AnarchismBourgeoisieCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyFascismFranceGermanyImperialismLeninLeninismMarxMarxismNational LiberationRosa LuxemburgSocial DemocracySocialismSocialist PartySovietSpainStalinismStrikeSyndicalismTrotskyURSSUnited FrontWorkers MovementWorking Class

GE THE MILIT SATURDAY, JULY 4, 19 IN THE INTERNATIONAL OF LABOR Reviews and News of the Working Class and Revolutionary Movements The Provisional Government in Action downfall of the regime in case of war, reports that in the last issue of the is on the offensive against the workers. ian vietory, by united action against the the clergy continues to exist under the working class for the seizure of in League Activities Two Social Democratic Congresses: The Collapse of the Lefts The French Socialsts and National Defense The Sanction of Betrayal at Leipzig On Monday, May 11 a genral strike in Madrid, where fifty were arrested outPARIS.
action against the enemy class. In the At the beginning of June, the Social Already the rebellion within the very was declared in Madrid by the side of the Monarchists, who were the The socialists have returned to Tours, period which has just begun, in which Democratic Party of Germany held its ranks of the social democracy itself is Anarcho syndicalist trade union center. real provocateurs, ten years after the convention at which the proletariat experiences the sharpest convention at Leipzig. Like the convendeepening. While the convention was in The General Workers Union. The provisional government has been the workers drove them out of the party. and most direct antagonisms between the tion of the French socialists meeting session at Leipzig, the former Reichstag the reformist organization of the Laborcommitting arbitrary acts for more The dissidents of yesterday, who be opposing classes, the differentiation of simultaneously at Tours, it was a mani deputy Jacobshagen and numerous local minister, Largo Caballero, was against the scandalous than those of the Primo de gan with 15, 000, today bonst in their the troops still held captive by the re festation of the crassest sort of parli groups of social democrats and social strike, which was declared in spite of Rivera dictatorship: Primo, at least al bulletin of a victory full of dangers for formists in the service of the bourgeoisie amentary cretinism. The actual prob democratic youth declared their adher the reformists, through the solidarity ways manifested his reactionary charac the proletarian movement: 130, 000 men depends upon the positive actions of the lems confronting the German proletariatence to the Comunist party. In the with the victims of the working people ter openly, without hiding anything. He bers. 126 members of parliament, 100 Communist party, its ability to reach the were painfully avoided. All the sessions galleries of the convention hall at Leip of Madrid in the clashes with the mon made governmental arrests and caller local mayors. Against whom do the masses and to share the experience of were occupied in the main with inner zig. the voice of the social democratic archists on May 10, after a meeting of them such. But the government of th party politicians brandish these figures the struggle with them.
party machinations rank and file made itself heard more followers of the king who was expelled Republic arrests Communists withou With great joy, Paul Faure proclaimed than once, in the almost unanimous ap from Spain by the people and in a deany legal grounds, in spite of the law, at the meeting: In Sweden, the social In order to wrest them away, more The organizational report presents us plause for the isolated delegates of the monstration against the reactionary daily. In spite of republican democracy. and 18ts obtained 13 percent of the votes, is needed than the ritualistic conclusion with a picture of a big reform parts, extreme Left, in the cheers at the men the A, throws them into the prisons, maintain the Communists percent.
