AnarchismAndrés NinBourgeoisieCapitalismCentrismCominternCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyEnglandGermanyLeninMarxismReform PartySocial DemocracySocialismSocialist PartySovietSpainStalinStalinismStrikeTrotskyURSSUnited FrontWorkers MovementWorking ClassZinoviev

UNITE Weekly Organ of the Communist League of America Opposition Entered as second class mail matter. Sovember 8, 1925 at the ost Office at New York. under the act of March 1879.
NEW YORK, SATURDAY, AUGUST 8, 1931 PRICE CENTS Strikes In Danger March in The Hillman Brings the Tailor Strike to an End After the Lamont Letter The New Musteite Party The Prepares a Home for the Political Homeless CLASS STRUGGLE OR PEACE Quietly, heralded by only the most tinguishable from the reactionary and modest announcements and hy even les conservative elements in the labor move enthusiasm, the first bricks are being ment. As soon as the working class Once again, a member of the ill star. The figures are extremely interesting laid in the dark of night for a new pul showed signs of moving away from the red capitalist ethiciency cabinet of the and should be studied attentively by ev.
itical party, a home for the politically bourgeoisie, and even from reformism, kreat engineer, has dropped a few wery worker.
homeless in the labor movement. The the Musteites came forward as a bar. discreet remarks, Hoover Lamont has Per Capita Earnings Stalinist Failure to Apply United Front Threatens Strike new structure is not provided with rier in the truth of the workers advance unintentionally given away the secret involving some or million workers)
firm foundation, Its bricks are not tinged seeking to turn them wek to reformiam preparations of the bosses for an or March February March with one clear color but those engaged by devious routes, but under no con anixed and that is about all that is real Industry 1930 1931 1931 Every day of the prolongation of the ever before the gravity of the situation.
in erecting it are filled with the faith tons to allow them to take the natural in the social democratic myth of or.
Manufacturing 24. 30 X1. strugkles renders more acute the dan. The strike is still isolated: men have based upon a hope that it will offer them rond of development twards Commun. Sanized capitalism campaign for deep Anthracite gers that threaten the two big strike one back by the thousands under the a refuge from the conflicting winds of ism. Since its organization, this has going nation wide wake cuts, ranging Mining 20. 14 22 movements that have swept thousands of pressure of terror or tacking faith in the class struggle.
been the primary function of the from the pivotal steel industry to coal. Bit. Mining 18. 86 16. workers into action the strikes of the the strike possibilities; the emlavors The party is the one that was tenta. Developed on the trade union field textiles, manufacturing all along the We notice a particularly sharp down coal miners and of the textile workers. topread the strike have thus far pro tively launched at the last meeting of as a political bloc of yellow socialists line. What Lamont blurted out has not ward trend in per capita earnings during the dangers are out of the disunity duced the most meaxer results. What do the New York branch of the Conference labor burenucrats, pseudo progressives, been unknown to the communists, who the inonth of March in the current year the separatism, the isolation of the the party leaders propose as a remedy?
for Progressive Labor Action in the form and finally embracing turneouits from were the first to predict the inevitability strikes even when considered from the Not it single serious Mtep that has not of a statement presented by Muste communism like Millor and Benjamin of a converted offensive action of the and when we keep in mind that the fls.
it stand oint of each industry separately. been advocated up to now: spread the in the name of the organization exe u and even further Lett the Lovestone targeoisle in the attempt to disentangle clude 51 industries, we can easily pic from the very beginning this has been strike, inteusity relict. tight the Mustetive committee. Do We Need a New Kromp twell the now seeks themselves from the economie crisis ture the universality of the trend. Later pointed out by the Militant, and the ites.
