BourgeoisieCapitalismCentrismCivil WarCominternCommunismEnglandFascismImperialismMarxismSocialismSpainStalinismStrikeTrotskyUnited FrontWorkers MovementWorking ClassWorld War

PAGE THE MILITANT SATURDAY, JULY 18, 1931 EDITORIAL NOTES Combine the Miners Struggles into a United Front!
He was the noistest shouter of Lbel benten down with the defeats of the strengthen their enemies these serve to their filiations or beliefs, against thoi to row Intoxicated with a Inftel The time to act correctly is now. Now be the first to make a turn of 180 de frum the ruinous jolicy of the right their strength, to inereuse their enthus agents.
Crises Past Present Continued from page unity, who stand in the way of its con Industrial union of the miners a force. Foter, page 597. but the immediate, presence of a degenerated caste of laborumtration, who block its achievemer to be recokoned with by the operators genuine application of the united front EVEN BROWDER CAN LEARN OUR REVOLUTION Ly petty tricks or pettler excuses. They and in the labor movement, a powerful policy.
skates who have written for the miners will deal with such foes of labor with impetus in building the Left wing more We have always maintained in conDo not be deceived with empty talk tradiction to the Right wing, that Cen The more clearly the unfolding of a long list of treacheries and sell outs.
Who will reject and sabotage such a ter may write for another year that the about the correctness of the line. Foe trism is not a stable and cousistent poll world events demonstrates that the But despite their common root, these impatient speed providing these foes ment everywhere else.
tical tendency and certainly not a stab ception of socialism in one country the cause. It is in this absence of unity and four movements have not made common the workers to see their real color unity conference? The agents of the Lawrence strike gave a first demonstraborn and incurable ultra Left polles. common theoretical bond of Centrism solidarity in action that lies the greatplainly.
operators among the miners, the false tion in the United States of the correct The long lasting bloc of Centrism and the and the Right with motion at Farkuterias est obstacle to the advancement of the ponableauty of the to take the ors of rested interests in the minera. The Browders, in their self criticism That is why it is an absolutely unpost leaders, the windjammers, the propriet ness of the line (page 585. of the Left Opposition was carried out revolution, the more evident does it be initiative in calling for a joint conference The Left wing can reject it only at its after the event will write about the same is in itself a sufficient disproof of this come that the banner of revolutionary WHAT SHOULD THE of all these striking and rebellious own expense and at the cost of the Lawrence strike, in the same issue of contention. The adventurist plunges of internationalism belongs to the Left OP LEFT WING DOO groups, to take the initiative now, to mulners. It is in the process of Aghting The Communist (page 611. that the third periodi did not disclose a new Josition which has been forged in the strike while the Iron is tot. It would for the unity of the workers that they small measure of organisational success face of Centrism. They only rounded struggle against the new revisionism. Confronted with this rounded picturo be a conference of equally represented will be able to separate the wheat from was secured which coming from the out and confirmed the basic thesis of the And by that increases the greatness of of the situation, what action should be workers, convoked for the purpose of co the chair, to judge who is right, who source it does, means that virtually no The success was the result.
Opposition that Centrism is a policy of its historic responsibility and the magnundertaken by the Left wing and thordinating the movements of solidifying for them. who is against them.
staggering between the classes which tude of its tasks which brook no delay Communists, represent in the Nalopal them under one head, and this is highly Left wing has nothing to tear from this yields to the pressure of the moment and and take no heed of the weakness of Miners Union? They must immediately essential of expanding the movement process. Like the miners in general, it THE MISTAKE IS BEING MADE is characterized by wide swings to the our forces.
raise the banner of unity, of the conso to other fields.
has everything to gain providing it acts NOW. CORRECT IT NOW!
Right and adventurist leaps to the Left.
Ildation of all these movements.
Will the party have to draw up its Blockaded in Russia during the Chi It Is The present polley is simply to call promptly and resolutely, providing The attempts of the Centrists to extricate themselves from the absurdities elke the Opposition had to contine at their backs to the wall that the work N. is calling But this is a ridicubren followed by the Daily Worker. Temark thunt a small measure of orparticularly in thes of stress, when upon the other insurgent groupe from drop the futile milley of ignoring the nese revolution and the English general they are fighting like the miners with below to join the conference which the other movements (this ostrich policy and balance sheet when the coal strike is concluded with the limping. apologetic of the third period have been noted well to criticism and counter proposals ers feel most sentely the need for wity before, particularly in unemployment within a closed circle and lous caricature of what should be done which thinke to solve a problem by roganizational success was secured. WILL deprived work and in the trade union question of direct influence on the events themserve to discourage them, to lower their dissolving themselves into the 31. Umechanical denunciations of everything the mistakes and shortcoming of the Pued crke, separated movements only the other groups have no intention of maining silent) or of confining itself to the party leaders be allowed to speak of Now we are witnessing an awkward somersault in the policy of the mine Selves. The new rise of revolutionary morale and fighting spirit. new acere at the blowing of a trumpet The conand everybody outside its ranks.
