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Lovestone Looks with Favor at the at the Socialist Socialist Party In the last issue of the Militant, we inBy MAX SHACHIMAN munists to make it impossible for reformdicated by a number of indisputable facts ist fractions to establish themselves. The the direction which the Lovestone Right only through proving thrroh action that various forms in a number of countries inRight wing liquidators, in their march wing is taking: away from Communism and they are wilNng to fight in the interests of cluding the Here, too, the Yipeels from Communism to the social demotowards the social democracy. The few the workers, that is, to fight for union con are playing a prominent role in the strap cracy, pick up their natural allles on days that have elapsed have only served to ditions in the shops, to fight against every gle within the Socialist party against the the left flank of the latter. And make furnish additional, and even more striking leadership which will pursue harmful pol gross reformism which characterines that their newly discovered allies acceptable to confirmation of this statement. The addi icies in the union and in relation to the party political line and leadership.
their own soldiers, to the workers in the tional material, furnished by Lovestone him bosses. Rev. Age, No. There is no doubt of the development in Lovestone group who want to remain Comself shows that the hypocritical claims that That Levy will work actively in the the ranks of reformism of a Leftward move munists, the Lovestone leaders must needs the Right wing is anxious to work together future (for Sigmanism) is incontestable. ment of the workers. Only a Stalinist func present the Stanleys in a favorable light by with the pseudo progressives in a trade un That he will make up for their past by tionary, blinded by the scintillating phrase monstrously exaggerating their revolutionion bloc against reaction, are set up in continuing to get the real Left wing move ology of the third period. which divides ary caliber: reallty in order to camouflage the rapidly mene, by betraying the workers interests, the working class into Communists on the The clearest expression of the differdeveloping political bloc of the Right wing by trying to expel the militants once more one side and social fascists on the other, ences within the the report therefore and the social reformists aiming at the as soon as they threaten all the sections of can deny its existence. The Leftward move continues, is to be found in the question liquidation of the Communist movement and the bureaucracy that is equally incontest ment in the social democracy flows from the of the attitude to the Soviet Union.
Communist influence in the working class. able. The Lovestoneltes mean something antagonism between the treacherous course That is true, not in the sense of the else, however. They consciously spread the of the socialist bureaucracy and the class liberals whose interest in the Soviet Union ZIMMERMAN DISCOVERS THE illusion that the take progressive a la interests of the workers in the ranks. This is limited to its existence as an interesting VIRTUES OF LEVY Levy have it in them to fight in the Inter antagonism creates a chasm between the top experiment and an object of American We have already revealed the united ests of the workers. What an Indepen and bottom layers of the social democracy. diplomatic recognition, but in the sense of front which the Lovestone faction made dent leaflet should do is to point out that The problem of the Communists is to win its realization of revolutionary strategy and with the Sigman henchman, Levy, in Local these people can do no such thing because the bottom. the workers, to the revolu principles of Marxism. Now, Lovestone of the International Ladies Garment Workthey represent, essence, one wing of the tionary movement by deepening the chasm adds: ers Union. At that time, we did not have capitalist bureaucracy in the union. There and making it unbridgeable. This can only The resolution submitted by the Stanat hand the official apologium of Lovestone.
ts atill another aspect to this leaflet: The be done by the maintenance of the sharpest ley group is one of the clearest and most Its publication only makes the case worse Levye, It says, will have to work actively intransigeance in principle and the applica consistently Left. resolutions that for the Right wing. As was easy to forein the future to make up for their black tion of the policy of the united front on come from any group in the since tell, the bloe met with the unconcealed past. That is, they have not yet made up issues of the day. To set these workers in 1919 21 split. It is a resolution which, bashostility of the vast majority of the Comfor their past except, perhaps, by a few motion for militant struggle requires their ing itself on the proletarian character of munist and Left wing workers in the needle harmless words which bind them to nothing. disillusionment with the theory and practise the Soviet state, very closely approximates trades. Like Lovestone, they are thoroughThe Lovestoneltes, therefore, have made a of reformism, in other words, the dislodg a Communist position. Rev. Age, No. ly acquainted with Levy and his stripe. Levy speculative bloc, based on the possibility ment of the reformist Leadership. Close enough, we take it, to make upwas one of the outstanding leaders of the and hope that the Levys will become In seeking to solve the problem of win.
ity between Lovestone and Stanley both deRight wing in expelling the Left wing workworking class fighters and the leopard will ning the Leftward moving socialist workers, sirable and attainable. This is not at all ers from the a few years ago change his spots.
the Communists are confronted by an exa fantasy. Quite the contrary. Lovestone and thereby splitting the union the interWhy does Levy make the bloc? It may tremely dangerous foe: the Left wing of Already has one foot in the camp of Muste.
