AntifascismBourgeoisieCapitalismCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyFascismFranceImperialismItalyKamenevLeninSocial DemocracySocialismSovietStalinismStrikeURSSUnited FrontWorkers MovementWorking ClassWorld War

THE YOUNG VANGUARD Back of the Air Maneuvers Yipsels and National Youth Day this Student Youth and the Workers Movement class Five hundred and ninety seven army air the exigencies of war. Plans for universal May 30 and 31 has been set aside by existence of a youth organization which machines soar over New York City in im conscription have been formulated.
Elabor the American Young Communist League has won the confidence and support of pressive war maneuvers, forming a spec ate details of war taxation are being de as the days to rally the proletarian youth large sections of young workers. The of tacle which fascinated and thrilled thou vised. And on top of it all propaganda ie against capitalist militarism, the war dan ficial Young Communist League has at no sands of onlookers. These maneuvres, in being flung far and wide that the United ger, for the defense of the Soviet Union. time been an influencing factor among the the words of chief of staff General Mac States is preparing only defensive measures National Youth Day is also to serve as a American youth. In recent years, the polArthur are not a circus but a test of and will fight only if attacked. picture mobilization of the youth for the Scottsboro icies pursued, the methods of work used, preparedness of the air branch of war of the future can already be seen, even boys and against the capitalist offensive. the type of leadership obtaining has, in fare. Times, May 25, 1931. This down to the fake causes for which the cap The 30th of May was well choosen, for spite of the most favorable opportunities, air drill over the skyscrapers of in italist class will attempt to make the Am on this day the attention of the workers of made the League even smaller and less volving some six hundred planes and more erican workers fight their English, French this country is drawn to the memorial of significant.
than fourteen hundred men, cost the or Russian comrades.
the fallen soldiers of the American Civil One can dwell on the meager preparagovernment the princely sum of 2, 000, 000.
For the working youth these air manWar and Spanish American War. At pre tions for National Youth Day: the fact Aeroplanes are the instruments of the next euvers have a great importance. Thousands sent, when the American ruling class is that even the Young Worker, until the last war. The nations of the world realize of young workers are driven, into the army, making strenuous attempts to get out of its issues, had only incidental articles; on the In not of their disarmament con.
manner economic crises by the extension of the navy, and national guard by the lash of in which the membership was ferences, where the capitalist governments the economie depression, foreign market which inevitably leads to rallied. But at the same time one must In spite of all haggle and wrangle over the scrapping of the indignation of the Charlie Chaplins, imperialist conflict and war; as the United greet the move of the League, in attempt and antiquated battleships, who want the old men to fight the next States government is beginning to oil its ing to arrange a general united front conwill they tolerate for a single moment war. and of the pacifists who want the war machinery witness the recent meeting ference of all youth organizations. The the question of the reduc:ion of air forces.
combatants to be of the Policies Commission, universal concapitalists inviting of the Young Peoples Socialist and their The Amer an capitalists are likewise well lackeys, generals, politicians, scription plans, air maneuvers, military League was indeed a turn from the policy etc. the aware of the iniportan of the airplane.
working youth will be the cannon fodder economy (which does away with unnee of excluding all non Communist party orIt has proclaimed a five year plan. for of the next war. It therefore becomes ever essary expenditures of money. and last ganizations on the grounds of social airplane building, whose provisions it is to ly the intensification of the political of more necessary to point out the true antifascism.
increase the amount of service planes by proletarian character of capitalist militarfensive of the bosses and their state ap The L, took advantage of this 1128, from 672 planes today to 1800 planes isin and imperialist wars. It is a thousand paratus against the Communist and mill opportunity. Some of the young socialists in five years.
times more incumbent on the young Comtant workers at just such a time is it in New York who had been accused of bemunist today than ever before, to bring especially necessary to inform the workers The political situation in Europe and ing near Communists. that is, members of this message to the young workers in the of these events, mobilize them for the throughout the world is extremely tense.
the so called Stanley militant group, de War clonds darken the face of the whole armed forces; to break down the illusions struggle against capitalist militarism and cided to show their loyalty the Hillworld. France and her Little Entente are of pacifism, and to point to the proletarian wage slavery.
quits and the Oneals, and prove that they German Austrian However, the difficulties in the way at dagger points with revolution as the only way out of the catare as good anti Communists as the former.
of effective mass youth demonstrations of Anschluss. Italy looks with jealous eyes astrophe capitalism is preparing for society.
