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Recent Lessons in Strike Strategy yage increase award.
a Organization Notes tion, assumed a waiting attitude, wanting to see what would happen when the wage cut to také effect on Jan. 15. This again demonstrated that while the organized section can easily become the rallying Last summer, some very militantly remained practically leaderless. The card tionary ideology could only repel these point for the unorganized in a struggle, the fought strikes took place in the northern inal necessity in such a situation a cor workers. The revolutionary object is not opposite can rarely be the case even under industrial section of France. About 150, 000, rect united front policy, was completely ne to split away from the masses but to split the best of conditions. The picketing inmainly metal and textile workers, struck gated. The party and leader the masses away from the reactionary lead stituted by the strikers against the work.
against the provisions of a check off from ship rejected it. The capitalist agents of ers. Thus when the new arbitration award ers, otherwwise willing to resist the bosses their wages instituted by a new Social In the had, of course, no interest what came, providing for the original wage cut onslaught but to do it in such a manner as surance Act. Their demands were for a ever in a united front struggle. Theirs was to be applied in installments, the workers to make the union carry the fight, created wage commensurate with this solely the rôle of betrayal and it was made found themselves compelled to accept the a wall of antagonism between these two check off.
more easy by the failure of the revolutionsections. Simultaneously an immense police Of the greatest importance for the ary section apply this correct policy. The strike itself, a powerful incentive terror set in.
strategy of the revolutionary vanguard in Through the final defeat ensuing, the syn to the advancing struggles of the German The party again here advanced as the such a situation becomes the question: What dicalist bloe, those who are turning back workers, did not attain that objective. The main slogan the political general strike is the basic tendency of the working class ward to the Right, have now been streng immediate results were a victory for reac and made the strike object building of movement? To stop a moment here, one thened in their advocacy of unity of organi tion. In this, the serious mistakes of the new revolutionary urrion. Rote Fahne notices immediatelf the upward curve of zation. Such advocacy has, of course, noth revolutionary vanguard played their part.
commented: The Red Trade Union Opposiworking class struggle. Beginning with the ing in common with the united front policy. This general line of policy of the Com tion is pregnant with new unions (quite latter part of 1929 strikes again increased While the former can at the present mom munist party also led to practical disaster similar to what one has heard from the in France, in numbers, in participants, in ent mean only the solidification of the con in the Ruhr region when continued there. militaney, as distinct from the preceding trol and influence of the reactionaries, the The mine owners served notice of a wago On Jan. 4, this strike collapsed comyears.
First they embraced merely the latter policy, correctly applied, would go cut of 12 per cent affecting 300, 000 miners, pletely. It failed to draw in the majority lighter idustries but July last entered a long way toward weakening their hold to take effect Jan. 15. The reactionary un. of the workers. It lasted only four days.
also the heavier metal industry. Even the upon the masses.
ton officials intimated their willingnese to The defeat immediately instituted more unemployment crisis had not yet invaded Little little the capitalist agents of accept a per cent cut, thus greatly Incens police repression to crush any further posFrance. Conditions were excellent for an ing the rank and file workers. Naturally the and the Socialist party, reinsible resistance primarily, however, in offensive struggle.
forced by the police and military suppreshere was a great opportunity to win mass anticipation of the final arbitration award Was the Communist party strategy based sion, were finally able to divide and defeat sentiment, to lead directly all the miners, to be made. When this comes the workers upon such an upward curve? No, on the this splendid struggle of the workers, drivboth organized and unorganized into strug will already have suffered their major deing them back section by section with nothgle against the will of the officials; to win contrary. The French party had already feat, its advanced section crushed for the early in 1928, following Molotov brilli ing gained. The many failures of correct mass influence through correct union and time being and the militants further isolated ant example at the Tenth Comintern Plen policy yes, of correct strike strategystrike tactics. The essential point should from the masses.
have been to agitate and organize broadly um, placed France in the front trenches of helped to turn a potential victory into de Needless say that the serious a decisive revolutionary situation.
for a united resistance at the actual comThis, feat.
situation now prevailing in Germany, parmencement of the wage cut. Instead, the ticularly with the threat of fascism to crush of course, did not correspond with objective Recent German Experiences party rushed ahead calling a strike en all working class organization, it becomes reality. The reaction produced drove the party, way back to the rear and it found In Germany the most recent lessons be tirely over the head of theunions to com obligatory upon the revolutionary vanguard come of practically decisive importance be mence Jan. About 40, 000 miners itself at the tail of events when the work.
