BourgeoisieCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyEnglandLeninSocialismSovietStalinURSSUnited Front

combined coefficient of retardation of the that. But what we must not forget above At the conclusion of the five year plan, grain storage official, in explaining plan will thus be greater than 30 percent all is that the success of the stabilization che coal consumption per inhabitant in the the slowness of the storing by the insufand not 20 percent. There is the heritage of the chervonetz (which is absolutely indisU. will be one eighth that of the ficient pressure of the local power on the which falls to the third year in the sphere pensible) bear the germs of a no less great United States. The Soviet production of Kulak, makes the following reflection. The of capital construction.
deflation in industry and in economy as a oil is seven percent of the world production, calculations and the maneuvers of the Kulak The gaps in the plan cannot be filled whole. Uncertified, and especially, secret the United States producing 68 percent of are not at all complicated. If he is taxed at the expense of light industry, as was loans, made at the expense of the future it, that is, ten times as much.
with three tons, he can make up for them usual to a certain extent in the first two do not go unpunished.
Alore favorable relations exist in the by a penalty of 400 rubles. It is enough for years, since the most important retardation As to the general growth of industrial textile industry, but even here the differ him to sell upon the speculative market in the plan is to be observed precisely in production for the past two years, the figure ence in our disfavor is enormous: the Uni half a ton in order to recover his penalty the sphere of the production of finished ob is 52 per cent against 47 per cent provided ted States has 22. percent of the weaving with a surplus and thus retain for himself jects. According to the five year plan, light for by the plan, that is to say, an accountmachines, England. 34. percent, the Soviet two and a half ton of grain. This strikindustry should have risen in 1929 1930 by able increase of only per cent. If we Union percent. These figures become ing reckoning means that on the speculative 18 percent; according to the four year plan take into account the retardation from the all the more striking if one applies the num market the price of grain is at least six. by 23 percent. In reality, it rose only by point of view of quality, we can say with ber of weaving machines to the population times higher than the state price, perhaps 11 percent (according to other data, by 13 certainty that in the best case we have figures.
even eight or ten times higher, since we do percent. Yet, the dearth of merchandize approached during the first two years the The Soviet railway system will be in not know at what the surplus is to be requires extraordinary efforts in the sphere previsions of the plan, and that as a whole creased by the five year plan by 18, 000 valued. This is how the scissors, which are of light Industy.
only, that is to say, if we regard a whole 20, 000 kilometers and thus reach 80. only bourgeois prejudices to Stalin, pierce It has been stated that one of the spe series of internal disproportions only in 000 kilometers as against 400, 000 kilometers through Pravda and show their two points. cific tasks of the supplementary quarter thé abstract.
of American railways kilometer is ap. The communications on the progress of introduced between the second and the The characterization that we have made five eighths of a mile. Out of every 100 grain storage are given every day in Pravda third years was the stabilization by ev of the weighty heritage of the first two square kilometers in area, the United States under the epigraph: The struggle for grain ery possible means of the monetary ciren years of the five year plan does not reduce has 51. kilometers of railway. Belglum has is the struggle for socialism. But when lation and of the errtire financial system. in the least the significance of the successes 370 km. the European part of the Lenin employed this phrase he was far from This is an official admission for the first that have been acquired.
These successes has 13. km. and the Asiatic pant has thinking that the country had entered time that the financial system is shaken up are enormous in their historical importance km.
into the period of socialism. The fact that at the end of the first two years of the five and the more significant because they The figures of the merchant marine are one is obliged to fight yes, to fight! for year plan by an empirical leadership devold were obtained despite the uninterrupted erstill less favorable. England share in the grain, simple grain, shows that the country of all planning. The monetary inflation rors of the leadership. At the same time, world merchant marine is 30 percent, the is still extremely far off from the socialist signifies nothing less than an uncertified the actual acquisitions not only do not United States is 22. percent. that of the régime.
loan contracted at the expense of the years justify the lightheadedness with which the Soviet Union percent.
The elementary foundations of theory to come. Therefore it will be necessary to jump is being made from five years to four The United States. in 1927, had almost cannot be trampled upon with impunity. repay this loan in the next few years. The years, but do not even give any guarantee 30 percent of the world total of automobiles, One cannot contine himself to the socialist appeal for the stabilization of monetary for the execution of the plan foreseen for while the share o the Soviet Union was not forms of production relations forms which circulation demonstrates that although we five years, because that necessitates the pay.
even to be calculated in tenths of a per are immature, rudimentary, and in agricul have entered into the period of socialism ment exacted the disproportions and cent.
