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What is Social. Fascism? Case of Base Ingratitude Who Is «Betraying» Labor Defense Unity?
Besmirching the IWW Radek Novitiate Fascism at one pole and to communism at the other.
The difference between blondea and brunettes is not so great, at any rate substantially less than the difference between men and apes. Anatomically and physioRadek has his novitiate to serve. To democracy, but upon the foundation of an logically, blondes and brunettes belong to piteous wailing is being heard from wards this end, he writes long winded feu abstract democratic criterion which is pethe editorial offices of the New Massés.
one and the same species of life, can beilletons in Pravda on social fascism culiar to the opportunists even when they long to one and the same nationality, also Teeth are being gently gnashed, and hair What is this, a rope? as the philosopher want to or must occupy the extreme wheel one and the same family, and finally, both artistically torn. The bald and toothless said among the Chemnitz folk. And since of the extreme barricades (here they usully can be the same scoundrels and notwithsit around the wall and reflect philosophicthe trouble is the readers of the num turn their backs to the wrong side and hold standing, the skin and hair coloring has ally that in this world at least there is no erous articles on social fascism disas the weapon at the wrong end. Its significacce not only in the police pass justice, and worse yet, no gratitude. The trously forget all the excellent arguments There is no class difference between but in living relations as a whole. Radek, more politically minded artistes are advoof the previous investigators, it is up to social democracy and Fascism. Fasciam however, in order to earn the hearty cating the passage of a law. The more Radek to begin from the beginning. To as well as social democracy are bourgeois plause of Yaroslavsky, wants to prove that violent among them are urging individual begin from the beginning means to declare parties. and not bourgeois in the general the brunette is at bottom a blonde, only terror. Bedlam reigns over the recent that Trotsky stands on the other side of sense, but such as protect sinking capit with dark skin and black hair.
article in the Dally Worker by Max Bethe barricades. It is possible that Radek lism, which sustains itself less and less, not There are good theories in the world dacht, entitled The New Masses had to insert this sentence upon the spe only with democratic forms, but also with which serve to explain facts. So far as and Proletarian Literature.
cial request of the editorial board, as a the least firm legality. That is precisely the theory of social fascism is concerned, Says Bedacht, in reply to Michael moral honorarium for the publication of why the social democracy is condemned it is only fit for serving out the novitiate Gold recent musings on the lack of Amerhis article.
to sink down to nothing, giving way to of capitulators ALFA ican proletatian literature. But still: what does the essence of 80 There may be an underproduction of cial fascism consist of? And wherein lies socalled light proletarian literature in its difference from avowed Fascism? It America: but this is due primarily to the appears that the difference lies in the fact barrenness and sterility of the self styled (who would have thought it. that social In the Dally Worker (September 29 30, ter is that when Herbert Mahler, of American proletarian writers Most of fascism is also for the carrying out of the 1930. Sam Darcy, one of the Stalinists, New York telephoned the what they produce does not breathe the fascist policy, but in a democratic way.
appointed to ruin the International Labor National office for a speaker at the McinMost of these spirit of the proletariat.
Radek explains in long words why nothing Defense, vents his feeble spleen at the Op erney meeting, he was told that the writers do not understand the worker. and remained for the German bourgeoisie than position for having joined with the can get along all right with the do not know the workerks thoughts. They to carry out the fascization policy through in New York to commemorate the death but they wouldn speak from the same plat cannot reproduce and interpret in literparliament with an outward retention of of James McInerney, the Centralla form with the Trotskyites and Lovestone ature the American worker, his world and democracy. Then what is the matter in prisoner who recently died in Walla Walla, ites who are stabbing us in the back. The his aspirations, and the process of revoluQuestion? Up to now the Marxists were Washington penitentiary while serving his anarchist and repreaentatives pre tionary transformation of them. If the of the opinion that it is democracy which term with the other Centralia men. sence did not disturb the Darcys; publishers and editors of the only magis the outward disguise of the class dic It would be time wasted to engage in they were ready to hurt still more the azine dedicated to proletarian literature tatorship one of its possible dlegutses. a dispute with this individual who knows name once gained by the if only in America would study a little more inThe political function of the present 80 little and cares less about the struggle for it soothed their factional rage against the tensely and follow a little more closely the cial democracy is the creation of precisely the class war fighters whom capitalism counter revolutionary Trotskyists.
