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Our National Tour Stalinist Antics in California Good Meetings for Saul in Mid West Cities THE MILITANT NEEDS AID!
ComQuotations That Somehow Do Not Tally.
LOS ANGELESComrade George Saul, who has just and another public meeting arranged by An unemployment council was organized reached Chicago by this writing, has been the Communist Leagule branch. couple of months ago, the Militant here and at one time it had 1200 members.
having a number of successful meetings in lively announced that during the summer period discussion took place at these gatherings, Elut suddenly the order came to dissolve his national tour for the Communist it would be compelled to go back to semiwith comrade Saul elucidating the position the council: Have every one join the League. Beginning in Denver, comrade monthly publication, after which it would meeting of the 1200 was call Saul organized three street meetings virtuof the Left Opposition on the important resume its weekly appearance. The sumed to tell them the good news and to problems of the movement, and in partic mer months have drawn to a close and we ally by himself. All of them were highly elect delegates to the Unemployment Conular on the perspectives for the trade union successful, and at the end of the third, are anxious to make every effort to publish vention in Chicago. But where were the movement in the United States. As a result the Militant as a weekly once more.
many workers in the audience asked him 1200. for only 50 showed up.
of the second meeting, eight workers made With its initial appearance, the Militant to continue holding the meetings.
And really what was the use of comapplication for membership in the League. set itself the aim of reaching the workers rades of the official Party asked many lag to the meeting!
with the truth. To tell the workers the truth Who did not know questions which comrade Saul answered In Springfield, Illinois, en route to Chiin advance that what happened will and about the capitalist system and the capitalthoroughly. As a result of the Denver cago, comrade Saul met with a number of Jist class is to liberate them from the mental must happen. Eva Shaffran read a list of nominees and they elected this list for meetings, a beginning has been made in Opposition comrades and leaders of the slavery under which they live. To tell the the work of organizing a local branch of Left wing miners movement. Throughout there was no other to elect.
truth about the situation in the revolutionary Is there any wonder, after a council al comrade Saul spoke at three meetinga there the League the whole Southern Illinois territory, the Proceeding to Kansas City, and labor movements is to liberate them 1200 members was reduced to 50 who joinonce powerful Communist and Left wing from the illusions and deceptions practised also, one of them in a hall on the subject movement has been thoroughly shot by the against them by false leaders. To analyze ed the paper unions of the that at the September 18t demonstration some of Class Persecutions in the South. the ruinous policies of the official Party. Ef and foretell events, by the teachings learntwo to three hundred Party members, other on a prominent street corner, and the forts will be made now to assemble the Left ed from Marx, Engels, Lenin and Trotsky, and Ploneers were out while not third with the local members of the League.
wing forces again for concerted action. is to help arm the working class in its one unemployed worker out of the 150, 000 Saul visit to had a lively effect Some gratifying developments may be ex fight for final emancipation. The Militant in LA. took active part in it. The Stalin upon the local comrades who write enthupected in Southern Illinois in the near has one this systematically and with 18ts say that this is due to poltce inter slastically to the national office about the future.
perseverance ference but why were the masses not interest was been awakened, among new We have already accomplished a great From Chicago, comrade Saul is to visit afraid of machine guns on March when elements as well as among old timers.
work in clarifying the ranks of the revoluDetroit, Cleveland Youngstown. Pittsburgh the Unemployment Council was still in extionary movement. But the big tasks we In St. Louis, comrade Saul spoke be and Philadelphia before coming to New listence?
have set ourselves have only been begun.
fore a meeting of the Workers Alliance, York.
We are not deterred by the difficulties, nor The cloakmakers are on strike, 400 by the malicious slanders of our adverout of 500 of them, and the decision of saries in the labor and Communist movethe Needle Trades Workers Industrial ments. The powerful apparatus and maUnion is this: All those working in shops Stalin is not a dictator. He is the mous power in his hands. And am not truth and the fron logic of Marxism in where the Right wingers are in the major foremost leader of the Russian Communist sure that he always knows how to use that chdnery they possess cannot overcome the ity go out on strike; all those who work Party, indeed, of the world revolutionary which the strength of the Militant lies.
