CapitalismCominternCommunismCommunist PartyEnglandFranceGerman RevolutionImperialismOpportunismSocialismSovietStalinStalinismStrikeSyndicalismTrotskyUnited FrontWorkers PartyWorking Class

SATURDAY, JULY 4, 1931 THE MILITANT PAGE ON THE WORKERS FRONT The Unemployment Councils at Work Opposition Appeals To Milliners Illinois Miners on the March Cleveland Party Unemployment Where Does British Labor Stand. In a more than a year the party has not developed out of the rank and dle of its unemployed councils a single leader We print below the principal extracts, which will establish unity of all genuCHRISTOPHER, ILL.
straightforwardly in opposition to Lewis of even secondary callber, certainly not from a leaflet issued to the Left wingine Left wing forces and qonsolidate The new devlopments of the most out as well. They have taken refug: under one of real stature. To expect the latworkers in the headgear market of New into a strong factor that will ight against standing significance in the Illinois mine phrases like am willing to do whatter is to ask the mouse to bring forth York by the fraction of the Communist the reactionary policies of the Zaritfields can be enumerated as follows: the rank and file want to do. Yet at League (Opposition. Ed.
skys in the locals and within the Inter On Friday the nineteenth there was an the same time, they refrain from bold a, mountain. But the mountain bus To All Militant Millinery Workers national. The demands of this confer unemployment demonstration in Cleve1. The sub district convention of ly attacking Lewis. They are most brought forth mice in plenty. The party land called by the parts, in which we Franklin County adopted something like militant in opposition to the district of has developed in the apparatus of its (Blockers, Operators, Trimmers, Cutters) ence should be: 104 resolutions pertaining to changes in fieialdom led by Walker.
The growth and steady ascent of the (a) Immediate establishment of a bal took part. Hardly a thousand particiThe miners unerhployed councils a host of little fune Cloth Hat Cap and Milliner Worker In letin system for the divison of pated. There were only three placards the constitution. The preamble changes must organize themselves so strongly tlonaries, petty careerists, badly trained ternational from the period of 1921 to jobs, controlled by a committee of displayed in the whole rigmarole. And the notorious retreat of an equitable that any leading individual will be in 1927 had been checked by the reactionary workers duly elected at local meet besides it was qulte spiritless. Sam Don, he what we province back to the stantly crushed when he pulls anything ideolgically and politically. It is enough fighting principle of the full share of to divert the rank and no movement to participate in one or two demonstrahund of Mr. Zaritsky. The greatest gains for the union were recorded at buted should be publicly displayed hind. The demonstrators marched on chroduct. Further, the convention from its proper course.
tions, play a more or less prominent role, until the worthy President perfor all workers in the union bend the City Hall where they were allowed that no oficial in the organization can the 1927 convention and lasted only know that the rank and file will subscribe without reservations to the quarters.
without any resistance whatsoever to succeed himself in office. Giving more not save the know party line, obey orders, heap abuse and fected the machinery for the coming be. b) Shop committees of all branches enter, en masse, the city council cham power into the hands of the pit com that Lewis is determined to go down the slander on the renegades to be 18trayals of the millinery workers. The employed in the shop should be ber, where the city council men awaited mittees, and less power to joint group line with the union under his arm if sured of some little position in the ap vicious campaign against the workers elected at regular shop meeti. them for a hearing. And bere lies the boards of conciliation it means its destruction. But the time started with the ruthless elimination of (e) exempt stamps and all union rights crux of the matter.
every bit of militant leadership in for unemployed millinery workers. The present rank and tile move is not far off when the West Virginia partus and sit on the platform when The party has changed its slogans and ment is the greatest and most effective miners union, the Illinois rank and fle Poster debates Muste.
the different parts of the country (d) 20 orertime should be permitted its position on the question of unemploy uprising of the Illinois miners.
movement, the National Miners Union, as well as in New York. The President in any shop.
ment. It no longer demands unemploy.
and other groups throughout the coun Originally, too, the party can show together with the succeeded in (6) abolition of temporary working ment insurance 15 per week and an The honesty and devotion of the try will constitute the material that will only a minus for its unemployment work.
their planned campaign to undermine the cards.
additional three for each cependent. To majority of the leaders that have sprung form a powerful miners industrial un. The unemployed councils are largely pa strength of the New York Local 13, vf (1) lowering of ducs for those em day it asks for relief. and it does up in the course of this new turn canion. This objective is the only way out.
per organizations. Workers joined, atBoston Leal 7, of the Chicago Capmakployed.
not even specify how much. This bringe not be doubted.
