CominternCommunismEngelsLeninMarxSpainSyndicalismTrotskyWorking Class

Expansion Program Headway Organization Notes Expansion Program Since our last report of progress on our Program of Expansion we have received further definite word from various braches, The Minneapolis branch definitely pledges to raise 500. 00. The Boston branch pledges 100. 00. Two of our small branches, one in Montreal, Canada and the other in New Haven, Conn. pledged one certificate per number. The Chicago branch estimates that it will be able to raise about 00. 00 its first definite pledge amounting to about 35. 00.
The Boston Branch has forwarded 25 as the first installment on this pledge.
From the Kansas City Branch we have re ceived 50 as a first contribution to further the program.
During the last two weeks we have been circularizing a number of sympathizers and supporters endeavoring to explain just what we have in mind with our program of expansion and asking for their support. It is yet too early to expect definite replies but past experience leads us to believe that the appeal to such comrades will bring results. However, there are many more such supporters throughout the country who may not be on our mailing list. It is therefore important that our comrades, where we have branches, make a canvass of their city and bring this program before sympathetic elements and follow up with a planned campaign asking for definite support.
From National Office we are following up to carry out part of the program. The formal launching of the publishing company only awaits the completion of the first 500 contribution, all the preparatory arrangements being ready.
Contributions received since the last report are as follows: ROLL CALL ON THE PROGRAM OF EXPANSION 000 1, 750 4 5 500 25 2 250 Our Program of Expansion is on the the weekly publication of the Militant, way. Tie results so far are very gratify. thirdly the second National Conference of ing and testify to the vitality of the Left our League, and fourthly the strengthening The Sub Drive Communist Opposition movement.
of the staff and the publication of a theorFOR 500 NEW SUBSCRIBERS Its central object is, of course, the one etical monthly.
AND RENEWALS of building and strengthening this move. The organization of the publishing comment. In substance, it provides the organiThe Militant does not scare you with pany will naturally mean much greater ex screeching headlines about the danger of zational measures of progress intended for tension of our propaganda possibilities. It coordination with our advance in a poli will facilitate both the publication of more suspension unless you do thus and thus and thus.
tical sense.
Marxian literature as well as extend its This does not mean however that Are we making any such advance? Un avenues for circulation. But this, imporThe Militant comes out of magic. Only doubtedly everyone of our comrades and tant as it is, will be small compared with YOUR CO OPERATION makes it possible.
supporters can notice a perceptible upward the next step to follow, the establishment The National Executive Committee has turn in several respects. General political of the Militant permanently on a weekly followed the policy of working within the steps taken cannot, of course, be disasso basis. Through a weekly paper we can so limits of the possibilities of the organization.
ciated or considered separately from much more seriously think of becoming a Forward steps have been taken when it was organizational ones and certainly not within factor in the general working class movefelt that the membership and sympathizers the Communist movement having a definite ment and wield actual influence with our in the field were ready for them.
political object and requiring an organizaviews. weekly Militant, reflecting our review of the organization for the platform in every day life, becoming tion to carry it into life. Therefore we a past two and a half years shows a positive, may start in recording an advance on the guide in struggles and speaking regularly steady, solid growth even if a slow one.
basis of a very healthy increase in the ac to the workers; this, together with an acYOUR CO OPERATION made it possible.
tivities of our various branches. There are tually functioning organization will spell definite reasons for this. First, there is a real advance and simultaneously lay the Now, we have reached point where we growth of opportuniti in the slowly ris foundation for yet bigger tasks.
feel confident that the circulation of The ing activity of the working class. Our num Our second National Conference is to Militant can be substantially increased.
bers are gradually increasing and several be held soon.
Our National Committee is of our branches have been better consoli preparing the theses and preparing for the WILL YOU HELP?
dated. But above all there is the streng discussion to take place. For us preparaIF YOU ARE READER OF THE thened conviction of our membership as to tions of such theses do not mean merely MILITANT. SUBSCRIBE!
the correctness of the position which we to arrive at formulations of problems and IF YOU ARE SUBSCRIBER GET ONE have taken. Proofs of this correctness, are tasks to be used for quotation purposes or NEW SUBSCRIBER multiplying daily in the experiences of the to be scrapped when the whims of a new IF YOUR SUBSCRIPTION HAS EXPIRED class struggle. Gradually we are also suc turn arrive. We expect our theses particu RENEW!
