BolshevismBourgeoisieCapitalismCentrismCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyEnglandFascismGermanyImperialismLeninismMarxismSocialismSpainStalinismStrikeSyndicalismUnited FrontWorkers MovementWorking Class

PAGE THE MILITANT SATURDAY, AUGUST 8, 1931 IN THE INTERNATIONAL OF LABOR Reviews and News of the Working Class and Revolutionary Movements The Struggle Day by Day The Impotence of the Communist Party in Face of the Crisis Repression Against the Opposition The Wage Cut Drive Hillman Ends the Strike In Spain THE ARTICLE ON BRITAIN GERMANY to be the tested method. But it is not In Greece The pressure of space has compel.
in this way that the workers still in led us to omit from this issue of the the ranks of the Socinl Democratie party Militant the article by comrade Arne will come to communism. It is the duty Swabeck in his series on the situaof our party to approach the Left wing tion in England. The article will socialist workers. Let us give them the appear in the next issue.
opportunity to recognize by experience their Left wing leaders.
Catalonian Ralearic Communist FederaThe party must address itself to tire THE SUCCESSES IN ANDALUSIA tion which did not seek to propose the leaders of the Left with a program Tuesday evening, from to 12:30 the few days before the elections, the united front of Spanish Communism beHardly ten days have passed since the little towards mending the mistakes or of struggle. They claim to fight against trials of comrade Oreoxil (Anna Carsl)
director of aviation, Major Franco, ar fore the elections.
announcement of the Hoover morator the past, toward winning the social the Bruening government, they must and comrade Txonndas took place. Ar rived in Andalusia. The hero of Span Madrid, June 30, 1931 UEXRI LACROIX. ium and already a violent accentuation democratie workers to the common stres prove that they agree with the program ter the questioning of the witnesses, ish aviation, the December rebel, is not of the political and economie crists in gle.
of struggle in which their slogan Down mainly agents of the police, who hented In agreement with the work which the Germany has manifested Itselt. All the The Party and the Ieft Socialist with the Bruening government! is put up wlanders and lies without end, the Provisional government is doing. He prophecies of the bourgeois and social forward side by side with a series of tribunal listened, amid interruptions to Leaders thinks that the government of Zamora is democratic press on the advent of a new slogans understandable by all the work comrade Oreozil. who llung back the acbetraying the revolution. He has sala era diminution of the economic crials The Rosenfelds, Seydewitzes and Stro ers and touching their vital Interesta. cusation of propaganda that had been SO although many believe that what and a new rise in a short time not only ebels are exploiting the fighting moods such a program cannot become the ob urged to her by saying that AS a separates Franco from the government in Germany but throughout the world of the socialist workers. The Lift ocject of secret negotiations, but it must member of the organization of the Bol is a question of personal ambition. From (Continue rfom page 1)
talist leaders have issued an exhortation become in the factories, in the trade un shevik Leninists, she had the obligation the bourgeois point of view, Francois cluding textiles, clothing, etc. unemploy have vanished.
The crash of one of the largest banks to the party in which they take up alone and in all the proletarian meetings, and the duty to work with all her power have the hourgeois republie triumph. In rolls decreased 24. percent. Aggregate the Danet save the signal to the best on osalmast the tolerance poltes the axis of the discussion and the or for the liberation of the proletariat. In the same spirit spoke comrade Tyonndas return, he was merely named hea Committee his devotion to the proleaviation. Pranco no doubt thought that workers, show that between March and attempts of the Bruening kovernment to winger. Sollmann, replied to them in he should have been named generalls. April this year alone, payrolls dropped stop the financial catastrophe by inter Yorwaerts by saying that one must intended under present circumstances to tarlat cause simo of the army at the seme time. It percent as compared with a per national loans have up to DOW bad nol hnally speak in clear tongue to the launch the party alone into an 1solnted Thereupon, the prosecutor of the re.
success. tip to now Luther mission leaders of this faction. The general pols and hopeless struggle, it would mean blic took the Hoor and puke at lengtla was a mistake of the Zamora government cent drop in employment.
itical and economie crisis of Germany is the ruin of the party, the complete en about the Archio Marxist orxanization to sacrifice Franco. That is why the Everywhere we see constant growth or has fulfilled hut one object: to hold back elected in the sharpened contrast be reellement of the revolutionary vanguard and of the danger the hourspois is runmajor deputy today rebelled. Two Joblessness, continual decrease in wages for three months the payment of the ning if it is allowed to progress in the days before the elections, be deliverdal No matter how great the ravaces of in: 100, 000, 000 in credit payable on July 18tween the social democratie bureaucracy for years.
and its workers. It is this situation The class contradictions will grow formation of cadres. This organiza very violent speech in Seville Against employment are, or rather because of The French bourgeolsce which has dell which the Left wing leaders exploit even more acute in Germany.