of Bonte articles (in Humanite. strengthened and consolidated in the tion of the Soviet Union, etc. The soc The Madrid people arose against the ing all along the Director of Publle The convention precodes the great Therefore, all honest socialist workers, sears of revolutionary ebb, on the back sal democratic workers will not toler government of Maura and Alcala Zamora Safety (Police) is speaking that there consultation of 1932 at which the soc draw your conclusions. Desert the of the disastrous defeat of the proleate the treacherous, kowtowing pasiv who showed exceptional tolerance toward are no grounds for arrests some are due lalists expect to gain power through the social democracy, this rampart in the tarian upsurge in 1923 and at the costity of thelr lenders much longer. Their the monarchists while continuing the polto mistakes on part of the police. But committee. But in re the army of world Imperialism. Nor the of the vacillating, adventurist policies last conquese are being wiped out by ley of anti working class repression of Madrid was in a state of martial law and politicians are preparaing their batteries progress which he makes all by him. of Stalinist oantriam. party one mil the government of fascist preparation the previous governments. The minister the military judge tried very hard to behind the scenes of parliamentary stra self, twenty four hours afterwards: The lion strong, and what is for us even of Unemployment insurance cut in halt. of the Interior, Maura, proved himself and something to stage a trial against tegy. The principal feature of the con socialist workers will not be deceived greater import, proletarian to the er. The burden of taxes heaped higher on violent enemy of the revolution. It was the Communists. without success. Af ference was the academic resolution an. They will desert the o. tent of 50 percent of its composition. the workers backs. The Schiele Whert ho, who gave the monarchists the porter the state of martial law wsa lifted, the National Defense French section of the Second Interna This great, organized proletarian mass Laws make the cost of living unbear mtt to demonstrate. He it was, also, the judge had to acquit all the prisontional the agents of the bourgeoisie. Is a decisive factor in the German classable. Democratic rights are summarily who ordered to fire agaiust the proleers, but then, the same director of PubTours 1920 and Tours, 1930. After an The theory of social fascism even in the struggle and one with which tho com suspended with the full collaboration of interval of ten years, the capital question modified form given it by the XI Plen. munists must reckon. During the period the social democratic police comission tariat demanding work and bread, at He Saftey, the very democratie RadiBilbao Seville, etc.
cal Socialist, Galarza, one of those stone for the revolutionary movement, um, will hardly be a better weapon.
of reaction, the defeated, scattered pro ers. At Leipzig, the fell vietim who protested most loudly against arbiThe liberation of Berenguer, the gen 18 once again up for debato. But ten letariat has been able to slowly collect to a deeree against demonstrations pro eral responsible for the disaster of Mor trary arrests when he was a prisoner At the present moment while the its forces again, to rebuild its political mulgated by their own police commis years ago at the conclusion of the hideDeco In 1921, the second detator, the tions arbitrarily kept the Communista of Berenguer, forgetting all these declaraous massacre, the revolutionary workers struggle of 120, 000 textile workers 50 and trade union organizations. Fatigued sloner, Fleissner. Against all this, the under the guidance the Third Intering on, the Communist party and the by the heavy defeat the working class social democratie workers are prepared vicious reactionary who executed Galano Madrid imprisoned. This is the point Dational arose against the betrayal of Red unions must wrest away the workers wis open largely to a reformist ideol. to fight with the rest of their class, de and Garcia Hernandez, the same Ber of doparture toward the scandalous and tatorship and repression 1930, after the collapse of the Second from the influence of the reformists, mere crumbs from the table of the reletariat in order to save the crumbling publican government in the same place International, after the years of the and along with them from the socini suscitated and rehabilitated bourgeoisie.
monarchist regime, has greatly outraged the former reactionary government.
great butchery, and after the creation democracy, by the application of a broad The social democracy took advantage of The way to unite all workers in com the people of Madrid and of all Spain Spain is approaching constituent elecof the Communist party they have re and realizable united front policy. This the situation.
mon struggle lies in the united front un tarned to Tours to debate the very queswill be the first effective answer to the der the leadership of the Communist day, May 11, took place at Madrid, amiations and the republicans are determined tion that caused their downfall and their dangers represented by the pacifist and Today the bourgeoisie is once again party. The social democratic workers the greatest excitement. The people of to get rid of the Communists and the betrayal.
bourgeois democratic politicians of the gripped by a crisis. The generous cannot be won over for united struggle Madrid hurled itself en masse against revolutionary workers even before the party of Noske and Paul Boncour against American imperialists who gave it by Thalmann denunciation of their the clers, burning the churches and the elections.
