AnarchismBourgeoisieCapitalismCentrismCominternCommunismCommunist PartyConfederación Nacional del TrabajoDemocracyImperialismLeninLeninismMarxSocialismSocialist PartySpainStalinismStrikeSyndicalismTrotskyUnited FrontViolenceWorking ClassWorld War

DISCUSSION ARTICLES The Revolutionary Events Day by Day The Party and the Opposition Tasks Call the Troopers Proposalto Gitlow THE SATURDAY, AUGUST 1, 1931 MILITANT PAGE Stulinist bureaucracy to apply the need In Spain CL lesson, content ourselves with the pas sive role of abstract criticism? Is it mut tho Leninist conception of a face tion thut its role must at all times be that of winning the contidence of the toiling mas by examples of objective (Continued from page 1) very clearly. The government will with violence with erery movement of The problem of stating definitely the siganey to revolutionary principles par application of real leadership 10 tbo every day struksles? That real political Spanish Communism accept our slogan triumph with an overwhelming majority working class demande.
task of restating the basic proletarian combined unstaught of both economic contact is built up only in this fashion issued more than a year ago on the The monarchists will get a not very im THE SECOND CONGRESS OF trends of the Communist movement must ally powerful World Imperialism, and its Examples of real Communist leadership subject of the national congress for the portant minority and that will be the THE OPLOS in the unfolding class struggle in Am. unification of the Communist forces in case with the other independent political be made the first question of all dis passive agent, vacilluting Centrism.
An extended article will be devoted to erica will do more to help shape the Spain.
cussion. The total experience of two Role of Centrisin The Batallists of the Madrid, June 18, 1931 the congress now being held with an extraordinary character at Madrid, of the and one half years of cohesive political Centrism had begun to play the trad forces of communism both in the for life, with its problems solved and un tional role of philosophers of tatility. mal party and those out of its ranks were the tirst to make our slogan their Spanish National Confederation of labor.
solved the sharpening class struggle (Lenin. We have one sixth of the it the party still contained the best pol troops of Maurin and Arlandis wanted to THE STRIKES But here are some details now for the with its more exacting demands upon the world surface, why risk it. The Utritically organized and oriented Commun. have people believe that it came from The strike moreinent for economie de readers of the Militant. After the Art current.
proletarian vanguard, makes further de was manifested lay inadmissable.
On the order of We started our organizational exist: offspring exceptionalism (which by the are however, that the party base of themselves the success obtained by the had its political repercussions for the mending the expulsion from the country with its illegitimate ameriete task would be quite simple. The facts sue two different uima: to attribute to od profoundly acute last week and has the last concerne strona ence with certain definite experiences and way is only a new cloak for the old strength as well as its composition has and to prevent being called country and for the government, traditions. It tok this whole past perlod Kautskian theory of ultra imperialism narrowed, and this in the face of a Trotskyists because of accepting our The fishermen strike in asajes of. of all the (Communists who apa on any list Unity and Differenes political party whatsoever. In reality.
as a crutch for social chauvinism. This Some of the elements attracted to our theory in substance assumed that capi Wage cutting, rising Indications of labor to pass over in silence our registered was echoed in the solidarity strike pro it was a question of expelling from the rexistance (Lawrence Harlan, Kentucky letters in which we expounded our polnt claimed by the bullding trades workers of the outstanding Communists.
banner during this pertod have found talism was entering new eppers develd Pennsylvania West Virginia, the brew. of view on the National Unity Congress of Bilbao who, at the same time, are Rut this proposal was not discussed by ing situations in the railroad and steel at the same time that we gave it our fighting against the compulsory strike the Congress till lexx approved. It ac orient themselves. Others never really belujected into the decrepit body of de belonged, and it took the organization caying Capitalism, and as a consequence odustries) and those in the immediate adherence. Maurin and Co. did not act in solidarity with the unemployed. And tuully proved the degree of anti Comvery correctly in this afratr, even though in this solidarity strike too there have munist phobia that emanated from the some time to make this fact evident. the question of the revolution must be present. To Be Continued. ROSE. they tually replied to us a few days ago, been worker victims, wounded by the congress. But in spite of all the volca On the whole, however our experience substituted for a long range battle of accepting our adherence to the congress. revolvers and rities of the forces.
with divergent tendencies has been limit wibbling. The orientation for political The of course, will send its del In Andalusia, upon the announcement Itselt heart. This did not happen witte of all the organizations had to make a working ance with ed. The total political effects of the struggle mur legates there.