GERRY ALLARD. tended a demonstration or two, Ilstened ers organization, etc, and came to the (6) unemployment insurance to be it into conflict not with the capitalist The movement is 80 drunk with 1929 convention with greatly diminished raised through a percentage pala class or its government, but with the rank and fleism that no officials of (Other miners news on page one)
to general demands unconnected with their local, most immediate needs and forces and broken ranks. The elimina in by the bosses.
charity organizations! As a matter of organization are allowed to address the drifted away. Or their attendance at slon of the Left wing from active par (h) an immediato lowering of wages fact, the whole hearing, with the council miners.
best, even now Irregular. This is due flcipation and leadership in the Interfor the officialdom which would men was devoted in the main to proving national meant the virtual destruction to the fact that they have been recruited correspond with the average earn whether the charities were corrupt or The division of the rank and the of working conditions in the cap and ings of the millinery workers. not, whether they had denied food to this miners since the Lewis Fishwick fight THE SECOND CONVENTION OF THE from the breadlines and must arrange their time by that of the breadlines or millinery shops. 1) an organization drive to abolish individual or not, whether they had giv was practically liquidated outside of a OPPOSITION)
The millinery workers are becoming the sweat shop; this organization en five dollars instead of nine. The un few imported henchmen that invaded other relet agencies at large distances more and more convinced of the evil or drive should be carried on by all employed council even produced, three the conference for the purpose of caus During the latter part of the Winter from their homes. This source of the the present policies and where they lead millinery workers ready to serve cases to prove the graft of the charityling confusion and spreading dindour months we expected to set the Aratare almost no working class women and councik membership explains why there to; their hopes are in the Left wing. the union and should be subst organization. And the witnesses! Ownagement. However, the convention over week in July as a tentative date for the children in them.
The dissatisfaction and ferment in the tuted for the reactionary proposal ers of houses, Insurance policies, bonwhelmed these tools and resolved to exsecond national conference of the comranks of the millinery workers is deep for a stoppage.
dreds of dollars in grocery bills, and terminate from within the ranks.
going and found its expression recently Because of this floating membership We propose the adoption by tho Lett what not. The party has sunk into the The convention call sent out to every munist League of America (Opposition. in the opposition to the signing of the wing of the slogan THE SIX HOUR worst kind of opportunism. Not unem local union in the state is of great The final date of course must be con and irregular attendance, it is necessary solidated, organized Left wing existed in and as a union demand to be attained at least resistance only reliel: It easier convention has not been in effect since These are now practically completed and than one day in advance. worker who Had a well con DAY WITHOUT REDUCTION IN PAE, ployment insurance because that ro importance. The contention will have ditioned upon the publication of our to hold business meeting every day to quires a difficult struggle but the path much work to realine as a real miners theses of future perspectives and tasks.
organize each day work. It 18 Imposslthe millinery trade at this time, our bur immediately the forty hour, Ave day ble to organize the details of work more caucrats would pretty much shake in their week for all millinery workersburo to get appears to be the attitude of the the old pre war days. The sub district being sent to the non resident will distribute leaflets on Monday cannot back door deals with the bosses. Letting necessity at this period of wide gle degenerates into whether the char much alive with discussion and are the exact date together with the various be counted on in advance to do it again party. The whole unemployment strug. convention of Franklin country was very wing force which will be a challengo spread economie crisis. shorter weekities association shall pay its reliet in from the delegates. The convention de ments. We expect their publication on Tuesday, Wednesday, etc. This apto the hand in glove work with the boss would insure more work for the unemes must rise on the wave of the disCash or in kind.
And to make up for literated over 12 days, adopted over 200 a special supplement 18.
to the councils, who are frequently shiftcontent of the broad mas of headwear ploged and help check the undermining this kind of opportunism the party tells resolutions and did other things to per Militant dated nie to the issue of the plies as well to party members assigned workers. Therefore the task of the Unof union standards.
the workers in an adventurist braggad feet its organizational machinery.
ed about from one council to another Ited Rank and File Committee at proWo call upon the United Rank anda. If they won give us this rellet The greatest darger before the rank period for discussion of the issues raised. This day to day organization of each day There will then follow a two months council or party organization or activity.