re. to alter fundamentally its strategical line, ers of the North pressed forward in strugcause of the extremely acute stage of the sponded, mostly unorganized, but with real and to pursue the tactics which will enable gle. History is merciless with those who class struggle. Only a couple of instances militant spirit. The overwhelming major it to play is historic rôle.
are at the tail of events. The party failed need be cited: the Berlin inetal workers ity, however, including the organized sec ARNE SWABECK.
utterly to prepare for this struggle and strike last September and the Ruhr miners even to recognize its actual significance.
strike in January this year. Both of them in different ways became major events. In Workers Divided in the Strike.
both instances, the treacherous crawling of The workers of the industrial north are the socialist trade union leaders before divided in the two existing unions. The their masters broke the workers ranks.
major section belongs to the which But we must add that the serious mistakes is under reactionary leadership. The mili committed by the revolutionary vanguard NEW YORK: Our branch, here, is the to put it over big. From Chicago likewise tant union, the counts only a slashed with the sharpness of a razor edge largest and liveliest branch in the League. comes the word that all members agree this minority within its ranks. The latter, as further into the already deep wounds of The members are taking active part in the program of expansion is correct and has a matter of fact, has witnessed a period of the German workers.
workers mass movements! those who are un real prospects of success. From Toronto, decline throughout the country during the Basically we note in Germany a sweep employed participate in the work of the Un Canada, the tells us that while last few years. From its high point of over ing capitalist offensive to lower further the employment Councils, others function in the he has not yet had the opportunity to bring 500, 000 members it has dropped to about already miserable standard of the workers. Trade Union field. Ten thousand unemploy the Program before the Branch, he is sure it 250, 000. The party keeping this union in With the long duration of the crisis, capi inent leaflets were distributed by this will be adopted.
mechanical leading strings has by no means talism could no longer effectively use the branch and it disposes of one thousand been a healthy factor. While in the final These replies indicate that the membercoalition social democratic government to copies of the Militant, regularly every issue.
ship sees possibilities of real progress under analysis the question of mechanical control stem the tide of working class unrest. The In general literature distribution this Branch this plan and realizes that its goal can be esolves itself into whether or not correct Bruening government came and carried on is far ahead of any other. Its orders for attained step by step: each new step adding slogans and correct programs are advanced, openly and boldly the wage cutting formerly new pamphlets, when off the Press, usually new strength. With the firm conviction this is precisely where the party failure lies.
more cunningly concealed under the social run 500 copies at a time. This is made pos that we are now facing a rising labor moveUnquestionably this also had something to democrats. We note a rise in revolutionary sible under the able direction of Harry M11ment, theoretiial preparation of the revoludo with the direct decline of membership potentialities and simultaneously a men ton, the branch literature agent.
tionary vanguard becomes a most urgent and influence. Meanwhile, the union un acing growth of fascism. These basic tenThe Branch conducts a successful open need. Marxist Library for every Milder reactionary leadership has suffered legs dencies were particularly reflected in the decline and has even gained a foothold latest Reichstag elections on September 14, forum once a week. It conducts at present tant will be a beginning. Further trainthe militant union in form of a two study classes with two more being or within ing in the school of the Class struggle will 1930.
syndicalist opposition going to the Right.
add the practical experience. An imporIn this situation the metal corporations tant part of our expansion program is Upon enforcement of the social insur advanced their demand for a 15 per cent For our program of expansion the to furnish Workers Books at Workers ance check off last July the workers of the wage cut to take effect September 30. The Branch is taking the lead. It has pledged prices.
north took the initiative in strike over the ingenious invention of the social democrats, itself to raise a total of 1, 000. 00. The inThe financial response to the expansion head of the bureaucrats of both unions. The the compulsory arbitration machinery, set dividual membership pledges amount to latter, as a matter of fact, found themselves program is already indicated in our organiinto motion and ordered an per cent wage 450. 00 with 122. 00 in cash already paid in.
the pledges made and the compelled to move only after about 50. 000 cut with per cent for all young workers.
