Bolshevik PartyBolshevismBujarinCentrismCivil WarCominternCommunismCommunist PartyFranceGermanyLeninLeninismSovietStalinStalinismStrikeSyndicalismTrotskyWorking Class

Molotov Takes Rykov Place The Sponsor Plan AARON GROSS Did you read The Turn in the ComThe decision of the Central Committee of the third period in the person of Molomunist International and The Situation in On Saturday, January 3, 1931, Aaro of the to free Rykov from hit tov. The aim always the same: the methGermany by Leon Trotsky? Also The Gross, one of the well known leaders of the functions as chairman of the People Com odical preparation of the turn to the Right Strategy of the World Revolution by Leon Left wing and Communist movement in the missars of the upon his own on a national and international scale. The Trotsky? If you have, you undoubtedly no needle trades, died of heart failure, at the request. has only confirmed a state of af correspondents of the Balletin of the Rus ticed in the foreword an acknowledgment to age of 38. Born in Poland, he came to the fairs that has existed for many months. sian Opposition stress that for a certain time those comrades who made the printing of United States shortly before the war and This measure was prepared by many stages: already the relations between Stalin and these two pamphlets possible. That is what became active in the needle trades union.
campaign in the press, cutting off a part Molotov have become spoiled. Stalin was We call the sponsor plan. One or more com Later on, he joined the Communist Party of the power by the designation of Syrzov very much dissatisfied with Molotov policy rades get together and contribute in adin the and accused him. of having to the chairmanship of the People Comand was prominently identified with the vance the cost of printing a pamphlet. We invented the third period and of having missars of the Russian Republic, vacaLeft wing movement in the needle trades, print it and distribute it through our ortions for reasons of health. and final led the to its decline. It is not difand particularly in the International Fur ganization, reaching out to as many class Workers Union of which he became viceally dismissal upon his own request. The ficult to foresee that the best disciple of conscious workers as we can possibly reach. president. He was at the head of the famstruggle against the Right is now entering Lenin and the chief of the world proletariat into what could be called the stage of orous furriers strike of 1926 which the Left (see the pamphlet on the fiftieth anniversary Just at this writing we have ready for of Stalin and the preface to it) will unload printing the next pamphlet by Trotsky, ganizational measures.
wing led and which brought the conflict be Unemployment and the Five Year Plan. tween it and the Right wing bureaucracy to all the ultra Leftist mistakes he committed The continuous fire of the press which But we have no spon with Molotov in the Comintern upon the as yet.
prepared the attack has accomplished its no sponsors for it a sharp point. It was during the strike of 1927 that Gross was savagely assaulted by Branches and Individuals who can undertask: now It is the light cavalry of the latter, and the Soviet press will undentake Right wing gangsters who cut him so serand Control Commission, of the agents of the to make the new president of the People take the sponsorship of Unemployment within the party, of the whole of tously with knives that his life was in danCommissars understand that he will remain the Five Year Plan are strongly urged to Stalin apparatus of secret repression which ger for a while. The injuries he suffered alone in bearing the responsibility for the communicate with the national office at once.
at that time contributed to a large extent is beginning to function.
policy, consistent in its stupidity, of the Next in order of publication will be The organizational measure against Ry third period. For the high post of Presi Syndicalism and Communism a pamphlet, to the illness which compelled him to de part Angeles a hile ago in an enkov was only the beginning of this attack. dent of the People Commissars of the and The Permanent Revolution a book, deavor to recover his health. His death came The TASS agency reports that Tomsky, after the luckless experience of both by comrade Trotsky. Sponsors are Dogadov and Ossinsky have been relieved suddenly. He leaves a wife, Sarah, and Rykov, will not for a moment hinder the wanted for all of these.
two sons, Morris and Arthur.
of their functions as vice presidents of the Stalinist apparatus from treating the head Supreme Council of National Economy of of the Soviet government with every name During his years in the party, comrade INTERNATIONAL BULLETIN OF THE the in order to safeguard the prestige of the Gross was always associated with the Love general secretary of the party.
LEFT OPPOSITION COMING OUT Why Stalin Dumps the Right stone group in general and with the ZimIN ENGLISH merman Wortis Gold faction of opportunists Why does Stalin find the moment proNew Right Center Bloc?
The International Bulletin of the Left in the needle trades in particular. devoted, pitious to rid himeslf of the Right wing?
