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The Anti Soviet Plot The Benefits of Hillmanism Rose Karsner Bus. Manager The Big Efficiency Union manufacturers. The prevailing system of week work in the Montreal market has placed the inside bona fide manufacturers at a disadvantage in comparison with the Continued from page Illegitimates.
comrade Trotsky secretary, Georgi Butov, Hillman Gives the Bosses a Break! to death, while Stalin secretary was enBy ALBERT ORLAND The manufacturers are given a fair abled to go abroad and turn White Guard.
chance through the piece work system to The Stalinist regime stood comrade Since the Amalgamated Clothing Work was even accorded medals for his contricut the wages to the level of the non union Jakob Blumkin against the wall and shot ers embarked on the policy of class colla butions to the cause of social peace. But workers in order to be able to compete him a dastardly crime they have never boration, a great change has taken place what benefits have the workers in the with non union shops. The increase in ef dared to defend publicly. Then Stalin opin the organizational and social outlook of clothing industry received in return for ficiency does not seem, at least in this case, pointed Mr. Agabekov to Blumkin post.
that once radical labor union. From an their cooperation? What has rationalizato warrant any tremendous improve Agabekov went abroad to join the army organization whose chief concern was the tion given them and what are their proments in wages. One can even conclude of the counter revolution!
well being of its membership and whose spects?
from the above explanation that this etAn accusation is now made against social guide was the principle of the sol Thousands of Amalgamated members ficiency is produced by the speed up Briand, and justly. But in 1927, when the idarity of labor, the has been have been thrown out into the streets, forced on the Amalgamated members by Briands demanded the withdrawal of comtransformed into an agency for the proreplaced by machinery or eliminated as piece work and other schemes.
rade Christian Rakovsky as Soviet ambasmotion of rationalization in the clothing waste in industry by efficiency And how about the hours of work?
sador to France, because he had signed industry, with the workers being the vic experts. They are doomed to starvation, Has the made any attempt to the Platform of the Opposition, Stalin and tims of all the concomitants of capitalist victims of Hillman militant efficiency shorten the hours, a reform so imperative Bucharin withdrew Rakovsky. Who rerationalization, unionism.
at the present tie and surely warranted by placed the Rakovskys? Bessedovsky, who Militant Collaboration Is the officialdom aware of these an efficient industry? Except for adopting helped to expel Rakovsky in the Party nucThe leadership of the Amaglamated has facts? What are its answers to them? In resolutions at conventions, nothing has leus! Bessedovsky, who fled through the been selling this sort of unionism to all: Advance, official organ of the of been attempted in that direction.
back window of the Soviet Embassy in manufacturers, workers and the public. March 14, 1930, we read from a speech de The new, militant, realistic unionism Paris to join the ranks of the enemies of All are welcome to share in its benefits, livered by an organizer at a con of the Amalgamated, when stripped of its the proletarian dictatorship!
and, we are assured, all are anxious to ference of the Railway Clerks, the follow attractive coverings, emerges as a genuine In the United States, Serebriakov. who avail themselves of the opportunity where ing reference to these facts: reactionary kind of union employer co later capitulated) was taken out of the ever it has been given them by the gen The policy cooperation for effici operation, a boomerang to the workers. This Amtorg. His place was taken by the Delerous hand of the leadership. ency meant the gradual elimination of the militant unionism has in a few years gasses. Delgass has now joined the counThose who oppose the protection and the inefficient shops and with the dying out wiped out all the gains the clothing work ter revolutionary hue and cry against the benefits of Amalgamated control, as we of these shops a good many people lost ers had enjoyed in past years as a result Soviets; he has become the darling of the are enlightened, are either stupid or in their employment temporarily. We were of their struggles, it has ruined their lives New York Whito Guards.
corrigible fanatics and dogmatists. Not compelled to face that, and in the working and hopes. This unionism can only be The charges name Lord Churchill.
only have Hillman and his associates dis out of the process the temporary hardships maintained by force and deceit. Such a They might have added the name of his colplayed sufficient courage and agressiveness of the displacements have been compen regime has been established and perfected league Chamberlain, who said England in following the line of class collaboration sated for a hundred fold in the tremendous by the Amalgamated bureaucracy.
would recognize Russia only when Trotsky policy, but they have given it widespread improvements in wages and conditions that Hillman boasts of his banks, cooperais stood against the wall and shot. IS publication as the last word in trade un have been made possible in a more effici tive apartment houses, and office buildings.
there any difference in essence between ionism. The has for years pro ent industry.