ests of the bureaucracy and the manufacbe asked. The answer is: Why shouldn reformism. Their function is to serve as a Standing right next to Muste in the turers. Only the sheerest simpleton can reLevy make the bloc? What does he lose bond between the avowed class collaboraL. is Stanley. To think that the Mustegard this struggle as a dispute between by getting the support of the Lovestone Lovestone unification involves only a trade two sections of the labor movement. Ая tionists and the discontented workers, to group? Nothing! On the contrary, he gets bridge the ever widening chasm. The fact union bloe is to entertain the utterly grote every class conscious worker, at least, una nice, new, shiny coat of whitewash and that they straddle the two is due, first, to sque notion that there are two distinctly derstands, it was a struggle between those a number of votes. But the minimum pro the fact that the workers are pulling in difdifferent Stanleys: the partisan of Muste elements representing the interests of the gram of the bloc? What about that? Doesn ferent directions, and second what is even and the leader of the Left wing.
workers and those elements representing it obligate Levy and Co. to a progressive ad more important for us to the fact that they It is clear: Lovestone is reconciling the interests of the capitalists. Levy, and ministration? Nothing of the kind. The hope to draw their two points his boss Sigman, was and remains a member support group, in the characteristic manner of the minimum program of the bloc between the together again. Purcell came forward as a opportunist, to a return to the fold, as we of the latter faction. That he is not disLovestone group and Levy (printed in full in Left winger in order to hold the workers will see in another minute. The rate of inclined to have himself called a progresRev. Age, No has a distinctly reaction in the organized camp of Thomas and Macspeed is a subsidiary consideration; the forms sive today and to oppose the dominant burary foundation, upon which are erected a Donald, and when the time was ripeto of this reconciliation and the stages it will eaucracy attributable to two facts: the number of other points which nine avowed bind them to the latter ideologically again pass through, are also of secondar dispute between the Schlesinger clique in reactionaries out of ten in the The fact that he was given such invaluable portance. Will it, for instance, go through office and the Sigman clique out of office; would acknowledge as correct. The main aid in this work by Stalin Bucharin and the stage of a Two and a Halt International the revival of the fighting moods among the point in bloc program reads Co. does not change the essential character movement? It may, because the componmilitant workers who for a dozen reasons We fight against every clique rulo of his role. We name Purcell only as a ent elements are at hand, in various stages (which we shall not deal with here) have in the union because we want that the union symbol for Seydewitz in Germany, Zyromski ardent admirers all of the of development: the Muste faction of the been driven into into the Right wing union should be conducted in an honest, democra in France, and on a much smaller scale, for again in the last couple of years.
tic and progressive manner through the Stanley, leader of the American Left.
Lovestone, the Stanley group, the group The task of those who have at heart membership of the union. No discrimina These are not confused workers groping for around the Italian Musteite daily, Il Nuovo the interests of the Left wing and Commun tion, persecutions or any sort of swindles the revolutionary road; they are skilled Mondo, strong tendencies around the Gerist movement (which are and must be idenmust be practiced at meetings and elections leaders who aim to make reformism radical man Volkszeitung and the Verband Internatical with the interests of the working class of any sort.
enough to retain the restless workers and tionaler Arbeiter, etc. etc. But that would as opposed to those of the bourgeoisie and So far as the Lovestone section of the only be a half way house of short occupayet keep it reformist enough to mollify the its labor agents. is to reveal the mechanbloc is concerned, this sort represents a be far sighted Hillquits. Against this Left tion. The looms ahead.
ism which has actuated the Levys in the trayal of Communism, neither more nor variety of reformist leadership, the ComZAM DISCOVERS THE DIFFERpast and moves them to their new posiless. The fight against every clique rule munists can conduct only the most implaceENCE BETWEEN AND tion today. For the Levys, large and small, in the unlon is directed essentially at the able and irreconcilable struggle.
Lovestone going back to the Isn represent an accidental, individual phenoCommunists, and specifically at the official In the Leninist period of the Comintern, that a bit strong? Doesn he claim to be menon, generally speaking, no erring sinparty. This reactionary slogan has become a faction of the Communist party? Doesn ner who sees the light but a distinct class the time worn rallying banner of every burthis was always the policy pursued, and with excellent results for the movement. It he even go so far as to demand that the influence in the labor movement. How do eaucrat in the labor movement who is was this relentless attitude that prevented party return to Leninism? But pretension the Lovestoneites measure up to this task?
threatened by the militant workers whose vanthe International from being diluted and and intention are two different things. What By joining hands with Levy and using their guard is everywhere constituted by the ComLovestone pretends to aim towards we find munists.
own somewhat tarnished Communist reOrispien and corrupted by such people It is the main practical aspect Dittmann in Germany, who even pretended out from his holiday pronouncements. What putation to give him what amounts to a of the theory of no politics in the union at one time to support the idea of the prohe intends to do we find out by examining clean bill of health. The leading Right wing fathered on the one side by the Gompers letarian dictatorship and the Soviet system.
the various measures of preparation to opportunist, Zimmerman, who transferred hierarchy and on the other by the latterlead the Communist workers off the revoEven in the United States, the Comintern his allegiance from the party to the Love.