ceeding better in carrying our plaltform lar to supplement our platform in the sense Thus far we have received only 31 new into life in the sense that in its every day of drawing the necessary conclusions from subscriptions and renewals. They came from application, we translate it inore firmly developments since it was written. We ex the following branches: New York 8; into a positive position for our movement. pect them to be a means of greater clarity Chicago 8: Minneapolis 8; Boston 2; We are not merely Oppositionist critics but within our own ranks and to give concrete Cleveland 1: St. Louis 1; Misce laneous learning step by step to give our Left Com direction to the working class movement. This is a slow beginning but we feel munist views concrete form and make them Our second conference, the third step of sure that the next report will be much bigstand out more clearly against those of the our Program of Expansion, should on this ger.
basis again record a further advance. From Rebecca Sacharow of the Chicago Branch The unemployment question, for example, this, the necessity of reaching the fourth leads with individual results. If comrade which is now the most important one before step, the building and strengthening of a Sacharow continues to send in the subscripthe working class, is also one in which we functioning staff, and the publication of a tions as fast as she has up to now, she will have succeeded to make a commendable be theoretical monthly, become perfectly ob soon be entitled to the prize of My Life ginning toward presenting an objective rev vious.
by Trotsky.
olutionary estimate of the situation. This To recapitulate: The greatest signifiSPECIAL OFFERS has enabled us to draw definite conclusions cance in our Program of Expansion, we To stimulate the drive for 500 new subfor the road which the Communist move believe, lies in the fact that it becomes scriptions and renewals, we are making the ment as a whole will have to follow it a means of coordinating the necessary or following special offers, good only for the it is at all to fulfill its historic tasks. While ganizational progress with political developduration of the drive.
the official party may reject these definite ment and advance. Its fulfillment means With every year sub. for 00 talking in dollars and cents. From the reviews today it will not be able to do so FREE either one of the following Trotsky ports elsewhere in this issue our readers tomorrow pamphlets: will notice that we are well on the way Just by way of another example we Criticism of the Draft Program of the Commay mention the article in this very issue to making the first hurdle but as soon as it munist International.
dealing with present Jetelopments in the is made we will hope to advance yet faster Strategy of the World Revolution or Since Illinois mine fields. It contains definite to the second and third and on to the Lenin Died by Max Eastman completion of the program.
proposals made by our National Committee With every mos. sub. for 00 to the miners Left wing union movement STATEMENT OF THE OWNERSHIP, FREE any of the following Trotsky pamfor a correct attitude towards these develMANAGEMENT, CIRCULATION, ETC. phlets: opments and for the necessary conclusions REQUIRED BY THE ACT OF CONWorld Unemployment and the Five Year which must flow therefrom. This makes GRESS OF AUG 24, 1912.
Plan one more advance in translating our platCommunism and Syndicalism Of The Militant, published twice a month form into real life. Organizational steps The Revolution in Spain must not only at New York, for April 1, 1981.
keep progress with such advances but must by all means proState of New York: Trial subs. months for 250 ceed in the same tempo. On this side of County of New York With yearly subs. 10. 00 the ledger, in addition to the increased acBefore me, a Notary in and for the State FREE copy of Trotsky My Life tivity displayed by our branches, we may and county aforesaid personally appeared With yearly subs 00 again remind our comrades of the progress Max Shachtman, who, having been duly FREE bound volume of The Mitant for made in our literature publication. Today sworn according to law, deposes and says and a half years.
we have the following pamphlets by Trotsky that he is the Managing Editor of the With yearly subs. 00 Militant and that the following is, to the already in circulation: The Program Critic FREE colorful beaded watch fob, made best of his knowledge and belief, a true ism The Strategy of the World Revolution by comrade Malkin while in prison.
statement of the ownership, management. The Turn in the Communist International and the German Situation World Unetc. of the aforesaid publication for the employment the Five Year Plan The date shwn in the above caption, required Spanish Revolution Communism and Synby the Act of August 24, 1912, embodied Mahatma Gandhi, who recently quit the dicalism.
preparation we have The in section 411, Postal Laws and Regulations, Lovestone group to join hands with MacPermanent Revolution. A:11 of this is printed on the reverse of this form, to wit: Donald, is having an exceedingly uncomsplendid revolutionary propaganda material That the names and addresses of the fortable time of it in India. Despite the distined to become the future text books publisher, editor, managing editor and busifact that Lovestone announced a while ago of the revolutionary movement alongside of ness managers are: that Gandhi was the symbol of the revoluthe works of Marx, Engels, and Lenin.