To what purpose? Louis Levy posed the working class, in time of pease as helping hand in 1924, are themselves in leaders as social fascists, nor by empty convents and stressing with these aeThe official Spanish Communist Party the question. What can you decide now well as in time of war.
the midst of an economic debacle, the appeals to break with Breitscheid, Wels tions the tasks concerning the responsi always ready to commit stupidities that was not decided at Stuttgart before the war? Indeed, the Stuttgart motion Hoover moratorium does not enjoy the and Co to join the They bles. forgotten by the government of without taking into account the situaLA VERITE.
support of France, herself facing acan and will be convinced of the correct and the amendments by Lenin and Rosa the republicans and the socialists. After tion, without considering the existing Laxemburg, calling to struggle for the growing economie slump. as did the ness of the Communist positions, and their ascendancy to power they have for revolutionary opportunities, which are dispatch from Paris on June Dawes plan. The German hourgeoiste lined up for the red front of proletargotten those responsible for the past and very favorable for the creation of a Communist party capable of organizing still remain excellent texts today. But periodical La Vie Socialiste, Renaudel it is trying to hold Itselt erect by tak outrageous decrees of the Bruening govAble conditions even with the republican the socialist politicians already stood the and 25 socialist parliamentarians coing it out on the bodies of the proletar ernment. by united struggle against wage régime. Cardinal Segura has been permit power. But the official bureaucracy no 1914. Under the present conditions, the tion. In their declaration they say of the workers in long years of patient. tion with the Up to the Republic. it must not be forgotten that ary reality. They forget that the party mes a protect tenacious struggle is slashed out of present Com party, hampered Messrs. Maura and Akala Zamora are that Soviets have not yet been formed it mug be organized, belleve that the party of Marx. added ing the Independence and the boundaries Levy. Is capable only of debating to of France, the socialists will also be pre less capitalist class.
existence under the knife of the ruth by its centrist baggage, has been unable tervent Catholic.
For the workers to take full advantage of this promising distraction vague and uncertain pared to vote for war credits. This is it is no longer a question of snatching situation. The sooner the German ComTo be sure the people has given the The party leadership Issues empty sloterma?
the real pleture of the socialist unan crumbs. but of retaining them. And munists rid themselves of their confused government a serious warning and the cand for the immediate insurrection. Today this economical solution can imity of Blum Paul Faure and Co. Ed. this desperate defensive light is insep and vacillating Stalinist leadership, with latter has been forced to take the great without a party, without Soviets, with no longer prevail. Precisely because the arably bound up with the struggle for theid slogans national liberation and est measures of precaution and even to out working class prepared for the The Spanish Leninists of socialist party must answer today and toexistence itself. The social democrats the people revolution with their of Altongo followers have already been the third period have forgotten the morrow the vagne and uncertain pre by their entire policy of tolerance to theories of social fascism and their set tree, secretly and unobserved. First teachings of Lenin during the struggles occupations of the workers who are not concerned merely with the distribution Two of our very active New York com Bruening government are playing their quicker will the mass of workers still however, Maura and some of the in July 2017 at Petrograd. The irrecustomary role of ignominous treachery under the influence of the social de governmental organs started a violent sponsible bureaucracy of the is of Percorent party, arisen from the workingrades, Tom Stamm and George Clarke against the workers who follow it. What ocracy be Illerated from it, the quicker sempre me herninst the idenmobles nation contrary to the teachings of Leni class after the existence of revolution have established their domicle in Clere is this polley based on? Every conces will they become attached to the Com Accued them of making a bloc with. but not of making the revolution ary proletarian parties, must needs adThe Left Opposition has a great tas Just its ideological baggage.
the left Opposition. Despite the fact to avoid the onslaught of fascismi in road be cleared of all rcformist obstacles tion against the communists became to fulfill and is already actively engage Working class action was absent from that we have many good supporters in order to avoid the institution of a form for the victorious upurge of the prole manifest in a large measure and that working with all its forces to succo that city we have not had a functionally fascist government, every act that the agenda of the debates. This point tarian revolution.
was sensed by Dumoulin. cererer than ing branch of the League. That prodirectly prepares and paves the road the news of the press. sentent Madrid, Solitary rison, May 21, 1931 hostility arose against the Communista LACROIX.
the rest. No one has mentioned the spects are very good for such a step is for a vietorious, unresisted fascist over GORDON the government profiting by it to begin Leaders of the popular military rethirty million unemployed. In texta presented by three principals and comrades, The Militant and our generalness of the workers is luiled to sleep.
persecutions of Communists, especially rolt at Jaca, last December. Ed.
the two extreme tendencies, there were literature is being received eagerly and the rising spirit of class revolt dampenspeaking of the further steps it should at the convention: This defense of the know that these two comrades will spare but with an overwhelming majority as Henandel alal bew contacts are already gained. Weld The Leipzig convention indirectly.
got he overlooled that the part which was really reserved for the final goal country has been confirmed by the party. substantial basis.
no effort to build the movement on a proved this policy of stabbing the work of the program, that is the building of They are now conOur Subscription Campaign On the financial aspect of this pro staff, is already also on the way to and Lagorgette declared: Our slogan is ducting regular open air meetings and ng class in the back.
the transformtion of the capitalist war we know we will be confirmed in our into a war of liberation. But he proexpectations for Cleveland.
