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«America Conquers Britain»
church, who will give their blessing in the name of Jesus Christ. We may quote here an expert in these matters. Rear Admiral Fisk, Retired; Your economic prosperity rests ultimately on your world banker, she is being superseded by ability to defend it. Your prosperity may the United States; if the British Dominions amount to dizzying heights. But it can be wants a loan they go to New York; if any absolutely shattered and your commerce of the European dependencies require as ousted from every sea by one naval battle sistance it is to New York they look. Be lasting two hours, your fleet is defeated fore the war the United States was a debtor as the Russian fleet was defeated by the nation of 5, 000 millions, now she is a Japanese. Never has any nation lasted creditor nation of 9, 000 millions (in addi long when its wealth increased and its tion to 11, 000 millions of war debts. Dr.
means of defending it did not increase adeMax Winkler in March, 1929, fixes Ameriquately.
can private investments abroad in 1928 at Denny treats only of United States 15, 600 millions, while the United Kingdom United Kingdom antagonisms; if we take has about 20, 00 millions in foreign in into consideration the other countries and vestments. But Britain average surplus their interests, the situation is indeed vicfor foreign investments during the last ious and complicaed. And the existence of four to five years has been about 500 milthe Sovet State is exercising an enormous lions less annually in actual money value influence upon the correlation of capitalist than her pre war rate. More significant forces.
than the relative positions of Britain and We may draw some practical concluthe United States as creditor nations is sions, especially in reference to the the comparative trend. Britain is adding to her foreign investments but much more (1) No country is self sufficient. If slowly than formerly.
the United States, with all her resources, The Clash raw materials, mass production and surProduction in the exceeded its plus of goods cannot exist as an isolated markets, and the calamity of 1929 still con economy. then how is it possible for the tinues. If prosperity 1928 depended upon a backward industrial country, a margin of 10 percent. of exports, then at the other pole from the with an what is the margin of exports the Insuflicient productivity of commodities, to must send out to day to keep her industries build a self sufficient national economy, going, with 9, 000, 000 unemployed with no and a socialist one at that?
purchasing power, and a greatly depressed (2) That economy will dominate which purchasing among these still working? The accelerates its productivity of industrial answer is in a further heavy assault upon products; this is proven by the England markets, and those of Europe, As the makes progress in lowwhich will end in warfare.
ering the costs of production, exports can In the governments of both countries, proceed on a vaster scale than now (which the ministers and secretaries are also dir will bring the Soviet Union further into ectors of powerful corporations. The fol the world market and its contradicions. lowing two examples are a criterion. Lord But the present period is only a breathing Birkenhead may have been Secretary for space; relief will only come, and socialism India, but he was engaged in extracting will be built, when the international revoprofits also as president of an English lution brings succor power corporation, controlled, incidentally. 3) The crisis lies in the capitalist by Americans. Andrew Mellon is Secretary contradictions, and the solution lies in the of the Trensury, but he is also a abolition of capitalism, and the substitution magnate controlling several key industries. of a regulated productive process, for use, The linking of government, industry and not for profit. This can only be aeand finance is an obvious and accomplished complished by the dispossessed and sufferfactor: the class character of the state ing mass, the proletariat, under the leadstands out in relief.
ship of the Commurists The working Concurrently with the growth of the class of England and America have an hiscrisis, armaments also expand. Expendi toric rôle to play: if the Communist party tures on armies, navies and air forces are is the arm of the working class, then the to day greater than ever before, and when Left Opposition is the elbow that will the time is ready, a new war will be called direct the arm.
into being, with the holy intonation of the GREEN. America Conquers Britain was writ Before the war the had 12 perten by Ludwell Denny a couple of years cent. of the world exports, and Britain ago, but an examination of its contents at 16 percent. In 1928 the had 18 perthis time cannot be considered out of date. cent and Great Britain 12 percent. Mr.
The significance it had at the height of Hoover stated then: Our prosperity dethe prosperity is only increased now in pends on keeping the foreign markets which the period of crisis.
absorb 10 percent. of our industrial proThe book contains data on conditions duction surplus. our emphasis. and until 1928, when the United States was at Denny says further: We are in no sense the apex of its prosperity, but the premises self sufficient. Mr. Hoover has evidently of this prosperity were already preparing overlooked Stalin theory of an isolated the ground for the metamorphosis from the self sufficient national economy.
prosperity period to an era of starvation The Decline of England and misery for the masses. The American scene is changing: the satisfied and docile Wherever England looks, it sees a black labor of which Denny writes, is in a propicture. In the British Empire, which cess of fermentation: America internal counts for one third of Britain overseas market is greatly depressed, and must find trade, Canada was purchasing five times further outlets for as much from the as from the products. Con quering America is now America Conquered United Kingdom, and Britain share of foreign capital there fell from 77 percent. by her own contradictions: no matter in to 39 percent. while the capital inwhat part of the world, and under what conditions, sooner or later capitalism is increased from 16 pecent. to 57 percent. withexorable and demands its ineluctable toll.