Political Organization in the United Stato transfer its functions more directly which they and their system have brought on we shall allow that this drop in aver warning sounded that unless swift and all this is very good, except that the tes. The 1500 Nalwarts who attended into the political feld.
about at the expense of the working ake wages is quite out of proportion even rexolute mensures were taken to over militants in the mine tilds are not told the meeting fully endoresd the docu The Sponsors of the Party class, hs whose toil and sweat alone toy with the growth of unemployment and come the prevailing disunits, the strikus how this is to be done to sucure different ment hy slim majority against the has a cause behind it, wage cuts already would be threatened with the poison of results from those obtained with the votes of the Socialist party Who are presiding over the birth of are able to subsist.
members the new intanty The names themselves What Is the Situation of the Workers carried into effect. From the mining the slow disintegration and defeat methods pursued to now. One smail present and a bolt by part At This Juneture?
ures it becomes quite apparent why the Our warning was addressed primarily conversati. which remains a pure Lovestoneites who had eutered the care instructive. Foremost among them is the name of Bert Miller, the notorious of course, Hoover and his Secretary strike struggle ware has found its into the left wing and to the oficial Comprise when taken with the whole parts to give it a radical coloration, anti Trotskyist, who renounced even that of Labor Donk who got his training in ception in that industry.
munist party which leads it 10 Initi policy, is made in the correct direction The nub of the new Muste party is mild variety of Communism represented deceiving and misleading workers from his From February to March 1931, unem tive in the direction of unity can be exly the related proposal to organize our contained in the following extended ex. by Lovestone in order to crawl into the days in the Railrond Brotherhoods, im ployment among the railroad workers inected from the reformist labor leaders opposition and fight for our proxram Incerpt from the manifesto: CI. another father of the new mecliately came out with denials, assert Socialists and Communists party is Salutsky Harman, whom ing that the government still remains fell percent. Taking the figures for division in the ranks of the working controlled ly the open Lewis machine or The Socialist Party in the United Miller helped expel from the Communist firm in its stand against wage cuts and the same month in 1929 as 100, the fig class. Yet, although each day has brought by the various Mustelte elements. But new contirmation of the need of putting this is far from enough States today does not have a clear worklarty is a traitor, and who has since rejecting all responsibility for Lamontures for March 1931 are: Ing class orientation. It has not, as a been engaged in the principal literary letter to Condon. But, too late. The Anthracite Bituminous into practise the policy we put forward. While one of the criticixins made to ayrolls Emplomat matter of fact, succeeded in winning the defense of the Irillman regime of the benne have been spilled. The New York Empl t Payrolls the party has been compelled to mark that of Insufficient reliance in the in 81. confidence of American workers. Some blackjack, the gangster and class colla Times, the mouthpiece of Wall Street, 70. 89. 65. time on one spot by a leadership more ited front. the statement does not give of its exponents have frankly aandoned horntion in the Muso, if any, gently chides Lamont for his rash In the iron and steel industries we concerned about maintaining its prestige one other word to this immensely inMarxism as a labor philosophy, and have the ideolgical leader of the pseudo pro ness. deplores the lack of cooperation hind: and the infallibility of its policies thun portant problem. The strike of the it!
no philosophy to offer in its place. Others Kressives in the labor movement whose in the government and proceeds. to Employment in adjusting them to suit the needs of dependent West Virginia Miners Union 1930 profess to retain Marxism, but exhibit createst concern is to prove that in his explain the necessity, yes eren the in1931 the class struggle and the interests otin not even mentioned. The semi inde no militancy in carrying on the class criticism of the of bureaucracy evitably of wage reduction, all in one April Feb. March April the movement.
pendent Kentucky strike in not referre!
struggle. It pursue a polley of neu he does not associate himself for in in editorial 91. 72. 72. 71. The Party on the Mine Strike to. Yet they are in some respects the trality toward the trade unions, which stant with the only force that has con. how do things actually stand at Payrolls Now, driven to speak out by the ser key to the situation. To sive new cour1930 in practise amounts to leaving them in bicted a serious struggle against the the moment. To what extent has the 1931 ious state in which the ennsylvania ake, new heart, new vigor and militancy the hands of bureaucrats and corruption. distrous policies of treason pursued attack on the workers advanced? This April Fels.