In order to halt the departure of the geoiste will go orer openly to the opThe bour tion. he added, is the renl enemy of the government. Following an accident them, the men on the job suffer the on berately prolonged the negotiations on capitalism, because it constituted ont meeting was held, Franco Was seriously well. Unemployment and wage cuts go heavy blow to the German bourgeoise What is the Central Committee of our class. The prohibition of our party is en pable of giving their last drop of blood that occurred at the theater where the slaught upon their conditions just as the moratorium in order to deliver a socialist workers towards commentare pression of the revolutionary working of conscious and devoted revolutionists, wounded. The following day, for the hand in hand. The wide disproportion in exchange for the suspension of party tong? Instead of making pro more than ever in the order of possi for the cause they embrace and as such, elections, the sent to Seville General Sanjurge ex. creases and payroll drops display this from ready to consent to loans to Ger Seydowitz and Stroebel on the basis of have already spoken for three years erely. What the Communist Party has many without political guarantees. The monarchist, chief of the elvil guard dur. convincingly.
ing the victatorship and chief of the This is how things stand today with ner future will show if the German fighting demands, in order to put them about the coming prohibition of the Con not done and is unable to do. lacking 40 against the wall to unmask their realment parts. They will now be able to absolutely in ideological level will be e il guard of the republic. He imme the American working class. What of bourgeoisie will once more te forced the position before the eyes of the workers say that they were right. But that is done by the organizntion of the Bolshodiately discharged Franco and other mill. Green agreement with the bosses at give up its imperialist attempts. The Thaelmann conducts secret negotiations not what is involved. All measures must vik Leninists.
of cruiser The defense attorneys then spoke Conspiracy against the government of the bound to ask himself. And if he con means to push the German bourgeoiste vites them to come to the Communist legality. The party must not be caught showing that the accused only did their prisoned them and charged them with a 1920 the worker in the of arty, he promises them. Internal unawares.
duty as Communists and that they hold republic. Franco denied the facts and widers these figures seriously, there can back in its Imperialist endeavors.
Among the working masses, panle has committee and even a unity congress takenly the German bourgeoiste in oral.
democracy and places in the Central Whatever may be the maneuvers under their heads high before the class tribun.
the minister of the interior Maura, re he no doubt left in his mind, that this leased them: Maura declared that it was whole sorry business of peaceful agree taken the place of discounted Illusions they are ready to join the party. er to maintain its positions, one thing Our comrades were each sentenced to a question proclaiming the free remonts with the bosses is a whom are The small savers start a run on the sky There is the real face of Centrism. It is incontestable: It is laughing at the a year and a halt in prison and years publie of Andaulsla, while they say that fraud and that the only result it achieves ing banks and other bank, which is: giving the capitalists a chance to sa Bruening decree hnd closed until Thurs has forgotten how to pose the political masses now. The policy of brigandage of extie.
The courtroom was filled with young in actuality Praneo endeavored to em ther their forces and throw the workers day. The experiences of the inflation Proposals for the united front to lead ter the social democratie and the nation comrades of our organization which days are still very rield in the minds of the masses to struggle are too much to al socialist parties to hold back the forced the police and the detectives to ploy radical language and perhaps he off guard.
was preparing an adventure in order, by. Our party must be ready for intensify the terror and the police mea captivating the sympathies of the Andal fons are confronted to lay by the burnins economies out of his wages or allotments, tlations behind the scenes appear to it battle.
sures usian workers and peasants, to gain a question: Class collaboration or class knows that he will be expropriated just number of deputy sents for himself and struggle? Green agreement with the as in the inflation time up to 1923. The Anti Semitic Disturbances in Salonika for his friends. Maura, who saw in it hosses, faithfully carried out by him warnings of the hourgeols and social Greek capitalism, reduced to extrema danger for the sents of his own friends, self he has not raised as much as a democratie press, seeking to prevent the ities, 18 falling upon the minorites. At concocted a conspiracy, hoping in this finger to put the of workers in workers from withdrawing their sav.
the present moment. It is the Jewish minmanner to draw to himself the sympathy motion against the cloud burst of wageings, have had no success. The feeling ority which gets the role of scapegoat.
of publle opinion for his alleged seel. slashing threatening them and quite of Insecurity towards the dominant ayeThe patriotl fury of the nationalist THE ELECTIONS unturally disregarded by the bosses, tem recalls 1923. Continned rom page 1)
organizations was unleashed against the What is the Party Doing?
