AnarchismBolshevismBourgeoisieBujarinCapitalismCominternCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyFascismGerman RevolutionImperialismImperialist WarLeninMarxismSocial DemocracySocialismSovietStalinStalinismStrikeTrotskyURSSUnited FrontWorkers MovementWorking ClassWorld War

UNITE Weekly Organ of the Communist League of America Opposition)
Entered as second class mail matter, November 28, 1928 at the ost Office at New York, under the act of March 1879.
VOLUME IV, NO. 16 WHOLE NO. 75 NEW YORK, SATURDAY, JULY 25, 1931 PRICE CENTS Stalinism and the German Crisis Demonstrate on August The «Daily Workers Contributes Three Errors To a Serious Question Against Imperialist War!
Paterson On Strike presents a picture of a more thorough. Must Take Initiative in United Front of All Silk Workers Pittsburgh Convention Shows Need For Unity of Fighting Miners Pointed Questions To The to Behind the thick smoke of pacifist assurances and disarmament conThe decisive influence exerteil by the Only when the majority of the workintervention of America in the stabiliza. ers turn away from the social democracy ferences, the imperialist world today tion of European capitalism. following to the communists, will the capitalists the defeat of the German proletariat in turn to the last resort naked force ex ty armed camp than the days preceding the world war of 1914. The Unl 1028, was suffielent to establish its role presses through Fascism. scist die ted States piously demands the redueR the greatest counter revolutionary tatorship. by its ruthless abolition of tion of armaments in Europe, forti. Paterson, scene of bitterly fought hat. Central Falls and Pawtucket, I, and tants, the road to Mueressful conclufactor on an International scale. It is democratic forms, would thereby turn fied by the certainty that under any tles of the textile workers in past years, a silk workers strike under the otion of the strike. p to now, only the from this that the present attempt of away millions of workers from the sup conditions its industrial and financial is again occupying the center of the in Allentown, a. All these more motions of a united front have been Hoover, of while the moratorium pro port of the regime, and correspondingly superiority will give it the edge in a strike field. The National Textile Work ments are indicative of the deep ferment gone through with the visual empty re posals are a first step. deriven its enor undermine it. It has never yet been de military conitiet. France has just an ers Union has insured the call for a walk of dissatisfaction among the textile work sults. The workers cannot be derelved mous importance and enlly for the most monstrated that Puseism can have a nounced that it has reduced its arm out of the silk and dye workers of the ers in the country with the conditions hy formalities: the realities must be careful analysis by the Communists. Un stable endurance in such a highly in.
Aments as far as it intends to city, involving some 20. 000 black and of misery and intense exploitation to given to them.
leey we see the think straight, we can dustrialised country as Germany, with With the world crisis gaining in white workers of both sexes. The which they are subjected, and speak elothe united front, the workers will not expect to bring forward in time the a pwerful and well organized working fury, capitalism is driven to the wall demands include the eight hour quently about the splendid opportunities learn through their own experience appropriate counter measures. And it class. The imperialist bourgeoisie whose hurted down by its own inherent con day, an increase in wages, an end to offered to the labor movement to mobilnot by unimpressive denunciationis here. Just as in 1923 and 1924, that fate la bound up with the fate of Gore tradictions. The big powers are discrimination against Negroes, youngize the workers on a broad scale for which of the contendling forces in the the blunders are being made by the orman capitalism, have no interest to straining forward for a re division of workers and women, equal my for equal resistance to the ruthless capitalist of trade unions offer them the best program ficial leaders.
plunge into this desperate alternative of the world market and of world pol work opposition to the speed up system, Pensive. How seriously undermined the and the best leadership. From yuch a their own volition. On the contrary, ANOTHER FORM OF AMERICAN itienl power. They know that this re unempk yment insurance and recognition living standards of the Paterson workHEGEMONY they have every reason to reinforce and process of learning the left wing can division can be accomplished only of the Enton. These demands are virtual ers are is evidenced by the fact that and should have nothing at all to fear.