Publisher: Communist League of America tion in India, there seems to be a large The completest possible harmony be(Opposition) 84 East 10th St. New York, number of Indian revolutionists who, acNY.
tween the tempo of political advance and cording to press dispatches, are violently opEditor: None.
organizational progress is essential and in posing the treasonable pact between Gandhi Managing Editor: Max Shachtman, 84 this lies the significace of our Program of and Britain. At Karachi, Gandhi almost East 10th St.
Expansion. Each step contemplated becomes had his skull laid open. It appears to us Business Manager: Rose Karsner, 84 East one of additional strength. We will just that for the sake of Auld Lang Syne, and 10th St. New York City.
repeat again these steps. First, the organifor the bodily protection of the symbol of That the owner is. Communist League zation of the publishing company, secondly the revolution. the Lovestone group should of America (Opposition. 84 East 10th St. have the decency to send, let us say, Ben Cannon, 84 East 10th St. Gitlow to India as Gandhi bodyguard. It NY. Max Shachtman, 84 East 10th St. WATCH YOUR SUBSCRIPTION NUMBER!
is true that Gitlow has an overpowering Y. Maurice Spector, 84 East 10th St. inclination to being kidnapped from time to Arne Swabeck, 84 East 10th St. time, but we feel that even this danger This issue of The Militant is No.
should be risked to protect a so much abused That the known bondholders, mortIf the number on your wrapper is less than symbol gages, and other security holders owing or 66, you should send in your renewal. All holding per cent or more of total amount embracing affiant full knowledge and belief expirations are cut off the mailing list unof bonds, mortgages, or other securites are: as to the circumstances and conditions unless the renewal is received before the next None.
der which stockholders and security holders issue goes to press. That the two paragraphs next above, who do not appear upon the books of the THE MILITANT, giving the names of the owners, stock hold company as trustees, hold stock and secur84 East 10th St. ers, and security holders, if any, contain ities; and this affiant has no reason to beNew York City not only the list of stockholders and secur lieve that any other person, association, or Enclosed please find.
ity holders as they appear upon the books corporation has any interest direct or inof the company but also, in cases where renewal directs in the said stock, bonds, or other the stockholder or security holder appears securities than as so stated by him.
NAME upon the books of the company as trustee Max Shachtman, Managing Editor.
ADDRESS or in any other fiduciary relation. the name Sworn to and subscribed before me this 30th of the person or corporation for whom such day of March 1931.
CITY STATE trustee is acting, is given; also that the Geo. Lorch, Notary Public.
said two paragraphs contain statements (My Commission expires March 30, 1931. Saul Clarke Glotzer Lewitt Stone Gutringer Friedman Sterling Swabeck Berensmeyer Fisher Anonymous Boston branch Kansas City Branch 10 1, 000 10 10 25 750 50 500 157. 00 Previously reported 189. 00 Total to date 346. 00 250 THE SYMBOL MUST BE PROTECTED! What Has Happened in III. Continued from page 1)
sues of the American Miner, is not for any real interests of the miners, but either to form a independent Illinois miners union with Frank Harrington at the head or else to lull the militancy of the miners to sleep and then drive them into Lewis union.
Playing up the name of Frank Farrington in the last two issues of the American Miner would seem that Ameringer is heading in the first direction. Regardless of what Ameringer attempts to do, his influence among the miners is small and he will not get very far which every way he turns.
The most potent force in the present struggle is the rank and file movement, especially the Educational Body at Staunton, where for the last two Sunday meetings, miners from all parts of Illinois and even Indiana have gathered together, endorsed the calling of an international Miners Union to meet in St. Louis and further went on record for the following: For division of work; shorter work day: power to the pit committees to settle local grievaces; Union control of the leading machines; organize the unorganized. etc.
The calling of the convention for the purpose of organizing a new international Miners Union is a healthy sign and should meet with the approval of the rank and file miners of this country. It is now the duty of the Left wing, especially the Communist miners to clear out of the ranks of the miners the last remnants of reaction and elect men from the pits as officials o the new miners organization, to adopt demands of the Staunton Educational Bor 66