BourgeoisieCapitalismCominternCommunismEngelsEnglandFranceGermanyImperialismItalyLeninLeninismMarxSovietTrotskyURSSWorking Class

The European Grain Meet Communist Tasks and on February 28, they met for a two day the Workmens Circle As a first move in his general economic, and later, political unity plan, Briand called together twenty four European countries.
recently and France, The American Big Stick Succeeds in Disrupting the Conference session in Paris. On February 27, the second day of the conference, a bombshell was (NOTE: The contribution which folA number of months ago, Aristide has been artifically held much above that thrown into the meeting. The Farm lows was made by a sympathizer of the Briand announced that definite steps had of the world market, with the aid of the Board announced its intention of selling Left Opposition who is an active militant been taken to insure the birth of a United tariff. Thus, while December wheat in 1931 35, 000, 000 bushels of wheat in the European States of Europe. On February 28, we read in the Workmen Circle. It is published was selling on the market in Chicago at 76 market. vivid account of the reception as a discussion article on a subject of conof the results of the first attempt alas! cents, in Winnipeg, the same wheat was this news met with can be seen from the siderable importance to the Communist and it was a miscarriage, a miscarriage caused quoted at 54 cents. To repeat, the Grain report of the Paris correspondent of the Left wing movement and we invite all by what in time may be recognized as the Parley set itself the task of first stabilizing New York Times (February 27. workers active in the field which comrade midwife of European consternation. the the price and at the same time distributing feeling closely akin to consternation discusses to send in their opinions for United States.
the world surplus.
developed in the European grain confer publication. Ed. We refer to the concluded ence late this afternoon when it was learned The solving of the grain problem was Turopean Grain Parley held at Paris on to be its immediate purpose. But in addithat the United States Farm Board has deHistory repeats itself. Again we pose February 25 28. At the time Briand adtion to this, or rather superseding this, it cided to sell 35, 000, 000 bushels of wheat the question: What are the tasks of the vanced his theory of an All European Unwas to serve as the first step in the Panin continental markets at a price consider Communists in the fraternal organizations?
ion, it was recognized by all that the major Europa scheme. Discussing the conference, ably below that maintained at home Will it not sound ridiculous to some comconsideration would have to be economic coThe Business Week (March 4, 1931. has the Some of the delegates hesitated to believe rades? Yes, but only to those that have operation. Political unity, yes, but only following to say: the American government would.
been so blind or asleep as not to notice through economic cooperation. Dr. Hjalmar The feeling of consternation soon the violent convulsions the Communist Schacht, of the German Reichsbank, writing That is why Briand, in opening the changed to one of sound business. In movement has gone through, especially since for the Yale Review Winter 1931) has the meeting, called it the first real test of the the same report we read: Good will has the ultra Left turn due to the birth of following to say in regard to Briand plan: idea of European solidarity which he has not been lacking, but in the words of one theory of the third period by the great It was interesting to notice that at been fostering for the past year. If it is delegate, Business is business and import theoretican of our time, comrade Molotov.
successful, it may not only have immediate the recent session of the League of Nations ing countries cannot be expected to buy The task of the Communists, as formuAssembly, the mere political approach to practical effects on the European market, wheat at higher prices just to further the lated by Marx and Engels, is: to give a the Pan European problem made by France for American products, but it will be a long theory of European Union.
revolutionary consciousness to the struggles step toward realization of the French scheme was supported by almost nobody. But the for a United States of Europe as a poliTalk of a future grain parley is taken of the working class. How can this be economie side of the problem emphasaccomplished?
with very little enthusiasm. The United The present leadership of ized by spokesmen of several of the smaller tical and economic counterweight to the UniStates government, according to an an the Comintern wants to accomplish ted States. The Pan European movement of by nations. The Austrian Chancellor, Mr.
nouncement the Times (March 9) dethe method, e. by building real Schober, declared that the first move to a Briand was, in the words of one of the Latin clined to attend future conferences the revolutionary unions and fraternal organiEuropean Federal Union must be made in American representatives to the League of Nations to have as its underlying policy reason being that this government does not zations overnight. The Right wing (Lovethe economic sphere and that in his opinion consider that an international wheat constoneltes) are for going back to the organithe most practical method immediately posthe desire to free Europe from the present ference at this time would accomplish any.
zations which they left because of unity. sible was to attempt to bring about econoeconomic imperialism of North America (i. e. the thing of value to American producers. The with the Right wing, unity is above mic agreements among the countries inmarket is taking on a runaway character, everything now.
volved. The economic problem first to be The countries have their places on the particularly considering the fact that there Instead of trying to gain the hegemony solved through the Pan European plan was board. The moves are not such as are is no guarantee that the American marketthe grain problem.
