BourgeoisieCapitalismCommunismCommunist PartyMarxMarxismSocialismSocialist PartySovietStalinStrikeTrotsky

Pollack Case: Statement of Fact 59 Slander Answered was not acted upon favorably. Frankfeld has had a personal dislike for me since 1925 when was an active supporter of the Ruthenberg group and he as now, supContinued from page porter for the Foster group. Therefore, urgently needed machinery here, but, by The Daily Worker of November 15, 1930, iffs who arrested us without warrants 80 when the arrests took place, Frankfeld saw setting a number of industries in motion prints a statement by the Party Control testifled. The word of the police is believed an opportunity to get revenge. After we and thereby providing jobs, will clearly Commision which announces the expulsion in preference to a communist.
wer arrested, Slinger, and Little were establish the direct community of interests of comrade Sylvan Pollack on the It came about this way: The defense among the first released on bail. They got of the jobless workers and the proletarian grounds that he acted as an agent for the attorney had made the police witnesses ad.
out the next morning while Tash and mystate.
police when, together with four other Party mit that the arrests were made without self stayed in five days. On my release on Finally, we are totally at variance with comrades, he was arrested for sedition in warrant. To justify their actions the police hail was informed by Frankfeld that the Weisbord views on relations with the Scranton, Pa. last July. An accusation of stated they did not need any warrants belocal Party Bureau, had, on his motion, Lovestone group, stated in his original dethis kind involving the integrity and memcause when Joe Tash, was arrested the gone on record that should be brought up claration, and repeated in the articles in bership of comrade in the movement, night before the rest of us, he gave them on charges. went to New York and ap question. His insistent demand for a bloc must be considered and answered.
the key to the headquarters where was peared before a meeting of the National with the Right wing vitiates all his claims Comrade Pollack has been a supporter taken into custody when came there the Bureau of the and stated that due of adherence to the tested standpoint of the of the Opposition for about a year now, following morning about o clock. If Tash, to the fact that the local comrades were Communist Opposition. The fact that this and a member of the New York branch of antagonistie towards me preferred not demand is carried out in practise by him the Communist League for almost the game gave them the key, they were his guest. was their argument. To continue their to continue to work in that fleld, especially (bloc with Lovestone in the liquidationist time. The accusation made against him, line of reasoning was hustled into the if was to be brought up on charges in textile committee. only makes the matter 28 an aftermath of the Scranton police police car and forced to accompany the the Party. Jakira and Darcy laughed at worse. This proposal will continue to meet raid, was reported to the national commit police when they went to the the charges and tried to persuade me to with as intransigeant opposition from us as rooming tee, which forth with instructed him to de house and arrested Slinger and Little. Here return to the anthracite as organizer. LIO any attempt to establish it as a platform, mand of the Central Control Commission tle also attended this meeting and told of or part of a platform, for the Marxist secof the Party a hearing of the charges and they claimed that they were my guest tion of the movement.
and did not need any warrant. At the Conthe charges, as representative of the Scran an immediate decision. This was imperatrol Commission hearing, in an effort to ton Party Bureau. He was not taken ser. DANCE IN CHICAGO tive in the case, since it is impossible to prove that told the police where the roomiously. This was quite logical. Then have such a question hanging fire for any ing house was located, was asked what was not known as a Trotskyist.
The Chicago branch of the League has length of time. If the individual in ques arranged a proletarian entertainment and conversation, if any, took place between tion is a police agent, every day of his The next week comrade Gibarti, inter dance to be held Saturday night, December the police and myself when driving from membership is injurious to the movement; national representative of the 13, at 1118 Madison St. Among the the office to the rooming house, which 1f the charge against him is false, every persuaded me to become the agit prop dir features on the program will be a reading is only a distance of about three blocks. day that it stands without being wiped out ector of the and in that position of his poetry by Ralph Chaplin, piano and told the that the only conversation impairs the ability of the comrade to funcI continued until was brought up on the violin selections by Ernest Moeller and that took place was that one of the deputy tion in the movement, and, therefore, is charges of Trotskyism.
