CominternCommunismLeninMarxismSyndicalismTrotskyWorking Class

Organization Notes Cannon will be ready for shipment BLULU10A LLAGO VL се осно да pavs.
ly thereafter.
The funds are to be raised in two ways: Another big step ahead in organization Flat contributions of substantial al expansion is contemplated and, the first amounts from comrades or sympathisers in splendid response is already beginning to position to make them.
become a reality. It can be epitomized in Soliciting regular ten dollar contrithe slogan Marxist Library at a price butions for which receipts will entitle for shipment one new pamphlet World Unworkers can afford. Its realization step holders to a discount of one third on employment and the Five Year Plan by by step will mean simultaneous strengthen all publications of the publishing comL. Trotsky with an introduction by Arne ing of our movement. The actual steps to pany. In view of the fact that this is one Swabeck. It sells at 10c, bundle lots 7c.
be taken are clearly explained in the Na major financial campaign of the year on Our unemployment leaflet is off the press tional Committee resolution appearing be which the whole program depends every and the branches are already being supplied.
low and really needs no further comment. member of the organization will be er.
Those who have not yet placed their orders Suffice only to add that in presenting pected to make at least one such contribushould hurry before the supply is exhausted.
this resolution before our New York branch tion.
We have also just received from comthe response immediately turned it into a Smaller contributions and payments on rade Trotsky a new manuscript for a pam live reality. 450. 00 became the actual the pledge fund will not be applied to the phlet entitled The Revolt in Spain. Within starting point. The branch further pledged publishing fund. The pledge fund and about 10 days it will be out in pamphlet itself to raise a total of 1, 000. 00. With such the other regular financial revenues of form selling at 10c. Our pamphlets on splendid response duplicated by other secthe organization must be continued as be The Communists and the Trade Unions tions of the country the contemplated steps fore separately. The publishing fund by Trotsky, with an introduction by James will follow in rapid succession.
is an EXTRA campaign to make possiResolution on Program of Expanded Activities for 1931 ble the program of expansion. It requires a little extra effort and sacrifice from the After a thorough consideration of the To begin the publication of a theor membership, and in view of the real forsituation in the League, the resources and etical magazine.
ward steps in all fields it will make possimost pressing tasks to which two meetings To strengthen the staff of the Na.
ble, we believe the comrades will all re of the committee have been devoted in adtional organization by making further addispond to it with enthusiasm.
dition to a number of sub committee meettions to the office and editorial forces and by The whole program will developed ings the National Committee makes the providing for a field organizer.
and realized in sections, As soon as the following decisions. To organize at least two national first five hundred dollars 1s raised for the The present resources of the organiza lecture tours.
project the publishing activity will be im.
tion, even without any substantial gains in To publish the International Bulmediately increased. When the first thousand membership in the next future, make possi letin in English regularly.
dollars is realized in the campaign the ble and realizable a program of organiza The financial phase of the program canMilitant will return to weekly publication.
tional expansion of our work during the ters around the decision to provide the When we reach the fifteen hundred mark coming year. With the full cooperation of means for extended publication of literature.
the National Conference will be held. With the membership the National Committee It is to be done on such basis that it will the raising of the last five hundred the will undertake to execute the following create new sources for the sale of literature theoretical magazine will be launched and plan in progressive st ges: as well as the distribution of it through the the further strengthening of the staff ww To prepare the Second National Con channels of the League.
take place.
Adopted by the National Committee ference of the League carly in the summer. The amount necessary to be raised is Communist League of America To organize a publishing company 2, 000. The financial phase of the whole which will insure the regular and systematic program outlined above will be concentrated If the number on your wrapper 18 publication of Marxist classics at prices in the campaign to raise the fund for the which wll put them within the reach of establishment of extended publishing acworkers.
tivities. The profits from this in addition To return the Militant to weekly to our regular revenues will release the then your subscription to the Militant has publication on a sound basis.
necessary funds for the financing of the other expired. Renew immediately.
63 The Legend of the Public Works Panacea KANSAS CITY, MO.
Our small branch in Kansas City has stepped into the lead. Its pledge of 20. 00 monthly for the sustaining fund to secure the regular appearance of the Militant and to help build up the Left Opposition is being met on the dot. Not content with this accomplishment these comrades decided to sponsor the publication of the coming pamphlet Communism and Syndicalism and already forwarded 30. 00 for this purpose.
