BolshevismCapitalismCominternCommunismCommunist PartyLeninLeninismMarxismOpportunismSovietSpainStalinismTrotskyURSSUnited FrontWorkers MovementWorking Class

Defend the Philly Militants. Organization Notes THE LAST OPEN FORUM Several weeks have elapsed since the task to defend workers as soldiers in the THE SUBSCRIPTION DRIVE ORGANIZATION PROGRAM arrest of comrades Goodman and Morgen class struggle. To pretend that the stern of the Philadelphia branch of the bureaucrats are carrying out their duty The subscription drive has not yet gainOrganization progress can again be reCommunist League, under the notorious by offering a lawyer to represent the worked its full momentum, though this week ported from most of our branches. New Flynn Sedition law of the state of Pennsy ers involved within the confines of captreport shows a great improvement. It is members have been admitted in MinneaIvania. It will be remembered that the talist law, is to be betray the very princtimportant to bear in mind the approaching polis, Philadelphia and New York during two comrades were arrested for distributing ples on which it was built.
inactivity of the summer months, and to the last two weeks. From the appearance the leaflet on unemployment issued by the double our efforts in behalf of this camThe Left Opposition will not look of orders filled National Comittee of the League, calling our heaqduarters, the paign.
on passively. It will demand that the case branches in Philadelphia, Boston, Chicago for a solid united front of workers and of Goodman and Morgenstern be brought to That the getting of subscriptions for and Minneapolis have been particularly acjobless around the slogans of the six hour the attention of the broad masses of the The Militant is not a difficult task, has been tive in literature distribution; the orders day without reduction in pay, unemployment American workers together with those of proven by comrade Goldberg of St. Louis. filled for the last two mentioned have run insurance paid by the bosses and administhe other Communists under indictment by He sent in 14 subscriptions at one time. into several hundred pamphlets for each.
tered by the workers and the demand that the capitalist courts. It will demand the What can be done in St. Louis by one mem In the Illinois mine fields our comrades the government extend long term credits to right of Left Oppositionists to be defended ber, can surely be duplicated by the larger have taken up active work trying to apply the Soviet Union, as a concrete step toward as class fighters, who need not alone strictbranches. But we regret to report that the our policy and build the Left wing forces creating jobs for thousands of unemployed.
larger branches ly legal protection in the confines of the are falling far behind. in the present new union movement. With The International Labor Defense from the bosses courts, but the mass support of the Chicago comes next. This branch secured assistance given from the center it became first showed great reluctance in giving any revolutionary workers in transforming their new subscriptions since the last report, possible to have a couple of our comrades, aid to the two Left Oppositionists. It was case, together with that of Lawrence, Ryder, while New York got only Minneapolis, who are coal miners tour the state. In only after a few pressing inquiries from Lynn and the other Communists struck as always, is working hard. They have addition Comrade Oehler is also making a impartial rank and Alers that the by class justice, into a large defense move new subs. to their credit.
tour. This work was made possible only bureaucrats began to take the affair serment arouse the workers of this coun The total in favor of the drive is 60 throi a special effort the part of seyiously, pussyfooting all the time without try against the designs of the boss govern new subscriptions and renewals.
eral of our branches, New York alone contaking a definite stand and refusing to conment to drive the revolutionary labor move The branches must get seriously busy.
tributing 90. 00 for this purpose.
sider the case together with those of the ment underground. The fight of Pelz, Law Every member should become a subscriber In Minneapolis the labor movement is other class war prisoners.
rence, Lynn, Ryder, Goodman and Morgen or get one new subscriber. The list of witnessing quite some unprecedented police Recently two local branches of the stern to present the views of militant Com expirations should be visited by our mempersecution. All Communist meetings and have sent in demands for information muniem before the oppressed and exploited bers. The New York branch must wake up.
demonstrations have been ruthlessly broken on the case to the national office of the tollers of America must take the form of up. Our branch, however, has succeeded in defense organization. member of the a broad united front of all workers ortaking up leadership toward more active National Committee of the International ganizations standing on the standpoint of worker resistance. It has raised the issue Labor Defense, comrade Gerry Allard of the class struggle It must rally as one of right of free speech, carried it to the Illinois, has also protested against the solid, fighting proletarfan phalanx Large trade unions, and has succeeded in getting Bhameful discrimination shown against our masses of American workers to prevent several locals on record to fight back in comrades.