The workers know that all these have been mulgated this policy in its cfficial organs, that command, and the reality the fact Here is an open admission that the built on their sweat and blod, and enthat comrade Trotsky was finally deported giving numerous demonstrations of its joyed by manufacturers and union bureaupolicy of cooperation is responsible for the workings and even taking pride in its to Turkey; the fact that comrade RakovThe crats, while they suffer and starve.
great unemployment existing in the clothachievements.
sky is in mortal danger in Barnaoul, threaing industry. But the Amalgamated burday is not far off when the clothing worktened with death by Stalin refusal to What is the essence of this Amalgam eaucrat sidetracks this question by iners will arise to action and radically transfer him to another climate; that Murated new unionism? Who has benefited serting the meaningless temporarily and change the leadership and the policies of alov, ex military head of the Moscow disby it, and what are the real conditions of making references to uremendous imthe Amalgamated.
the Amalgamated members in the shops trict (what Kalinnikov took his place. is provements, apparently hoping in this desperately ill in Siberian deportation; that and out of the shops, as a result of the manner to knock any possible critic of comrade Zinzadze wracked by tuberculosis, application of the new policy? Let us his feet.
analyze this policy and look into the facts.
is kept in solitary exile; that hundreds The principle of union employers coand thousands of others are suffering the What Temporary Means in the At a recent meeting of the national operation is not new. It has been advocommittee of the League, comrade Rose Bame fate?
But what has become of the good cated and practiced by all reformist unKarsner was appointed to take over the We repeat that the Stalinist regime, many people who have lost their employions. It consists of the recognition of the ment temporarily? Have they been put business and financial management of the with the whole state and party apparatus common interests of capital and labor and Militant. Comrade Karsner has had a at its command, was so occupied with back into the industry? Or were they ellof the necessity of cooperation for the com minated temporarily until forced wealth of experience in the movement and hounding and suppressing the Bolshevik to mon benefit of both.
her work will be of great assistance to Opposition as agents of world imperialdriſt into other occupations, or died of The leadership has not inthe stabilizing of our paper. Plans are ism. that the real agents of counter restarvation? There was a case a few years already under way for conducting a camtroduced any new elements into this convolution enabled to mobilize the ago with 150 cutters of the Chicago orception to justify its claims to being the ganization who were eliminated by the Joint possible to return to a weekly status. As paign to insure the Militant and make it strength they have now been shown to most advanced trade union in the labor have.
decision of the union and Hart, Schaffner movement. It has, however, proved able onu Marx for a compensation of 500 a a first step in this work, an appeal has Stalin and the Right Wing to camouflage this policy of class colla piece, and eliminated permanently with adjust been made to the branches to raise The Stalinist clique, which now adboration with such names as the new a small quota for an emergency. Thc monitions never to come back because the mits that the conspirators were staking strategy. militant unionism. realistic industry did not need them any response to the appeal which is only little more.
their cards on the victory of the Right militant unionism. etc. and for that it And the cutters were the aristocrats in over a week has been good: The Minnea wing (Bucharin Rykov Tomsky. was the certainly deserves credit and admiration as polis comrades sent in 20. 00; New York, the industry. This case can be characterintimate partner of this very same Right no other trade union in the country. 22. 00; Toronto, 37. 00; Chicago, 23. 00; ized as the siren of efficiency unionism.
wing in the campaign to strangle the In practice, the policy exBoston, 00, and the others still to be For what happened to the Chicago cutBolshevik Leninists. To the extent that presses itself in the following manner: The heard from. We urge all our comrades ters a few years ago has since become this campaign was successful, it was a union and the employers cooperate in re a daily occurrence and a matter of routine and supporters to give the new manager victory, not for the proletariat, but for ducing labor costs by increasing produc in the clothing shops under Amalgamated the measure of cooperation that will make the Kondratievs, the Ramzins, the Ustariation, eliminating waste, applying efficient our further work secure.