of the strike of the peasants, the state ont difficulty. few delegates. Com on the general life of the organization the petty bourgeois farmer who still had But there is something that interests of seize was extended throughout the munist candidates in the elections of have been beneficial in the main, as they a progressive role to perform within us a great deal more than the position whole region. Althrough the constitution April 12, were challenger by the conA worker writes from the camp: have been the means of enabling the vital eup. talis. The proletarian general Lembership to recognize our was to follow humbly the chariot of An incident characteristic of the re and the attinde of the It is in force declares that in election periods on the pretext that on the order principle departures in the face of the LaFollette, Chiang Kai Shek, Raditch, letiouslps between the worker Commun, the organization afiliated to the the propaganda of all Ideas will be per of the lar stood a proposal demanding drawn to state that the American sec. cu ube read in the lessons of the dead place two weeks ago at Camp Wocolona celebration of a unity congress. These has declared that the declaration of the the Axturins, an anarchist moreover, tion of the Left Opposition a unified and mangled Chinese Communists whose who has created a scaudal among the district and the plethora Bruno Valencia) ke will be considered as a crime of proposed that this vexatione question (Cannon. Whatever divergence may monument to the gentlemen of the light ranks of the party as far off as New are youtube of lee Levant region who adrecht under the republican regime, to they take over immunitates to the dist exist among us can truthfully be stated and their allies of the Center, to their cussion of the question of aid to York. The camp manager, a party func dress themselves to all the Communist ask for brend or for work.
The strike of the Asturian miners may Asturian miners on strike the delentes as differences of tactical application. The everlasting damnation.
Lonary named Joe Newman, bas ranged groups and factions including the In the sull of the Comintern all suf blmselt like a petty, arrogant shopkeep would not dare to do it in order to havetionary morale of the coal mine workers taking into acrount that he was an an0. and comunismo the Batallists be considered as lost. But the revolut interropted and multed him without differences rising of the various estimtions of the tempo of various aspects telent (Trotsky) for the immediate fuof the class struggle. The extimation ture? Unquestionably. The Cominteru oamp. The dispute was concerned with the unification congress take place within ocmes out of the strike strengthened. archist until he exclaimed: Iong live er against the workers employed in the The union of all the bourgeois forcen Anarchy. of our organizational relations to the still represents the center created by the grievances over working conditions prea maximum period of two months, factions of the Communist movement or October revolution. Its base is still the valling in the camp, grievances advanced the rank and Ale organizations of Span them in the region and in the province. to Communism with the most adolute The desire for unity is latent in all and of their alles was realized against Thus, it is in this atmosphere, hostile general working clar strugles is basic first worker government, postulated as through the Food Workers Industrialist Communism. Only the bureaucrats The republican government dispatched lack of trade union democracy, that the ally similiar.
the first installment on the world revolu Union and its members. One of the stand opposed to the ultication of the the civil guard, in mass, to defend the second national congress of the In the evaluation of our relations to clon.
Interests of the capitalists. The social of was opened.
the Right wing of the Communist move The complete victory of the restora ure of Newnun by his refusal to sub Spanish Communist forces.
That is how agreement has been reach democrats orgunlued their milita of Madrid. June 21, 1931 ment, all are agreed that the question tionist elements is still remote. The mit meekly to the arbitrary anti coured on the basis of one of the slogans of strike breakers armed by the government of a united front of the left and Right cultural kaius from the standpoint munist commands of his Boss. Totol the Left Opposition. Needless to say. itself, tung into the struggle against the HENRI LACROIX against the Center (Weishord) can in of creating a basis of proletarian Ideo worker, himself a party member, is the continues to orient the move strikes. The strike entered a period of practise resolve itself into nothing but lovy is still the outstanding factor of this very moment Involved in charges regression: the workers were almost dlean unprincipled alliance with petty the dictatorship. The very fact of Centut ning mean las deportation from the ment for unity.
ekled upon strategie return. The only bourgeois current against the basic rev. frism having to play the adventurist role United States, because of his militant PERSECUTIONS AGAINST US means of waving the fight was the con olutionary objectives of the Communist of revolution in the west (Third Period) activities in Left wing strikes and to From the current number of RevoluThe letters that reach us from our grens now being held by the National movement.
is conclusive Indication of that.
perty demonstrations. Because he would Our approach to all political currents We accept that the role of World Im not act as a toady of Newman and all friends in Estremadura are truly alarm. Confederation of Labor. But the an donary Age. we learn from an article In Esaremadura there does not exarcho syndicalists too are more interest by Ben Ciltlow on the Results of the within the movement must be conditioneriulism with America at its head, has ently swallow the latter demands Ing.