sent is to rally all millinery workers File Committee to adopt and act imme we will go and take it. By the way, und flle miners at the present time is to be conducted in the columns of the business results in a terrible monotony ready and willing to fight against the diately upon these proposals.
present officialdom and its policies in For united and effective Left wing by their absence. Only three mounted he converted into a tail of Lewis and the a final conference date of about Septem hours are spent each day in Indoor bualthe police were completely conspicuous the fact that the Illinois movment can Mlitant. We are thertore orienting upon of mechanical business routine. More Local 42 and 24, and regardless of their in the millinery trade!
cope were visible on the whole line of movement can further come under the ber 15. Llowever, the official call which ness meetings than in actual work. This political opinion, solidify them into one Millinery Workers, Members of mareh: not a single cop in the city hall wings of the Lewis machine as a whole. is to be issued very soon will specify turther discourages the workers from atcompact force which would act as a the Communist League of America to be seen.
There has been hesitation on the party the exact date, toegther with the various tending the metings regularly.
militant group for the interests of the (Opposition) Cleveland. GEORGE CLARKE. of some of the leaders to come out regulations for the conference.
workers within the locals and the International.
The floating membership and Irregular To accomplish this task we must proevery industry. The workers to be sure attendance make it necessary for a small ceed immediately to the calling of a having registered a growing fissatisfaccrop, uually party members and aprank and file conference leaving the tion and increased attempts at resist peratus functionaries, to carry on the basis for a real broad representation of Ry the thesis of the Eleventh Comi all rank and file millinery workers; to tern Plenum we are informed that the not merely involve the question of sol growing unemployment. During the gensive. In the wake slashing campaign test and complain about the Inactivity Such land armaments, of course, do and that during a period of heavily ance but they have not yet taken the work. Small as it is the work is too form of a consciously prepared defen. much for the working nucleus, who prosuch a conference all workers called growing contrasts between the systems of diers, of standing army, but of the eral strike year the membershipa definite role has been assigned to the of the membership. This results in spor must be given the opportunity to Soviet economy and capitalist economy whole war machinery, of implements, of reached its highest membership. about MacDonald government.
press their view and opinions on how is the kernel of contemporary Interaa air fleets ete. Thus we see in the field 12, 000. It was a force within the trade taking over the reins for his majesty, to activize the general memberships and Prior to its adic discussions. futile, paper plans to conduct the struggle against the tional relations. Without for one mo of land armaments similarly the con unions and to an extent within the labor thetho Labor party politicians were rather in a deepening chaam between the treachery of the officials. narrow rank ment overlooking this growing contrast, omic pressure by American imperialism party, despite expulsion barriers. The led will only shout phrases but will not error of estimate made by the authors. With the steatest industrial resources. following of close to a million but dustry. Usually, this followed with a ner organizational work of the counella And file committee mechanically control. It is necessary to observe the light for a settlement in favor of the power Minority Movement was supposed to have unsparing in their demands for capital in tive and the inactive members Testments for expansion of British in and directing their discontent into fight al relations is not yet this growing con League of Nations reports the sums lata based upon the prestige of the Lects not run Industry, the workers would gotten. motion initiating socialist ing channels, as recent experiences huve trast. No, this kernel is still to be out for military and naval expenditures sentlemen of the type of Purcell Hicko Not that this was intended for the competition among the counells in their taught us.
found in the increasingly furious conin 1928 1920 by the principal powers to and Cook.
The call for the conference must contest between the main imperialist powers be: The party weekly organ cars of the workers and for them to organization of tenant leagues, is passtain a restatement of principles. Up tm for hegemony of the world marketreached a clrculation of about 70, 000 and carry out the practical conclusions there ed unanimously by an executive body now the position of the has more precisely the rivalry between the United States. 772, 084. 000 the Minority Movernent weekly organ Great Britain. 550, 080, 000 about 110, 000.
Today the party inde from. Far from that. It was intended and never beard about again. Motions not been made sufficiently clear to every United States and England.