April 92. 60. mite strike has developed, the olitical to the milliers strike it is necessity to 62. ists, makes It Impossible for a man to be by the Green hierarchy the Communist may be rathered from figures published 60. Bureau of the communist party has is uite all the autonomous movements regarded as a good socialist on the pol movement: Ludwig Lore, who fails to in the June number of the Monthly La In 51 manufacturing Industries itical field, while he is a reactionary on find any real distinction sed a long declaration in the Daily Work Nansylvania, Ohio, West Virginia (north between the bor Review by the Department of Labor. Continued on page 2) er, which describes more openly than and south) Illinois, etc. In ingle the trade union field and makes it im revolutionary Communist movement and front. Not one of these movements can possible to distinguish between socalled the phrase mongers of the socialist Left.
carry on Henlly hy it will Socialist unions and any other. It has wing in England, Germany and the Uni.
prime necessity, therefore, is for the lacked vigor and aggressiveness in supted States. to take the initiative to address porting, inspiring and leading efforts to These are elements without a political the organizations conducting the other organize the masses of unskilled and home, the classic exponents of Centrism strikes and rebel movements with the semi skilled workers in the basie indus who seek to repeat today the fare cal If there wil le a strike, the racket strike was in reality a kekout for the change. The privileges granted the or proposals for joint conference to the Ify them all. Thix, together with agitatries. Its propaganda tacitly assumes experiment made a decade ago with the eers would call it. This ambiguous re purpose of cutting the wages and tight ganized manufacturers are a sutieient un in the ranks everywhere to have basie Industries of the nation can be national. That sponsors of the er question whether Hillman could membership of the organization.
the Exchange or at any rate sign the leaders, is the first real step towards a bought from their present owners and new party have their eyes turned to promise that there will be no strike in How were llman plans in this agreement with the Union. The agree. Benuine united front, desperately needed socialized, and evades any realistic ansi wards the recent attempts made by the New York has become clear now that strike carried out? Already on the ment seemingly affords lower production by the minors.
what foundation there is for such an to build a new International cannot ers uns been declared. In that repls clared the workers were sent to work shop. It is worth while in this connect to the team to how ko ysis of the modern scene to determine left wing leaders of the British the strike of tlie New York clothing work second day after the strike was de cuts and better security than the open When the leaders to take expectation. It is confused and at times the doubted for an instant. It is equally were contained the real meaning and then most of the shops with considerable tion to quote from the Advance, July 31. spite of the fact that does not diverse distinctly antagonistic in its attitude to sure that the second edition of the Two purpose of the strike contemplated by a on Itiliman stand on the question of for an instanst from the policies om wards Soviet Russia. It is not a re and a Half International, including its Hlilman and of his campaigu against number of cases to as high as 25 per(No sive and militant in its struckle against American section will follow the first racketeering. The strike luas been en cent. Continued on page 2)
official announcements, of mended by the early congresses of the militarism. It is not out and out Soc back into the camp of social democracy, gineered and contrived by Hillman and course have been made. These shops Comintern. they are materiting the liv ialist, neither has it yet demonstrated from which it emanated.
No other fate the organized clothing manufacturers for are mostly shops owned by the members ing Interests of the movement for the that it can be an effective Left pro is reserved for the petty hourgeois pol the purpose of bolstering the New York of the New York Manufacturers Exchange sake of the dead letter of their dogmatie formular The Communist party in the United Inde wendent existence on the basis of the at the expense of the clothing workers. maintained union stunduras baxanda wave Blackguards and Assistants The Paterson Strike States today suffers from a mechanical workers dissatisfaction with the social (See my article in the Militant, July 11. agreed to the terms of the new agree In Pravda of July 2, Yaroslavaky un for the textile xtrikes. partieularly in With little change the same holds true dictation from outside which severely democracy and a parasitie criticism of The campaign was well prepared, the ment.
handicaps it in dealing with the American the blunders of official Communism.
