ever growing unemployment move The Communist party must immedi fore, the fact that in reality two seply postponed for the moment and will fighting ranks into a united front. ment by doling charity in crumbs, by ately call it genuine united front con arate strikes are being conducted in must propose now not after the strike, soon be put over more quietly. The coal miners throughout the country have mass arrests of working class leaders, ference to mobilize a mass movement of aterson, with two separate strike com when it exercizes its well criticism in all workers against the bosses offensive mittees, picket lines and unions. To the party press, that a joint conference already suffered a drastle deterioration and to increase the struggle against un overcome this extremely harmful situa of the two unions he held at which meth of their conditions hoth by direct wageemployment.
tion, fostered on the one hand by the ouls of joint strike action and direction cuts, decrease tonnage rate, mechan.
Down with the Red scare! Defend Musteite Lovestone leadership of the Ashall he worked out. Merely to approach izatioll, speel up and the ravages of an the workers right to free speech and of L, which is more concerned with a few isolated of members to employment. Added to that comes the free assemblage!
a speedy settlement with the boss join united front meeting is not announcement of the Rockefeller interests of 20 percent wase cut to be apCapitalism Agents Reveal a Few of Its Festering Sores Protest against the murder of the three than with the spreading of the strike enough. It does not succeed in putting unemployed. Demand the immediate re on a broad wcale, and on the other hand the reformist leaders from Matthews to plied at its Colorado mines.
The Wickersham commission appoint, the moon, the deportation camps that lease of the 22 arrested, by the Stalinist leadership of the Na Muste and Gitlow to the wall with the On the railroads, continued improveed by president Hoover has made at have been established in all but name. Fight for the six hour day and the tional Textile Workers Union, which pointed demand that they join in nnited ments of heavier equipments and mach other report publie this time on the coninery have already eliminated several dition of police rule throughout the counThere is even less need for illusions fine day week with no reductions in stubbornly puts its sectarian interests action. Unless this towical sten in het hundred thousand jobs while increasing try. Drawn up in the most statesmanlike about the concern the commission shows. Pight for immediate unemployment against the general interests of the move en, the present waited from outst ment the Militant has from the very the Left wing will dippear into the the hauling capacity. During the per language, the report nevertheless gives over the Mooney. Billings case. To them Build block unemployment councils of beginning proposed genuine united sand like so many of its other tragie iod of 1920 1920, 370, 000 men thus lost a damning portrayal of the corruption contronted with the angry protests of employed and unemployed workers. front.
farces of the recent past.
their jols. This year an additional 300. prevalent in that arm of capitalist mas hundreds of thousands of workers for Demand long term credits for the Sorbe 000 are unemployed. With such econom. osty which is most directly entrusted years it is only a question of maintainiet Union from the bosses in order to ies the owners, representing an alleged with the preservation of property and ing the prestige of a cynically revealed sive immediate work to tens of thou 5, 000, 000, 000 Investment claiming in its rights. What is said is not parti capitalist class justice. The Mooney ands of American workers and to help suflicient earnings and have appealed cularly new. Every child in the street case is for them a violation of justice build the only workers country Soviet to the Interstate Commerce Commission is well acquainted with the fact that To the conscious workers, it is the log Russia!
for the right to levy a 15 per cent in corruption bribery, degeneration and ical outcome of capitalist class persecu Chiengo Branch Communist League crease on all freight rates. It is signt brutality rule the roost in the police de tion. Mooney and Billings will not come of America (Left Opposition. Stalinists Trail Behind Demagogues of the Hitlerite Camp ficant however, that during the latest partments of the country. Everybody out of the living tomb because Messrs. Since the leaflet was issued, the party years these rates have tended to decrease know that the third degree barbar Wickersham and Co. are shocked. press reports an imposing demonstration the russian Diet initiated by the German the Communist workers and sympathizers The referendum on the dissolution of we are awaiting, is undoubtedly that in face of the increased competition of ism is practised in virtually every police They will be released when the workers of tens of thousands of Negro and white Fascists und behind which the German took the whole matter with more than truck hauling. If the right to apply this station in the United States particular in their united strength compel the jail workers at the funeral of the militant Stalinists drew their followers in a mis krain of mult, if not with actual reincrense is granted, it evilently cannot is against the worker who cannot like ors to open the prison gates. The de Negroes murdered by Chicago uniform erable and disastrous caricature of a vulsion against the policy of the official be applied because of this growing com malfensants in office or high easte gang. portees will not be turned away from the ed thugs. united front. came to an end last Sat. rarty lenders. When the Fascints first petition. It becomes clear, then, that it sters and gunmen hire an expensive class to which they belong, from the urday, with a vote a few millions short initiate the referendum, making the is in reality a preparation for a wage lawyer, and more particularly against labor unions and revolutionary organizaof the amount necessary to accomplish maximum out of the capital demagogie cut. Whether the applieation is dented the radical worker who consciously dirtions to which they are devoted, just that much worse. The end of police the desired end. As a fareleal aftermath. ally created by them, the party justly or proved inapplicable, in either case ects his effects towards the improvement because Wickersham thinks that the pro brutality can be produced only with the the hourgeois press here and the Fase condemned the whole affair roundly and will be used as a basis for the demand of the lot of his class.
cedure should not be so raw. The de end of capitalist brutality and exploita ist press in Germany are engaging in revealed its true nature to the workers.
for a wage cut.