support the social democracy and the through war. They are preparing for ly identical with those advanced by the they are compelled In order to liveThe role of America as a stabilizer parliamentary forms which have served The strike is just at its beginning. The it, assisted in 1911 by heir nited Textile Workers and the Asso to demand an increase of about onecoming weeks are rich with opportunitie was greatly facilitated in the previous them and save them up to now. They socialist footmen.
cinted Silk Workers which, under the in third in wagen.
which, unfortunately, have lwen no CHIVInstance by the blunders of the Comin will not risk Fascism till they have to Let the workers give a vigorous re fluence of the Munte group have recently. The conflict in strike dates resulting allerly passed up ly the Left wing in tern. The present endenvors to hold not even to justify the theories of the sponse to the imperialist war plans voted to amalgamate on the eve of the from the division of the ranks into two the past, and at this very woment are revolutionary crisis, receive the same Daily Worker and the rest of the Stalon the thirteenth anniversary of the strike which they planned to call in their antagonistic unions, presents a serious being passed up in the mine field. The gratuitous assistance. Now, as then inists.
lust slaughter. All out in mass to en name on August handicap to the progress and success of in Paterson must selve the opscientific analysis gives way to guess The third mistake of the Daily Worker the August First demonstrations this The aterson strike follows directly the strike. There is no doubt that the portunity.
work and insistence on pre conceived editorial, in which they tip their hat year!
upon the heels of textile strikes under joint lendership of the and the. theories which are refuted by the events belatedly to the German proletarian rev. 11. lendership in Providence, has demonstrated a great vitthemselves. And in this work, the Amolntion is embodieil in the statement cillation and protraction in the negotiaerican Stalinists distinguish themselves that the imperialists prepare for armed tions with the manntacturers in face of above all others. They bid fair to intervention against any proletarian revthe fact that the bulk of the workers inmatch the hegemony of American imolution in Germany. Taken Is itself volved are keyed up to a high point of perialism with a peculiar hegemony of and presented as a supplement to the enthusiasm for the strike The their own in the realm of stupidity. present interference in German affairs, on the other hand, is not showing itself They are hindered from a correct apel a declaration of Imperialist inten capable of measuring up to the com pronch these great international tions would be self evident. But the plicated situation. The attempt to hasevents by a false theory which they statiuists. in offering it as the crux of PITTSBURGH. ten the strike hy precipitonsactions will titude, stirred the conference. The de not prove to be the best way of mobilAnother week has been ndded to the have built around themselves like a the imperialist attitude toward the Ger prison wall. And, as though the theory man revolution, distort the pleture en strike is over, or that the National Min. pledged their inreserved support to the a necessful strike struggle.
To those who contend that the collezutes of Harlan, Kentucky, to a man. ixing the majority of the workers for period of milence which the oticials of the International labor Defense have of socialism in one country were not tirely. The imperialists are interveningers on In dead, the national confer National Miners Union. This marks a maintained on the rise of Leon Goodman suffelent to hide the real international now against the German revolution! They ence held in Pittsburgh, July 15, is a wg step forwarıl.
processes from them, they have wuperare doing so hecause they see it as the living rentation. 18 delegates from What is further already evident, on and Rernard Morgenstern, tw, luft op the first day of the strike as this is positionists who have been convicted un impoved upon it another one to make greatest danger in the present situation 270 mines representing a total of 45, 101 the growing political consciousness of cannot expect to make the neeAct of lennsylvania.
