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What Is to Be Learned from the Moscow Trial?
Imperialist Gunpowder in the Air. By Paul Sizoff The act of indictment in the case of the specialists working under the direction foresight, without capable regulation, re in a feuilletion under the extraordinarily the sabotagers center (the Industrial of Krzhyxhanovsky consisted of deepen sults, on the one hand, in a disproportion fresh title: Merciless Fire against the Party. is of exceptional interest, not only ing the economic difficulties. that is, of and, on the other hand, lowers the quality Right Left Bloc. writes the following with because of its directly political significance strengthening the disproportion of different of production, in this manner preparing the regard to the snares of the Opposition: but also from the point of view of the branches of industry and of economy as a explosion of the Five Year Plan at its suc And this means the usual factional struggle of the tendencies within the Com whole. Since, beginning with the second ceeding stage. In this way it flows with trick: by attacking, let us say, the State munist Party of the Soviet Union. The Op half of 1928, this aim could not be accom out the least doubt from the act of in Planning Commission and the control figposition asserted and repeated in all of its plished by a slowing down of tempo, the dictment that in the period of its economic ures for the bureaucratism of the economic documents that the minimalist provisions opposite road remained: an excessive ac lagging up to 1928 as well as in the per organs they conduct an attack upon the of 1923 1928 in the sphere of industrializa celeration of tempo of individual branches iod of its economic adventurism. beginning Central Committee, upon the policies of the tion and collectivization were dictated on of industry. It is quite evident that one with the second half of 1928 the Stalinist Party and the Party leadership.
the one hand by the Kulak, and on the method is just as effective as the other. economic leadership acted under the dieta This quotation seems absolutely increother by the foreign bourgeoisie, through In this way, we get what may ap tion of the sabotagers center, that is, a dible. criticism of the State Planning the medium of the Soviet bureaucracy. pear to be an unexpected, but in reality gang of agents of international capital. For Commission, for a number of years a toy The leading Soviet specialists, called to a quite natural, explanation of how and the struggle against this leadership. the in the hands of the bourgeois wreckers responsibility, show what an intensive why the State Planning Commission, in Bolshevik Leninists were put in jail, exiled is made identical by Pravda with a critistruggle they developed in the past for the which the sabotagers were the basic kernel and even shot. Here is the naked truth cism of the Central Committee and by that minimalist program in the Five Year Plan. and where they led their superior Krzhy which cannot be refuted by any shrewd alone is declared to be blasphemy. Didn Thus, it is pointed out by Ramzin particu zhanovsky by the nose without difficulty, concoction!
somebody play a trick here on Pravda larly the most important measure of the so easily passed from minimalist to maxi Pravda and the Planning Commission itself? And in the approaching crisis we sabotagers in relation to all the basic malist tempos, and without any resistance The act of indictment, revealing the will find out from the second act of indictbranches of industry was the slowing sanctioned the conversion of the unverified picture of the sabotagers command of the ment that the Stalinist super tempos, down of the tempo of development, which Five Year Plan into a four year plan. The State Planning Commission and in the All against which we issued a timely warning, is particularly clear in the old Five Year specialists understood perfectly that the Union Council of People Economy, is pub were ordered from the sabotagers by the Plan, worked out under the nfluenc of unbridled acceleration of individual branch lished in the November 11th issue of compradores. Such is the logic of the Stalthe Center. that is, the center of the os of industry without verification, without Pravda, and a day before, the same paper, inist regime!
sabotagers. The Opposition and the Five Year Plan The old Five Year Plan, in its day, was submitted to the most crushing criticism by the Opposition. It is sufficient to quote from the Platform its general evaluaPARISan unprecedented accumulation of capital the proletariat.
tion of the first Five Year Plan of StalinA wind of panic seems to have swept. the sinews of war. This abundance of The proletariat must fight them to the Ramzin: The gigantic advantages of the over the French bourgeoisie since the last capital was the result of long years of pros death; not because they want the revision nationalization of land, the means of prospeech of Mussolini. From the perpetual perity, interrupted only by periodical of the Versailles Treaty, but because they revenge mongers of the Echo de Paris to erises duction, banks, and centralized direction, which appeared over Europe and are the bloody rampart capitalism in that is, the advantages of the socialist rethe Pacifists of the sacred union of Popu from the point of view of economics, the distress. The Versailles Treaty will be volution, are not all reflected in the Five laire, all are talking of the coming war. war replaced this crisis. If it has mass much more surely destroyed by the proYear Plan. Page 30. The former rubbing their hands: an acred millions of men it has also destroy letarian revolution than by the parades of The Central Committee declared our criticism of the Five excellent opportunity for them to militarize ed billions in capital at the same time, and Hitler and Mussolini. It will be suppresYear Plan to be of an anti Party nature.