the capitalists from drawing the an effective manner. Our members are even noose In reply to these inquiries and protests, tighter about their necks and to go over to being charged by the Stalinites with the the officials of the organization give the the victorious offensive against them. unforgivable crime of busting into workers Το lame excuse that the case was handled transfuse the factional struggle that united front conference in this case one has apart from the and that the its proper place in the internal struggle organized by the Unfortunately the IL as a class struggle organization, of the party, into an organization that ocStalinites are failing even to give proper does not enter into any compromises. cupies itself with the class defense of all support or to endeavor to maintain mass with any other organization. This is both workers hit by boss rale is to drive a wedge contacts.
April 25: DIALECTIC MATERIALISM falsehood and rot. Comrades Morgenstern into the fighting front against capitalism.
The Kansas City branch has adopted an and Goodman themselves went up to Ross, It must not be tolerated. And it will not By Arne Swabeek ambitious program to be carried out by the local organizer of the and pre be. Despite the bureaucrats, the class May 1st. It includes securing renewals sented their case to him. Furthermore, at struggle united front of the workers, in at the from every present Militant reader, securing the anti Sedition conference called by the defense of all their vanguard fighters will LABOR TEMPLE five new yearly subscriptions, increase the on March 1, our comrade Whitten be achieved.
bundle sales from 20 copies to 50 and colpresented the case openly and fully, under Communist workers. Demand the class 14th Street and Second Avenue lecting for the Expansion Program 125. 00.
barrage of abuse from the bureaucrats, defense of Goodman and Morgentsern from Open at P.
It is already in the course of fulfillment: led by Engdahl, who were conducting the the bundle order has been increased, the the Stalinist officials of the LD! Help meeting. These are the facts. The shape a Arm front of all militant workers Admission: 25 subs. are coming in and we have received for its part, although it promised to take up for the Expansion Program so far 50. 00 against the attempt of the goevrnment to the defense of the two Opposition fighters, railroad Lawrence, Ryder, Goodman, Mor Auspices: New York branch, Communist (reported in previous Issue)
has failed to make any serious attempt in The total receipts for the Program of genstern and the other class fighters!
League of America (Opposition. this direction. From our comrades we learn Expansion were: that under pressure from the workers in the ranks of the organization, they have finally agreed to handle the legal side of Friend the matter. more outrageous, more Following the presentation of a state fronts every party member. The party of(N. 25. 00 cowardly evasion of elementary revolution ment to the membership of the Communist ficials cover the real causes of the organi. 750 ary duty has seldom been witnessed. Party in the Mineapolis district, comrade zational situation in the party with floods Shoeworker The International Labor Defense was Clem Forsen, organizer of the Trade Union of talk on organizational weaknesses thus (N. 00 built on a class struggle basis. It is its Unity League in St. Paul, and active party directing the attention of the members away Al Glotzer worker for years, was expelled by the party from policies. 500 (N. 00 The position of a Communist should bureaucrats for his solidarity with the Bureaucracy is talked about and fought Geo. Saul the statement, which reviews concisely be to propagate the ideas of Communism with the most disgusting insincerity. The statement, which reviews conscisely the small functionary who apes large and (N. c. 75 and not hide them. To win over the masses 250 position and development of the party and and not united fronts purely for the sake learns from him is made the example. New Boisnert the Comintern for the past period, comrade of united fronts, by applying correct Leninand queer kinds of bureaucrats are un Los Angeles 10. 00 Forsen wrote in part: Ist tactics.
covered. Criticism on fundamentals is supMinneapolis Resume. am especially appealing to all mem pressed, it is substituted with a counterfeit 1, 000branch 60. 00 self criticism.
bers whom have worked with in the past The split in the fraternal organization was a blunder and has done great years and mith whom have struggled for Demand the return of Trotsky to the New Haven the correction of gross evils and conduct, damage to the revolutionary movement.