power with sufficient caution. Stalin in shops where the Left wing is the ma movement. He is the best pupil of Lenin. is too rude, and this fasilt, entirely support The coming months will be filled with jority remain at work! And although the The the clearest Marxian of the present day.
events of international importance.
able in relations among us Communists, strike is being conducted by the arch Stalin enjoys great prestige. This he has becomes insupportable in the office of genclass struggle grows more intense in China.
reactionary Breslau of New York, and the won by his life time of splendid revolution eral secretary. Therefore, propose to the in India, the Soviet Union, in Germany police seem to be in cahoots with Breslau ary service. Especially has his work been comrades to find a way to remove Stalin and Austria, in the United States and elseto permit picketing, and although we know outstanding since the death of Lenin in where. The Militant will strive to the from that position and appoint to it anoththat the strike is more of a utmost to inform its readers truthfully about er man who in all respects differs from strike to organize the bosses and sell them Wm. Foster, Daily Worker, October Stalin only in superiority namely, more what happens and analyze and interpret unionism than it is for the workers the 2, 1930.
these events from the revolutionary point patient, more loyal, more polite and more double bookkeeping of the Left wing reattentive to comrades, less capricious, etc.
of view. In this country, it is a work mains ruinous. Strike and scab at the Comrade Stalin, having become genthat the Militant alone is doing. Lenin in his Testament. January same time! The Left wing never was and publication eral secretary, has concentrated an enorBut its semi monthly 4, 1923.
never will be built this way.
is a great handicap. Our paper was creat Hugo Oebler deserted his post in the It is significant that during the year eld and maintained for almost two years by the efforts of a small group of rebels. Persecuted Socialist South at a difficult moment without notice and a half of bitter struggle in the South Upon their shoulders has been placed the and simply disappeared. When disduring which our organizer at Bessemer City, Ella May, was shot through the heart burden of support.
The New York Telegram, semi official Very little effort has covered later in Chicago, he was found in a been made to appeal for assistance to the organ of Heywood Broun, socialist canand killed by a mill owners mob, during didate for Congress in New York, publishes pathological condition suffering from halmilitants outsido our organization.
which our organizer George Saul was senlucinations, which was the only factor sav.
We want to re establish the weekly as the following heart breaking account of the tenced to the chain gang for attempting murderous brutality with which the New ing him then from expulsion from the Parsoon as possible. Towards this end, a fund to hold a meeting; while another of our must be created that will secure its reguYork police are attacking the noble goty. He is suffering from a serious case organizers Aun Burlak, now faces the lar publication. Every reader and friend of cialist defenders of teh working class. The of paranola. His conversion to Trotsky electric chair at Atlanta, Georgia, for mere the Milftant can and should contribute to this Communist leaders are sent to prison.
ism is a by product of his mental break ly protesting to the police against the fund. Financial support can be rendered down. The case of George Saul differe Here what happened to Broun when arbreaking up of a meeting, that during this in two ways: somewhat; he ran away from a six months rested for picketing in the Fifth Avenue entire period there has not been a single sentence on garment workers strike: the chain gang in Carolina, desertion of importance from the defenze Send in a donation immediately as your share; or covering up his desertion by leaving the struggle under the leadership of the In Broun went along but not as the offiPledge and pay a sum regularly every Party and announcing himself as a Trot ternational Labor Defense.
cer had expected. He hired a cab and took Twenty skydte.
month for the next six months. Statement by the Louis the policeman with him, directing the dri. Statement by Earl Browder, Daily five to fifty cents a week. 00 to 00 a Engdahl secretary, Daily Worker, Septemver to proceed to the 51st St. station month) will not be a burden upon an emWorker, July 29, 1930. ber 22, 1930. ployed reader, but a few score of such. Maglatrate Ford on Levy (Broun pledges will mean a weekly Militant We are appealing to every reader of got a big kick out of reading your the paper.