worker in the millinery trade. At the Both of these powers are in the throes 18 a pressure upon capitalism. And to calling for reports on finances, on the France. 357, 656. 000 Itselt frightfully reduced position day history is drawing the conclusion sale of literature, etc. are passed and reWe may rest assured that American Im of serious isolation, its daily organ not outset when the was constt of the deep golus capitalist world erista. perialism will fully utilize this opportun reaching much above a 3, 000 circulation. dows inevitably from their position tions are elected, do not work, make no tated, the policy prevalling was to work The unbridled expansion of American ity and swing its economic whip to reduce The Minority Movement has become his majesty ministers, as lleutenants reports and are not brought to account under the direct supervision of the Needle Imperialism is already foreing England the armaments particularly of its nearest skeleton organization of the party with of capitalism of the most miserable but Small sums are continuously stolen by Trades Workers Industrial Union with to the wall. In actual practise it is now rival and secure its own supremacy un the aim in mind to break away from the belog demonstrated that the former, in challenged. Such are its preparations at vanguard has so far remained as a180 most cunningly treacherous social unemployed workers. Efforts at ele Right wing controlled untou as soon order to overcome its economie difficul for the more open and more brutal in able to draw upon the great and growing reformist stripe. There is now the par mentary workers education are as it enable. which would mean the break tles will proceed yet more ruthlessly evitable conflict. It will also be another resources of working class disillusto ticular task. 10 longer of mouthing regular as the attendance of the rank ing away of small and insignificant nee tions of the millinery workers and learworld hegemony against Europe, and par European nations on rations. While ment.
further to establish and maintain its step toward more definitely putting the ment with the MacDonald labor govera phrases about workers running industry, and file. course in public speaking by but of applying the instruments of cap. Brodsky is dropped when halt completed Ing the bulk of them at Zarltsky mer ticularly, against its main competitor these undoubtedly are the perspectives of While we shall reserve en attempt to talist state coercion to reduce the work without explanation given or demanded.
cles. Naturally we who helped hasten England. It is in this sphere that the American imperialism there remains st make an analysis of this specific situe ers standard of living to assure the Tre Kleological level of the education belped crystallize the sentiment against pared. New wars and revolutions wbich from.
the movement of the C. And most elgantle conflict yet is being pro the American working class to be heard tion until later article, it is necondary basis for rationalization and further er is unbelievably low. Thus Johnstone on the collective agreement did not and will shake the world to its foundation, to bear in mind, when looking at this ploitation. That it is precisely also the the unemployment program of the could not subscribe to such a polley: At The storm clouds are gathering and The Essential Question of Destiny of contrast of the past with the present labor government which is assigned the The program of the Trotskylata, present the utterances do not moving with ever increasing velocity. This England the disastrous policy of the Anglo Bwe task of making preparations for the com as will show, differs only by a hair mention at all its attitude towards the What is the position of England in the san Unity Committee. From the thing Imperialist conflict disguised under breadth from the program of the The present negativo ary place in which has been assigned only second conflict? It is showing the cars of one single lesson. As a matter of fact thon palavers coincides with its post.
British Communist Party has not learned attitude is equally incorrect. Wo Lett Plenum thesis is the kernel of contemthe Eleventh Comintern declining empire. It has fallea to third by its bureaucratic leadership of Stalin The external activities of the councils wingers cannot ignore the porary International relations. Dla fiecas a world exporting power. Tuca Lt taction agents, the membership hasters of England including the specific suffer from the same looseness. The Fear of the to mention the T. and to take a positive stand Manuvering for position through econ wall by its most overwhelming comben provented from making any such a tasks assigned to the Labor government, distribution of leaflets 1s tempt. Thus the heritage of the tale have not yet fully materialized. Thus, and hap hazard. Some workers throw is only misleading to the workers who omic and diplomatic means has so far petitor the United States. Her domin should know our views and dutler to characterized the content between theme son empire la shaken by the growing dir polley, while remaining uncondemned and despite the menacing clouds which now them away. What tenants league work two powers; that is, with a few engineer terentiation of interests of each sepa is done is equally unsystematic and hapuncorrected, today still weighs like an so frequently threaten the much cherish the Industrial Union.
It should be made clear that while weed revolutions thrown in for good mea part. In the colontes, serious revelation Alp upon the party. And surely a tunded jobs of these royat ministers they hazard. Meetings with house committhe sure. Alla prelude to the continuation ary movements are developing.
amental change of orientation of polley will, barring unforeseen developments, tees are not followed up. No minutes are building an opposition within to which will take the form of open war now that the sun is actually beginning to communist party will be able to play But that will make possible the further steps are taken to spread the organizehe and of tactles is necessary before the still be able to hang on for some time of these meetings are kept. No Turther Right wing controlled union with objective of changing the Right wing fare. The five power naval conference set over her inperial domain it coin polley and with the aim in mind to semingly hung the shield of a diplom cides with her advance toward a new serious leading role in the coming completion of the process of disillusion ton to nelghboring houses. In restoring transform the union into fighting the victory on the chest of the protesque olutionary situation.