The social democracy itself is slipping tion campaign comes to a close. Al as well. For example the contributions accomplishment 2, 000 nounced himself in favor of drawing up down more and more from its shame though the results show a steady upward from Chicago and from Toronto have a unity motion and expressed his belief fully gotten government posts. Bruenclimb on our mailing list, both for in been rather small. We do not believe New York that a unanimous resolution is quite pos ducted regularly by the branches in New the extreme Right. But the socialists sales during the period, they have not have been particularly re ricted, but New York Strect meetings are also being con ing is etxending the government base to divdual subscriptions and for bundle that the possibilities in these two cities (Cannon) 00. 1, 750 sible for international action.
York, Chicago and Minneapolis. In the are still cowardly exerting every effort been as great as they should be. The rather that they have not been followed ers all converged toward pacifism often run into several hundred, atlity, the positions of the speak. Iwo first mentioned cities the audiences to keep their workers back from open Chicago branch heads the list with 44 up so well. There are yet quite a good ch. Goodstein) 28 00 and resistance. Bruening cuts and slashes the New York to its credit. It wins the number of pledges which have been made (Hoffman) 00 through the extension of our organiza: while it cannot entirely be termed a last vestiges of working class legislation. first prize. The New York branch comes for the Expansion Program which should New York tional work. Within this framework of steady audience, nevertheless the results The socialists are behind him. Bruen next with 37 subs to its credit entitling be collected either immediately or in (Capelis) 00 vague concepts, the socialist party is in literature sales and contacts gained ing justead, uses the Indget for the con it to the second prize. Third is the installments whichever basis was pro New York reserving for itself its freedom of ae have been very gratifying, struction of armored cruisers. The soc Minneapolis branch with 22 subscripvided for. And that is true not only in tion. Twelve years after the war. not ialists give their acquiescence. Now, an tions to its credit. The St. Louis branch Chicago and Toronto but also elsewhere. Friedman. single voice was raised to demand Los Angeles George Saul is putting in a busy week entire party convention is devoted to turned in 23 subs but at the time of There are undoubtedly still some symNew York workers, to revoltongainst the fact that doing organization work in Philadelphia. chastising the nine Lett social dem Closing had not entirely completed the pathetic supporters who could be visited 10. 00 (Berman. 2150 and additional sums secured. Now we the party is in the hands of those who us immedaite efforts are concentrated ocratie deputies who refused to vote for payments.
We are in this tabulation counting have also issued regular contribution New York (8. 00 betrayed the working class into the hands ment for our comrades Morgenstern and see the influence of the party damaged only actual completed subscriptions and lists for the Weekly Militant which Boston 20. 00 of the imperialist butchers.
Goodman who are now on trial for sedi by this act in the eyes of the workers.