strike when it is too late. when it developinent coincides with a decisive strike.
tion of forces, unification with other ference cannot be a clever maneuver. DO NOT BE DECEIVED BY It is needless to mention that change in the internal relations of the workers groups the breaking down of it must be called for the purpose of CHEAP PHASES te over and the magnificent opportunity the leading acrobat in this turn is Brow Communist movement.
has been missed? We repeat: It would der.
The Opposition, the barriers that divide the workers and mobilizing all the miners, regardless of The worst thing the Left wing can do be fatal to permit such a state of affairs.
pseudo Left season. That qualifies him, international proletariat according to the ritual of Stalinism, to which dowed learten the workers, to make them feel offensive of the coal operators and thely be of its own strength or position. It is the time to correct the mistake te Such conference can become is not leading the whole miners move policy. The parts is pursuing a course grees, without, of course, saying any de thing about the falsity of the discarded confronts them with a world wide organe that the workers look with just suspicion separate insurgent movements with the right policy now and not after the ersh! of the miners can not only be life with the revolutionary revival and it is especially under present conditiongate all the various independent Audits way to leadership if it pursues the and unworthy of Communists. Its lendpolley.
all its Browder will be remembered as the principles confirmed in Mving experience upon those who spurn the proposal for Into a powerful and militant strike in the self critical Articles of extended but made firm and lasting. The tens of thousands of miners in West impetuous revolutionist who was through it is now endowed with the possibility, the press.
forever with progressives. He proved and the inescapable historic necessity, of Centrism and Virginia, in Kentucky Illinols and to his own entisfaction that they had of bringing these principles to the fore Marxist alternatives in the heat of evenis the option. We have not seen they cheap phrases, by boasting, hy ruinons on the basis of the appeal for unity and bring forward the stallized in the International nucleus of The Loft wing dares not be deceived the other sections which can be he drew the conclusion that the tactic of revolutionary events. Every section of tasks envisaged for the International stract historical study. The internationment it can legitimately record now. 1) cannot be won simply by calling upou back February 27, 1929, that must put its ranks in shape for this letter which we print in the current is ment, is posing the questions anew In Foster chatter about the growing fas: sults. It must le cast nxide Infore it united front was out of date. As far the International our own among them Lett Opposition in comrade Trotsky al class struggle, in its dynamic develop wards the reformiste organizations to them to join the notes That Course before the crisis and its consequent shar grandiose international endeavor. sue of the Militant.
Spain and raising the principle line of cluation of the of Le bureaucracy pening of the class relations, he wroto In the Dally Worker: From this point of view we should greet in the warmest manner, and in tachment of the Marxian International is the way we see it. That is why we have been engel in their trade of obave reason to hope that our de trism more insistently than ever. That because it is doing everything possible brings the same rosults in the present to hinder the strike. Lewis and Ox We will no longer waste our enThe miners need a revolutionary leaddeeds as well as in words, the proposals ist will do its part for the Spanish rev: must strain every resource to make our atrike breaking before social tasetsnership which is Intelligently awake to ergles and time in disastrous at of comrade Trotsky in regard to the olution. To a certain extent at least mark on the situation while it is alive tempts to work with these fake pro Spanish revolution which stands today we have seen the huge vista opened up and fresh.
was ever invented. Do not be called the requirements of the situation. The gressives.