Comrade Buehler reports that the members are actively disposing of our excellent propaganda literature and reaching many workers. The branch has sent in its order for our unemployment leaflet.
rea Our branch here has engaged most actively in an election campaign in the sixth ward, Minneapolis. Upon the failure of the official party to file a candidate, our comrade John Brinda was entered to utilize the opportunity for Communist propaganda.
Our branch held meetings and issued a leaflet containing our unemployment demands and clearly emphasizing the proletarian rerolution as the only solution.
Our Minneapolis branch members have been very active for years within the trade union movement in building up Communist influence. Recently they have become the live forces within the city wide trade union committee of organization and education, This committee has carried on quite brond campaign for unemployment relief.
Our members have made it a special point, and with some success, to push it forward closer toward a realistic and correct program of unemployment demands. The conference called by this committee on Jan.
18 to adopt an unemployment program had an attendance of 175 trade union delegates.
Our Minneapolis branch is now distributing 5, 000 of our unemployment leaflets.
TORONTO, CANADA From across the border we have also received the kind of support which actually makes the publication of more Communist literature possible. Our Toronto branch decided to sponsor a new pamphlet and forwarded a check for 32. 00 for this purpose.
They tell us if it not sufficient they will send more.
During the last provinciul elections the official Canadian party failed to really increase its vote despite the economic crisis.
It naturally reflects a failure of growth, due mainly to mistaken policies. Our branch did its part by issuing a leaflet of Communist propaganda. It was given good distribution.
Our branch here, after being strengthened by the return to the city of a couple of active comrades, is now functioning well.
The members are availing themselves of the opportunity to speak at a working class forum in the city, with good effect. They have started out on real literature distribution ordering our unemployment leaflet and a good supply of pamphlets. Needless to say they are also beginning to make prompt returns for material received.
OUR SUBSCRIPTION CAMPAIGN Although it is as yet a little early to report concrete results we already have nevertheless news from various points of first steps being taken to increase the Militant circulation. The national office has proposed to the branches to organize competing teams to gather new subscriptions, new contacts and also paid renewals. For the three months period up to March First, the spe cial trial sub. offer for three months at 250 holds good. Also for cach regularly paid yearly sub. of 00 we offer during this period in addition, and for sa me price, the choice of either of the following pamphlets: Criticism of the Draft Program of the Communist International. or The Strategy of the World Revolution. both by Trotsky, or Since Lenin Dled (paper bound) by Eastman.
The best individual sub. getters will return prizes, upon return of sufficient number of our subs. of either the book My Life by Trotsky, or The Real Situation in Russia.
Following right upon the heels of the increasing unemployment situation our branch in Chicago has suffered further de pletion of its ranks by several of its active members leaving the city. But efforts are being made to regain what is thus lost by building up new contacts. The branch contemplates several public meetings during the month of March more effectively to bring the Left Opposition viewpoint forward.
Our New Propaganda Literature In addition to the books and pamphlets already on hand we can now announce ready No sooner are all the indications of public works extension, road building. the governor will be interested this winter the crisis so visible tibat none but the It is here that it is possible to obtain con in doing everything possible to relieve uncompletely blind can fail to admit their crete figures both nationally and for the employment. One of the best means at the existence, than assurances begin to flow separate states. At the beginning of disposal of the state government is the from all oflicial sources that an increase in ench year the estimate for the com construction of highways. have received is ing year public works construction will be initiated released by the state high most of the reports on the progress of plans and the crisis, ipso facto, done away with way departments. In regard to this, one for 1931 construction and reconstruction and Almost every day we are given to under must remember that road construction, as they indicate that while our plan stand that so many and so many millicas is also true of large buildings, does not work is going along about as usual for of dollars have been appropriated by this begin immediately upon somebody desire ordinary conditions, they are not going along or that legislature for public works and to start. Never does less thn six months, fast enough permit this department to the alleviation of unemployment.
and usually over a year, elapse from the take a leading part in the relief of unLet us, however, pry from the mass of time the designs begin until the actual employment.
trash with wbich we are fed daily, the construction started. Work to be done This was written by the man directly Information as to whether there has been in 1931 is thus already planned in 1930. In charge of highway construction throughяр out the entire state. Yet the paperg conincrease in expenditures for public Only as much as has been designed will be works construction or not.
constructed, and not more. It is with this tinue to publish article after article reThe matter of poblic works is impor in mind that we can understand the 1931 lating special road building camtant as a branch of the building trades and estimate paigns.