control. Hundreds of cutters and thoulovs, the Chamberlains and world imperialmethods, eliminating strikes and promoting sands of workers from other branches have ism as a whole.
peaceful relations between both parties. been eliminated without any compensa The Draft Program of the Communist The workers are to receive the benefits tion to face starvation and misery. There International by Trotsky is a tho The capitalist press is making a sickly of increased production in the form of un are today hundreds of aristocrats perrough analysis the principal theories effort to minimize the whole plot. Naturalion wages and hours.
manently unemployed in the New York animating the course pursued by the lead ly. They wish to lull the workers into a What the Bosses Want market, members of the once powerful Cutership of the International since 1923 the false security. But the vanguard will not be Any clear minded person will easily ters Local The membership of this local theory of socialism in one country cleceived. The Thermidorian danger, the understand that employers do not need the has dwindled from 4, 000 to 2, 000, with more the question of the character of the revdanger of the growth of the unter ret cooperation of a labor union in the ration than one third permanently unemployed.
olution in the colonial and semi colonial lutionary forces, is a real one in the Sovalization of their enterprises, that technicounries. The American edition is 35 cents Now how about the tremendous imiet Union. Saviet Russia, isolated from cal management can be procured outside of provements in wages and conditions rea copy and can be bought from the Militant the capitalist world, encircled by the might trade union offices and that non union ferred at 25 Third Avenue, New York City.
by the organizer in of worid imperialism, still has a strong shops are no less concerned about efficient his speech? Have the wage standards been base for capitalist elements and capitalmethods of production than union shops. raised or lowered as a result of the inist restoration. The advances of the Soviet What an employer can, however, expect creased production? Are there any wage Union, while it liquidates some of these from a labor union is cooperation in eli standards at all in shops outside elements, sharpen the contradictions inher.
minating strikes and securing uninter of these fixed by the employers and sancent in an isolated proletarian state and rupted production.
tioned by the officials of the Amalgamated?
bring the restorationist dangers to a head.
The entered the field of renthese Are there any price committees in the The Stalinist regime accentuates dering that kind of service to the cloth shops? And, by the way, why was it necdangera.
ing manufacturers and has proved able to essary to abolish the week work system JUST RECEIVED FROM POLAND Oscillating between a proletarian line measure up to its task. It has even gone which has been so fiercely resisted by the and a petty bourgeois line, Stalinism is further than that. It has offered them the workers and forced on them by the Beckunable to mobilize properly the internaservices of all the resources of the or ermans and other agents of Hillman?
tional revolutionary resistance of the ganization, cooperation in the shops by ef That the piece work system has been workers. This task, now more imperative ficiency experts it maintains, credits from forced on the workers as a scheme to inthan ever in the face of the recenti exits banks in addition to guarantees of crease the speed up and reduce wages is By LEON TROTSKY posures, requires a Leninist course, peace and uninterrupted production. The given testimony by the officialdom recentLeninist regime in the Party, a Leninist boastfully claims to have put tho ly on the occasion of the introduction of policy towards the proletariat at home and union shops in an advantageous position piece work in the Montreal market.
In Two Volumes of 700 Pages In towards the international movemnt. It in comparison with non union shops in re Advance, July 11, 1930, under the caption Fire Dollars for Both Volumes requires a Leninist leadership. This leagard to competition, that it has actually News from Montreal the following exdership is dispered, in prison and exile.
made the open shop a non paying proposi planation is given by the Montreal officialIt must be recalled and reinstated.
tion for employers.
dom Order from The counter revolution has raised its Hillman, surely, cannot be denied re It has become increasingly important THE MILITANT cognition for accomplishing these ends. In ominous head. The Bolsheviks, the fightto give the manufacturers who are will25 Third Avenue. New York, ers and leaders of the October revolution, fact, he has been compensated for his ing to stand by the union a fair chance are needed in the Party to crush the achievements by high praise from all sorts to do business in competition with the threat to the Soviet Union and the interof patriotic and reformist quarters and illegitimate (meaning the non union)
national revolution.
Were IN JEWISH My Life n.