AnarchismBolshevismBourgeoisieCivil WarCominternCommunismCommunist PartyImperialismLeninismMarxismOpportunismStrikeSyndicalismWorkers PartyWorking Class

Young Vanguard The Civil War in Brazil On Saturday Otcober 11th a conference delegates were naturally reluctant. Sevof young needle trades workers was held in eral of the more experienced rank and Brazil is the fourth South American out that in Brazil, due to the complexities New York by the Youth Section of the Alerg spoke.
country to overthrow the government in of the economic structure, with the exN. The latter, after having The tone of the reports and comments the course of the last three months. isting diversification of products, each recarried on no real activity since its or by the so called leaders of the Conference In Bolivia and Peru, with the sympathy gion having its staple, and a mutual though ganization, suddenly decided to organize was: the youth should be in the leadership of the great masses, the liberal bourgeoisie conflicting interest on part of both imperthe mass of needle trades youth. This was of the movement; the young needle work staged triumphant movements, and supialisms as regards the most important proto be one of the accomplishments of the ers are the most militant section in the ported by British imperialism managed to duct (coffee. it is impossible to say that leadership under its shock plan. industry: the Youth Dept. of the defeat the feudal elements which for years.
either of the two leading imperialist powPreparation for such an affair is of is making great efforts to win over while in power, bad worked hand in hand ers actually supported, in the true sense utmost importance. Since no previous work the youth; the young workers will be es with Wall Street financial interests.
of the word, either one of the two Brazilian had been carried on among the youth, be pecially needed in the front ranks of the In Argentina the pro British governpartie. Both imperialisms made pacts and cause of the general weakness of the coming dress strike.
ment of Hipolito Irigoyen was turned out agreements with both groups as the partiT: the fact that the mass of the The fact that the youth is the most by a military coup of the big bourgeoisie oular situation required.
youth in the industry have never been in militant, the most active section of the in supported by American imperialism. The action of the Wall Street governany union; these are some of the condi dustry has much truth in it, but whether virtual reign of terror was then instituted tions which necessitate well organized, it should lead the struggle is highly ques against the proletarian organiations. The ment in rushing to the aid of the old persistent, conscientious preparatory ac tionable. Especially in a class struggle Communist and anarchist press has been Brazilian regime on the eve of its coltivity. However the shock plan had. union, it should be the most experienced, suppressed and several anarchist and anlapse, undoubtedly induced to lend its supto be carried out; another youth con the most theortically advanced who should archo syndicalist leaders have been export in exchange for promises of future ference had to be added to the record; lead. And this is usually found among the ecuted.
juicy concessions, demonstrates the falsity an almost countless number of conferences adults rather than the youth.
of the analysis and goes a long The Brazilian revolt, however, is in way towards confirming that of the Brazilof young workers in the various industries Then the time came for a report and reality a much more complex affair than an Left Opposition. Only acrobats can be were to be held before September 30. discussion on the Program (the draft of either of the other three countries menThe Needle Trade Youth Conference lieve the analysis which declares, in the which was distributed to the delegates)
tioned. Brazil is in area the largest coun October 21 issue of the Daily Worker, that was therefore originally called for Septthe chairman was notified by the Janitor try in the Western Hemisphere and has Wall Street, after having supported the ember 21. Two or three afternoon open that the room to be vacated the renta population of 39 million, concentrated rebellion, turned a triple somersault and air meetings were held, a leafiet or two al time had already expired. The Proprincipally in different parts of the east flew to the aid of the regime that had alissued, the Shop Delegates Council of the gram Committee report took up a few minand the south. Throughout this immense ready been fatally weakened through its was notified and prepara utes: It shiggested that the Draft be acarea the industries and agricultural pro own efforts. The Wall Street millionaire tions were completed! But when the hour cepted subject to minor changes to be ducts are quite diversified and the local are shrewder oliticians than certain of the for the opening of the Conference arrived, made by the incoming Executive. With no governments which have a surprisingly Daily Workor star reporters and are cereven the official leadership could not go discussion, the report was accepted includgreat amount of local autonomy, even to tainly not fools enough to do that.
through with it. The handful of delegates ing Plan of Action. where have we the point of having their own armies) rewho assembled were told that the Conferheard this before. The latter consisted of present generally speaking the respective The official press of the American ence had been postponed until October 11. eight tasks such as the establishment of a interests of the local exploiters. The prin Communist party has dealt very absurdly However, very little additional agitafunctioning Youth Committee of the Union, cipal crop in the country is coffee, with with the whole problem from the outset.