Little Change Recorded over 1930 a substantial increase in the former would Figures for federal government exto a certain extent aid in the rehabilitation Quoting from the Contractors and En penditures tell exactly the same tale. Quotof that industry. The total of public works gineers Monthly (January 1931. we read: ing from the Engineering News Record construction (including roads) averaged. Twenty four states are increasing their (January 22, 1931. This week estimate for the years 1925 1930, about 40 percent 1931 expenditures (over 1930) seventeen are of total public works construction in 1929of all construction, according to report spending less, and seven remain the same. 31 includes federal government figures totof the Engineering News Record (January The total estimated expenditure for the 48 alling as follows: 1929 states by the state highway departments 1, 1931. Its importance should therefore 342. 370, 000 1930 (including federal aid. compared to the not be minimized. It is of course foolish 285, 068, 000 1931 1930 fgure, is as follows: to believe that increased government ex.
346, 974, 000 penditures can eliminate unemployment, 1930 1931 plus 150, 000, 000 of the but at the same time it is also toolish to 935, 000, 000 937, 000, 000 emergency fund.
ignore an item that composes 40 percent This shows the negligible increase of The Record considers the emergency of the building trade totals.
two million in a total of a billion dollars. construction fund item in the 1931 figures No Gains Asked Combining the figures from the Statistical for the federal government. In actually Now we begin to ask: Was there in Abstract of the United States (Depart analyzing this 150, 000, 000 we find that, 1930, and will there be in 1931, a substan ment of Commerce) with the above, in or first, it is not 150, 000, 000 but only 116, tial gain in public works construction, as der to obtain an idea of the long term 000, 000 (the former was asked for by the government executives would have us trend, we find the percentage increase over Hoover, the latter was appropriated. Secbelieve? The answer is, No emphastically the previous year to be the following: ondly, only about 15, 000, 000 is really being no. The increase, wherever there has been 1927 (over 1926. 12 percent used for federal government purposes, the an increase, is negligible when compared 1928 18 rest being advanced to the various states to the totals expended and when adjusted 1930 as loans for highway construction. The for long time trends, we can say definitely 1931. increase in road building has already that rather than an increase in most public For the year 1931, the year of prepara been discussed. So that we find that while construction programs there has been tion for which was 1930, we find an in there has been an increase over 1930, comdecided drop, crease of only percent. And this, mind pared to 1929 however the increase is From articles appearing in the Engineeryou, was the year in which most of the trifling. One could continue in this way ing News Record (January 2, 1981) we bunk was spread concerning increased road state by state and department by departlearn that if we are to take 1928 as 100, expenditures.
ment. The increase in expenditure is nothe index for total public works expendiAs far as New York state is concerned, where to be found. Increased expenditures tures would be as follows: there is to be an actual decrease in road mean increased tax rate and the latter is Average construction for 1931 as against 1930. avoided like the plague.
1928 1929 1930 1925 30 cording figures issued by the CommissionThe Communists must reveal these 100 95 97. 89 er of Highways Brandt, we find the total fraudulent construction campaigns of the What do the above figures show? That for the yers 1930 and 1931 as follows: politicians. The workers derive no return while the general trend from 1925 through 1930 1931 and cannot be fed by assurances of em1928 was on the decrease, since then the 60, 000, 000 55, 000, 000 ployment even if these promises emanate total volume has gone down. During the There is to be a drop of five million from high authorities. The crisis conyear when most noise was made about indollars in total expended. At the same tinues to stare them in the face. Only by creased public works expenditures (1930)
time that Governor Roosevelt was giving united action on the part of the workers the actual volume was only percent highnewspaper interviews assuring the unem and workless can present miserable er than in 1929 and was percent lower ployed of increased public construction, the conditions be ameliorated and eventually than in 1928.
Commissioner Highways, Brandt done away with. Together with the capiThe above relates to total expenditures.
sent out letter to all adult engineers talist system must go its glib politicians, It would be interesting to examine the (October 28, 1930) in which he says: its unemployment and its wholesale misery.
figures for what is considered in an editBrandt Offers Little Hope The workers must strive towards this aim.
orial of the Record as the largest factor in Without question, the legislature and