weapon of the workers, we at the same British Premier, but to reality American the greatest Importance, huwever, in the by the developments of England crisis It will make the coming class battle council proceeds to the scene of the evtotime do not deny aur loyalty to the prin perlalts carried of the laurels of one of the rendiness of the working clana. not to speak of the coming revolution more decisive aloo. Yet the all importion without leadership, etc. etc.
elples of the and indas victory. It will soon stand out much for such a situation; and above all the ary situation, detintieness of working class direction for fighting evictions. The procedure fa No adequate techique has been devised trial unionism and we will continue our more clearly to what extent the reulta question put by Comrade Trotsky to hla MacDonald Preparing the Road struggles for such principles and will of this conference means a settlement of book Whither England. Meanwhile the rond of England head win the Communist forces be able to yogue at present can be compared only to lend?
fight for and demand a united front with naval supremacy in favor of the power Wm it be possible to organise, log directly toward new serious class fire fighting. An evletion is reported to the In its work of or with the strongest industral resources. Communist party in England, which shall battles is clearly discernible. The site ARNE SWABECK. a council. The council to mobilized and ganizing the unorganized as a step to American Imperialism for Disarmament be strong enough and which shall have tion is being described by her leading inproceeds to the scene. If it outnumbers Note: This is the first of a series of the police ten to one the furniture is re ward the eventual establishment of one in Europe sufficiently large masses behind it, to dustrialists as one of unrelleved gloom.
industrial union for all veedle trades enable it, at the psychological moment But statements by them are, of course, articles on the present situation in Engstored. Obviously this is a ridiculous land and the tasks of the Communista procedure. Should the councils be able, workers From the more recent Chequers con to carry out the necessary political con not in the least concerned with the terNevertheless grent departure has versations similar prospects have opened clusion of this ever sharpening crisis? rible pauperization and squalor of the second Installment will appear in the from the point of view of time, numbers been made by the from it up for American imperialism in regarda This question involves the entire des working clase. There is a growing de next issue. Ed. and other factors which they are not original course and this makes it possi to land armaments. The German Chan tiny of England.
mand from the financial interests for a to restore the furniture of every evicted ble for all elements to find a basis for cellor suggested a downward revision of Where is the Proletarinn Vanguard? complete overhauling of the industrial worker, they would be reduced to a soe united work. We millinery workers, reparations payments. Of course, such In the Dec. 1928 parliamentary elec machinery. But right there the demand THE MILITANT lety for restoring evicted furniture. But members of the Left Opposition, call upon a proposal would need the sanction of tlons, coming right upon the heels of strike a snag which with this gentry. Vol. IV, No. 72, July 1931 in that case, the police and the munleipal the militant workers to rally to the sup Wall Street by which the reparations the defeat of the German revolution and Inds its formula. England is lying on Publisbed weekly by the Communist governments would be more than equal port of the United Rank and File Com payments are finally pocketed. How the American intervention for restabiliz a higher standard than her continental League of America (Opposition)
to the problem. Their organization is as mittee. We must glve ample and serious ever, President Hoover was not slow in Ing German capitalism, the British Com neighbors.
at 84 East 10th Street, yet stronger, more mobile, better dir thought to the imperative need of united grasping the opportunity. His morator munist Party polled 63, 000 votes to the Naturally this is not to be interpreted Editorial Board ciplined and trained. In New York City, James Cannon one or two patrolmen in a position to action of the Left wing in the task of tum proclamation aims at two simul Labor party 4, 350, 000. By the 1928 as having any reference to the standard Martin Abern reventing further betrayals by the Right taneously great accomplishments to elections the relationship of votes were of the capitalist masters and hence all Max Shachtman Maurice Spector summon more, are stationed at the ser ng administration in New York as well knife the developing German revolution 50, 000 to 800. 000 respectively. Thus, efforts are aimed at reducing the workArne Swabeck of eveny evletion in the neighborhoods ewhere.
and to lend force to the counter demand if parliamentary elections register any ing class standard of living. Through Subscription rate: 00 per year; for where the councils are known to function all upon the to issue of reduction of land armaments of the thing, this intervening period registered out England there is a systematic heavy elgh 50. Five cents per copy for a rank and Alo conference European nations.
a victory of reformism over Communism, wage slashing uw carried into almost Bundle rates, cents per copy THOMAS STAMM.