in the last decade. Canada, Australia, New Zealand and South Africa, in fact in all The reader who expects to find an acthe Dominions, British imports were decount of armed warfare on the battlefield.
as the title would indicate, will be disapcreasing, and those of the were increasing. The same applies to India, the pointed: it is, as the sub title states, Record of Economic War. of the battle cornerstone of British imperialism, where on the economic field between the United the United Kingdom, although still holdStates and Great Britain for raw matering a dominant position in her trade, is ials, for markets, and other appurtenances being encroached upon by the The Dominions are raising tariffs of capitalist rivalry, which are the undercurrents of actual warfare and lay the against the mother country, to protect their own industries (Canada raised from 25 perbasis for the emanation into it.
cent to Ludwell Denny writes as an American percent. British workmanship liberal and one senses in his writing a and material in order to receive preference: certain pride in our country, in being on Australia. they have their own troubles.
the side that conquers: in having an attiand Britain can expect no help from these sources.
Britain shows her appreciation tude that flavors of contempt toward the country that is being defeated, and for its of Imperial Economic Unity by purchasing antiquated mechanism and technique. Howcheaper wheat from Russia and the Argenever. his views do not interest us in this tine, rather than pay the monopoly prices of instance: what is of consequence are the Canadian Wheat Pool; it is too exfigures and wealth of factual materials he pensive a relationship. Another remedy.
has gathered together, the research, and now being propagated is a high tariff.
analysis. Nothing is conjectured, everyEngland, a world power in her day, with thing has backing, culled mostly from goy.
flourishing industries, is now talking tariffs as a means of saving herself; but a tariff ernment and official sources.
means the masses will have to pay dearer The Rise of America prices for food. The fact alone that these Denny gives a graphic account of the panaceas are even being suggested shows living battle now raging between the as. how the mighty have fallen.
cending and descending Goliaths, the United The late, unlamented Lord Melchett States of America and Great Britain. From vision of Imperial Unity finds a haven in the last century to the outbreak of the war, the same place that he himself is now.
England hegemony held sway, but the In South America the battle is at a economie warfare now going on between sharp stage. Colonel Lindberg went on a America and England was then existent be good will mission on behalf of American tween England and Germany: the World capital; the Prince of Wales retaliated for War was the culmination of Germany British finance, and Argentine has signed challenge to England for supremacy. Dur a tra agreement with the United Kinging the bloody battle, Germany was beaten, dom. This does not mean that the problem and England thought herself once more is settled, but that the A, will press mistress of the world. But no sooner had still further for a share of the market; in she turned around than she was faced by fact, Britain share in South American an upstart of capitalism, the imports fell during 1913 1927 from 25 perwhich had planted itself in the place of cent. to 16 percent. while those of the Germany as England foremost competicior, rose from 24 percent. to 38 percent.
with the exception that she was a more These figures show the trend; in every formidable and powerful foe, and England country it is the same: the is was war weary and weaker. The United gaining markets at the expense of Britain.
States had taken advantage of the war to British industry must be completely establish its own interests: The World re equipped in order to compete with modWar is no more responsible for America ern industry, but large scale rationalization strength than Britain weakness, except in the midst of her present serious econin the sense that it speeded certain process omie crisis means social convulsions, and es already under way. Europe conducted her rulers are hesitating before putting it the war with America money and is now into effect. And so England sways with a burdened with paying war debts to the disease ridden system, not knowing when and paying tribute through many the next limb will fall off.
The Fight for Supremacy The secret of America success lies The struggle for raw materials is a in her modern technique and machine era: sordid page of history. In order capEngland greatness was based upon her ture oil, rubber, chemicals, etc. and other industrial supremacy in the nineteenth cenresources, throughout the world, presidents tury. She conquered colonies for raw ma and ministers are proposed and deposed, acterials, markets, and food supplies, and cording to whom they faror, by the United this gave impetus for her becoming a naval States and England. Mexico, South Ampower. a believer in freedom of the seas edica, Liberia, China, are some of the fields and a free trade policy at home. She was where the fight is going on every day for dominant in the coal and steel industries.
supremacy of raw materials. If the native The United States came upon the scene rulers object to foreign domination, diplater: her methoxls were those of the twen lomatic pressure is brought to bear on tieth century: modern machinery and mass them; if that fails, financial pressure is exproduction, England coal gave way to erted, and if this is not successful then the America electricity. From 1919 to 1925 armed forces are sent, or, as the the total horsepower in the United States does, elections are supervised (Nicarincreased by 22 percent. Combinations and agua. also with armed forces. In India mergers were the order of the day, and in and Egypt, and other colonial possessions, dustry became centralized and eflicient. the masses are also rising under the unbearThese factors combined with telling effect, able yoke of British domination.