the country a little more, to squander new ruined and impoverished the majority of sion with the suppression of the capitalist The Fifteenth Party Congress declared that billions in order to satisfy the appetites of the European countries, transforming cre class, whether it calls itself Mussolini or we lack faith, because we became trightthe munitions dealers who pull them on ditor nations into debtors. The war served Tardieu Hitler or MacDonald ened of the allegedly unavoidable decline their strings. As to the latter, they profit by as a safety valve for capitalist over proWithout attaching too much importance in tempo of the reconstruction period. In refurnishing their pacifist armor, greatly duction, but it was possibe only due to that to the phrases of Mussolini, it is true that other words, during 1923 1928, that is, in discolored by years of social patriotism; superabundance. The Italy of 1930 is suf war, without being probably imminent, 15 the period of the development of the strugthey launch themselves upon the country fering from the world crisis more severely a perpetual menace of capitalist society gle against the Left Opposition, the Central demanding peace and disarmament through than most of the greater capitalist coun This menace will become more precise acCommittee was the unconscious political merciless struggle against nationalism and tries. She has not England reserves nor cording as certain big capitalist powers are Polshevism.
instrument of the specialist sabotagters Germany technique. Her war fleet, her able to disentangle themselves from the who, in turn, were the hired agents of the After the Versailles Peace only guarantee in case of war, amounts to crisis and enrich themselves at the expense foreign imperialists and the Russian emi The victorious imperialist state which no more than three fifths of the French of the others. For this competition Franco grant compradores. But didn we always has least profited from the Versailles peace fleet. Her capital reserves are very weak occupies the foremost place. She abounds assert that in the struggle against the Left is incontestably Italy. The treaty gave her and the crisis consumes them more and in gold and in capital; she abounds in solOpposition, Stalin is fulfilling the social neither sources of raw material nor marmore every month. That is moreover, the diers, in cannon and in airplanes; she command of the world bourgeoisie and dis kets, the two poles of capitalist produccommon feature of imperialist war and the abounds in allies who are the police of arming the proletarian vanguard? What tion. Kept out of Africa by France and crisis of overproduction. Both are on a Europe. The fortiications of Tardieu have were once sociological generalizations are England which had carved themselves the world scale, both destroy some capital and a firmness quite different from the bellicose now strengthened by irrefutable juridical lion share there, the dismemberment of while the one massacres the proletariat, speeches of the nationalist agitators. By proof in the act of indictment.
the Austro Hungarian Empire had no other the other condemns it to a slower death.
its existence alone in the midst of a ruined Intensity is the heart of the Five Year result than that of favoring the vassals of Italy would not be able to sustain an im Europe, of a shaken world, she constitutes Plan. On the beating of the heart depends French capitalism. Jugo Slavia Roumania, perialist war except insofar as she will be a genuine danger of war.
the life of the whole organism. But who Czecho Slovakia, which defend themselves aided by a powerful imperialism, that is The French Communists do not have to were the ones to determine the rhythm of behind their tariff walls against Italian Yankee imperialism.
fight directly against Hitler they must prethe heart itself? Ramzin makes a very penetration. In this chiefly agricultural The Role of America cipitate the defeat of their own bourgeoisie, precise reply this: country, Italian capitalism has no internal The crisis is also shaking American of their own government before its dream The execution of the basic provisions market because of the extreme misery of capitalism and its attitude at the London of hegemony finds its realization in a of the Industrial Party (that is, the party the peasant masses; it has no external Naval conference shows clearly that in the bloody venture.
of the sabotagers) in the sphere of intens market in the midst of the world crists of present situation it is interested in preJ 0 ity was assured by the fact that the basic over production. The trade balance reaches serving a conciliatory attitude on the miliVERY OBLIGING REPLY organs deciding the given question were deficit of six billion francs but Italian tary terrain. course towards armament wholly in the hands of the Industrial An Associated Press dispatch of Deccapitalism has not as much exported capital at this time would be very unwelcome Party.