day reactionary philosophers of syndicaltam lutionary path. Not the least of these measstone faction without disturbing his own warned the revolutionary workers against the theory which always means no revosuch Centrists as Engdahl, Kruse, Olgin, ures is the one assigned to Zam, who has equilibrium for a moment, lamely explains lutionary politics in the union, no working been sent forth like a scout into the far the shabby affair as follows: Trachtenberg and Co. who were even more class polities, but bourgeois politics. No radical in their words than Crispien was lands of the socialist jarty and who has Thelt e. Levy s) program is mildly politics in the of always meant returned with glowing accounts: Yes, they progressive and on a number of questions or than Stanley is today. Now that LoveDemocratic and Republican party polities. No are flowing with milk and honey.
unclear and confused. Some of the leaders clique control in the French trade union stone, his feverish hunt for allies, has Zam findings are recorded in two ilof the Trade Union Center (the Levy group movement today means, so far as the triple discovered the Left wing. let us see luminating articles in the Revolutionary Age have a bad record in the union because of how he approaches these miniature Crisalliance of Right wing (Sellier, Lovestone (Nos. and Lenin or DeLeon. which their former support of the expulsion pol. colleague. the progressives in the reformpiens. In the report of the New York conhave as their aim to prove the superiority vention of the dealing with the trade icy. But at the present time the Trade ist trade unions, and the syndicalists in the of the Socialist party over the official ComUnion Center is carrying on a fight against Left unions are concerned means swinging union question we read: munist party as a hunting ground for the the policies and régime of the reactionary as many workers as possible into the Right The discussion was rather inadequate Lovestone faction. How? By showing that, administration of the union. At the present wing union under the actual control of the as far as the supporters of the Stanley reso first, the was more fertile ground for time these leaders claim so. that they French Socialist Party.
Iution were concerned. Not once during the Comunism than the and second, recognize their mistakes and that they de More than three years ago. Gold, head discussion did they refer to the fusion of that the official today is more or finitely and openly repudiate the expulsion of the Furriers Left wing, made a bloc with the Socialist Party leadership with the trade legy identical with the therefore, policy. Rev. Age, No. the Sorkin group of progressive bureauunion bureauoracy. They avoided in the it appears, the is more fertile ground It is not true that the Trade Union crats, in which no clique control was also discussion on and in the resolution the de for Communism than the But let us Center is carrying on a fight against the the outstanding point. At that time, the mand for organization of the socialists into have Zam own words, which, with all policies and régime of the reactionary ad Lovestone group, though in control the groups in the various organizations. Rev.
ministration. it is the channel through which party, was still compelled by the protest of Age, No. Our emphasis. circumspection of the cowardly opportunist, are sufficiently eloquent. the Sigman clique is fighting the Schlesinthe party minority to condemn Gold and Incredible as it sounds, it is there It was not the revolutionary ger clique, and the victory of the former repudiate this reactionary point as a betray.
black on white. The principal complaint but the reformist Why is rewould not result in a less reactionary ad al of Communism. What a perfect contrast Lovestone lodges against the Stanley group formist quoted. that gave birth to the ministration at all. It is not true that the would be presented by printing. side by side, is that they failed to fight for the organi Communist movement. The looseness Levys recognize their mistakes. nor that the minimum program of the Levy Love zation of socialist party members into trade of and lack of discipline in the made it they make this claim. it is true that the stone bloc and the 1927 Party Political Burunion fractions! But fractions are organ possible for a revolutionary wing to develop Lovestone faction is deliberately adorning eau condemnation of the Gold Sorkin bloc! ized for the purpose of extending their withirt it and to secure leadership over the Levy in order to make him, and consequent. But Lovestone will not print it. He is too panty ideological and organizational in mass of its members, which led to the esly the bloc, acceptable to the rank and file busily engaged in liquidating Communism. fluence and control in the unions. At least tablishment of various Left wing groupings militants.
LOVESTONE DISCOVERS THE that is the aim of the Communist fractions. and papers, and finally to the original Left It is clear for us. says the leaflet isREVOLT IN THE we assume that it would hold equally true wing wbich became the Communist Party.
sued Independently by the Lovestone group for socialist fractions. But since when has But the strictly disciplined and (and if we know the Lovestoneites, with the The revolt of the membership in the it become the task of the Communists to centralized made impossible such tacit consent of Levy. that some of those social democracy and pronounced Left demand the organization of the reformists a development. On the contrary, every new with whom we are making this bloc have ward movement primarily among the social into compact fractions which must inevit tendency in the was crushed with ainper considerably against the workers. ist youth is not a phenonenon Ilmited to ably seek to liquidate the influence of Com a ruthless hand, and expulsions became a They will have to work actively to make up Germany, we learned from Rovelutionary munism? We have always been under the by word.
for their past. They will be able to do this Age (No. It is manifesting itself in impression that it is the duty of the ComContinued on DA