easily analyzed. Europe is fighting for its over the working masses by activity, partiings might not exceed the quantity menlife, economically speaking. Europe feels Too Much Wheat cipation in the daily struggles of the masses tioned (the Farm Board has a total esti the greatest pupil of Lenin has introduced The major item under the question of the necessity of a united face against its mated holding of over 200, 000, 000 bushels the system of mechanical control and, in grain is of North American opponent.
course wheat. few lines Cooperation of wheat. order to gain this end, a system of lies, would be proper to indicate the type of among competitors, however, cannot be easThe United States has made its move deception and all other tricks of corrupt problem the conference attempted to solve. ily achieved. Germany takes a step towards politicians. He found fertile soil for it beand it was certainly done in a ruthless To state the matter briefly, the world has then looks coyly towards Wall manner. Faced by a falling profit at home, tween his proteges in the of the too much wheat. discounting all rumors Street. Italy is also kept busy racing bethe United States among other methods for tween Paris and New York City. More than Lovestone and Foster types.
of starving millions in the cities. And of keeping its total profit up, has taken this step How did that affect the work in the course directly linked up with the question ever are Trotsky words, written in 1928, of continuing to put Europe on rations. Workmen Circle and other fraternal organiof a great over production is that of a true today: In a critical epoch the hegeThe results of such a policy are best sum zations? Before answering this question it drop in price.
mony of the United States will prove even The wheat producing industry is like more complete, more open, more ruthless med up in these words: The repercussions is advisable to say a few words about the leadership that was put at the helm of this all others, being torn between the vice of of this policy will be heard in Europe in the than in the period of boom. The United activity.
deeper rumblings of the crisis and the hasThis leadership consisted mostly a discrepancy between capacity for produc States will try to overcome and get out of those that came to the Communist movetion and capacity tening of many revolutionary upheavals, for consumption. Even of its difficulties and helplessness primarily Wall Street has become the organizer of ment after the second split and as long as though actual production is much below the at the expense of Europe. Written over revolt.
there was a semblance of discussion on capacity for it (with the Farm Board of two years ago, we see the correctness of the still agitating for smaller acre the prognosis every day.
theoretical questions they did not find them selves at home. Their intellectual poverty ages. the wheat year statistically was was, astonishing, but they had gone through characterized by an excess of supplies over the school of the and the Forward needs. Annalist, November 16, 1930. The polities and learned all the tricks of the world is divided between what are termed wheat exporting an wheat importing counLike Ponce de Leon, who sought in which it seems deserted then a long time With the introduction of the tries, the major wheat exporting countries new being the United States, Argentina, Austravain the fountain of youth, the economists ago. and forever.
Leninism, the situation became more bear.
lia, Canada, and now once more the Soviet of capitalism the professional apologists Alexander Noyes, financial editor of able for these people. Since then, it has been Union. The price of wheat and the genfor the prevailing system of exploitation the New York Times, also spoke warningly easy sailing Their platform has become eral condition of the market is determined seek likewise for permanent or sustained about instalment purchases. In regard to loyalty and the group of Saltzman, Siegel, on Pollack, Costrell, Sultan, etc. have become a world scale. This of course means prosperity. And while the fruits of their stabilizing prosperity he spoke of the rethat what is most importat is the difference wisdom are so useful scientifically as alchstraining, if not the abolishing of the exthe greatest leaders of the Communist moveemy in an age of poison gas, their perform travagant booms in trade and on stock between the quantities exportable and those ment in the fraternal organizations. And needed by wheat importing countries. The ance reminds one of a dog chasing his tail.
market which precede and precipitate the they are well qualified for the work. The total world production of wheat for 41 During the period when the alleged protricks they brought with them have become hard times. There you have a solution in countries representing 96 percent of the sperity was surfeiting the broadest circles a nutshell! Hard times are precipitated by their stock in trade. The issues of corworld wheat crop outside of Russia and of the parastie ruling class (they re good times. In order to avoid precipiting ruption and honest elections obscured every China, compared as follows (Crops and not exactly starving now, either, in other issue. Is it any wonder that we have hard times let us abolish good times altoMarkets, January 1931. bacchanalism and luxury and grinding gether!
been losing ground in the See the 1929. 3, 348, 154, 000 bushels down the nerves and muscles of the difference between the delegation of 1925 William Foster, director of the Pol1930. 3, 649, 656, 000 bushels working class the capitalist ideologists lak Foundation for Economic Research, disat the convention in New Star Casino where Thus we see that there was an increase were we had 225 delegates and the following consounding the heavens with their agreed with both the preceding speakers.
of percent in world production in 1930 paeans of praise for the unsurpassable systions.
