BolshevismBourgeoisieBujarinCominternCommunismCommunist PartyEnglandFranceImperialismLeninLeninismMarxismOpportunismSovietStalinSyndicalismTrotskyUnited FrontWorkers MovementWorkers PartyWorking Class

A Policy for the Amalgamated Left Wing Stalin Bucharin and the Chinese Revolution Norwegian Fascists and Comrade Trotsky shops, so as to provide outlets for direct and immediate expression of the demands and grievances of the workers. These ac tivities, however, should be carried on under the direction of a centralized body, The crisis in winch the Left wing in By ALBERT ORLAND actionaries themselves completely sacrific representing all branches. to be elected by the Amalgamated finds itself at present 18 ing the left wing bleologically and or a democratic vote.
a result of a series of errors committed by ganizationally. fight against third per program should be worked out embodythis membership for militant unionism the Party leadership in their misconduct of iod adventurism which proceeds from ing all the immediate and ultimate aims of the and in general, which presupposes a complete separation from and elimination of the existing recondemnation of all existing unions as the Left wing oppositicn, to possess enough and the in particular. They are er company unions and thus to liquidation of actionary union leidenship. This must be flexibility to be applicable to varying situarors of a fundamental character, and are a correct Left wing activities within them. tions but to be clear, and consistent so as new recognized decisively before any reflection of the inconsistency of the Com3. United fronts based on the Lett not to allow a distortion of principles.
turn can become a correct turn.
munist movement in the whole period since wing program with sincere rank and file The activities should be based on cur1924. During this period, adventurism and The theory of the third period and elements.
the ultra Left policy based upon it, have rent issues concerning the workers, with a opportunism alternated with each other in Participation in all forms of legal view to developing them to embrace the no connection with reality. The theory is rhythmic succession, causing the movement expression of the rank and flle of the union broad masses and creating a basis for mass a mere phantom evoked by the Comintern to pass through periodic crises.
membership. such as elections. referendums, action for the realization of the ultimate leadership to bring them salvation from The Left wing in the Amalgamated has conventions, the struggle for democratic aims of the Left wing movement.
their sins, and the ultra Left line is the also gone through this period and suffered control, etc.
The above propositions, not being a comthe results. The united front with Hillman price they must pay for that salvation.
The activities should be based on exThe new line was an unavoidable replete program, can, however, serve as a and his lieutenants in the period of the Left isting divisions in the industry and the un basis for the beginning of the work of the wing ascendancy in the its conaction to the opportunistie policies which ion, such as trade branches, local units and Left wing in the caused terrible defeats to the movement. It sequent defeat due to Hillman betrayal, was bound in its turn to bring fresh defeats followed by a period of adventurist defiance of the Hillman machine and another repetiand disappointments the signs of which are tion of the same game which culminated in already noticeable.
the organization of the Men Clothing Sec The New Change of Tactics LETTER BY TCHEN DU HSIU tion the Needle Trades Workers In The latest indications of a change in dustrial Union.
tacties by the Needle Trades Workers Indu(Continued from last issue)
political line of Bolshevism, unite together To issue successfully out of this crisis strial Union have given rise to various consolidly. and stand straightforward on the The Communist International and the jectures as to its character, some of which it is necessary for the Left wing workers side of the International Opposition led by Central Committee have for a long time op in the men clothing industry to take up have been entertained by the writer. In a posed any review of the record of failure comrade Trotsky, that is, under the banner a serious analysis of past mistakes and previous issue of the Militant, ventured of real Marxism and Leninizm, and deciof the Chinese revolution. And now, beadopt a correct Leninist course of working the opinion that the change in tactics, which sively, persistently and thoroughly fight canae have constantly criticized them, within ithe existing union which embraces is undoubtedly attempted, and which points against the opportunism of the Comintern the bulk of the workers in the industry, in the opposite direction, is not, however, they have suddenly invented the following and the Central Committee of the Chinese fundamental e, the correct Leninist For a fundamental change in declaration. He (i. e. I) is not sincere in party. We are opposed not only to the recognizing his own error of opportunist course implies a correct united front with tacties must be preceded by an analysis of opportunism of Stalin and his like. but leadership in the period of the great revoluthose members willing to take up sincerely the mistakes of the past and a clear state also to the compromising attitude of Zintion and has not decided to recognize whern the struggle for the concrete needs of the ment of the new tactics, neither of which oviev. We are not afraid of the socalled membership has been attempted and brought out into his real past errors lay: therefore, he must jumping out of the ranks of the party the open. What then can we expect from inevitably pursue his past erroneous line.