With this in mind, and the disrupsuch a character are many. One of the tion of the Conference as aim a handon France colonial possessions and every GEORGE CLARKE greatest, if not the greatest, is the nonful of about fifteen young socialists came move it makes causes friction betwen the to the Conference of May 16. statement two countries. America breaks up conferof their position was read to the meeting.
ence after conference on economic quesThe statement of the Yipsels, after tions, while it grooms itself greedily pointing out the agreement of the watching that vast unexploited territory, with the aims of National Youth Day, that is, Soviet Russia, and promoting one The role of the student in the class students being an advanced section in a repeats the slanders of the Thomases et counter revolutionary plot after another, in struggle has not always been answered with backward social system, saw in capitalism al, about the united front between the the hope that this will ald them in their sufficient clarity, nor adequately dealt with the saviors of their highest desires. They Communists and the fascists, imperialist plans to overthrow the first worker in recent years. For the revolutionary saw in capitalism the opportunities to rise oppression. in Soviet Georgia. the alRepublic. The capitalist nations are hope youth movement which is concerned above the mass, the enactment of the lib leged misuse of funds by the etc.
ful of solving their economic ills through with the problem of the student, erties which are akin to their desires, It very cleverly takes advanta of the a redivisison of the world market and colcorrect solution and understanding of the and which would make possible the achieve blunders and wrong policies party onial spoil, which leads headlong into a question is indispensible.
ments of longings.
and League especially in connection with new world war. Understood in this sense, It is necessary, in order to understand However, the moments such revolution its united front policies. What could the the war games in the air assume an espe.
their relation to revolutionary movement, ary sitrations reach That war looms in the League spokesman say when it was pointed cial importance.
proletarian to define the position of the student under character, the students participating therein out that the Lovestoneites and the Trotskynear future is attested to not only by the capitalist productive relations and to view desert the ranks. This was their rôle in teverish military preparations which the ites are excluded from various conferences this position historically. The students are 1905 in Russia. This Kamenev rightly rewhich are supposed to be brond united capitalist nations are engaged in, but als)
not a separate clang in society but in their marks in his introduction to the Russian fronts? This confirms our by the deluge of pacificism which is floodoft repeated transitory character make up a defined edition of Lenin pamphlet on the youth; statement that the enemies of the move ing the country and the world to day. Pacifism (disarmament, abolishing war by category. In speaking of this category we ment will make capital out of the false The revolutionary student with whom are concerned in the main with the adpolicies of the comrade Lenin had to deal in the early official movement; that treatles, laws, good will, etc. is an ineritvanced sections of the student and intelable concomitant of war.
stupid tactics and Stalinist leadership play It is the barrage stages of the revolutionary movement, was behind which preparations for war into the hands of the social democrats. This take lectual group who prepare themselves for to his mind a man originating from an alien their future as executors, technicians, place. Pacifism is the soft and soothing class, a possible ally, an echo of the past, is to be expected.
managers and theorists for capitalism.
But let examine our critics a bit.
music that lulls the working class into as one who had PASSED INTO THE We have found through bitter experistate of drowsy security while the capital The higher the educational institutions, LIMBO OF HISTORY.
ence that for a working class organization ist politicians jockey for positions and in the more marked are the clase lines. In How much more is this true, in a per to participate in a Communist united front trigue for alliances. How well the United the elementary and intermediate schools iod of advanced capitalism, when the sys means to betray the workers in the organistates knows this! At the same moment we will find the most numerous sections tem has entered on the road of decline, zation to the none too tender mercies of the that the government is completely and composed of proletarian children and youth.
and when the proletarian revolution is to Communists.
The children and youth of the petty bourWhen? Where? Nota wholeheartedly bent on these openly millday on the order of the day. The inability word. In truth, the has had very taristie and warlike air maneuvers, it ingeoisie are also great in numbers here, of the students to make any very audible little experience in united front with comstitutes another maneuver known as army while the off spring of the bourgeoisie who protest to the inequalities of the system munists. When in the middle of 1927 its economy. It abolishes fifty three obsolete happen to find their way into the public and its brutal exploitation, attests to the New York organization joined the Miners army posts, and thus kills two birds with educational institutions (the great mass of above characterization. Hardly a protest Relief Youth Conference, led by the one stone. It gives the appearance that thom are either privately tutored or attend is recorded anywhere against the enforced it is disarming by abolishi it was only for the briefest period of ral army their own institutions and academies) are and voluntary litary traini instituted time. Suddenly it withdrew: in a small minority. It is when we look in the schools. The students remain meanreason posts, and it makes a show of economy.