The elections to the Constituent have should teach them a sound lesson in nion. This wisdom has been set forth Jewish element of Salonika which is ac clags politics. That they will awaken taken place. Its sallent feature has from the dark years of letharks, brought quarters of the party. the Karl LiebThe Rote Fahne is prohibited, the head stoppages at the conferences with the in an article in the Advance of July 21, manufacturers: heen the defent of the republican liberal about by the prosperity ruse is cerknecht House is occupied by the police. President Hillman expressed himselt Hardman Sulutsky, the thoretician of Autonomy of Macedonia.
and flows from the pen of the editor cused of beink In connivance with the Bulgarian Macedonian Committee for the Right the party led by Zamera and tain. Can they be harnessed together The bourgeoisie is atraid of a reaction: as quite in agreement with the exchanze Hillman efficiency unionism and de In actuality, a Jewish sport organizaumphed in Galicia in Guipuzces and in with the rest of the workers for effective ary insurrection, it takes its measures that stoppages should not occur and to serves therefore, our recognition.
class action this depends upon another the reactionary pressure against the dustrial processes shonld not be inter It Is clear from this that Hillman person as presentative of the Grek Mac tion, the Maccabees, hnd went certain Catalonia. The success obtained in Cat alonia ly Macia separatists is immense.
important factor. Upon the ability of party grows more acute.
What is the rupted while an agreement is in force role in the fight against the racketeers cabees to Sotia last year to the congresa the Communists, the front rank fighters party doing?
and while machinery exis for the ad. has greatly diminished. Mayor Walker Aladdar foin des premiere bilsemanatoare here of the proletariat, properly to size up the present situation in Germany, the Justments of all possible dificulties and will receive most of the credit wilman end of the congress, a Bulgarian officer, obligation to realize his semaratist pro the situation and to act accordingls. domination of the Bruening government, disputes (underlined by me, het lost his chance for another medal That of Jewish origin delivered a patriotic ment, or else betray the interests of Industry are prepared to cut the pay torical parallel, the situation at the time bilty of disciplining unton officers for fight against the racketeers. As re for Macetonta. And our representativo the people who supported him.
of every one of the hundreds of thou of the Cuno government. It is clear routine provided however there were let us hope the fight is not over yet. Ing, not knowing Bulgarian conspirnetes have been unfolding in Cat they are wars. The company (u. the bourgeoisie and the proletariat, as employers attempts to disregard thesive an account to the membership of of Salontka alluded to the last congress For many weeks, numerous political sands of workers in their employ, But that the relationship of forces between effective prortsions for the checking of These racketeers will some day have to alonia. The moderate statute which Macia Steel Corporation. we read in the compared with 1923, is not in favor of checking of employers attempts to diste journals is preparing may be the commencement Times, on July 30, 1931, does not con the proletariat. Nevertheless, the conof the betrayal.
template any movement for the redue fusion and the Insecurity of the bourregard the stipulations of the existing What did the workers expect from asserting that the Maccabees are Bulgar they hoped for they are the most numrin organized laborat this stage. No sodelos contiden det in the miracles and of the more men inte vildes fondate disputes their conditions in the shops are de las rayas dents calder contracts.
this atrike. The workers had very lan ngents and that the whole Jewish erous group in the chamber. As we fore tice: with organized labor and The agreement provides for settlement good reasons to welcome a real strike. minority 14 of about the same caliber. band of reac saw, the petty bourgeoisle voted for the the stage The wages of the inorgan of the social democratie workers, shows pose. In the absence of minimum scales Wake cuts are a dally occurence. Work Pretty soon, it came to blows and the magle means of democracy on the party a machinery established for that pur plorable. Unemployment 18 rampant vited the Greeks to hoycott the Jews.
socialists, and some groups of the big ixed have already undergone a good cuts a strong resemblance to 1923. stof wages and under the prevalling com is then taken out of their shop to be police did all within their power to arbonrgeoisie, who see in the socialists that is visible from the figures we quoted party of order, also voted for the soclall above. And why not at this stage more, the social democratic workers have petition among the different sections, the made up at lower prices. Competition rust the Jews and let the students estraitors.