One fact, no one could fail to notice being written (Wednesday, is that the ler the notorious Flynn Anti Sedition blindness doubly sure. Such is the pur to the whole structure of world Imperial striking miners, according to the re the mine workers: eals of stormy aplessary progress by a pure and simple The August number of the Labor Depose served by the theory of fascism ism, and the most powerful reinforce port, voiced their approval of the mill plause greeted all remarks however cas. head on collision with the reformist Tender just off the press announces an and social fascism as the editorial ment of the Soviet Union. The proletant policies of the The connal, on the Soviet Union, Communism. unions in the field.
comments of Dal Worker illustrate. tariat will be able to frustrate the man ference was completly animated by and a workery government in the 11. first day has been very limited, embracThe response on the Amnesty Campaign ly the In previous issue we called atteneuvers of imperialism only to the extent fighting spirit. Miers fresh from the Even the American buckwoodsmen ing only a very small minority of the Anguts and demonstrations on the with conferences between lucunt. and tion to the future of the Dally Worker that it sees the heart of the problem with strike lattlefront of West Virginia of Kentucky did not fail to express their 20, 000 workers. As a matter of fact. Sarco Vanzetti anniversary to consider the German revolution in its equat clarity. Stalinist theories and con Pennsylvania, and Kentuky. represent. disapproval of the social system. The less than 100 hare thus far responded the various victims of eapitalist persecuArst Analysis of Hoover action and its clusions, which the Dally Worker raises ing all nationalities, black and white, name of Red, they said, didn scarce purposes. In the issue of July 14th the to the apex of absurdity, contribute noth young and old, came to Pittsburgh, de them at all. Judging from this conter though the prospects for broadening the to the suddenly issued enll, altion are listed: Communists, syndienlists loading editorial of the Daily Workering but confusion to the question.
Yexro workers, a. of men and attempts to make good this oversight tinue to spread and to win in their ing class will umple lewe stages on the strike are still excellent, making it possi others. Goodman and Moreenstern are In doing so, however, it makes at least heroic struggle against starvation. they make their way to communism.
deliberately omitted. Why? Solely be three other mistakes, and leaves the ori ginal one uncorrected. The idea of Second League Conference The dares not repeat the mis. cau. In addition to the crime of vioA Militant Conference The purpose that the conference should take made in the mine fields by the tatink the Flynn Act, they have comGerman revolution, which was left out The second national conference of the of account entirely at first, is sprinkled Miner after miner took the floor, paint Foster: to realize a road enough official Left wins, particularly since its mitted the great crime in the eyes of throughout the editorial of July 14th Communist League of America (Opposi in in no uncertain terms the intolerable united front to include miners frrespect application in the aterson sitantion in the stalinist officials of the of But in spite of that, the repeated refer committee to take place on September the ridicnlously low wages ont right rob then. This is undeniably an advanel combined membership of the tion) has been called by the national conditions which brought on the strike tive of political creed or union afilia volves even more pointel dangers. The longing to the left Opposition. non party class defense movement, to be analysis. They stand out awkardly, like York. In this issue of the Militant, the store, nemployment rampant and now back writing. as though they were tion of a yenr ako. Its ralue consists The. has little better transformed officially into an orxantxa written in after the fact, to disarm crit. principal conference thesis is publishedlerty stalking all over the conl fields. In the realization that there are tens untion dictates the immediate need of the present leadership of the Commun.
than a small core in Paterson. This sittion defending only those who agree with Icism.
the membership. Despite the additional have alriven the miners into open revolt of thousand of miners in Illinois, Kan initiating and carrying through a genuint party? Are other endangered milllowing to say: American workers should compelled to omit from this issue a man could fait to hear from the weeth of the NLC.
These miners can only costures of the united front onls from ing from Englahl, Maurer and on. The mentioned editorial has the fol. for the consideration and discussion orl And added to this is the treacherous awhai, West Virginia and in the anth Ine united front polley. To confine tant to he left in the lurrh? Let the two pages in the Militant, we have been role of the of Only a dear racite under influence other that empty workers demand an weken makes all Imperialisms strive to turn questions which will be published in the hatred Lewis and Co. lave earned for correct application of the united front below would be the greatest mistake the party and members demand hearts of the coal tactic. And here lies the hitch in the the Communists could make. Even more that the take over defense Unlon, Impels them to welcome a Fascist ever. continue to publish in its columna dissers. The real fighting note of the whole policy of the Borich than in the coal feld, where the rivalry in reality that it discontionIts disthe discussion material sent to it by conference was struck by the pictures correctly advocated the building of Lett is not so direct, the must call braceful conduct which can only proroke capital tarian revolution in Germany proletare members during the pre conter que Kentaicky delegation Fresh from wing minorities in the anthracite upon the other union organizations for a the joy and satisfaction of ence Teriod. The thesis is published on the hills of Daniel Boone country, they ete. shades of the third per the forces, to seek joint strike comunited front conference, to coordinate all Ixt prosecutor.
