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Danville Strike Prospects Militant Goes to New Headquasters IN ENGLISH IN GERMAN of Leaders Prepare the Surrender of the Workers Struggle THE TURN IN THE COMMUNIST More room more light, more facilities, After two months of heroic struggle, in the corridor of the national office of the the strike of the 4, 000 textile workers of INTERNATIONAL AND THE better location. that describes the new Party while Bedacht decided if money could Danville and Schoolfield, Va. is continuing headquarters to which the office of the Combe spared for that purpose. Bedacht told GERMAN SITUATION munist League and the Militant have just militantly in spite of the pacific policy Murdoch to hike to Danville, to which MurBy Leon Trotsky moved. The new quarters are at 84 East of the United Textile Workers. At the pre doch rejoined by asking Bedacht it he hikes 10th Street, between Third and Fourth Avesent the strike of the Virginia workers in when he goes on a tour for the national the only major industrial conflict taking nues, right on the first floor. The quarters office. The whole situation brings up an penetrating examination of the displace in the United States and what it placements in the relationships of we occupied previously at 25 Third Avenue interesting question: does the Party intend will lead to is of paramount importance to social forces evidenced by the recent proved to be too small for our purposes. In to keep the only as a decoration all workers, especially insofar as the future the new place, it will now be possible not to issue an occasional statement in the elections in Germany the meaning of of the National Textile Workers Union is the sensational Fascist victory, its only to have an efficient national office but Party press and send paper delegates reconcerned.
connection with the new policy of the also the local New York office. The techpresenting nobody to the many mass conA litle over a year ago, the nical equipment of the organization will ferences called by the Party, or does it Stalinist apparatus, and a proposal lead the historic strike in Gastonia which intend to liquidate the organization and for action and perspective for the Comalso be there, and there is a large hall atwe were told, was the beginning of a series munists. The edition, printed only tached to the office which will permit the call for the building of a Left Wing the of mighty struggles south of the Masonholding of regular branch and committee According the present line it few weeks ago, is almost exhausted.
Dixie line meetings, classes, and public forums.
At that time, the had will not do the latter. Yet the Party is not Quick response will bring your copy a base only at Elizabethton, Tenn.
immediately in English or German, and doing anything seriously to develop the In the process of moving, naturally, the Marion, Today, it has support in at the same price: 10 cents each or expenditure of quite a sum was required. altho it calls it the organization many textile centers of the South while the cents in bundle order rates.
The local New York organization of the of the mass of textile workers. It must is all but liquidated every not be allowed to become a mutual admiraLeague after discussing the advantages of order from where, including Gastonia.
the new quarters, voted to share the extion society but a dynamic force for orTHE MILITANT The Danville workers are feeling the ganizing the hundreds of thousands of unpense of the moving. number of comheavy club of the capitalist class just as organized textile workers in the South, New SI East 10th Street, New York, 19des made special pledges which they have their comrades did in Gastonia in 1929 in England and elsewhere. At the same time already paid, and it is largely to them that we are indebted. The contributors are as New Bedford in 1928 and in Passaic in militant workers in the must be follows: 1926. Tear gas bombs are used to break organized to fight against the McMahon re CACHIN FORTY YEARS OF SERVICE up mass picket lines formed in spite of the gime and for the support of the Danville Nathan Berman, 25. 00; Brown, 10. 00; reactionary leadership. Strikers On the 18th of November, we are instrikers. Glotzer, 10. 00; Sterling 10. 00; to the number of 50 are arrested at one formed by the Daily Worker. comrade Morris Lewit, 10. 00; Zipkin, 00; Phil time and the National Guardsmen with Has Virtually Disappeared Marcel Cachin, the leader of the French Shulman, 00; Pauline Gutringer 00; glistening bayonets patrol the roads leadCommunist Party, completed 40 years of Schwartz, 00; Sympathizer, 00.
ing to the mill to prevent picketing.
in a series of articles contributed activity in the service of the French and In addition, after an appeal made by When the protested to Gov.
to the Militant in the last year, warning the international proletariat. Human comrade Cannon at the public forum adPollard against the use of guardsmen to was given that unless the policy of the ite published a special Marcel Cachin 40 dressed two weeks ago in New York by escort scabs to their homes, the governor Party was changed the would Years Supplement. Meetings, demonstra Shactman, comrades and friends in the referred the protest to Col. Opie of virtually disappear from the scene. Events tions and celebrations have been organized. audience contributed a total of 14. 00.
the National Guard for investigation and have more than justified the warning. ToHowever much we might ordinarily rethe moving itself a number of comaction. It so happens that Col. Opie is in day practically no exists. The national office of the union is located in frain from breaking in rudely on a celecommand of the more than 500 guardsmen rades contributed invaluable assistance in New Bedford where there is a memberbration, we should nevertheless like to who are doing strike duty in Danville!
carting over our furniture and equipment ask: Are there included in the 40 years of in the most economical manner. These inRecently three strikers were evicted from ship of less than 200. small group can be found in Paterson, and a sprinkling activity in the service of the French and the company owned houses and similiar cluded, comrades Pete Hansen, Joe Friedinternational proletariat the services reneviction notices were served on 47 of the here and there. It is by no stretch of the man, Russ Blackwell, George Clarke, Jack dered by Cachin to French imperialism dur Carmody. Sam Gordon, Morris. Many most active strikers. When a protest was imagination a national organization and unless immediate action is taken even the ing the war, when he so warmly defended made to the governor he answered as folof them, including Paul Schwalbe, Max skeleton will disappear.