Respond generously and quickcolumn about my friend, Judge Brodsky, Continued from Page 6)
But difficulties are conquered not by Illu ly. The moderate assistance of every he said to Broun.
to the level of a national movement is pos sions, not by a policy of adventure, not by comrade added together, will make a Fund m very glad you did, said the posible only by connecting the struggle for hopes of a Chiang Kai Shek, nor of a dem that will supply the needed foundation for lite opponent of Brodsky.
land, against tax oppresion and the bur ocratic dictatorship. Difficulties are con the Weekly. Send bills, checks, or money Then to prove that no one held a den of militarism, with the ideals of the quered by clear thinking and a revolution orders to the Militant, 25 Third Avenue, grudge, Broun and the policemen posed independence of China and the sovereignty ary will New Fork, Do your share in the for photographers. Broun arms were of the people. democratic expression of The Chinese proletariat is coming to drive!
around the cops this connection is the plenipotentiary Na power not order to resurrect the ChinWe patiently awain the account in the tional Assembly, Under this slogan the ese Wall and under its protection to build Communist Party of Austria (Opposition)
next issue of the New Leader to learn whe Communist vanguard will be able to unite a national socialism. By conquering powFrey ther Broun and the cops sang the Inter around Itselt the vast masses of workers, er the Chinese proletariat will conquer one Internal Group of the of Austria national or just Sweet Adeline.
the oppressed small townspeople and the of the most important strategic positions Frank hundreds of millions of poor peasants, for for the international revolution. The desCzecho Slovak Left Opposition: Krieger Weisbord Statement an insurrection against foreign and native tiny of China, as well as the destiny of the Italian Left Faction: Candiani oppressors. can not be considered except in New Italian Opposition: Santini, Blasco In the last issue of the Militant, an The organization of workers Soviets relation to the revolutionary movement of Mexican Left Oppostion: Negrete omission was unfortunately made in the can be attempted only in presence of an the world proletariat. This is the source beginning of the final installment of comobvious rise of the revolution in the cities.
of greatest hopes and the justification of In this day of standardization, we offer rade Alber Weisbord statement. The Meanwhile we can only get ready. To get the highest revolutionary courage.
the following form statement of self criticomitted section read as follows: ready means to gather strength. At preThe cause of the international revism to be used by order of the Central Conolution is the cause of the Chinese revolu An analysis of the present situation sent we can do it only under the slogan trol Commission for rank and file members tion. The cause of the Chinese revolution cannot be complete or correct without a of a consistent, courageous, révolutionary of the Party who are chosen to be the democracy.
thorough study of all basic international is the cause of the international revolution.
scape goats for blunders initiated by the questions. Only the movement headed by In the meanwhile we must explain to THE PROVISIONAL INTERNATIONAL leadership: 1, the undersigned, do hereby Trotsky has stressed the necessity for the advanced elements of the working class SECRETARIAT OF THE COMMUNIST acknowledge that the reason for our weaka truly international point of view, has that a National Assembly 1s for us only OPPOSITION: Rosmer. Landau. Markin ness in the. district has been my outfought the tendencies of national socialiam, a stage in the revolutionary road. We are rageous opportunism, covered with equally and has made such an international view steering our course towards the dictaRussian Left Opposition (Polshevik Leninoutrageous Leftism. All the mistakes that point the prerequisite warp and woof of torship of the proletariat in the form of 1sts. Trotsky were made are due to my inherent scoundevery sectional thesis, The Left Internathe Soviet system.
Communist League of France (Opposition. Rosmer relism. My principal error was my failure tional Opposition (Trotsky) alone has cor We do not shut our eyes to the fact to realize what a smart bunch of comrectly fought the opportunism embodied (1) that such a dictatorshp will put before United Left Opposition of the German rades we have in the Political Bureau. Landau in the theory of socialism in one country, the Chinese people the hardest economical (Bolshevik Leninists. know better now. reg be (2) in the Anglo Russian Trade Union and international problems. The Chinese Spanish Communist Opposition: committee affair. 3) in the Chinese Kuo proletariat constitutes a smaller part of Andrade, Gorkin severely punished (you can be too hard on Min Tang adventure. Nevertheless in view Hennaut me. and should anything go wrong in the the population of China than the proletar Belgian Communist Opposition: of the recent international events, it 19 future offer to take all the blame for it iat did on the eve of the October Revolu Communist League of America (Opposition. Shachtman in advance. You see, ll be blamed for it necessary to make an independent analysis tion in Russia. Chinese capitalism 18 more here of the chief international situations. backward than Russian capitalism was. Communist Left of Austria: Karl, Mayer anyway.
attorney) motton, damlased the complaint. The Left Opposition and the Chinese Events