Opposition, published by the International energetic and courageous worker in the What is the political significance of the at. Who is going to lead the Comintern now Secretariat of the Opposition at Paris, is movement, he was nevertheless always on tack launched by Stalin against the Right? in Molotov place? The return of Buchsoon to appear in complete English edi that side of the struggle in the Left wing The Bulletin of the Russian Opposition arin to the leading circles of the is tion. Hitherto, the Bulletin has been pubwhich has just appeared writes in an artiA new Stalin Bucharin bloc, which opposed the adoption and execution spoken of lished in the French and German languages. of a genuinely Communist course. Like cle on the campaign against the Right. then, is being realized. The personal comwhich has made it inaccessible to many Just as many of his intimate collaborators in the smashing of the Left Opposi bination is of little import, it is the tendency Left wing, and later in the Needle Trades comrades in this and other countries. By tion at the Fifteenth Congress in December of a similar bloc that seems possible to us.
a decision of the National Committee of the Workers Industrial Union, he was subsequ1927 immediately preceded the Left turn, But the objective conditions of the Communist League of America (Opposition. which officially opened on February 15, 1928, have changed considerably since 1925 27.
ently made one of the scapegoats for the the Bulletin is now coming out in English so the inevitable turn to the Right will have The Thermidorian elements are more numwhole past policy of the party in the needle as well.
trades upon the advent of the recent ultrato be preceded by an organizational smash erous and bolder than before. They can inThe first number of the English edition Leftist course. Ile was expelled from the ing of the Right Opposition. Why? Be terpret this new turn to the Right as an cause if this turn should be made with the party together with other supporters of the encouragement to the liquidation of all the will be a double number, publishing all the Right wing faction. He did not live to see material that appeared in Nos. and of cause if this turn should be made with the institutions of the dictatorship of the prole the Paris edition. The complete contents the consummation of the bloc between his presence of the Rights in the Central Com tariat. There is no doubt that they will have been translated and the Bulletin will party fraction and a section of the trade mittee, the latter would declare their soli try to put over their work under cover of be ready for distribution in a very few days.
darity with the turn, and by that, would the new Centrist zig zag. The Left Opposiunion bureaucracy against whom he helped It will contain highly important articles lead the needle trades workers in some of not only make their expulsion from the tion warns the Centrist leadership against on the position of the various groups of the their most brilliant buttles.
party difficult but in general would addi this danger. The possibilities of maneuverLeft Opposition throughout the world. It has tionally marr the perfection of the general ing between the Left and the Right become Though we were on opposite sides of the first manifesto of the Paris International line. Militant, January 1, 1931. ever more restricted. The Stalinist leaderthe struggle in the Communist movement, Conference, articles on the movement in The symptoms that proclaim the turn to ship will be compelled by advancing events the Left Opposition bows in tribute before the Right in economic policy and, later on, to choose between the Leninist positions France, Germany, Belgium, China, Bulgaria, this fallen fighter who rose from the manyin the whole policy of the Comintern, symGreece, Austria, etc. etc. It is invaluable the Left Opposition or the complete disthousand ranks of the bitterly exploited ptoms which we have signalled on the oc creditment of its prestige and the confor a knowledge of the Opposition movement needle trades workers and helped in their and should be in the hands of every class casion of the last capitulation of Bucharin, quests of the October revolution. MILL.
heroic upward struggle to freedom.
is making itselt manifest today in a clear conscious militant.
The English edition will sell for 10 manner. Centrism remains faithful to itCONTRIBUTIONS self, to its own nature. After having taken cents a copy, postpaid, and cents in bunadventurist flights in economic policy (the dles of five or more. Since only a limited (Continued from page 1)
five year plan in four years and complete The following donations have been reamount are being issued, all comrades are to entrust him in any case with leading collectivization. Stalin could no longer come ceived by the Militant since December 15.
urgently requested to send in their orders work. So much for the information of our to a timely halt, and adapt the development We know that our members and sympathimmediately so as to insure delivery in time. trustworthy men who are absolutely sure.
Orders and funds should be forwarded dirof production to the real forces of the coun izers can do inuch better than this and we eatly to The Militant, 84 East 10th Street, Who Teaches Leninism try, as comrade Trotsky counselled in his hope that the next list will show improveNew York, articles and comrades Rakovsky, Muralov ment. Those who are not in position to certain Shanduns has come upon the and others in their declarations of April give much of their time to the organization scene in recent times as a big figure (right HAVE YOU THESE MISSING COPIES?
and to the Sixteenth Congress. Today, so should tax themselves from ten to twentynow he is a member of the Central Control as not to end in ruin, Centrism is obliged five per cent of their weekly income and The National Office is anxious to bind Commission of the party, responsible directo make its customary brusk change in the send in their contributions regularly. An the past three years of the Militant so that tor of the depantment of cotton. opposite direction by resorting to the Right. increase in the income will mean an imme they can be had in a permanent form. UnHe fulminates against all the deviations But in order at the same time to save, as diate increase in the literature output, and fortunately, our files have been depleted, and passes for one of the defenders of Lencomrade Trotsky says, the perfection and a return to a weekly paper. How much particularly of some issues. order to inism (see Pravda of December 14. the prestige of his general line. Stalin con can you pledge weekly?
bind them, we must have an additional few words to characterize him: in 1927, he tinues to employ the same perfidious manamount of two copies especially: Vol. 1, New York Branch 82. 00 was an adherent of the Left Opposition.
euver which consists of ideologically stripNo. 1, of November 15, 1928, and Vol. II, Chicago Branch 21. 00 Member of the Central Committee of the ping his adversary after having destroyed Helen Judd, Chicago No. 4, of February 15, 1929. Comrades who 50. 00 Armenian party, he was unmasked by the him by apparatus measures.
have these on hand are urgently requested Kansas City Branch.