the bank accounts of the bourgeoisie, and lows: Engel and others, donated their services to their colonies; when he was sent to Italy arrange the new place in the best possible The 47 who were given eviction no Once again we appeal to the militant to win the socialists there to the cause of order.
tices were known to be guilty of unfair workers in the to stop the ruin the Allies; and other services of the same library and reading room is to be set and in many cases unlawful interference ous policy of isolation and the suppression kidney?
up in the meeting hall to which Left wing with the lawful right of other mill workers of those who do not accept the Stalinist Well, you interrupt impatiently, it and Communist workers are invited. Reto work in the mill.
program, and to rebuild the union on a you re going to mention that, why do you member the new address: 84 East 10th St.
Most of the strikers live in the com broad basis. There is a big field in the omit the leaders of other sections in the inNew York pany owned houses and there is but little United States for a militant textile union ternational Stalinist apparatus? What about doubt that a wholesale eviction campaign and there is no reason why the Foster, leader of the American Party, and will soon be started. At that time the should not be that instrument. As its first his unblemished record of Liberty Bond crucial period of the strike will be reached, task it should start a nation wide cam sales to make the world safe for demofor the will not be willing to con paign for the support the Danville strikEver increasing attendance is the feacracy? Or Smeral, leader of the Czech duct a strike of such proportions that will ers and a warning to the strikers against the ture of the most successful open forum Party, and his unremitting efforts to win result in evictions on a broad scale. ultimate betrayal by the The Daily series yet held by the New York branch of the war for his beloved fatherland?
Worker is strangely silent on the strike.
the Communist League.
Policy Lends to Sell Out The last forum Why?
And try as we may, we can think at which comrade James Cannon spoke Already we have seen that the as Ring Lardner would put it of a come on Prospects for the American Revolupolicy leads directly to a sell out of the SYLVAN POLLACK. back.
tion. we had the largest attendance yet: workers as took place in Elizabethton Marsome 130 workers, who listened closely to ion and elsewhere. The futile appeals to the end and then stayed for questions to Gov. Pollard who has shown clearly that the speaker and discussion from the floor.
he is an agent of the mill owners, is one One of the most significant sides of the telling example. The turning over of forum is the increasing number of Party organizers to the police authorities members who come to the meetings, partiin the early days of the strike in another.
cipating through the questions and discusIt is a clear indication that the strikers sion in the most comradely manner. The are greatly bewildered and do not know plan of the New York branch in holding who are their real enemies. The strikers, these meetings at the Labor Temple every who have in the past belonged to a comSaturday night is to illuminate some curpany union are not so much to blame as rent question from the viewpoint of the the officialdom who in a critical Left Opposition as well as to deal with the period, can be depended upon to serve the more fundamental questions that lie at the mill owners and betray the interests of the basis of the revolutionary movement. Comworkers.
rade Max Shachtman, editor of the Militant, The strike is the result of a 10 pc.
will speak on January 3, 1931, on Alignwage cut given the workers last February.
ments for the Next War. Unemployed preAltho the workers who all belonged to the senting membership cards in their Council company union, objected, nothing took place ed since 1923 by the leading group in the Communist In are admitted free.
immediately. Later the United Textile Workers Union sent organizers into the ternational on the most important problems confronting field and on Sept. 29 called the strike.
In passing it may be asked: where was the revolutionary movement. An invaluable conthe all this time? According to the reports we have been reading in the tribution to the issues of the day and an indispensable part Daily Worker for the last six months or of every worker library. more the South is honeycombed with organizers. Of course, we know that it is not true, and is printed in tho Party press like so many other exaggerations to fool the Party membership and One Hundred Pages allow glowing reports to be sent to Moscow.
25 cents a copy in bundles 18 cents Only after the strike had been on for several weeks did the take notice of the situation and send down one ORDER FROM THE MILITANT, SI 10th ST. NEW YORK, Music. Entertainment. Speaking man, Bill Murdoch, without any money or Comrade Malkin Will Recount His Prison other resources. Before he was able to Experiences go he cooled his heels for several days Admission. 85 All Invited Филиппинатписаниинисиниписані пасайишиппингапишиспитип пипісанаатансапнипсаицинсшпинатопшиписанишганинністиннісалининсантимикалиппинсонниншисинтисанітнішанинининшиканиннісіншина TH EMILITANT Vol. IV, No. Jan. 1, 1931. Published twice monthly by the Communist League of America (Opposition) at 84 10th St. New York Y, Subscription rate: 00 per year; foreign 250. Five cents per copy. Bundle rates cents per copy. Editorial Board: Martin Abern, James Cannon Max Shactman, Maur ice Spector Arne Swabeck. Entered as second class mail matter, November 28, 1928 at the Post Office at New York under the act of March 3, 1879 (Total No. 60. Our Open Forum THE STRATEGY OF THE WORLD REVOLUTION By LEON TROTSKY brilliant summary and analysis of the policies pursuWELCOME MALKINI New Year Eve, Dec. 31st at Militant Hall, 84 10 St.