David Kahn, singing by Miss Edna sheriffs asked me if wanted a cigarette Kunin, recitals, dancing, etc. etc. It will equally injurious to the latter.
and refused. In the statement, in If it were not that wish to limit be, say the Chicago comrades, one of the Following the publication of the Con an attempt to show that was friendly with this statement to a simple declaration of best entertainments held in the city for trol Commission statement, the national the police it is turned around and made the facts in my case, it would be instruclong time. In addition, there will be music icommittee of the League once more consi to read that offered the cigarettes to the tive to describe the conduct in this whole and dancing and refreshments for all. a.
dered the question and decided that abso police.
affair of such comrades as Freeman Thompmission is twenty five cents and all friends lutely no credence could be placed in the After my arrival in Scranton in July son and Dan Slinger, and it would not reand comrades are cordially invited to be charges made against comrade Pollack, for the following reasons.
to take over the post International Ladound to their credit. However, this can present on time so that a full evening be reserved for some future and more apbor Defense district organizer, found out comradely entertainment may be had. His previous record in the move for the first time that before my arrival propriate date.
ment, membership in the Socialist party, Frankfeld, district organizer of the Party. SYLVAN POLLACK, CHICAGO STUDY CLASS foundation member of the Communist Party had the local Party Bureau pags a motion Chicago workers interested in the study In 1919, active speaker, writer and organ against my being given that position. This If the number on your wrapper 18 of Marxism are urged to attend the class ized for the Party for 11 years entrusted was sent to the national bureau of the in that subject conducted by the Communwith numerous posts of importance and which refused to give it any conist League branch. It meets every Wednesresponsibility.
sideration When arrived in Scranton, day, at D. at 1214 Washtenaw, with Previous arrests: during the Palm Frankfeld wag antagonistic from the start, then your subscription to the Militant has comrade Hugo Oehler as director of the er Red Raids in 1919, during the needle the local functionaries of the Party and expired, Renew immediately in order to class. The question method is the one toltrades strike in 1925, during the picketing Union all being resentful that their protest avoid missing any 18sues.
lowed. All are invited.
of the Hungarian Consulate, etc. and his conduct in these arrests which was irre. ism. Despite the fact that the Arst and second hearing of the case before the ConContinued from Page development of other countres would be duction of the specific gravity of agriculbased ther development of economy on the very trol Commission occurred at the end of ture as such. The tempo of the mechanJuly and beginning of August, no action foundation of the contradictions between In order to motivate this same complete ization we can accomplish, is determined was taken against him until December.
city and village, upon which capitalism collectivization, the school of Stalin (there by the productive power of industry. What Since July no new material was presented reached an immeasurably higher level. In is such a thing) has made use of the stark is decisive for collectivization is not the to the Commission to warrant either the America, gigantic Industrial trusts develop comparisons betwen the tempo of devel fact that metallurgy rose in recent years delay or the expulsion almost four months even today, side by side with the farmer opment in industry and agriculture. Crud by a few score percent, but the fact that afterwards. The our metal per capita is negligible. The Commission, in other regime in agriculture. The farmer econ est of all, this operation is performed, as words, did not take the charges seriously, omy created the foundation of American usual, by Molotov. In February 1929, growth of collectivization is only of equal knowing that they were made for ulterior industry. It is precisely on the American Molotov spoke at the Moscow district consignficance to the growth of agriculture itmotives in the first place. This is demontype, by the way, that our bureaucrats, ference of the Party: Agriculture in re self in so far as the first is based on the strated further by the fact that comrade with Stalin at their head, orientated them cent years has noticeably lagged behind technical revolution of agricultural proPollack was not only allowed to retain selves openly until yesterday: the power industry in the tempo of development. duction. But the tempo of such a revolumembership in the Party, but was permitful farmer at the bottom centralized inFor the last three years, Industrial protion is limited by the percent speciflc gravdustry at the top.
ity of industry.
ted to occupy important and responsible The tempo of collectividuction increased in value by more than posts, as editor of Solidarity, official organ The ideal equivalent of exchange is fifty percent and the products of agricul zation must be combined with the materof the Workers International Relief, and the basic premise of the abstract formulae ial resources of the latter and not at all ture all in all by seven percent. The agit prop director of that organization.
of the second volume. Nevertheless, plan comparison of these two tempos is economic with abstract statistical tempos. The Control Commission resurrect ned economy of the transition period, even Illiteracy. By peasant economy they in Capital and Socialist Reproduction ed the Scranton charges only after comrade though based upon the law of value, vio clude, in reality, all branches of economy.