Because the steel bosses know the sentences which prove to them that the dem against adverse settlements and eren cont standards. The officialdom, openly gone through a great number of experiworkers have no guarantees whatsoever between union shops has ruined all deThe radical party of the minister of ment of struggle among the workers only cape.
foreign aitairs Terroux, WA highly se too well. Because the coal industry. In talism. Since the epoch of the Mueller their conditions. It is no wonder that troducing the most intricate achemes orl of the Bourgeols papers, Pinted to sow ocratic republie will not lead them to soc unrestricted and unlimited lowering of or by connivance with the bosses, is in.
In the meantime, a violent campaign cessful. The bourgeoisle divided its votes which a flerce struggle, extending over among the Lerrouxists. the socialists. Pennsylvania and Ohio, the steel cenand the government, their standard of living has the New York Clothing Manufaturcers rationalizatiol. The workers are sus dissension among the two elements in orepublican liberal Right. The ters, a strike struggle led by the millbeen falling rapidly. And the coming per Exchange has been giving its socialist radicals, even though divided nt tant National Miners Union, Is alrendy their attention from the eartfest Jected to abject slavery. real strike der to distract spective shows theur not the resurrecnoperation in Human trike and held out a great promise for them. They economie crisis, was opened up. First the last moment into many groups, each on Renause the steel kings fear the soltion of the Welour constituton, but the in his other campaigns. They the manu have had no strike for over a decade there was the looting and destruction more radical than the other received a idarity of the steel workers with the advance of Fascism, the eventuality of facturers, will be the ones to benefit since the policy of cooperation has been us a band of madmen of the Maccabee large number of workers votes, of work striking miners and because it is well victory from this side. The last hopes in the end. Those who will lose are adopted by the officialdom. They, there hall. Then, attacks by veritable grng ers discontented with the socialists and known that a steel strike will be the of the social democratic workers in the clothing workers who have been sy fore, voted for the strike in the hope of common criminals on the Israelite who had no confidence in the divided signal for strikes on a nation wide scale. spired by the Hoover moratorlum, have tematically betrayed by the Hillman bur that they would get back their wage suburts, inhabited by poor families and groups of the Communist party. The The exploiters in the Steel and vanished much more quickly than might caucracy.
cuts and improve their conditions. Will bread winners. Veritable scenes of fury socialist radicals were succesful! Bethlehem corporations are waiting for have been foreseen. The social dem. The fight against the racketeers who man made them promises of 10 per unfolded, with many wounded on both told, even se nose so than they had hoped. the collapse of the miners strike. Thesecratie worker begins to understand that have been interfering with Hillman cent incrense in wages, of bringing the sides. The police who usually show a Their last minute divisions were one know their strategy. And if the leaders in this republic he has only his chains plans for the unionization of the New bundles back from the out of town remarkable seal in the pursuit and asof the reasons for it.
of the Nationnl Winers Union and of the to lose The officin Communists recelved official Communist party know their s, York market has been given prominent shops and establish control in the New mination of revolutionary workers, alFascism which, in 1923, hastened to place in the present trike. But the York show. True, they had little cou Ways wived at the last moment. Mon.
more than 50 100 votes. ulthough thes they will strive with might and main to Ko over to the insurrection, hesitates to ground on which this fight has been Adence in the Hillman bureaucracy, but day evening, numerous nationalist gange have no seat 11 the chamber. The Work extend the strike and to stop sabotaging day. It is uncertain about the issue of carried on has somewhat shifted. HI knowink no other power that could led by a monstrous attack npon the sub ers and Peasants Bloc led by Maurin the Leninist united front tactle.
the struggle. The elections to the fac man does not speak any more of the rachelp them in their distress they vaguely urb of Campbell, at the eastern end of obtained 10, 000 votes at Madrid and We ask again: Will the party leaders tory councils and the proletarian mant keteering inside the union and is con hoped for some relief from the strike.