In the center of the stage. To intervene by the events in Spain and understood into dixxiness about the highly political proposals of the Left Opposition meet directly now, and on an international that our weight in the scale might not In the Militant for March of the scale: to study the baste questions down te without influence in the final sumtion. It is our task to make it the rev strike because of capitalist terrorismopter andared. The oil party The Spanish revolution is our revolucharacter of the ennsylvania Ohto these requirements. They should be ad.
same year we explained, in our counter to the bottom: to stir the Communist ming up we huve ventured to believe Olution of the Amertent workers and to the terror of the hosses or the state policy is wrong and does not meet the have to change his mind about that. He of the Spanish revolution and mobilize ourselves about the force ato duras America as our comrades fight for it on strikes are desperate defensive actions mistake is being made now. Now is the revolutionary way that Browder would ranks with discussion over the problems that not because we deceive others or inspire them to fight for it on the soil or does not make a strike political. The roulements. It must be rejected. The did not disappoint us. After more than international aid in time: to expose and posal, but because our strength is the the soll of Spain.
of the miners which do not require a time to correct it.
two years of rumination over the ques tion and a blow in the face from drive out the revolution destroying policy strength of the Marxian doctrines cry. high politicalization of the struggle MAX NITACHITMAN.
the actualities of the mining situation the same Browder comes forward with an dustries, for a time masked the increas.
amazing discovery: that we cannot de ing difficulties in which the great staple cline to have relations with. the industries such as steel. lumber, cooper, Mustelt. Keeney. Browder could not keep much wielom to himself. Fired Many people say, This crisis is only The present article in the series of reviews of the position of American deficiencies when it was necessary for ofl. coal. textiles and others found them.
with the real of a convert, the great man Another one of the crises which capital economy seals with crisis of capitalism in this country in the past and the banks in New York to issue clearln xterity of the pertol from 1924 to 192 made a speech, to which If the Dally ism has gone through periodically since temporary solution found in years gone by to the present crisis. The problem house certificates among themselves as a was not widesprendl and did not extend Worker for July 11 does not lie the its inception; hard times have always of foreign trade and the postilities for its development, as well as the problem form of emergency currency. The bump to many basic industries until the fuel party leaders had to listen. There he come and gone and capitalism has al of war in connection with American Imperialist expansion will be dealt with in er crops of the next two years, however, phases of the loom, Just before the colannounced a new revelation: ways gone on to new heights after each detail by the author in coming articles. Ed.
crisis. In the following paragraphs we by a rising long term trend in prices dua was shown by the inerensing difficulty of The Keeney group has the hege shall review briefly the history of the Ry Field to the incrensed production of gold from finding markets, which had to be forced mony in Southern West Virginia. major past crises of American history rich American and South African fields. y expensive advertisins. Hluh pressure This requires that we have a tactle from the standpoint of determining what of maneuver in regard to these peofactors made it possible for capitalista Prosperous virgin wheat in the West, deflation, low money rates, easy terms and by the demands of the Balkan ware selling instalment financing to the ple. We cannot merely decline to to recover after each of them, based on prosperous cotton in the South, and pro for borrowers of new capital one or of 1911 13.
increasing difficulty for men of Arty or World War and 1914 Crisis have relations with whatever group over is finding jobs, the immigration respecific economie forces and not on any sperous tariff supported manufacturing two good crops, and the business cycle The crisis of 1914 was nipped in the strictions, which revealed a real in comes out of this field, whether it is mystical recuperative power Inherent in the East solved the crises of 1819. The was ready to revolve again, bud by the world war, which meant to ability of capitalist development to honKeeney personally, Keeney repre in capitalism. If the factors which havo growing proletariat began to organize it. The labor movement reached a new sentatives. The fact remains that pulled capitalism out of its hole in the self into trade unions, and by 1833 the high plane in the organization of the American capitalism a great speeding. upale an increasing population on the scale one of the roads to the miners in this a huge Influx of gold, an enormous stim creasing percentage of the population en territory maneuvers with this outnow, the only alternatives left would be New York City.
bigger and better trade unions.
lation to Agriculture, with a modernized unged in industry in spite of the ability fit. 1) hew, hitherto unheard of stimulus The normal course of capitalist devel. The next crisis came in 1803. The form of banking under the Federal Root enpitalism to draw on new stratant to capitalist devlopment, or (2) the furopment led to the crises of 1837, preceded growth of capitalism had reached a point serve Act.
From this it can be seen that even ther development of capitalism must be to a wild banking, land and railroad where internal contradictions between the The war left the United States with the population, such as women and dis krowder can learn something, it he looked on as degenerative rather than boom. Again the solution was found to treat and the small bourgeoisie were the most gigantie contradictions in its possessed farmers is allowed enough time. The elementary The labor movement which had 98idea, explained as far back as the Third Progressive.