contents of the literature published by the such democratic disguises. In nothing else snatches out of the ranks and confines in The can never regain its pres stodgy and unenterprising International lies its difference from Fascism which, with its penitentiaries if it were not that Dartige until it has rid itself of these miserable Publishersit might fecundate the proother methods, other ideology, in part also cy whole outlook is so typical of the masqueraders.
letarian quality of their literary producwith another social basis, organizes, in wrecking crew the has had folated tions, as well as their literary style.
sures and protects the same dictatorship upon it.
We will generously omit commenting of imperialist capital.
Against what does Darcy direct his on how the proletarian quality and style But Radek seeks to prove it is posdull shafts. Against those who for the of Bedacht productions have been fesible to maintain decalyng capitalism only narrowest factional reasons sabotaged the We have received a copy of a leaflet cundated But we cannot refrain from with Fascist measuros. In the long run, this united front for labor defense? Of course issued on the Philadelphia waterfront asking why the temperate Swigs barber is entirely correct. From this, however, not. That woul mean an attack upon his in English and Polish, signed by the Marshould launch into such a tempestuous does not fiow the identity of social demown masters in the Central Committee of ine Transport Workers of the In assault upon a loyal group of artistes like ocracy and Fascism, but merely the fact the official Communist Party. He strikes the last paragraph we read: those in the New Masses? Is this the that the social democracy is compelled in out instead, against the Left Oppisition The is now as it was then, gratitude the Party polcom shows to Mithe long run to clear the road for Fascism, for having sent a speaker to the New York chael Gold, who worked so hard in the during which, reaching the end, it does memorial meeting for McInerney, arranged agaiast any politician attempt to organize LABOR Unions to war against Churches sewer to bespatter Trotsky in one issue not deny itselt the pleasure of battering by the local which Darcy either and governments and this is the hidden and sock Lovestone in the next? Isn this in a considerable number of Fascist heads.
through inexcusable ignorance or deliberate program of the Communists.
the game Gold who told us, while Eedacht Such objections, however, are declared by malice pretends to identify with the reOne would have to go far and wide to and the other Browders nodded benign Radek to be an extenuation of the social actionary mergency Program section find a similar pronouncement in any of approval, that it is Trousky who doesn democracy. This terrible revolutionist of the now outside its ranks)
the literature issued by the in understand the workers, that he is apparently thinks that to rub qut the which controls the Central Publicity Comits long career. In fact, it contains the an aristocrat? Yes, yes, it is the very bloody tracks of imperialism with the brush mittee.
word and spirit of the most reactionary same Gold and the identical New Masses.
of democracy is a higher and more emAt a time when the flourished, elements in the American labor moveWe cannot honestly say that this atinent mission than to defend the imperial and was recognized by every honest worker ment, and has not the slightest thing in tack, conducted with the fury that only ist coffers with blackjack in hand.
in the labor movement as a genuine united Bedacht is capable of, takes us by surRadek cannot deny that the social demfront for the defense of class war fighters, common with the whole tradition of the tion.
To the contrary. glance at Only two months ago we wrote in The had to fight and did ocracy clings to parliamentarism with all the past publications of the will the Militant, warning Gold that the raw its feeble power, for the sources of its fight successfully against those elements show that they conducted systematic deal meted out to another Stalinist valet, influence and welfare are bound up with its struggle was in quite a different direccampaign of education against Churches Barbusse, would soon hit him, too. We said this artificial mechanism. But, proteats the in the in the Socialist Party, and Governments. the latter as the po of Barbusse: The Stalinists have now inventive Radek, it is nowhere said thau among the anarchists, who sabatoge the litical instrument of the capitalist class rid themselves of that embarrassing bagFascism requires the formal dispersal of class unity of the workers defense movement. This struggle, carried on essentialand the former as the befuddler of the parliament. Just look! Put it was precisegage. Were Gold one tenth the sage in working class. It is quite true that no politics he imagines himselt, he ought to ly that political party which, in Italy for ly in the interests of the working class and its victims, was successful. In this labor union can make anti churchism and the first time, destroyed the parliamentary be able to read handwriting when it 13 fight for unity, the was built and anti governmentism a pre requisite for machine in the name of the Praetorian written on the wall. As we gee, he wasn membership; but a trade union that calls able to or didn want to. He has only Guard of bourgeois class rule, that was strengthened. Look at the former National itself class conscious and revolutionary himself to blame.