Here are three fundamental miscoupages three, four and five.
let loose reritable flow of Kentucks oct. In the meantime funds are urgently ceptions compressed into one sentence.
oratory on the Ikut Left wine miorities have mittee in which each side on an equal neerled for the defense. Money should conference. Their their creat strength just in so far as fairly high mark even for the Daily Worker. First they talk about the im READ AND SUBSCRIBE TO THE ed with the badge of constituted au low is this united front to he accom ning the workers to the side of the mili mittre, 2011 Appletree street. Ihila, Pa.
dations of the thues and gunmen cloak: they use the tactic of the united front. plane, shall have full freedom of critic bent to Whitten, treasurer ot perialist design to turn Germany into MILITANT thority their do or die win the strike at plisheil! From below! Xo collusion an active foe of the Soviet Union. Is not capitalist Germany by its very 12with fakers. only rank and comture an active foe of the Soviet Un TERRORINCHINA mittees, representing all unions, was LEON TROTSKY continually cuphasized ly Foxter, Rorlon? Are not the two systems the Sov.
and the capitalist Irroconcilable?
ich, and Co. Keenex Betrayed the Wost Virginia miners: Howat left the Illinois Lenin sald, and every Marxist knows.
miners in the lurch: that the two cannot live peacefully, that the other pro the obituary will have to be sung either ited front with them.
over the death of world eapitalism or The first part of the death of the Soviet republle. Is 13 Communists in the Hands of the Butcher Chiang Kai Shek she reason what concerning the progres. The Victory of the Socialists and the Tasks of the Communists capialism, is it something standing in We have just receive the following The terrible information which our ond part does not follow at all. have before me a Turkish paper speech of Prieto that the socialists have between? For us the answer to such a alarming news from one of the Shanghai comrade communienten to us follows dir. Fosterite United Front (in French) of July 1, containing the decided to wort the coalition so long question is obvious. And that is why comrades of the Chinese Bolshevik len. ectly upon the news published by the The results of this polley are already first new aliout the Spanish elections on the proletariat can be restrained. In we bank on the German revolution. That inists. dated June 23, 1931: Daily Worker of the martyrdom at the apparent. The conference was ostensi Really, everything is happenint up to order later, when the pressure of the is why the capitalists who also approach After such a long silence. am writ hands of the Chinese nationalist assas Ny called ns a united front kathering, now in a strictly foreseen order. The workers becomes too strong to questions on the other side from the ing to you at the most difficult moment sins of the secretary of the Chinese It fuvited rank and file miners from all slide to the left has gone on with a ver into the opposition under some radwme fundamental class point of view, that the Chinese Opposition is experi Communist larty, comrade Hsiang groups to attend at the same time brand particular regularity. Let us hope that tral pretext or other, and to leave it strive primarily to avert it.
encing on May 21 22, thirteen com chung Fel. The sanguinary terror which in their leadership as fake. But it conta our Spanish comrades will analyze the to the hourgeoisie to dtscipline and to The Stalinists answer these questions rades were arrested by the Chinese pol the counter revolutionary Chinese bour not be a genuine united front since they results of the elections very carefully crush the workers. In other words, we in their own way. They are constructice in Shanghai. Six of the comrades are geoisie has conducted against the pro were merely invited to attend the on the basis of materials. We must have before us a variant of Ebert and of ing socialism in one country. From this members of the Central Committee of letariat and peasantry, claiming its vic. convention. The result was that tind out how the workers voted, especial. Tseretelli. Let us remember that follows their theory of the neutralizathe nited Opposition (the national con tims by the tens of thousands leaves not a single delexate from the Kanawha ly the anarcho syndicalists. In certain ert lite succeeded while Teretelle tion of the bourgeoisie, and the division gress of the various Opposition groups little room for doubt that the arrested section of West Virginia, not solitary regions, the answer shonld Ilow clearly failel and that in th cases the strenof the capitalist countries into active was held on May 2. Four of the con comrades, including the leaders of the representative from the Helleville con from the election statistics. It is ex gth of the Communist party and its foes and. friends, With such rades are members of the standing com left Opposition, are in imminent dangerference in Illinois (the only Illinois de tremely important, of course, to know nolics played a decisive role.