the total results would indeed look very should be used to pick up small change New York 1, 000 This common fund far more im tion. The complete failure of the And here even the niny capitulate. modest if it had not been for the faet from any worker willing to give sup (Feldman). 50 portant than all the formulas borrowed to lift as much as a finger to take up The unity of the party must be pre that a good portion, the most substantial port. systematic effort in this reNew Haven by Paul Faure from Austro Marxism the defense of these two class war pris served at all costs. Unity for what? portion, is made up by mans sube coming spect, with every comrade participating Pittsburgh 80. 750 became even more apparent by a series oners made it necessary for our League Unity in the attempt to uphold the crum in direct through individual efforts of can become a substantial help. The New York of embraces between Right and Left brane there to establish its own defense bling capitalist regime, to act as physupporters and readers seattered throng sums turned in on these lists will also (Tewitt)
which shows that all the tendencies are committee. The case itself and the open sicians to the sick bourgeoisie. as Tar out the country be credited to the branches as their part New York staking everything on the 1982 elections, sabotage by th Is described else now declared in the main report before There has, of course been the great in the Expansion rogram since it is (Anonymous) 10 500 Therfore the exoneration of the seren where in this issue. Suffice it here to the convention. Is the working class difficulty in the way that the subscrip already such a part by virture of being deputies who voted for confidence in the emphasize that our branches everywhere prepared for struggle. asked one of the tion campaign was conducted during the for the establishment of the Weekly. 87. 90 Laval cabinet; the authorization of the as well as the working class in general delegates. He was answered with a period of the semi monthly appearance With the accomplishments already re Previously Populaire to carry financial advertise will be called upon by the Philadelphia thunderous roar of yes. Then why all of the Militant. This counts against the corded, although modest, but a real ac 2150 reported 901. 60 ments: the silence on President Bouis defense committee to lend their most this cautiousness? Why all this fear of past but very much in favor of the complishment for a small revolutionary son; on Paal Boncour, despite his rabla active support in every way to collect struggle? Because the proletariat manifestations of chauvinism: only one contributions to help wrest these victime struggle spells the bankruptcy of the our subscription drive is clased we should cut we have all reason to feel con: Total to date 988. 40 vote against the political report, etc, out of the hands of captallet class social democracy and the conciliation of now be able to begin anew, and begin to the next step which is to be realized These may be the perspectives of the justice.
the proletarian mass with the Commun on a much more favorable basis.
with the collections reaching 1, 500. In socialist politicians, but all the objective ist vanguard.
a ve reason to believe that all our com factors, with which the party of Marx Our St. Louis branch has overcome its rades and supporters will now, with the did not preoccupy itself; the economic period of lethargy which obtained some The social democratic mass is ferment Weekly actually in existence, undertake unrest, the European crisis. the critical time ago.
ing with revolt It is now taking up active are no longer inclined to suffer the extension of the circulation of the MiliThe working masses in a systematic manner the continuous attuation of the German régime, the work and soon we expect to be able to Spanish revolution regarded not as the report progress. The Boston branch or abuses of the hostile government. The tant. It can be done by renewing the liberation of the socialists today but ganized a lecture for comrade Cannon latest Emergency Decree of the Bruen expired subscriptions, by obtaining new Just Off The Press!
as the emancipatio the working clo on June ing government was met with volleys of subscriptions, by building up newsstand workers present of tomorrow and the great working discussed very seriously the problems of stormy protest from every section of the sales and by increasing the present by LEON TROTSKY clase movements like those which have the American revolution taken up by country. The more enlightened bourgebundle order sales.
already broken out three times in one the speaker. Systematic educational ac oisie realize its danger. Thus, the Ber Our Program of Expansion Campaign THE SPANISH REVOLUTION IN DANGER yer in the North, will interfere with tivities of this character, which is one liner Tageblatt pathetically appeals to With this issue the second step of our 64 pages. 15e per copy Special Rates in Bundles the perspective of this convention. very important aspect of the revolution the great stable party of the German Expansion Program has become a realEven on this same question of imary movement, is gaining valuable con citizenry to cease te policy of tolerating Ity. First we established the Pioneer perlallat war, the volce of the workers tacta. In Boston, it has so far been er the Bruening government to head off the Publishers, now the Weekly Militant is PROBLEMS OF THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE forced by the crisis to fare the real pressed mainly in very favorably and tempestuous revolt of the masses. But bero. Although we were by July first 48 pages. 15c per copy ities of the class struggle, did not make extensive circulation for our literature the social democratie lackeys are even a few dollars short of the stipulated PIONEER PUBLISHERS Itself beard at the Tours convention. That our members there are consciously util more reactionary than these layers of rum of 1, 000 collected on the expansion 84 East 10th Street for its vigor and for its strength izing every such opportunity in addition the bourgeoisle, they are determined to program we can nevertheless my that Tew York City. to their active funotioning in the very go to the last ditch for their capital have succeeded through the splendid. urts of sind nupporters.
Organization Notes 1. 00 500. 50 00 00 Wo TWO NEW PAMPHLETS sixt