At the end of the five year plan, ture, exceedingly fragile and conflicting it is necessary not to liquidate the cher gaps of the first two years in the course 158, 000 automobiles are provided for in the and make an abstraction of the principal vonets, but rather to keep it intact. As to of the three years to come. The less the country. This means: one machine for factor of social development the produc the theory, here it is simply turned upside leadership will prove capable of foresight, more than 1, 000 people (today, there is one tive forces. The socialist forms themselves down.
of raising their ears to warning, the heavier machine for every 7, 000 people. Accord have or can have an essentially different PAST MISTAKES AND will the debt become.
ing to Ossinski, at the end of the five year social content in accordance with the level THE FATE OF THE PLAN To verify the progress made by the plan we will easily outstrip Poland (if it of technique. The Soviet social forms on In this alling state of the chervonetz five year plan, to keep an eye on some remains at its present level. the basis of American production that is all the errors, all false calculations, branches, to curb others not on the basis False theory indubitably signifies mis already socialism, at least in its first stage. all the precipitations, disproportions, gaps. of a priori figures that are inevitably intakes in policy. From the false theory of The Soviet forms the basis of Russian deviations and dizziness of the economic precise and conditonal, but on the basis of a socialism in one country flows not only a technique are only the first steps in the direction of the Centrists is summed up. concientious study of experiences that is vitiated general perspective, but also a crim struggle for socialism.
The ailing chervonetz constitutes the herit the chief task of economic direction. But inal tendency to paint up the present Soviet If one takes the level of present day age of the first two years of the five year it is precisely this task that presumes de reality.
Soviet life, the daily life of the tolling plan. To surmount the inerita of inflation mocracy in the party, in the trade unions HAVE WE ENTERED INTO THE masses, the cultural level, consequently, and is not on easy task. The application of and in the Soviets. The good progress of the number of illiterates and if one does the financial plan in the first month of the PERIOD OF SOCIALISM. socialist construction is impeded by the not lie, does not stuff his mind, if one does supplementary trimester bears witness to ridiculous and at the same time monstrous The second year of the five year plan not deceive himself or others, if one 18 This year the termination of the econo principle of the infallibility of the general is characterized in all the speeches and ar not addicted to the vice of bureaucratic de mic year has been carried forward from leadership, which is in reality only inconticles in this manner: The national eco magogy then it must be honestly recogn October to January which Inserts a sup sistency and the general danger.
nomy of the country has entered into the ized that the heritage of bourgeois and czar plementary quarter. To be Continued)
period of socialism. Socialism is declared ist Russia constitutes 95 percent of the daily already realized at its foundation. Every life, morals and customs of the overwhelmbody knows that socialist production, be it ing majority of the Soviet population, while only by its foundation is a production the elements of socialism represent only that satisfies the direct needs of man. How percent. And this is in no way in contra(Continued from page 1)
union on a class basis. Our has ever, in our country, with a frightful scarc diction with the dictatorship of the proletWhere are the Communist party and as its further policy the establishment of ity of merchandize experienced in the land, ariat, the Soviet regime, and the enormous National Miners Union forces now when this one union of all the coal miners of the heavy industry increased last year by 28. successes in economy. All this is the scal.
new rebellious movement is taking shape? country through the amalgamation of this percent, and light industry by only 13. per folding around the future edifice, or rather Unfortunately their complete departure from new union to he formed with other cent, putting a hindrance upon the basic around one of the corners of this edifice.
the correct policy of building the Left wing sectional organizations opposing the Lewisprogram. Even if this proportion which has To tell the worker builders who are erectwithin the existing mass movements, even Fishwick Walker machine, such as the new been realized is acknowledged as ideally ing this scaffoling with bricks and cement, though these may be under control of re union organized in West Virginia the right (which in no way corresponds to the who frequently do not appease their hunactionaries, has brought them to a posi National Miners Union. Such a union, in reality there will nevertheless follow that, ger and are liable to fatal accidents, to tell tion of complete isolation it not to use order to fulfill its role, must come about in the interest of a sort of primitive soc them that they can already move into this the stronger term complete discreditment. through this amalgamation on a devnite class ialist accumulation the population of the house. we have entered into socialism! The is non existent as an organi basis so that it will really be able to strugU. is obliged to tighten its best is to make fun of the builders and of soczation in Illinois, and there could be no gle against the operators under a militant more and more. But this indicates pre ialism.
better proof of fatal results from a de leadership and give the necessary guarancisely that socialism is impossible with a FOUR YEARS OR FIVE?