ed by a scrupulous application of the reached the stage of progressive decline which contieted with the Interests of Ist a single attillate to the Spanish ed in fighting against the Communist July enum of the Lovestone group Marxian dialectic, which postulates that expansion, which is the life blood of the the camp workers Nowmau demanded. All the Communists of Estremadura than in supporting the Asturlan miners that among the decisions adopted were in the examination of any phenomena system, can only be carried on on the that he be taken off his job and run belong to the. Our friends are and their trade union, adhering to the the following two. To recommend to the National we must take into consideration the sum asis of further incursion into the stau out of the camp. The worker dethed him brutally persecuted by the authorities. of but led by the Communists; total of factors, both ohjective and sub dards of living of the working class, and Newman thereupon threatened to call to and by the socialists. The correspond whether the fight falls or not interests Bureau to change the unme of the group To kive full power to the Nationjective. Formal classifications of cur that ou a constantly increasing sacle. State Troopers to pull the worker ou ence which they receive comes to them our anarcho syndicalists very little.
rents in the movement on their purely the previous basis for the expansion of of the camp by violence! It was only opened. The newspapers and magazines Other strike conflicts have broken out al Kurenu to change the name of the objective manifestations will lead us American Imperialism following the after the promptent protest of the work rarely arrive in their wrappers. postal or are announced: Cordova, Malaca, Revolutionary Age If it finds it neces.
into blind alloys. The alignment of the World War, which consisted of the exere that Newman withdrew his thront employee has been kind enough to wara Barcelona, etc. and the government is sary to do so.
more and more determined, according to Our shop manager, Kent, wax the first three currents in the Communist move port of finance capital to all parts of But the more fact that this Commun our comrades so that they may find anment are not merely the result of im the globe at the expense of its exhausted tit could make such a threat 14 subtielet other way of souding their press mall. various declarations by its representa one to welcome the decision. It is a medinte objective application but of thorough going past. The definite orien ruwed. World capitalism has truls particular Incident may be, it is not a lotharged from thelr work and being santxers with violence. Which 188 Is somewhat timid and honest. In addis tations of the Right, Center Teft had reached the stage where the productive all inexplicable. Newman, like his fold put into prison if they continue to pro much as saying that it proposes to deal old piece of change in these hard times, tion, he is always on the lookout for an a beginning long before the lode of forces have burst the bonds of property low functionario is loyal to the pagute the ideas of the and to and under the impression that some prize world events pointing to a temporary relations (Marx. party line whatever it may be for distribute Comunismo.
All this takes place right under the retrenchment of world capitalism became the moment. With this loyalty he may be awarded for the best substituto Prospects for Future names, lie is proposing to secretary Gitclear. The meeting of three currents within the frame work of the Comintern, the expense of more systematic repres control of the ranks. Fortified by the All further existence can continue at is able to rise to the ranks of the burrepublic regime. It is certain that the aucracy and to buy bimaelt off from Stallist dunderheads will continue tu low the following arguments for the call us aties of the bourgeoisie. But changes he offers: following npon the heels of the October nion against the working class and other feeling that the cattle he commands our Estremalura comrades will not by Leon revolution and the post war revolution oppressed peoples. The prospect for Trotsky The name of an organization should really he a mirror of its political qualary conditions of the world which tem. the future is on the one hand systema bave nothing to say or do shout blocensebecause of that, to propagate and THE DRAFT PROGRAM OF THE ity. His honesty is injured at the idea porarily shook the class basis of the tic reductions of labor costs (wages words or deeds, he can allow himself to defend our leas.
COMMUNIST INTERNATIONAL petty bourgeoisie and their first cousins, imposed upon the large number of uw mogaure. Every day brings new examreactionary IN THE MIDST OF THE ELECTIONS that the Right winx faction should call eren Critielsm of Fundamentals itself Communist Party of the United the labor bureaucracy, who despite their skilled and sent skilled workers in basie ples of the trecbellable conflict be We are right in the midst of the eles Introduction by Cannon past were forced to follow the trend of Industries in order to compete success tween the needs and interests of the one does not observe the slightest agita States of America (Majority Group. tions to the Constituent Cortes, and yet 140 pages hard paper cover 35c le proposen a change of name which events, has a definite historical basis. Cully in the shrinking world market, THE STRATEGY OF THE WORLD has the double advantage of being more The road of history for a time seemed and on the other the more deliberate party and the interests of the party barion of the political parties. We refer, REVOLUTION accurate description of the Lovestono 80 pages, two colored paper cover 250 group ind of not fuvolving too much of them tory of the proletariat. Elements who cracy, thereby helping the further main the political parties and inside of the Introduction by Max Shachtman a difference in the initiala. Instead of by their whole past were prepared for turing of the illusions of social peor Weisbord. No Comment! easiness is enormous. It serves no purRepublican Socialist coalition, the un THE SPANISH REVOLUTION 8. he proposes the role of windbreakers of capitalism ism. The perspectives arising out of 30 pages, paper cover 10c the name that is. Cannon) found the conscious evolu such a situation before us on the one pose for the leaders of the coalition COMMUNISM AND SYNDICALISM Conference for Progressive Labor Action tionary forces gaining definite headway hand the missibilities of bitter spontan.