masks Trotsky who, le says, called the later on, where we have the saddening Strike staged in accordance with the The workers who have remained on tive Year an deception in the picture of two strikex, under two orkan situntion. It does not have its roots The new party if it can be dignified plans laid out and having met no in strike are those who worked for the bourgeois press and predicted the speedy xations, with two separate syntents of se primarily in the American soil. It has such a designation. already having terference by any forces inside or out independent firms which sabotaged on all of isolshevism. Iu Yaroslavsky divity. The stuwen stupidity of sul pursued a divisive and sectarhun polley Its troubles. The socialist partners of Mide the ac. organization will be unton standards and sent out their work article is published the reproduction of intet policy in this case has created the in the trade unions. It has abandoned the including the Left wing carried out to the satisfaction of Sidney to out of town places.
the first page of the olish paper to anomalous tation where the whole any honest effort to build a mass labor militants are already making barely Hillman the New York Manufacturers Considering, however, the privileges which, it is claimed, Trotsky sent his crew of Right wing and reformist leadparty. It talks a fantastic and doc concealed threats to withdraw their sup Exchange, and Mayor Walker and Incalven under the agreement to the or article. In this counction, they speakers of the of from Matthews trinaire language which American work port from the Muste group if it proceeds dentally to the aggrandizement of the unixed manufacturers to reduce wages once more of renegade etc.
ers do not understand. It overrenches to establish a rival to the The ignobile, prestive of the yellow socialist and even send their work to out of town itself and tries to impose Communist revolutionary reformist party of Muste leaders, Norman Thomas, Louis Wald. show where standards are lower (even urticle oil the Five Year an to any central issue of the strike the splitring to Norman Thomas to Mixte to Mr. Ben As a matter of fact, never gave ausi Gitlov have been able to make the dogmatism on the workers, rather than Lore Miller Salutsky and Co. is being man, Vladeck, and their ilk.
though they operate under a unton agreebourgeois paper with the exception of activities of the communists and the raining their contidence and developing born under luckless auspices which alA New Betrayal their initiative by giving them a realistic ready determine its slender and brief To the clothing workers this strike speedy termination of the strike and ning of this year to the Manchester narrow policy of the party, these settle ment) it is not ditlicult to predict aan luterview which guve at the begin National Textile Workers Union. By the and democratie leadership in their daily future. We shall return to other phases means another betrayal and a sellout un complete victory for Hillman and the Guardian. The content and the sense of men huve been able to cover their struggles.
of the question on another occasion.
The Socialist party is too discredited this interview, emphasizing the enorm own splitting policies and in all like for these homeless Centrists, and they ous successes of socialist methods of libord under the same covering the proceed to say so as politely as possible: economy and detending the necessity of Of leaders will be able to conclude the Communist party is too revolutionary economy collaboration of England with the strike with the uxital springful for them and is the custom of these the is in direct and irre settlement. Ilere is a tragie instance of people, they concenl this petty bourgeois concilable contradictiou with the articles what happens when the left wing fear of the revolutionary movement he. To the comrades of the Militant. tentment that will not be long in devel tants.
or the world bourgeois press which base throws away the banner of unity. Here It is absolutely necessary that themselves upon frauduleut falsification too a rapid turn is draudel of the hind weasel words about foreign dicta New York oping among the broad popular masses the comrades of the other countries and upon perversions Ikiga and War Left wing. The Daily Worker last week tion, sectarianism (which to them does Dear Comrades: of the country, deceived by republican should lend us their ald. The assistance saw huve long been laboratories of fulse reported that Rubin, of the not mean an isolationist policy so much The unusual situation through which ism, in order to win them to our cause of the American comrades could be inas an intransigeance in principle) and our country is passing presents the Com and to lead the proletariat to the con valuable in this sense.
lack of realism. The Muste leaders munist Left Opposition with gigantic quest of power. It is obvious that this think that The Militant might open up That is why we und against communism. Proba at a meeting of the of Lunion.
bly, my alleged article in the olin What is this to mean? Then it mean cillation between the two sie forces tively favorable for the development of of the Communist Left Opposition. In fit of the Spanish Opposition in order une blackguards who at one time manuCourter by the that Rublu demanded that all the others join the lank and File Inity Commit within the modern labor movement: the Communism and for the preparation of spite of the difficulties under which we that it should be able to necomplish the Pactured the telegrams on How Lenta tee of the If this is the polthe purpose of this new movement is danger that the revolutioury process in recent times very satisfactories The cause of the Spanish revolution is subsequently manufactured the lef. than it is a poor and unfruitful subicy, and everything less to such a merely that. Only a Wind man can fall that has begun may end in a miscarriage sults. But these would be infinitely the cause of the revolutionary proletar to see that ever new sections of the that will have fatal consequences not greater were we have the possibilitsiat of every country.