While this study is based primarily on Oregon Territory: In record increases in Conslons to the latter in the form of romanufacturing nation in the world, on sumed an entely militant phase followwe cannot decline to have relations the facts of American economic history crop cultivation, in an enomous Increase strictions on the former the Interstate the other, the largest producer of raw in the 1919 crisis, slowy Inpsed into the thiek skull of the Trotsky killer, and world wide interconnection of capitalist (from 1830 to 1800 population Increased Trust Act of 1800. Crops were still tive manufacturing nations, both branch acute contradiction betwer: the leader that one textilies to the power of the interests and consequently of the patholoone third each ten years, from 12, 800, 000 setting new high records, but agriculturales of production striving avidly for ex ship and the oljective conditions of a gical symptoms of capitalism in the In 18300000 to 31, 443, 000 in 1800, a rate crises were taking the form of agitation port outlets. At the same time, the Unt fallure of capitalism to make real pro idea.
form of crises. The very first of the which maintained could have made against the representatives of finance ted States remained the depository of the rear during an apparent loom between And along with that Browder as 1861. major crises of the United States, that the present population of the United capital, leading to an unsuccessful bloc world largest stock of gold, and also two great crises.
milated another simple and obvious con: ot 1887, was in part precipitated by an States 236, 000, 000, nearly twice the ae vetween farmers unable to pay thet a holder of Willions of dollars of paper This is the first time in the history of ception and to be expected, be increase in the discount rate of the unl figure. mortgages and unemiHoyed labor, cu obligations payable in kold, which com capitalism in which this has happened, Also made a speech about it. Before the Bank of England in the effort to halt the The labor movement began its wander off from the escape to the West from melled America debtors to stimulate and is confirmed by a stuly of per capita crists, and after, our hero saw the ofnow of English capital into American ings in the political wilderness by the low wages, long hours and insecure Jobs their exports in competition with Amer consumption of major commodities which fensive of the workers and the rev olutionary purge rising high enough speculative ventures. The timing of crises organization of Know Xothing. Loco by the Alling up of the farm country. In to enable them to their debts show little net in for the past nfteen to drown lain. But since then he has throughout the world. In fact, is becom foco and other parties which acted as The tactics of the bloe, depreciation of The Inter governmental debts outstand years, but merely substitutions of one ing increasingly uniform. We limit the tail to the kite of the major parties. the real value of bankers claims by in ing at the end of the war were aggrar material for another, as for instance, less found a dry rock to sit on and collect study of crises in this article to the The definite victory of American capitating the paper currency (Greenbackated by the epidemic of American loans conl but more clectricity. lyss meat and his loghts. The result of this colta American field purely for the sake of not talism over the one serious opponenters, Popullst. or by free coinage of abroad by private investors, adding fur whent but more sugar and dairy provention of the Yomg Communist League, packing too much material into a limited which it has ever had, the southern agri silver at higher than its real value ther Wordens to European capitalism yet aucts, les lumber but more steel.
cultural aristocracy, in the Civil War. Bryan and the Democrats, 1896 1904. forcing it to redouble its efforts. Solutions in the Past reported in the Daily Worker of July, space, The Early Crises unleashed another roaring boom period succeeded in diverting proletarian and One of the century old solutions for Summing up, capitalism has found a 141h. The erstwhile fire enter shakes the The two earliest erines of finger of cantion at the assembled hotin 1865. Railrond milenge doubled in agrarian discontent from any revolution America crises, to raise bigger crops, Holution for all former rises in the American of heads and warns them. History, the post revolutionary crises of eight years, and absorbed more capital ary outlet in spite of such militant man was still effective as late as 1919. In nited States through one or more 1785. And the post war crises of 1816 18. than any other industry, a good deal of festations as the Homestead strike of that year the farm production rose to the following means: territorial expanthe figures of the war hoom year 1913. sion, ligger crops. larger manufacturing It Is therefore clear that it is ab bore the stump of an undeveloped econ it from Europe. The Bessemer process 1812 and the ullman strike of 1891.
prices then prevailing facilities, foreign loaus, railroad expansolutely wrong to speak of the ofThe solution of the immediate problems and with the omy the principal concerns were cur Awtroduced in 1865 for the first time fensive of the working class and the rency Inflation, primitive banking meth made steel a chenp, mass production com of the crises of 1893 was used on a con reached the greatest value for any crop sien, ware (particularly among foreign counter offensive of the capitalists. odx, excessive imports, insufficient crops modity: coal production quadrupled from tinuation of the post Civil War trends renr in American history, before or since. countries. technological Improvements (including mergers. Inerensingt export. The beginning of the mass actions to supply an export surplus with which cotton production at test marathit option of large industrial combinations cul made in 1926, but by that time the agrar. new industries.