Soviet Union and his readmission into the branch 00 750 The attitude to the is the carried on by a narrow and impudent bur party of the proletariat, as well as the enChicago same as to the other fraternal organizations, eaucracy, to take an accounting of past the Left Opposition which is now banished branch 11. 00 allowing a more liberal attitude in certain events in the party and the revolutionary to prison camps in the far parts of the cases, because of a more radical composi movement in the past years, then to take Soviet Union. Demand the stop of vicious 500 118. 755 tion of the membership up a study of the platform and program of slander and suppression of the Left OpClass conscious workers when Join the Left Opposition, thus learning the cor position in America as well as throughout Previously rect answers to the many questions that the world. Join ing a fraternal organization should give the Communist League reported 346. 00 250 preference to those where the membership constantly arise in our work in the party. Opposition. the harbinger of victory for Total to Is more backward and thereby be of greater which all the propaganda of the official the proletariat. Demand the return to the date 464. 75 service to the movement.
party does not answer. The party must policies of Lenin for our party. The In4. relentless struggle against the come first. Every revolutionary worker ternational Left Opposition is the hope of opportunist Right wing (Lovestoneites) and must have the greatest concern for his the proletariat.
liquidators of the Communist movement. party.
Without a correct party program Comrade Forsen statement and the am sending this statement to the and policy, our class shall be led to defeat arbitrary action of the party apparatus Militant because, after reading the appeal after defeat, and the punishment for its which, in Minneapolis, has already expelled to the Red Needle Trades Workers and the defeats shall fall heaviest upon our party. para seu SOLJ0M unutOO 180q əqs appeal on Unemployment, have come to No worker Party member should allow him considerable interest and discussion in the the conclusion that only the Communist Left self to be provoked by conditions in the party ranks. The open adherence of comOpposition (Bolshevik Leninists) has given party to quit the party and drift into a rade Forsen to the Left Opposition cannot correct Marılan evaluation of the objec state of inactivity and apathy towards the but have an excellent effect in clarifying tive conditions and followed it up with class struggle.
the dispute in the Communist movement and Leninist tactics. Only people fired by a Lack of success due to incorrect pol strengthening the influence of the Opposirevolutionary zeal, armed with the know icy leads the bureaucracy to make arbitrary tion. In the Twin Cities, the branch of ledge of Marxism and Leninist tactics, demands for results upon the lower func the Communist League is forging ahead, directed by the co worker of Lenin and the tionaries. The membership carries the bur gaining in membership and prestige, in spite theoretician and leader of the revolutionary den of failures from policy. The mass or of the obstacles put in our path by the movement, Leon Trotsky, can produce such ganizations do not grow. Extensive appar party bureaucrats on the one hand, and thorough and timely analysis of a wonderful periodical as the Militant, atus is set up, the masses expected to fill the of labor skates, plus police re the present situation in Spain, the which is a source of knowledge for thinking the ranks do not respond. The party mempressions, on the other.
causes for the Republican moveCommuniste.
bers must fill the ranks and do ork. The tion of comrade Forsen is a welment, and prospects for the hope this statement will serve as a Over organization, over work of the activ come sign, and only one of the many indicabasis for a discussion on this important ists follow Chronie organizational crises working class victory tions of the ferment that cannot be entirely problem and that you will give due con in all parties exist. New members lay down 10e ench suppressed by the artificial bureaucratic 7e in bundles sideration to it, the result of which hope, and quit. Old members answer stringest calm with which the apparatus stifles all Order from will be a thesis on the work in fraternal demands with evasions, bluffs that years thought in the party. The Opposition is THE MILITANT organizations which will serve as a guide of faction struggle have taught them. The determined to win to its banner the best 84 East 10th St. New York, to every revolutionary worker. Neither the results are that there is apathy and dull Communist workers in the party. We are Centrtat leadership of the party nor the ness in the life of the units. There are fighting to purge our party of that trinity Right wing liquidators can give the proper chronic outbursts of disgust and anger, of evils bureaucratism, opportunism and the revolutionary militants in the party solution for the problem confronting the petty intrigues and other corruption. Lack adventurism which has dominated it so who disobey the Stalinist command not to napol itionary workers. of serious political discussion and work con disastrously for years. With the aid of think, we shall triumph in our fight.
Clem Forsen, St. Paul TUUL Head, Expelled TROTSKY The Revolution in Spain