Zinoviev letter. and dozens of other workers are moving today, however only for the revolutionary movement of of making our voice heard more directly Hoping that our request will find a falsifications in the columns of the bour forged documents. To fight against these The must propose to the. unions a joint committee to direct slowly or unevenly, towards Communism. our country but for the whole world. by the masses.
swift and favorable response among the geols papers is exceedingly difficult, bethe strike! On the jolut field of strike They are the most militant and conscious. These dangers have their origin in causes sections of the class. That the leader of various kinds: in influence exer a monthly review, Comunismo, which and Communist greetings.
ship of the offieinl Communist party and cized in our movement by anarcho syn while, it has met with an excelstrikers whose Your comrade.
and are certainly not inclined to fall demonstrate to all the their policies do not facilitate this movedicalism, in the strength that the soc lent response among the Commun out among themselves in order to lend policy and leadership best suits their ment in their direction is another mat ialist party still has in certain points ists, cannot reach the masses dir.
assistance to a proletarian revolutionist interests. It will be able to spike any ter, but it does not remove the fact that of Spain, and above all in the extreme ectly because of its relatively modThe Messrs. Yaroslavskys know this get another Marion settlement.
attempts of the of leaders to the movement is there.
reebleness of Spanish Communism and est distribution and its purely theoreti We wish to neknowledge the follow. very well, but they hold the Interests of To Imagine that the new Musteite the disastrous policy of the Internation: cal character. We need to issue mani ilon tereipts for the Spanish Left Opposi their clique higher than the interests of ner of unity away from the Sustes and marty is being organized for the purpose al. In reality, there is no Communist restos lentlets, weeklys, to have the pos Press. of accelerating this movement in the party in Spain. There exist various faxibility to renet to all events which are 00Ralph Heller, 00 B, Fielul revolutionary bluckguards fabricate false use the banner as a cover for their www Gitlows, the anti communist Imiters wito 4, 00 Bronx Street Meeting Collection, documents and forged articles, the Yaro splitting actions. The danger confrontdirection of revolutionary channels and vious that fight each other and lack, unfolding here with extraordinary ra against reformism. Yes. said Muste with the exception of our own, ideolo pidity and to spread our point of view 216CLEVELAND: Fred Fisher, 00 slavskys photograph these documents as in the two big strike movements must in reply to a question, it is intended Kical cohesion. Under these the political be overcome that the party be an anti reformist and stances, the constitution of a immediately. The dispowerful of life or death for the Spanish revolu. Stone and Paul, 00 Total last role of the Yaroslavskys? Assistants revolutionary party. Is not to under communist party is urgently imposed tion. The lack of funds prevents us trom week 10:00 Grand Total to date. 22. 70 bourgeois blackguards one cannot determine de heerime and obstacle in the past skind anything about the role of these upon us. But this will be impossible carrying out this work. The publication All funds should be sent to comrade fine this role otherwise.
of development. The obstacle must be ople in the labor movement. In without a clear policy, capable of tak of the review has already involved enor Gonzales, o The Militant, 84. 10th TROTSKY. kicked aside so that the movement un et times, they were barely dis ing advantage of the inevitable disconmous sacrifices on the part of the mill Street, New York, Kadikoy, July 8, 1931 proceed further on its rond. SLANDER: Andres Nin Calls for the Spanish Opposition Press tp to now, we have been confined to American comrades, send my fraternal cause most of them cover up each other bottle. the Left wins will be alle to