ideas, the prospect of revolution in a mittes, and there thus remains only one of execution providing that this punteh leates represented a group from the how the peasants voted in the various We must immediately denounce the friendly country can easily be over member of the committee (comrade ment for their revolutionary devotion struck Orient mines) a few delentes provinces. At the same time, all the plan of the socialists (this political looked.
We were about to start work systematic has not already been visited upon them representing only a handful of those or agrarian programs which were pre game of falling lack. contounding them ally after so long a split in our ranks. by the butchers of Chiang Kai Shek. The manized in the anthracite.
sented by the various parties in all the in every question. This of course holds IMPERIALISTS AND Our united organization was bardly in victims of the Chinese white terror, Instead of these brilliant leaders corners of the country must be gathered true above all for the Spanish Left Op.
FASCIST DICTATORSHIP existence ofr a month when this severe practised by a barbarie burgeoisle which taking note of this remarkable signpost together. All this is an urgent and a position. But this is not enough. There Second, they say the imperialists will How was dealt us. We are compelled to mounted to power four years ago on the of an incorrect policy, they continue to very important work.
must be a clear political slogan which welcome a Fascist dictatorship in Gero restore our organization under the most stirrup held for it by Stalin, Bucharin, plunge deeper in the same wrong air The Socialist Vietory corresponds to the character of the premans. This ider appears a number of difficult conditions of lark reaction. The Martins, and other Mensheviks, mustection. The same nezligible results can As was to be expected, the social sent state of the Spanish revolution. The times in the editorial. They insist on it event occured because a traitor who was be protected from the Chiangs and Wang already he foreseen from the statement ists won a great victory. This is the results of the elections make this slogan continually. But, nevertheless, the informerly a responsible comrade went to Chin Wels lw an iron ring of solidarity of the program committer, calling upon crux of the parliamentary situation. The absolutely clear the workers must break the present time, the muin prop of make up for the loss we have suffered vice of protext must sound so loudiy Keeney leadership, as tootx of the bosses, happy are the fact that they have not and compel the socialists to take power.
capitalism in Germany is the social demtinis time. In answer to the blow of our that it compels the executioners to re and to set np rank and file unity con the majority in the Cortes and that their The peasants must help the workers, if cracy functioning throngh democratic enemies and the traitors, our comrndes lease their prey.
mittees. It was recognised hy miner coalition with the bourgeoisie is thus they want to have the land.
orms. Its strength derives from the will double and treble their efforts to Demand the release of the imprisoned after miner that thousands were still justified by parliamentary statistics. The The socialists will say that they lllusions of millions of workers in the close our ranks and heal our sorex. Chinese revolutionists!
under the influence of the progressives. socialists do not want to take power he cannot give up the coalition beenuse democratie deceptions. It is absurd to Demand an end to the horrible white Yet the leadership refused to take any cause they are afrald, and not without they have not the majority in the Curtes.
think that the Imperialists will discard terror of the Chinese hourgeoisie and cognizance of this fact beyond name cause of the socialist government be Our conclusion must be demand the this mighty bulwark against revolution their imperialist patrons of America, calling and the mythical united front coming a stnge towards the dictatorship election of a genuinely democratic Cortos long as it serves Its purpose.
England, France, and Janan. Continued on page 6)
of the proletariat. It follows from the (Continued on paste 6)
Arrest Opposition Heads Resultof Spanish Elections