was given; neither the Conference nor its hopes by these methods blind the working to the advanced school, the colleges and ingly silent during the present ass nnown membership were even formally noclass to its war preparations and to apuniversities, that the pictures changes. The employment and wage cut drive against the tified of the action. This shamefaced, backrease the gullible and treacherous pacifists proletarian students are in the main eli working class. The struggles of the workand reformists. But the very next day it minated the free education of capitaldoor tactie was in keeping with the socing elass pass them by as if they did not gives the lie to its own deceitfulness! It ism, proving to be far beyond their means.
lalist policies of boycotting the militant exist.
struggles of the workers.
runs a militaristic air show which not only These students are in the main the repThere are however sections (the petty Several months later. four members of disowns any pacifist illusions it might hare resentatives of the bourgeoisie and the bourgeois student) of the students, who the were suspended for having created but eren its preteness at economy.
petty bourgeoisie. The proletarian univerduring the time of acute revolutionary invited a speaker to a Winers 000. 000 at one stroke! And it turns down sity and college student. with exception of struggles, and faced with a collapse of the few large cities. are few and far between.
relief meeting. The ensuing protest by the the demand for social insurance because it system, will be driven to the ranks of the overwhelming majority of the New York will be a strain on the government revenue The schools are one of the main bul working class but they will be few. membership of the Yipsels conclusiveiy and on the citizen read: capitalist Warks of capitalist society. It is here that The task of the Communists in rela showed that the rank and file of the orincome. The role of the socialists and capitalism trains the youth in a capitalist tion to the student is to recognize that in ganization wanted united front action with their liberal allies is clear. Norman Thomas ideology. The perpetuation of capitalism, the main they are a reactionary section the young Communists. It must be before a War Policies Commission con the indisputable correctness of this sysin society. When Lenin stated that. The member that it is one thing for the young gratulates the country. on the con tem, its permanent character, the maininjustices and pin pricks which the students socialists talk about the lack of workviction that when it comes to a real tenance of law and order, together with have to suffer is but a drop in the ocean ers democracy in the Communist ranks.
emergency like war the overblessed profit respect for the ruling class, nationalism, but quite a different matter, to practise it system won work without an immense deof oppression of the people. he states in militarista, all these and many more make simple language their class character and in their own organization.
gree of control. Presumably meaning, up the food on which the intellectual strarôle. We must not forget that they are The role of the young socialists in New that the capitalist class (Thomas calls it tum of capitalism is raised. These instinot a revolutionary grouping. With this in Bedford. where they played the game of the country. is beginning 10 understand tutions turn intellectual prostitutes and mind we will be able to understand way the reactionaries like Batty and Binn; their the usefulness of the socialists and when apologists for capitalism. They become the the 2nd Congress of the was able open scabbery during the Fall River war does come, they will lend the coun brains and the leaders of the system. Under to define the tasks of the Communist youth strike; their support of the fakers in the try some of their ideas to prosecute the imperialist capitalism the students are in movement among the students as: needle trades; the petty bourgeois pacifist war to a successful conclusion, and to hold the main a reactionary section of the popu(a) To weaken the forces of counterutopian talk about disarmament and Kelthe working class in check like their worthy lation who in decisive class struggle play revolution.
log Pacts; the splendid services rendered predecessors have shown themselves so cap the role of enemies of the revolutionary by the European social democracy for the able of doing, inthe governments of the (b) To movement.
To tear a gap in the threatening capitalist class; and finally the disruptive Kaiser, His Majesty Geo. V, the French sabotage front of the bourgeois At times the students have played rer.
tactics of the as evinced in Republic and other illustrious cabinets from olutionary rôles with heroism and selfprofessional intelligentsia.
sharp form by its actions at the May 16th 1915 to 1918 and thereafter.
sacrifice. Such instances have occured (c) To secure the scientific and tech Conference, must be exposed. Every atThe capitalist class is looking for ways during the period of capitalism birth, or nical forces necessary for carry tempt should made to win over the and means to change the whole economy in countries of a backward development, ing through the revolution and worthwhile working class youth in its of peace in such a way that it may be where the system was yet in the process of for Communist construction. ranks who in our opinion form a minority transformed at a moment notice to meet development. Under such conditions, the GLOTZER. of the organization to Communism.
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