Committee of the when it was Or maybe he doesn called Fascism. This means nothing. It headed by precisely those comrades of the must carry on a daily campaign of enlightappears. Fascism as a phenomenon is one give a hoot. It not at all impossible that Opposition whom Darcy now calumniates enment among the backward workers to thing. its essence is another. Radek finds Jews Without Money has relieved Gold explain to them the reactionary role of of the necessity of worrying about what that the destruction of parliamentarism and one will find, for example, the best capitalist government and its whole sysall Bedachte mutliplie two is, apparently not the kind of democracy representatives of the as well tem of religious superstition.
commissions say about him in the Party is taken as such. What is this, a rope as other groups) functioning on it (Gurley press.
But since he feels that this does nou The leaflet in question does precisely He who lives will see.
Flynn. Cline, Fred Mann, Ralph Chaplin, pass off so smoothly, Radek adds with Charlie Gray, Dick Brazier, etc. despite the opposite. It plays down to the most still greater inventiveness: Even Italian the hardly concealed antagonism to the Master of Agit Prop.
reactionary and mystical prejudices of the Fascism did not disperse the parliament International Labor Detense displayed by backward workers. Ita author sinks to the Free advertisement by right away. What is true, remains reactionary elements within the at lowest levels in the proletariat, instead of true. And yet it did disperse it, without that time. Then look at the national comremaining on class conscious grounds and sparing even the social democracy, the mittee of the today under the diendeavoring to enlighten these workers.
finest flower in the parliamentary bouquet. rection of Messrs. Bowder, Engdahl, Darcy The should condemn the leaflet With Radek 10 looks as though the social and asociated incompetents, and every one and author or authors out of hand.
fascists dispersed the Italian parliament, We are convinced that there are still of its 20 members is a Communist of the only not right way, but after reflection. Stalin brand!
suffictent miftant, class conscious ele KLORKEIT NO. We are afraid that Radek theory does not While in the ments in the to see to the repudDarcy writes. Jewish Organ of the Left Opposition)
quite explain to the Italian workers why the Cannon, the leaers of the Trotskyites, for iation of this whole reactionary business social fascists live in the emigration, Issue Number contains: The years correctly fought against the syndicThat sort of thing should be left to the German workers, too, will not easily grasp The Strike in Northern France, by alist conceptions of the But this capitalist agents in the of on who it really is in Germany that wants whose lips it sounds more customary.
Cornette. Manifesto of the International did not prevent rather it assisted as to disperse the parliament: the Fascists from uniting in one defense front with the Left Opposition to the Commmunists of or the social democrats?
revolutionary elements in the PEARLS OF PRICELESS PURITY China and the whole world. On the Eve All of Radek arguments. like those Now, however, the agglomeration of Dar The Workers Unemployment Insurof the German Elections, The by Felix, of his tutors, imply that the social democ cys fight syndicalism so correctly that ance Bill is the center of our Party elec Third Period of the Comintern Mistakes racy is in no way an ideal democracy (that it has succeeded in alienating every syn tion campaign. Every worker is either by Trotsky. Aid for the Soviet Union, is apparently not the kind of democracy erate with the Communists in the labor unemployed or threatened with unemploy bf Reinhardt. And numerous other that Radek saw in his roseate dream after dicalist workers who was willing to coop ment. Every worker should be made to articles of great interest.
the reconciliatory embraces with Yaro defense movement.
feel that ONLY BY ELECTING COMMUN10 cents per copy slavsky) The profound and fertile theory But the impression should not prevail ISTS TO CONGRESS can a REAL battle be of social fascism is not built upon the that Darcy Marxism is outraged at the waged for unemployment insurance.
Order from the Militant dation ateriali analysis the idea of speaking at one meeting with (Daily Worker editorial. 20 1930, our 25 Third Ave.
New York, NY particular, specific function of the social members. The truth of the mat emphasis.