the city. After looting, this people call Barcelona. It has no influence in the continue to miss opportunities, or win festation on May have proved to it Aning his attacks on the outside racket. But they were disappointed. They wil)
ing themselves patriots put fire to the rest of Spain It of thinking Institution inhabited luy widows and or Had the Spanish Communist Parts tactie which drives the fakers out of the at all prepared as yet to suffer its dom. But even in regards to these his fervor What part did the Left wing play in phans. As usual: the police and the presented itself unitedly, it is probable Labor movement and unites the fighting ination. Tolay. Fasckom would prefer seemed to have been greatly modified. the strike. The influence of the Lett antik were unable to re establish order that it wonld have won many sents. masses with their communist vanguara: to see itselt represented by a coalition He does not foresce any immediate Wing organized in the Rank and fie until after the event.
There lies the principal responsibility of the time to decide is today.
sweeping victory over the racketeers. Committee in the strike has been nesli community only urged the Jews to The reactionary lenders of the Jewish government.
the Stalinist bureaucrats and also of the SAM GORDON. The only force that could utilize the but leaves it rather to the slow processible. Due to the numerous errors of laudable calm and passivity. Count present situation is the Communist Party of evolution. After all, racketeering is the party leadership and the unwarrantс опанинспиринсипинписарнисанинитисятни антипаннан And yet it is doing nothing for the mom a business and as such is subject to ed changes of policies the organization ing upon their natural allies, the Hellent. Where is the political strike about principles governing all business enter of the left wing forces in the Amalgamenle bourgeoisie and the authorities, they PICNIC AND RALLY which the Centrists babbled for years prises and can only be combatted on ated has not yet even begun. It was not did not permit the Jews to defend them Why can our party organize and pro that ground. It is evident that the fac possible to expect any results for the Salonika, July 3, 1931 selves.
claim todas the political strike, drive out keteers are in a position to compete with Left wing in this atrike. But the For the Spanish Revolutionary Movement the Bruening government and lead the the in the business of supply left wing could have exerted a great OPPOSITIONIST.
working class to struggle? Here come ing cheap labor to manufacture. The ideological influence, laid a foundation The herole and militant bakle which the Spanish workers are carry.
to light the deplorable results of the result is loss of ground for the union for a wide morement in the ing on today will be celebrated at a picnic organized by the New York third period. which certain capitula way must be found to put the racket and regained the lost confidence of the they have completely obscurel the goal branch of the Communist League (Opposition. All New York militanta tors of the youngest generation would eers out of business. True, it is not so masses. This opportunity, however, has and the ideological physiognomy of the like are invited to join with it at the vicnic and rally to ald the Spanish Left orget quiel We are face easy. Racketeering is well org been missed. Despite the favorable ob Left wing fear of being disclosed as a Opposition to carry on more effectively its struggle for the Spanish pro. to face with a historically tragle fact and protected by politicians and uphold jective conditions and the Rank and File Communist movement. Their new policy letarian revolution. The affair will take place on that, on the one hand, there is indeed a ers of the law. It is next to impossible Committee e correct slogans in this of no politics in the trade unions is SUNDAY, AUGUST 9, 1931 strongly rising radicalization of the soc to get rid of them. They are even to trike. It has not succeeded to any de bound to doom them to impotence. Beat TIBBETTS BROOK PARK lal democratic workers and of the work. be reached. But the gangsters that are free to develop a rank and file move. sides, the Itank and File Committee will Speaker on the Left Opposition and the Spanish Revolution ing class as a whole, while on the other in their employ can be arrested and pro ment in the In some respects not be able to grapple with any great Games. Races Rowing. Ball Playing hand, there still exists the great distrust secuted. That will increase the cost of their policies are not correct even now. movement given its own weak forces.
Directions: Jerome Avenue Woodlawn subway to end of the line. Hike of the social democratic workers towards racketeering and manufacturers will not in their reversal of the old third per. This serious error must be corrected.
or take street car or bus to the Park. Plentc is at Plot No. the party, egged on by social fascism be in a position to enjoy its services. Tod policy the party leadership hit the But more about this and about the cliq But the present policy of the Central It will simply not pay. It will be other extreme. in their endeavor to fights in the Amalgamated in my Committee of our party contributes very cheaper to deal with the Amalganiated pose as a pure rank and dle movement article. ALBERT ORLA