tion had been carried on. few more and a Youth Delegates Council; the orrubber as an important second and cacao, Until the appearance of the aforementioned afternoon meetings were held, a notice ganization of four functioning youth seclivestock, grain, mining, etc. also quite article the Worker and the other Party ornow and then in the Dally Worker and tions of buildings in various crafts of the important in their respective regions.
gans, shouted loudly that the rebellion was little more. At an open air meeting held industry: formation of four shop commitThe deposed Brazilian government was supported by Wall Street. The most ludia day before the Conference in front of tees in large places employing young above all a representative of the coffee incrous instance of bureaucratic stupidity the International Tailoring Corporation, at workers by December 15; establishment of terests as was quite natural with coffee of the really naive kind to be found in this Fourth Ave. and Twelve Street, no leaflets training school; support of clothing workas the outstanding commercial product already too much abused Third Period were issued; the youth speakers did not ers sports club; of Needle Worker; foundBrazil produces the bulk of the world appeared in the Freiheit (Oct. 11, 1930. even know the hour that the Conference ing of a bi weekly Youth Bulletin by Nov.
in an article informing us that a Mass 15th, was to be held. This in spite of the fact etc. In a coffee. During the period of crisis which, word a general plan, especially inasmuch as coffee is concerned, Communist prising Captures the Third that the head of the National Youth Dept.
which is not very difficult to put on paper, stratebut even if good, required has been Largest (Ity in Brazil. Nothing was said very long, the government of of the was present! An otherWashington Luiz has attempted all sorts in the Daily Worker concerning an event, wise good meeting ended with no organi gical and tactical policies to put in pracof schemes to protect, by artificial means, which were it true, would have been of zational results. We do not know whether tice as well as correct leadership.
enormous the interests of coffee growers. First came revolutionary significance. In this is a typical case, but the showing at After the acceptance of the Program, the valorization plan by which the surplus reality all that happened (we were forced the October 11th Conference seems to inseveral of the delegates pledged specific product was stored to force a rise in prices to find out through the New York Times. dicate as much.
sumg of money for the coming dress strike.
on the market. After the failure of this was that during a street demonstration of of the fifty or so delegates present, Motions suddenly came from the floor on workers in Bahia, several plate glass winthe overwhelming majority were from Left Greetings to Minor, then one to Foster, scheme, loans were secured in BIOTH Great Britain and the United States for the prodows were smashed and a few street care wing controlled shops or were previous Amter, Raymond; suddenly some one retection of these coffee raisers and to rewere overturned. We will be called counmembers of the Union. An insignificent buked the Conference for forgetting Harry lieve the crisis in the industry. The liberter revolutionists for saying this, as we handful were new delegates from complete. Eisman the young Pioneer serving at Hawal bourgeoisie whose interests conflict vioare almost every other time that we tell ly unorganized places, or obtained during thorn.
the truth. lently with those of the semi feudal coffee the campaign. for the Conference. There motion was then carried endorsing producers protested energetically against were apparently no representives of large the Communist Party in the election camThe Party Patsch these extensive foreign loans which beneshops.
paign. The next and final point was the Aved the coffee industries alone.
In Rio de Janeiro however, it seems Called for 2:30, the Conference opened election of a Youth Executive. The main after Most of the time was taken up The recent rebellion was brought about that the party comrades, staged a melee, business of the conference squeezed into by a combination of all the opposition in an attempt to capture power. and with talk. Not the kind which would make about ten minutes; the delegates listened; forces, especially those of the petty bour were suppressed with numerous casualties, the delegates feel that they were running the leader Wald down the line. No genuthe Conference, deciding on policies, etc. after a couple of hours by the troops and ine steps forward had been taken by the geoisie, and representing generally the inbut on the contrary, orders were given, police. The Daily Worker commenting on Conference.
terests of most of the secondary industries of the country. Counting on a wide mass this last isolated outbreak, which bears all telling what should be done, how to do (The next issue of the Young Vanguard it, how not to function. This was followed the ear marks of a suicidal putsch, says will carry a criticism of the Program and support, which was natural as a result of the years of dictatorial rule under the by the chairman asking the young workin its issue of October 28, The fight of the the Plan of Action accepted at the ConWashington Luiz regime, the rebellion wag workers under the leadership of the Comers present to join in the discussion. The Ierence. initiated by the action of several sates and munist Party of Brazil shows the deep after some fighting was enabled within a going radicalization of the masses and the few weeks to dominate the country. As fact that the workers and poor peasants the ship was sinking, the army. whether are beginning to put forward their indeContinued from page tion of the class struggle.