The Present Line and its Main Features and do not hesitate to sacrifice everything These words are a self revelation. In realthe change except disappointment?
in order to save the party and the Chinese The new line underlying the organizaWhat does the change consist of? The ity, if were to stultify my mind, and care revolution. tion of the Needle Trades Workers Induslogan joining the new union has been re nothing about the interests of the proletarstrial Union, as well as all the other unions iat; if had not decided to recognize my TCHEN DUHSIU.
placed by the slogan of rank and file comof the as formulated by the mittees. The workers are no longer urged real past errors, and had been willing to December 10, 1929.
fourth congress of the is to to join the new union individually, but the do their dinty work and have them continue build independent revolutionary unions and orientation is made on shops. This is a with their past false line, they would never combine these into a New National Center.
step in the right direction. But has the theless, as before, depend upon the old op The old based on minorities in basis of activity been changed? The orienportunist (1. e. my) pen and mouth to the old unions, becomes the the tation is still on the new union, which is attack socalled Trotskyism in order to cover general organization of the revolutionary basically a wrong orientation. The up their errors. How could they expel me unions. We no longer urge the unorganized is an abstraction today as far as the from the party? Am I, who have struggled workers to join the of but to affiliclothing workers are concerned. There is against evil social forces for the greater ate themselves to the unions.
Comrade Trotsky. 118 already reporteil not single shop under its control and the part of my life, willing to do such a base The work of our organized groups in the rework Ito confuse right and wrong? Lee by the capitalist press has been invitec membership from the ranks of the clothing formist unions based upon the tactics of by the Norwegian Student Alliance to come workers is negligible. Before a foundation Li San said: The Chinese opportunists the united front from below is subordinated to Oslo to lecture before this body, and is to be laid for a new union in the cloth are unwilling to absorb accurately the lesto the building of the revolutionary unions.
has been cranted permission by the Yoring industry, the influence over the masses sons of the failure of past great revoluIt is orientated upon drawing these trade wegian government to enter the country for must be won and that can only be done in tion, but try to hide behind the banner of union workers under the ideological leaderan eight days visit to be strictly contined a struggle against the officialdom Trotskyism in order to cover up their own ship of the and, as speedily as through a series of preparatory stages. Such inistakes.
to the purpose stated and on condition that In reality, the documents of practicable, into mass affiliation with it.
Comrade Trotsky does not interfere in Norcomrade Trotsky accuse me much a struggle can only develop by participation more (The Communist, October, 1930, article by wegian politics. So far the other capitalin the daily struggle of the masses for severely than do those of Stalin and BuchFoster.
arin; and could not but recognize that ist powers have hastened their rejection of which all channels, legal and extra legal a visa for passage through their territories, What are the reasons for the change in the lessons of the past revolution pointed must be utilized. But for that, a radical and whether Comrade Trotsky can actually line? The reasons for the adoption of the out by him are one hundred percent corchange in the organizational and ideological new line are outlined in the same article reach Norway remains to be seen.
reot, and could never reject his words Mesin outlook of the leadership is necessary. The while.
as follows: however, this question has created because he criticizes me. am willing to leadership. however, has its roots in the some interesting developments in Norway. The pressure of the masses on the accept the severest criticism of my com third period ideologically, and is orlenT. leadership for the organization tated on the All their prae rades, but unwilling to bury the lessons The bourgeois press of the country unof new independent unions as exemplified tical activities must necessarily collide with and experiences of the revolution. would animously raised a terrific howl of protest by the independent movement of the Passaic their theoretical outlook. The winning of rather be expelled now by Lee Li San and against the visa. Xotionen. the official workers, the miners and the needle trades the masses in the requires patient a few others than to see the party crisis fascist organ, takes the lead calling upon workers, in which cases the leadership lag and systematic activity, coupled with con without attempting to save the party and the sons of Norway to physical for ged behind the masses. The Pepper Love fidence in the masses. It requires a broad be blame in the future by the masses of to prevent Trotsky entry. To this provocatone leadership was consciously opposed to united front with workers of various politi the party members.
tion the organ of the labor party of Oslo the organization of independent unions. cal beliefs or affiliations on the basis of Comrades! know that my expulsion remarks: It is hardly to be assumed that The onrush of the third period their common interests.
the government could afford to compromise from the party by the Central Committee is with its accompanying radicalization of the The leadership. however, regards the itself to the extent of withdrawing its perthe act of a few men for the purpose of workers and the sharpening of the class as a recruiting ground for memmission for entry, as that would make of the covering up their errors. They not only struggle which necessitates independent re bers into the true, not for Norwegian bourgeois society want to save themselves the trouble of a laughing volutionary organization and leadership. individu membe but for groups, but that stowk of the world. To the fascist press Basic Mistakes of Third Period Ideology difference is not basic.