parture from correct policies. Today there tees for rank and file control through comlow level of production and it is only the is a splendid opportunity for a united Left plete union democracy and all the measures preparatory steps towards socialism that We are decidely opposed to the light wing to give actual leadership.
necessary to carry this into effect.
are possible.
ness with which the untested five year plan The misery of the conditions of the We urge the coal miners to make the Is it not monstrous: the country does has been converted into a four year plan. miners in the Illinois fields can hardly experiences of the past, fundamental object not rise out of the scarcity of merchandize, What do the facts tell us on this subject? be described. Unemployment and stark lessons for the future. These experiences the feeding difficulties exist every day, the The official figures of the growth of in misery stalks the coal producing territory. should be utilized as a warning against children lack milk and the official philisdustrial production mount for the second The Orient Mine No. 1, the biggest the corrupt officials and opportunist careerists tines declares: The country has entered year to 24. percent. The growth provided country, worked exactly 70 days during penetrating their ranks for the sole aim into the period of socialism. Could social for the second year of the five year plan 1930. Several small strikes are now in proof acquiring office in order to recome better ism be more fraudulently discredited (21. percent) is thus exceeded by per gress in southern Illinois, fought tooth and agents for the operators. It is necessary In spite of all the economic successes cent, but it is behind the four year plan by nail by the union officialdom, by the coal that the coal miners also learn serious in industry and agrarian economy, the storalmost percent. If one takes into ac operators, and by the state police. The lesson from the activities of Howat and age of grain today represents more of a count that with regard to the quality and mercenary combination the rank and file the part he played by becoming a progres political campaign than an economie opthe retail price there is a considerable re miners will henceforward find yet more sive shield for the underhanded treason eration, in other words, it is realized by tardation and that the calculable coefficient solidly opposing them. Their road is not of the Fishwick Walker combination. The state coercion. During the reign of the is attained by the lash, it will be clear that an easy one.
severest criticism and strictest vigilance will epigones, the word symtohka (alliance with in reality the second year unfolded itselt The National Committee of the Com help in safeguarding against repetiton. It the peasants) was spoiled in every sense, according to the rhythms of the five year munist League (Opposition. in view of the is necessary that the Left wing demand from but they forgot to give it the only correct plan and in no case according to the rhythms situation now existing in the Illinois coal Howat as a condition of joint action of all sense, which consists of creating economic of a four year plan.
fields calls upon the coal miners to oppose forces of the opposition movement now devrelations between town and country which In the field of fundamental construe with might and main the putting into efeloping in Illinois that he agree to this permits the country to exchange its protion, the provisions for the year 1929 1930 fect of the Lewis Fishwick Walker agree policy here outlined and that be be willing ducts, voluntarily and with ever increasing have not been realized; almost twenty per ment. We propose the Communist party to cooperate with the Left wing, including interest, for industrial products. Thus, the cent is lacking: the greatest retardation and the National Miners Union forces the the forces, for the realization of success of the alliance with the peasantry shows itself in the construction of new establishment of a united front of all Left this policy.
consists of the diminution of political gigantic metallurgical factories, in the in wing elements in support and possible leadTHE PHILADELPHIA CASES methods for the storage of grain, that is, stallations of coke production, in elementary ership of the present rank and file opposi From Philadelphia, we hear that the of coercion. This can be attained only by chemicals and electrical construction, that tion movement. It should by all means be is finally taking up the question of the closing of the scissors of industrial and is, in the fields which constitute the basis strengthened to bring a powerful delegation the defense of comrades Leon Goodman and agricultural prices. But Stalin has affirmed, of industrialization. At the same time, to the St. Louis convention on April 15. Bernard Morgenstern, two members of the thirteen years after the October revolution, the decline in construction costs of 14 per If at this convention there is a substantial Left Opposition arrested February 27 and that the scissors are only bourgeois precent provided for in the plan has been real delegation actually representative of the held for sedition. No definite action has judices. In other words he acknowledged ized only up to percent. clear, membership, the only correct road for the yet been taken, but we know from letters that the scissors are spreading instead of without commentary, what is the meaning convention to take must be a complete break received from many cities that protests of closing. There is nothing surprising in the of this bookkeeping four percent dragged out with the new unified clique of the officialdom, members played a distinct role in fact that the very word smytchka has by the hair: let us be thankful if the con their policies, and their views. This should compelling a change of front on the part completely dissappeared from the official struction costs have not increased. The result in the formation of a new miners of the organization directors.
The Rank and File of the Miners Revolt