as its French or English neighbors to off to the American bourgeoisie (excepting the ember reprinted in numerous papers inThis is who directed the Stalinist strug set its passive trade balance.
clique which gravitates around Hearst. cluding th New York Evening Post, gives gle for a number of years against the su On the contrary, it is only by repeated and Hoover attached great importance to the following bit of instructive informaper industrialists. loans from the United States that Fascism the ratification of the naval accords, an tion: What the Sabotagers Aimed At has been able to develop and to rationalize Mr. Henderson (British Foreign Sec.
importance which he has underlined in a Is it not clear that the act of indietits industry. The lowest wages in Europe recent speech. The American press rails retary. despite heckling as to whether he ment of Krylenko against the Industrial and unemployment are the ransom that at the pretensions of Mussolini and comintended to permit the case to rest in the Party is at the same time an indictment of Italian and American present state, deferred his angwer the procapitalists extort pares them with the feeble means at his the Stalinist upper layer, which, in its from the toiling masses crushed by the disposal.
test against a recent broadcast in English Gibson the American delegate struggle against the Bclshevik Leninists Fascist terror.
from Moscow in which miners were urged at the disarmament conference went to was really the political weapon of world The economic situation is so tragic, the Rome to remind the Fascist government of to resist the owners terms. The broadcast capitalism? But the matter did not end Fascist power so distrustful of its political its dependence upon American capital. The had been made by a trade union station with the old Five Year Plan. The same defuture, that Mussolini, while reenforcing Washington government is anxious to obover which the Soviet Government has no fendants show that beginning with the his anti working class terror, plans to recontrol, the message explained.
tain a temporary Franco Italian accord second half of 1928 observe the exacteruit collaborators from the former parlia which will permit it to put the Treaty However, it continued that taking tude of the division into two periods. a mentary ministers of the Giolitti govern of London into application the treaty which, into consideration Foreign Secretary Hencontinued reliance upon the slowing up of ment.
as we have frequently emphasized, actually derson declaration of the undesirability the tempo became impossible because, as This is the moment that Mussolini consecrates the naval supremacy of the of such broadcasts, in the future it will Ramzin says, of the energetic execution chose to make his loud voice heard over United States.
be impressed on the Union of Central Coun.
in life of the general line of the Communist Europe. By his threats and by his war As the banker of Italy and as an imcils that no such messages should be transParty of the Soviet Union. The second music he seeks to restore the inner co perialist power of the first order, it does mitted.
half of 1928 is just the time when the hesion of Fascism, undermined by its con not want to steer into an international conHenderson the Labor minister considers Central Committee turned down the Five tradictions, he hopes to group the van flict in which it would necessarily be emmessages to the British miners urging reYear Plan for a criticism of which Opposiquished powers and Bulgaria in a united broiled. Expecially in the present state of sistance to the capitalist offensive as untionists were sent to Siberia. However, did front of resistance to French hegemony. the crisis in which its own economy is indesirable. while Stalin promises to impress the Sabotage of the specialists cease since The bourgeois press is pleased to compare volved.
the Russian trade unions not to send such 1928? No, from this time onward it was his attitude with that of William II before The Real Danger messages again. There are such things, under certain conditions as good agreeparticularly strengthened in view of the the war. And that serves as a pretext for War does not depend upon the political seems expectation of istervention, but in the the nationalist crowd to increase armaments with reformists, but Stalin form assumed by the bourgeois state, but words of the same Ramzin, it took on ments. However, there is nothing in com. on the real economic and military relationto have the sorry knack of always making bad ones.
different character: The basic measures in mon between the Germany of 1914 and the ship of forces. Hitler and Mussolini are the sphere of industrialization he show Italy of 1930.
not dangerous because of their nationalist. were supposed to be directed towards 1914 and 1930 bravado but because they represent the If the number on your wrapper is the deepening of the economic difficulties, Germany in 1914 was the foremost in physical destruction of the proletariat, its unavoidable in any case.
dustrial power in Europe with a consider economic and political subjugation to the But here Ramzin does not speak out able productive capacity, a highly develop most ferocious exploitation of the bourgeentirely, or else Krylenko does not quote ed technique and the greatest army and the oisie. They are dangerous because they rethen your subscription to the Militant has Ramzin evidence to the end. In spite of second navy in the world. Finally, she present concretely the desire of the bour expired. Renew immediately this, the matter is quite clear. The method of had, as did her French and English foes geoisie to solve the crisis on the backs of avoid missing any issues, 60