He thought that what this country needs is over 1929. Were Russia to be included in tem of individual initiative. But now conThe situation became hopeless for these increased consumption. One of the fundathe totals, the final increase would undoubt fronted with the stark reality of the crisis, mentals of sustained prosperity, Mr. Fospeople. They could show no results but loss edly be much larger than the discontent of the unemployed and stary.
of ground and were desperate.
percent. In ter said, is the making and selling of more connection with the above, we must rememing workers as well as the hard hit sections and more of the so called luxuries. Righto!
But lo! All of a sudden we heard the ber that there was being held in storeof petty bourgeoisie, they grope mystically There was always lurking in the minds of playing of trumpets. What happened? What houses what is technically known as a for the elusive formulae which will create all workers the suspicion that the reason was all this noise about? It was to herald carry over of over 418, 000, 000 bushels.
the unattainable sustained prosperity.
this country isn prosperous was that each the arrival of the the third period We Looked at from the point of view of ex Thus, four ardent defenders of capital one of them didn possess a Rolls Royce, are on the threshold of the social revports and imports there was available dur ism, authorities, men outstandingly compet a house of his own, a Stromberg Carlson, a olution! We have entered into the revoluing 1930 (Annalist)
ent, we are informed, to identify the fund yacht and several other small luxuries. All tionary situation with both of our feet for export. 1, 678, 000, 000 bushels amentals of sustained prosperity divulged workers should retrieve this mistake im(Molotov. etc. etc.
for import. 820, 000, 000 bushels the mysteries at a dinner of the Economic mediately and attain sustained prosperity. Of course, with the arrival of the revIn simple language this means that for Club in Hotel Astor recently. Each one of But for the solution par excellence we olutionary period, the army has to be reorevery bushel that a country like England the wise men had his own particular preneeded there were available two bushels. scription for the sustained prosperity, but must listen to George Roberts, vice presiganized; the tactics must be changed and dent of the National City Bank. His prooverhead goes everything that is still left The above condition could result in only in common, as the reporter of the New York gram is so realistic and practical that it of Leninism. Council of War is called one thing: an enormous drop in price, which Times puts it, they agreed simply on genis being applied unhesitatingly by the capi(in which Lovestone and his protegé, did take place.
eralities of the present situation, such as talists of the country. This hard headed Lifschitz, participated and concurred in the The Price Decline that it is a cure for unemployment to put financier of Wall Street said: The war decisions, but after their expulsion from the From the Crops and Markets report of men to work. Surely, they cannot be recaused an enormous demand for man power, party, changed front overnight. and the the Department of Commerce, we proached for lack of simplicity in their see a foodstuffs and many raw materials, resultcall is sent out to withdraw the army from gradual drop in the price paid to the Amcommon solution! But in their individual ing in a general rise of wages and prices.
the enemy territory and declare every erican farmer for a bushel of wheat: panaceas they supplemented this simplicity Now in the great fall of prices which has worker not answering the call a traitor, a December 1929 108. with the profundity of an Einstein.
occurred since the war, and particularly in social fascist and what not. This was met March 1930.
91. Magnus Alexander, consulting en the last year, prices and wages have not all with a sigh of relief by the above mentioned June 1930.
87. gineer for the General Electric Company and come down together. Wages do not move leadership. This was a wonderful chance September 1930 70. chairman of the National Industrial Con readily at any rate downward. The con to cover up their uptcy November 1930 60. ference Board, thought that what this coun clusion is clear: Slash wages. Reduce lowsimplify the work by just, indulging in selfDecember 1930.
61. try needs is a change in the anti trust laws er and lower the workers standard of llypraise and declaring themselves the adAverage 1929.
105. bigger and better trusts; deplored pur ing! Load the burdens on the backs of the vance guard, etc.
Average 1930.
60. chases on the instalment plan; ano adduced workers, and there will be sustained pros(To be continued The above gives one an idea of the prob sound advice such as: don overproduce, perity the workers sustaining on their OPPOSITION LECTURE AT BROOKWOOD em tackled by the Grain Conference. Stab don overspend, don oversave, don ignore backs the prosperous oppressors. Such is Max Shachtman, editor of the Militant, ization of the price, and in regard to the the law of reason in economic activities! the real solution of capitalism for susove, the problem is even greater than that If only our leaders of finance and industry will speak before the student body of the tained prosperity. All the rest is mere Brookwood Labor College on Friday, April icated by the figures for the United would follow the advice of Mr. Alexander! prattle.
24, 1931. The subject of his lecture will be tes. The price of wheat in the And especially if they retained their reason. GEORGE RAY the Program of the Left Opposition. SUSTAINED PROSPERITY»