hearing my opinions expressed within the to united fronts we will just calmly reply that if they should party and advocating an open discussion These reasons, given in justification of from below, the leadership has never been undertake such insane action is using force on political problems, but also to demonthe ultra Left policy of which the first is sincere about it. They have always adhered against the entry of Trotsky they will be strate by my expulsion that all the comaimed to prove the soundness of the second, to mechanical control, and the atmosphere radles must keep their mouths closed.
come convinced that there are several thou1. e. theory of the third period which created around their close range of followers know that the masses of the party memsand sons of Norway and of a better sort Is held sacred by the Party bureaucrats and has been poisoned so systematically as to. who will feel proud of the visit to their on the altar of which no sacrifice is too big make any real united front physically imbers never entertained the idea of expellcountry of a man like Trotky. That be ing me. Though have been expelled by to be brought, are not only false as justi possible.
a few leaders at the top of the party, yet has been victorious in it war with superior fication of the new policy but, in their con All these considerations lead us to the there has never been any hostility or bad enemies, with the bourgeoisie of England nection are artificial and historically un conclusion that the latest change in tactics feeling between the masses in the ranks France and the nited States well as true.
will not produce any change in the situation.
with the Russian white guards: las secured and myself. shall continue to serve the If we are to draw the proper lessons For a real change in the situation, a change for him a place of honor in the history of proletariat hand in hand with all those from the experience of the Left wing, parti.
in the fundamental policy is necessary and the international labor movement rearcomrades who are not following the opcularly in the needle trades unions, we must the party leadership has not yet committed less of internal faction struggles.
portunist policy of Stan clique Bath in analyze the struggles in connection with the Itselr.
the Internntional and in China. Massmurderer is the title the bourgeois objective conditions which they were conWhat Is to Be Done?
press bestows upon Trocky. It cannot torxive ducted and not upon the basis of the abs The Left Communist Opposition should Comrades! The present errors of the him for supplying the red army with runs tract theory of the third period. which initiate the work of rebuilding the Left wing party are not partial ordertal prowas manifestly invented to cover up the and cannons which became dangerons to in the clear statement delems: like in the past they are the manithe enemy.
mistakes He was sufficiently inhuman the past. That the leadership fining the aims, policies and activities should festation of the whole opportunist policy and brutal to fight the counter revolutionof the Left wing in the needle trades union be made and distributed among the rank and conducted by Stalin in China. The respon ist with their un weapons. Anxhe committed a terrible mistake by surrender file militants in the union, this statenent sible heads of the Central Committee of the foundel a powerful means of defense when ing the masses to the Sigmans and the to contain a review and analysis of the Chinese Communist Party, who are willing makes it ever more dangerous for world Me Mathons, we agree completely. But that policies, past and present, of the to be the phonograph of Stalin, have never imperialism to carry out its foul designs is no earthly reason why new revolution The following points must be emphatically shown any political consciousness and are of an armed crusade against the workers ary unions should be built in such in stated. growing worse and worse: they can never dustries where the main bulk of the work Sovie state upon which the Russian white An open and unequivocal rejection he silved. At the Tenth Conference of the ers are already organized and could be kuar emigrants still pin their lopex.
of the slogan of a new union and the Russian party. Lenin said: It is better to drawn into this new union only indiv. dual attempts to withdraw the membership in have a small organization if there are ly or in small groups.
dividually or in small groups from the fundamentally different political opinions Certainly in general the objective con now embracing the bulk of the and there is no way of solvin them.
dit ons dire ripening for the application of workers in the industry. The substitution blem. Based on this theory. he led the So long as our Noviet repullie wil! re1 policy of building new mass of the slogan of militant industrial un faction of the Bolshevik movement Now, main the only borilor lund surrounded by unions in the unor univel industries. In ionism and the building of a left wing in our party. there is no other way per. the whole estpitalist world, so long will it the men clothing industry specifically the organization to attain this object.
mitted (legal open discussion in the be an absolutely ridiculous fantasy and task is not to apply the split policy of fight against the Lovestone op party) to overcome the party crisis. Every Utopia to think of our complete economic withdrawing members piecemeal from the portimism which leads direct to unity with party member has the obligation of saving independence and of the disappearance of existing union, but, on the contrary to win fake progressives and hence with the re the party. We must return to the spirnd our dangers LENIN.