30. 00 Stalinists. This hero became frightened to forward them to us immediately. Berman, 35. 00 and renounced all his ideas. But that is This game is effective and capable of Glotzer.
10. 00 not all. The next day he was pressed to the lulling the masses so long as it is not un Lewit 10. 50 wall by the workers nucleus to which he masked, so long as the marked cards are Stone, 00 belonged and which followed the Left Opnot uncovered. Today, the Stalinist tactie Sterling, 00 position. To the question: Why didn you IN ENGLISH IN GERMAN has become an open secret. Inside the party, Koeppel, 00 defend your conceptions in the Central Comamong the working masses, in the factories, Miller, Williston, 00 THE TURN IN THE COMMUNIST mittee, this fabulous hero replied: foolthey speak openly and translate into work Blecher, 00 ed them in the Central Committee, my soul ers language the perfidious malice of the Gitlin, Newark, INTERNATIONAL AND THE 00 belongs to you. this individual is to gensek (general secretary. The bourge Anonymous, Cambridge, Mass. 00 GERMAN SITUATION day one of the pillars of genuine Leninoisie too, is beginning to disclose the com Wm. Peterson, St. Paul 00 ism. It is an eloquent fact that it is such By Leon Trotsky bination and is already calculating the pro Shafron, Sharon, Pa. 00 wretched creatures who are educating the fits it can draw from it. The petty bour Anonymous, 50 new generation in the spirit of loyalty, courgeois journalists of the capitalist press penetrating examination of the disAnonymous. Brooklyn 00 age and militancy. At the same time, the placements in the relationships of are alrendy announcing the radical Vincent Dunne, Minneapolis 00 best revolutionists are perishing in exile.
social forces evidenced by the recent change to the Right of the one they Plarinos, Youngstown, for ZINZADZE IS DEAD! This organizer of elections in Germany the meaning of call with unacknowledged admiration the Chelot, Frank. 00 the civil war in the Caucasus, president flexible Georgian. Alsothe correspondent the sensational Fascist victory, its Lucas Basky, Palisades, 00 of the Caucasian member of the connection with the new policy of the of the London Sunday Times telegraphs from Frank Basky, City. 00 party since 1903 who helped to crush the Stalinist apparatus, and a proposal Moscow in joyons accents: The necessity Louis Weserk, Chicago 00 Mensherik insurrection of 1924, imprisoned of trimming the sails to the Right has now for action and perspective for the ComA. Cohen, Baltimore. 00 for years by ezarism, escaped from Menmunists. The edition, printed only a become urgent: Rykov, Tomsky and the Davis, Pittsburgh Pa. 00 shevik prisons in 1920. in short, one of the few weeks ago, is almost exhausted.
others are withdrawn so as to give Stalin Anonymous Minneapolis. 00 exemplary and most courageous chiefs of Quick response will bring your copy the possiblity of realizing by himself, whol Sue Weeks, Paterson, 00 the old Bolshevik party dies in exile, and ly or partially, the program of the Right immediately in English or German, Jos. Keller, Cleveland, Pravda has not a word for him except for 00 opposition.
legedus, So. Bend, Ind.
at the same price: 10 cents each or a farewell of his wife and children. These 00 cents in bundle order rates.
This new administrative change of Geo. Roberts, St. Louis Mo. 00 facts must be explained to the party memStalin has two aspects: he liquidates the re Anonymous, Minneapolis. 00 order from bers. The struggle must be carried on with presentatives of the Right in the Soviet in Rose Powell, Richmond, Calif.
them against the Stalinist régime which does 00 THE MILITANT stitutions in the person of Rykov, Tomsky nothing but weaken the resistance of the Friend, Newrak 00 84 East 10th Street, New York, and others, and rids the Communist Inter Cheskis, Boston, Mass.
party and endanger the Soviet power. 00 national of the outstanding represeritatives Jas. Sifakis, Pittsburgh, Pa. 00 SENINE.
Titanic CHICOURTOIMIMAANIMONIORITONGHINKCHIMINORICININKOMMTCT cat CERTHICONCIMEHIKIMINCARICHIAMONIN THE MILITANT Vol. IV, No. 2, Jan. 15. 1931. Published twice monthly by the Communist League of America (Opposition) at 84 10th St. New York Subintion rate: 00 per year; foreign 250. Five cents per copy. Bundle rates cents per copy. Editorial Board: Martin Abern, James Cannon Max Shactman, Maur Arne Swabeck. Entered as second class mall matter, November 28, 1928 at the Post Office at New York under the act of March 3, 1879 (Total No 61)
The Relapse into Trotskyism An Open Secret