PHILADELPHIA: The branch in Phila. actual cash receipts of 122. 00 from the workers were already out. The party, caught 140, 000 metal workers struck, however, only is now taking on new life. Last week end Branch membership. Henceforth we shall unprepared, at first advanced a slogan to become disintegrated and return about a visit made by Comrade Swabeck was util present graphic description of the against the social insurance law. Later it two weeks later on a promise of a new corrected itself to the quite ordinary posifinancial goal of the campaign and the arbitration award. Yet, to capitalist Gerized at a workers gathering which decided to organize a mid week open forum to be program made to date. From issue to issue tion of demanding a 10 sous hourly wage many, it became a breath taking demonheld every Wednesday. Our comrades have you will be able to watch the growth of a to meet the insurance tax. The stration of working class power. But how already made themselves the most active black heavy line (representing cash turned reactionaries of the demanded a did the revolutionary vanguard square with force in realizing this plan and have hopes in) towards the goal. sous increase, the amount of the actual tax. its responsibility?
for building up a good forum. Comrade With no greater distinction prevailing, the Sample of Party Strategy Swabeck also spoke at a meting of the LibGET AFTER THOSE SUBS. majority support went to the reactionaries demand as one seemingly easier obtainable.
Unfortunately the party leadership. eral League Forum on the Present Crisis. Our subscription drive is under way.
The latter were not slow in taking advan.
the German Stalinist edition had already There were present about 125 workers in New York leads with three new subs and take of this development to complete their gauged the decisive revolutionary situation cluding several Party members, some of two renewals. Minneapolis follows with role of betrayal in finally entirely dropin Germany long before this. Its noisy pro whom took part in the lively discussion that four new subs with the rest scattered among ping this demand.
clamations for conquest of the streets only followed. Our Philadelphia branch memthe other branches.
left a gap between itself and the working bers are right on the spot in covering meet Every new sub. means a step forward Caricature of Strike Strategy.
class. Its shrill exhortations against the ings with literature and in distributing on the road to the weekly Militant. Every Only a few months prior to this out social fascist unions had practically crip our unemployment leaflet.
comrade in the League must get busy in break a conference, initiated by the Profin pled all revolutionary activities among the took place in Strassburg, Germany. The the drive.
OUR PROGRAM FOR EXPANSION organized workers. The consequent firmer Make it your standing duty to get a had its representatives there, control over the unions by the treacherous Replies to our program of expansion sub. a week for the Militant and set your The French party leaders were represented. social democratis officials in a strike situa have been received from some of our Branch eye on those prizes for the greatest number Its momentous results were pretty well tion, as we shall see, also became extended es. New York not merely endorsed the plan of subs.
reflected in the inglorious record of the to the organized section.
enthusiastically but also proceeded imme Remember! Every new sub. helps build party and leadership in the Among the Berlin metal workers strike diately with helping to put it into effect. the Weekly MIMtant, helps to transform the strikes in the north. The truth is that the about half were unorganized. Nevertheless The Minneapolis Branch says: We endorse Militant into a real mass weapon of Marxconference failed to discuss even. problems they followed the lead given by the or the plan unanimously. We ll do our part ism Leninism! Get to work.
approximately strike strategy but merely ganized section. The party and Red Trade produced long resolutions on the technique Union Opposition proceeded, not to endeavor Boll Call on the Program of Expansion of smaller tactical problems And yet even to gain influence over these masses through Sylvia Bleeker. 20. 00 Part Payments. such small tactical problems, when actually the unions, but through the establishment faced in the strike, suffered from bureaucra of their own strike committes and a small tic abuses by this leadership. Through the Nathan Berman 40. 00 George Saul 00 rival union to separate further the Left Inprecorr (Vol. 10, No. 35. we are informed, ing from the masses. proclaimed the that the party members carried on endless abstract slogan of a political general strike Sterling 10. 00 Annonymous 00 discussions on the forms of strike commit instead of starting direct from the economic tees while the workers forged ahead con issue of wage cut to turn the struggle Von Boerstel 15. 00 Total February 24: 122. 00 ducting their own struggle. And in a later directly against the system and its politiissue we are told that when strike commit cal state which were the executors of the Herbert Cappelis 10. 00 If the number on your wrapper is tees finally came into being they were not wage reduction. It could thus not become even democratically elected.
the factor unfying the workers in a revoluBoth unions established their strike Lewitt 10. 00 tionary direction. This tactic committees, cach trying to lead indepen splitting the workers in struggle before then your subscription to the Wilitant has lently. This simply meant that the strikers their support had been won for a revolu Albert Orland 10. 00 expired. Renew immediately.
zation notes a 64 of openly