as shown by the output per capita in the In shipping, the waves are also turbut. at 710 units (1925. as compared lent; Germany, with the aid of capiwith that of the United Kingdom of 282 tal is building new types of boats to comunits per capita in the same year: this pete with the English merchant marine; means that United States was able to and the is gradually taking the produce vast quantities of goods at lower title away from Britain as mistress of the prices than her competitors. Nineteenth seas.
century England was not able to keep up The wires in the fight for control of with the accelerated pace of production of communications, cables, etc. also hum viomodern America. The put up high lently. Enormous mergers are taking place tariffs to protect her vast home market; of power, cable and communications, to she had plenty of raw materials; produc combat the British cable monopoly, which tion went ahead merrily, the working class is also one of the most powerful of capiwas better off than its European brothers. talist propaganda weapons.
This was surely a capitalist Utopia.
Although Great Britain leads as the The Times and the Daily Worker on Trotsky their Hardly have the introductory chapters purpose of exposition and try to comproof comrade Trotsky work on the Rus mise him by the sentiments contained in sian Revolution seen the light of day, the expository quotation. It is the latter than the slanderers of all camps automa method that is used by the Times and a tically empty their discharge of secreted combination of all three by Jorge venom against its author and the ideas latest sally to throw mud on Trotsky, he represents. The editorial of the New The Times in its editorial points to York Times and the ravings of Jorge in the the following extract from the Carina Daily Worker on May 5, 1931 are only a diary quoted by Trotsky: hope they will foretaste of the floods of calumnious hang this Duma Deputy, Kedrinsky (she fluids that will pour forth like a deluge means Kerensky. for his horrible speeches.
from the mouths and pens of professional It is necessary martial law and it will slanderers of all shades in a concerted at be an example. All are thirsting and praytempt to besmirch and discredit the ideas ing that you will be firm. The editorial that triumphed in October 1917. Each be remarks that to find this extract in Trottrays the only usable ideological weapon sky story of the Russian Revolution is at its disposal for combatting the invincl nothing short of astonishing. It asks: ble ide of th international revolution Was it sheer inadvertence on Trotsky ists: slander multiplied by slander.
part to cite a document so favorable to It noteworthy to ohserve that the Kerensky place in history? The Times opening outbursts of both the Daily Worker thus implies that Trotsky estimate of and the Times appear on the same day; that Kerensky rôle in the revolution has both refer to the same literary work of changed. Nothing could be more insidious Trotsky: and that both employ symiliar and false.
methods of distortion. If we were to pursue Why does Trotsky quote what the the mechanics of reasoning peculiar to the Czarina wrote? For the simple reason Stalin school (and so ably practised by its that he is relating history, that is, facts exponent Browder. we would have to illuminated by a Marxist interpretaton. If come to the unescapable conclusion that the Times had accused Trotsky of inventing there exists a united front between the the statement made by the wife of Nicholas Daily Worker and the New York Times, II, then there might be some sense in its and that their actual merging is merely a insinuations. But how the comments of a question of expediency. would be bigoted and superstitions Czarina could in forced to conclusion, by the very facts any way determine the evaluation of the themselves, that parleys had been proceed role of Kerensky in the revolution by Troting all winter between Ochs and Foster. sky remains a mystery insoluble by ordinHow otherwise can the simultaneous at ary human logic. Through this quotation, tack on Trotsky be explained? However we must patiently explain to the editors we will relegate to Browder the task of of the Times who understand this no less cogitating on the strange phenomena of than we, that Trotsky reveals the feelings politics.
We will meanwhile proceed to and state of mind in the ruling circles of expose the mendacious nature of their as the monarchy in the face of impending catsertions.
astrophe. To the Czarina, Kerensky repreSlander has its own methods and its sented a sinister menace, but to Trotsky, own technique. For example there is the and te history he still represents a desprimitive or elementary form in which to picable and sorry figure. The subsequent the object of its fury is ascribed an out chapters will confirm this a thousandfold.
right and outrageous falsehood. high The vituperations of Jorge are to be er form is to tear out some isolated quo distinguished from those of the Times only tation from its context and from the cir by their vulgarity and incoherence. His cunstances in which it was made and in scurrillous rantings sound as if they had terpret it to the utmost disfavor of its been written by an imbecile, or to put it author. This method has the advantage of more precisely by just a plain ass. Jorge appearing clothed with authenticity. Then writes: The Czar was a half wit. That is there is a third method of quoting an ex why there was a revolution. This, you cerpt that your opponent has quoted for (Continued on page 5)