Nor is the labor movement presented portation scandals of Hoover, Deak and tion. The brutality can be resisted mutual criticism with the official Stalin The Rote Fahne could not find terins Acording to reports submitted by em with anything new in the previous re Co. will be brought to an end when the not with reports but with the united ist press ench claiming that the other sufficiently harsh to designate the manMusso Statistics, 210 establishments cut wages should it be overcome with any gratitude the attack upon their whole class which they shall enjoy us many rights of dem turn out in full force on Sunday to ac linis. But without much time having in June involving 25. 045 workers with to these public men who have revealed must be resisted unitedly. The savagery ocratie procedure as they can extort y complish the dissolution of the Diet. The passed, the party made a complete turn an average ent of 10. percent. Five Muperficially some of the festering sores of the police will not be ended by a their strength from the capitalist dic leadership in these recriminations is about face anul capitulated before the plants reported waco Increases affecting of the capitalist society which nurtures bourgeois exposure. We have had these tators.
182 workers. Inadequate as these reeven their exposers. The commission is revelations from similar sources from The Wickersham reports are a sign of German party and. Pravda, once Brxt condemnedl.
taken by the Rote Fahne, orxan of the nationalist demagoky which they had at The expectations of ports are, they nevertheless help to not opposed to the deportation of time immemorial. They are a period the times in the sense stated above. The Lenin mouthpiece. The latter is bit the Thaelmanns and Remmeles was to bring out the general trend. Add to aliens. Et is solely concerned withical sop to a working class that is be master class realizes the growing inter at the Fascists for having come to win the rest workers to the Comthis the estimate made by the of eliminating the brutal features of the coming restless and discontented and patience of the masses. It gives them the defense of the Diet by sabotaging munist side by this perverted united L, fully as inadeguate and extremely deportations the breaking up of fame requires another proof of the remedithe assurances of improvements in the vote at the last minute.
front. In actuality nothing of the kind conservative, and it will help to make ites arisitrarily, the frame ups that are ability of capitalist decadence. But at the form of promises, the food with the picture clear. The of too obvious the arrests in the dark of ter each revelation, conditions become which they always feed the workers. detailed reports from Germany which ready been shown ly the events, the The truth of the matter even without oceurred. On the contrary, as has al extimates that it workers insocint democratic workers were driven comes continue for the full year of 1931 away from at abont the same level as the first the Communists, against hall, they will lose 10. 500 000. 000 from whom the socialist lendre cleverly exthe 1920 level.
ploited the unity with the Forests.
The employers attitude toward the The only positive result of the cam.
unions in two instances of the present As a result of a highly successful pic rades inform that they too are or by members of the parts. Rood sign the militant revolutionists who are lead paign has been that the party has won wage cut arise deserve particular at nie last Sunday held under the Auspices enixing. pienie for the Spanish Op which should lead the comrades everying the tight in Spain under our banner over a few hardshell nationalist leadtention. On July 12, the New York of the New York branch of the League position, to be held on Sunday, August where to make a similar attempt. Since last week we have received the ere, generals, army officers and similar announced new agreement for the benfit of our Spanish comrades, 23, at Elston Forest Preserves (see All told now, more than eighty dollars following contributions (unless other rife raff of bourgeois society who anwith its 10. 000 employees on the basis the fund we are raising to help the op: other page for ad. at which, in addi has been collected in the fund, which, wise noted, donations are from New nounced their adherence to Communof a cut of 50 percent in the cent an position in Spain to issue its weekly or tion to other attractions an Iberian at the prosent rate of exchange, com York)
ism on the basis of the fact that the hour bonus paid for satisfactors work in took sharp jump upwards. atmosphere wil be created by the cook to almost one thousand Spanish pesetas Total last week: 22. 70 James Cost Communist party alone has not betrayIt adels. the motormen, being memhers splendid spirit prevalled among the coming and sale of tortillas, hot chile and The money has alrendy been sent to ello, Youngstown: 00 Meyer, Bosed the nation. like the notorious Fascof a union, are not affected by this rades and sympathizers at the picnic and tamales. All the profits the picnic Spain and will continue to be forwarded ton:. 25. Shapiro, Boston:. 23 ist. Lieutenant Scheringer, who is orienagreement. This shows both the ad following a short talk by comrade Swa will go to our Spanish comrades. as rapidly as it is received at our office. Levinburg, Boston:. 16New York list tating towards the Communist party on vantage of union organization as well beck on the significance of the Spanish Not all the other branches are quite the need of our Spanish comrades is No. 1: 75 Harry Milton:. 10 Junto the basis of the fact that there are no as the fact that the is not yet events, a good collection was taken np. up to snuft in this campaign, but we very great. The situation offers magni 00 Nacio:. 50 Norris. Jews in the Central Committee of the ready to force the issue with a union. The total income of the picnic after all are expecting them to get into full swing ficent possibilities for the growth of our 00 Carl Anthony: 00 1250 st. Communist parts.
On the other hand there is the instance expenses are deducted, has come to in short order. Toronto reports a conmovement. The American militants must meeting: 27 Bob: 00 New York Such a trend of events can only signfrom the coal miners present situation. 35. 04.
tribution shortly, a goodly percentage of the at the very top of the list rivalled picnic: 36. 94 Dreyer. 00 Berify the gravest dangers for German ComIn Pennsylvania, during the present! As we go to press, our Chicago com which is to come from donations made by nobody in the aid they contribute to in: 00. Total to date: 81. 91.
Wickersham Exposures After Prussian Elections Almost 1, 000 Pesetas Already Sent for the Spanish Opposition Press munism