acting for the coff growers or not still pendent demands against their bourclass party people from Montant, M11 It is asked: What role have we rmeains to be seen) threw the president geoisie as well as against all imperialist ler who still sees nothing wrong with run to play in this movement. That was the overboard and attempted compromise forces.
ning in the Repubican Party primaries. question put by the great strategists of the with the rebels. The compromise being reThe of Brazil has, unfortunately, and the Left Opposition? It is not difcult Pepper Lovestone Bedacht school in rela fected, the army officers, glad to have saved already dicredited itself before the masses to decide.
tion to the LaFollette movement. Only their own brave hides, were obliged to cede because of its anti imperialist adventures We would go there only in order to tell with the aid of the Comintern, at that time to the demands of the new regim.
and its election fizzle with the Workers them that we shall have nothing to do under the direct pressure of the Russian False Analysis of the Situation and Peasants Block. It is incapable with with their movement and for no other Opposition, was the correct answer given.
its many opportunist and ultra Left deconceivabe purpose. Whom would our agi We can give the same reply now. Our role The Communist Party of Brazil, and fects of leading the masses effectively in tation and point of view concert in this is to disclose the character of this move in imitation of it, the American Party also, struggle.
quiet, confidential conference? Workers, ment publicly to the workers, to reveal have continually painted the Washington or their rank and Alle representatives? They its adventurist and opportunist nature to Luiz government as being pro British, pic Our small Left Opposition group in will be present. Or do we expect to fight intransigeantly against its deceptions. turing the interests of the semi feudal cof Brazil has already in its ranks a number convert to a Marxian position the Love It Pepperism in 1924 was a tragedy, this fee intersts as identical with those of of serious revolutionary fighters expelled stoneftes who seek to liquidate the com pitiful caricature of 1930 will undoubtedly British imperialism. Although they quite from the Party for their consistent strugmunisti movement, who feel like fish in be and is, a farce. We want nothing to do correctly point out that British investments gle against the opportunism of the leaderwater when they are toying with mass with it in Brazil are double those of the they ship.
The Bolshevik Leninists of Erazil petty bourgeois movements? Or the Fin Our moment, which arose and is de fail to consider that the enormous majority have before them the task of rallying about nish leaders who knowing better, raised veloping in the merciless struggle against of the Brazilian coffee crop is marketed themselves the best proletarian elements their hands to the skies in the Party to exthe revisionism of Marxism in the revolu in New York. This is an entirely false of the Party in order to reconstitute and pel us, and only broke with the Party when and its twin adventurism, against all va and over simple analysis of the real case, build the Brazilian Communist movement, the latter leaders under pressure of the rieties of fakery, exaggeration, of inflated, as both imperialisms are deeply interested for the organization of the working class Left sentiment in the Party began in their boosted and promoted movements which in Brazilian coffee, while the secondary in and the strugle for Communism in Brazil.
characteristically clumsy, stupid and incollapse of their own emptiness can only dustries are controlled some by one ImperR. BLACKWELL, effectual manner, it is true to deal with gain from adopting such an attitude. We ialism and some of the other. Inasmuch the opportunist corrosion eating into the are confident that our Minneapolis com as the rubber industry is concerned, the vitals of the Finnish Communist movement rades will concur in our point of view Washington Luiz regime has shown decided If the number on your wrapper is in the Northwest. Let the Finnish business which is dedicated solely by concern over favoritism to the Ford interests as against men seeking political cover for their opthe interests and future not only of our their British rivals.
portunism and the corrupt adventurers in group in particular but the working class Our comrades of the Leninist Left Opthe Lovestone camp who are violating every movement as a whole.
position in Brazil, through their monthly then your subscription to the Militant has Communist principle once respected in the National Committee organ Lucta de Classe have demonstrated expired. Renew immediately in order to avoid missing any issues, movement go their way. We will build Communist League of America (Opposition) clearly the incorrectness of the official seriously and substantially on the foundaPer Max Shachtman Party analysis, and have further pointed On the New Farmer Labor Party Proposal 57