has primarily a deiensive character. We witness a most vicious offen crists, however, a major step toward the Civil War, recovered by 1877 and minating in the great trust building era lan problem had renched a point where Territorial expansion, part from wars sive of the capitalist class against developed capitalism was taken when the reached as high figures as erer, at 600 from 1800 to 1901, extension of agricul it could no longer be solved by such of conquest, is closed ligger crops, as the working class.
tarift act of 1816 was passed, to encour000 bales, to go on to an average of over tural production, and increased export methods. The big crow of 1926 merely was proven in 1926 and 1928, no longer he manufacturing Industry. The Amer6, 000, 000 bates in the next sixteen years trade stimulated by a series of wars in broke the price of farm products, and mean bigger farming income: larger And so on. All of which is Browder can system of pre Civil War politics, and 10 millions in 1891. The first of the cluding the Spanish American, Boer and led to lower production in 1927. In the manufacturing facilities are a burden, following year, 1928, bumper crops again not a salvation, when the automobile way of conveying the impression that the combining tariffs with internal improve the mergers arrived in oil, coal, rail. Russo Japanese wars, present struggles of the workers are dements, chletly waterways and highways in oil, copper, natural gas. Export trade climax in the ten years ending 1890. tion was less than that of the smaller good times of million and exporis Railroad expansion had come brought prices down to a point where industry has a capacity for producing is, was an of to the aggregate value of the farm produc million cars with a home demand in hus pointed out a hundred times. The Louisiana Territory and Florida furnish materials: the percentage of manu structed. After 1000 new construction being crowded out of world markets, facilities more than three mes the best iden itself is not now it is Browder exl new markets, the steamboat was just factured goods to total exports hardly slowed down sharply, but great new and is faced by the dilemina big crops year sales: foreign loans are unsalable sudden comprehension of it that provides coming into its own, and American ship changed between 1870 and 1890. industries are now expanding the elec and low prices, or small crops and not in any quantity because most of the the day sensation.
ping was carrying an increasingly im.
The Panie of 1873 trical industry since 1800, automatie in much better prices?
These incidents demonstrate, as has portant part of the foreign trade. In The pante of 1873 was severe and com dustrial machinery on an unheard of The manufacturing industries after as evidenced Hy their existing bonds sellbeen snid, that Centrism is able to the old Sonth, the development of the cot plicated by government deficits and sil scale, creat new natural resources in 11. the post war boom of 1919, did not seeming far below par: rallrond expansion change its mind a little that the analyton xin changed cotton cultivation from ver currency problems. With such an copper, silver, Iron ore: bumper Ils of HS policy as chronie nitra left a placid patriarchal mode of life, where industrial background, however, it went and corn crops, a tripling of coal prodne sales of manufactured goods to Europe Generation. technological improvementa to be facing this dilemma. Tremendous has been closed chapter for nearly a ism is false; that even at Browder can in the abolition of slavery could be plat. through the classic course of the crisestion in twenty years time, all signified and South America, financed by foreign as analyzed in a preceding article, sim.
learn. But from this we draw no optimonically discussed by advanced South of a healthy capitalism: a sharp drop that capitalism was still on the upward bonds floated during a violent securities ply aggravate the problem of the domes istic conclusions, for the process takes erners, Into a hectie, speculative business in prices, a call by banks for repayment trend.
too long, they do too much damage in with profits running up to 50 percent or of loans, or in the language of that day. The great crisis of 1907. like preceding industries including electrical equipment, sight appear utterly inaequate for any boom, the rapid expansion of a group of tie market; the only new Industries In the meantime and they correct one error more a year, the soil was henceforth hard money Instead of paper. wide crises, simply corrected the tempo of automobiles, building construction (which mass consumption boom the outposts of only in order to commit Centrism is not consistently Leftist, but ers were now not uncommon, and slavery duction of Industrial output, strength, which had resulted in overbullding. war and hampered by high interest home refrigeration in summer, stoel con dozen more. mined, not cultivated. millionaire plant spread bankruptctes, unemployment, re this development. Real estate specula. had been held back during the business talk hopefully of television, It is constantly false and consistenty became an Institution consecrated by the thening of the financial position of banks was curied, and an antiquated banking rates during the 1919 boom. the struction for small houses, but there dangerous to the proletarian movement. Bible itselt.
and individuals because of the sharp and currency system again showed its radio, movies and other such minor in no conviction in their voices.