In the interests of theoretical clarity, Pollack was accused of Trotskyism lates it at every step and creates mutual The development of industry has always, It should be added to what has been said, through the intermediary of a disreputable relations between different branches of in and in all branches, taken place at the that the elimination of the contradictions individual named Eisenman previously exdustry and primarily between industry expense of the reduction of the specific between city and village that is, the raising pelled from the as a degenerate and agriculture on the basis of unequal ex gravity of agriculture. It is sufficient to of agricultural production to a scientificand a white chauvinist. The Commission change. The decisive lever of compulsory recall that metallurgical production in the industrial level, will mean the triumph not Immediately demanded Pollack suspenaccumulation and planned distribution 18 United States is almost equal to the proof Marx formulae in agriculture, as Stalin sion from the post of editor until the government budget. With a further duction of farmer economy at a time when, imagines but on the contrary, the eliminathe Trotskyism charges were investi development, its role will have to grow. with us, it is one eighteenth of agricultural tion of their triumph in industry. Because gated, a demand it did not make when Financial credits regulate the mutual re production This shows that in spite of socialist extended reproduction will not at Pollack was accused of being a police lations between compulsory accumulation the high tempos of recent years, our in all take place according to the formulae agent.
of the budget and the processes of the dustry has not yet emerged from the period of Capital. the central point of which The national committee of the League market in so far as they retain their force. of infancy. In order to eliminate the con 18 the pursuit of profits. But all this is therefore declares the scurrilous statement Not only the budgetary, but also the plan tradictions between city and village created too complicated for Stalin and Molotov.
of the Party Control Commission to be a ned or semi planned credit financing which by bourgeois development, Sovlet industry Let us repeat in the conclusion of this disgraceful attempt at a frame up to disinsures the extension of reproduction in must first surpass the village to inchapter that collectivization is the practcredit the Opposition as a whole and comthe can in no way be summed up comparably greater degree than bourgeois cal task of eliminating capitalism and not rade Pollack as an individual militant. His in the formulae of the second volume, the Russia did. The present breach between the theoretical task of its development membership in the Opposition, now of a whole force of which lies in the fact that state industry and peasant economy did not That is why the Marxian formulae are not year standing, remaing unaffected, and they ignore. budgets or plans or tariffs, proceed from the fact that industry surapplicable here from any point of view.
he is entitled to the full confidence of reand in general, all forms of governmental passed agriculture too greatly the ad The practical possibilities of collectivizavolutionists, ly planned intuence that establish the nec vanced position of industry is an interna tion are determined by the productiveWe append here a statement on the essary regulations over the play of blind tionally historical fact and a necessary technical resources at hand for large scale simple facts in the case, made before our forces of the market, which are disciplined condition for progress but from the fact agriculture and the degree of readiness of committee by comrade Pollack.
by the law of value. No sooner would we that our industry is too weak, that is, it the peasantry to pass from individual to National Committee of the free the internal Soviet market and abo has gone ahead too little to have the possi collective economy. In the long run, this Communist League of America lish the monopoly of foreign trade, than bility to raise agriculture to the necessary subjective analysis is determined by the (Opposition. the exchange between the city and village level. The aim, of course, is the eliminat very same material productive factor: the would become incomparably more equal tion of the contradictions between the city COMRADE POLLACK STATEMENT peasant can be attracted to socialism only ized, accumulation in the village it is un and the village. But the roads and meth by the advantage of collective economy, The Control Commission charges that derstood, Kulak, farmer capitalist accumu ods of this elimination have nothing in supported by ced inI led the police to the rooming house of lation would take its course and it would common with the equalization of tempos stead of a tractor, Stalin wants to present Slinger and Little. On whose say so are soon reveal that Marx formulae apply of agriculture and industry. The mech the peasant with the formulae of the second these charges made? At the hearing held also to agriculture. On this road, Russia anization of agrioulture and the industrial volume. But the peasant is honest and in Scranton on July 12, when we were would in a brief period be transformed ization of a series of its branches will be does not want to dellberate over what he held for the Grand Jury, the Deputy Sher into a colony upon which the industrial accompanied, on the contrary, by the re does not understand.
proachable and never met with any critic. STALIN AS THEORETICIAN by LEON TROTSKY 11