From comrade Bernard Morgenstern, parties to declare themselves firmly The Trade Union Question (Minority Group. The name would enIn influening the proletarian as well as cous resistance, which can be translated Philadelphia Oppositionist recently con united and ready for the decisive battle Introduction by James Cannon able the Lovestoneites to function moro the elements that developing Imperial in the immediate into broad instruments vleted with comrade Leon Goodman un against the defunct regime. The rank 64 pages, paper cover 150 formally as the left wing of the Munte ism reduced to the role of declassed ele of struggle (new unlong) reflecting the der the Anti Sedition Act, we have re and Ale organizations take it upon them THE PERMANENT REVOLUTION group ments, whose social and economic base mass nature of large scale industry. Onceived the following letter which we selves to show the contrary, sometimes 208 page bookcloth bound 00 In this proposnl, the consequences had been werkeneil, or completely up the other, a systematic attack and ex print in full without comment: out of ambition, and at others out of paper bound. 50 of Kent timidity coincide with those rooted. The hegemony over the latter posure of the real role of social reform COMMUNIST LEAGUE OF STRUGGLE and the socialist radicals have dissolved political disagreement. The socialists TURN IN THE COMMUNIST of Lovestone political conceptions element had always been their solelym.
INTERNATIONAL AND THE Lovestone believes our epoch to be a domain in the past. The roal left open The responsibility resting on the Left (Adhering to the International Left the coalition in certain localities and are GERMAN SITUATION revolutionary age almost everywhere hal narrowed down to following these re. Opposition in the face of these devel.
preparing to intervene in the struggle 30 pages, paper cover 10c in the Inited States. Besides, the name leased social forces to their new grounds. opments is no less than that of assum212 East 9th St. New York, Independently.
SINCE LENIN DIED Revolutionary Age is a bit radical for With the tremendous all nenrching scru ing the task of once more forcing the July 6, 1931. The Socialist Radical party has been By Max Eastman such conservative people. So he pro tiny, characteristic of the leadership of Communist movenient to put on the Or Dear Comrade Morgenstern: divided into two, because the Madrid 1924 500 poses to change the name of the paper Lenin and Trotsky in the Arst four con der of the day, the world revolution. read in the last issue of the Militant organization the smallest in the party, 158 page book printed in London to the Victorian Age.
xresses of the Comintern, lite was not can this wholy and exclusively be per that you have been convicted. am differed from the point of view of the THE REAL SITUATION IN RUSSIA! We piss on these proponnels to Gitlow too pleasant for those gentlemen. With formed by accepting the role of a fac writing to you alone but of course in national leadership of the party which Introduction by Max Fustman for what they are worth. Ourselves, we the death of Lenin coupled with the tion of the Communist arty under any clude comrade Goodman also. The ques defends the unity of the coalition, Mad 364 page book formerly now 00 think that if any prixe is to be offered slowing down of tempo of revolu and all conditions or does it not devolvation is what is to be done?
rid, where the socialist radical group emMY LIFE 000 pages 00 for the most appropriate changes, tionary development in the west the upon us the responsibility of a close from the very beginning we importun. braces a large number of workers, has Just off the Press should go to Kent.
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ed Cannon and Co. to call a conference voted to break up the coalition and fluences upon the dictatorship with tho The relative strength of the Oppost for your defense. They said that would since its opinion bas been rejected, it THE SPANISH REVOLUTION WANTED IN DANGER consequent toning down of revolntionary tion forces to that of the party. The he a united front with the Right against has separated from the Socialist Radical Literature Agents vigilance in the ranks of the Russian Hipeness of the onsective factors with the Parts. am quite sure that is party and is preparing to enter into the 64 pages paper cover 15 to sell our pamphlets and books.
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not one word about the government at New York City tack on our paper the Class Struggle. Communist grouping. united front We look upon any person holding such which the latter rejected, has decided With the Multant now appearing weckly there should be excellent posalviews to Justify the Militant refusing to those of the ottical This confused to present its own candidates against bilitles for all of our supporters to enst new subscribers. If you agree with Join us in relating the government at us you will want to extend the Milltant circulation. You will want to keap tack upon the Communist press as out position of the Autonomous Grouping and out agents of the bourgeoisto. we places it openly against the Communist your own subscription paid up to date. Ir the number on the wrapper of this will deal with such elements with our party. It is not a question any longer of Issue is less than 75. It means that you should renew your sub, Next you should fists and not with reason.
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