Andrés NinBourgeoisieCapitalismCentrismCominternCommunismFranceMarxismSocialismSovietStalinStalinismStrikeTrotskyWorking Class

STALIN AS THEORETICIAN parative coefficients of socialist and capital «Bourgeois Prejudice. Continued from Last Issue) TROTSKY case wish him, his unaccomplished intenThe above mentioned unfavorable bation to liquidate the is attributed by lance of the October revolution for the fution would be of an infinitely more favor of economic plans and methods. That there him in his report to the Congress to the white village 18, of course, temporary and transi able nature.
is not a word about it in Stalin report 18 Trotskyists. The and yellow tory, threads of this operation are so indiscreet.
The principal significance of the of itself an extremely alarming fact. Were ly exposed that the report of this part of October revolution for the peagant lies in The Problem of the «Scissors the scissors closing, there would be plenty the fact that it created the pre conditions The problem of the smytchka (alli of specialists in Mikoyan department who the speech does not dare to record the for the socialist reconstruction of agricul ance) is the problem of the mutual rela would, without dimoulty, give this process slightest applause.
But this Is a matter of the future. tions between city and village. It is com statistical and graphic expression. Stalin What happened to Stalin with regard In 1927, collectivization was still complete posed of two parts, or, more correctly, can would only have to demonstrate the diato the market and the is what ly tabooed. So far as complete collecti be regarded from two angles: a) the mu gram, that is, show the Congress a scissors usually happens to empiricists. The sharp vization is concerned, nobody even thought tual relaflonship between Industry and which would prove that the blades are turn that took place in his own mind under of it. Stalin however, includes it in his agriculture; b) the mutual relationship closing. The whole economic section of the the influence of external pressure, he took considerations after the fact. Now, after between the proletariat and the peasantry. report would find its axis, but unfortunfor a radical change in the whole situathe intensified development of the collectivi On the basis of the market, these relations, ately this axis is not there.
Stalin avoided Once the bureaucracy decided to zation movement our theoretician trans assuming the form of commodity exchange, the problem of the scissors.
enter into a final conflict with the market plants into the past what lies ahead in the find their expression in the price moveand the Kulak instead of its passive adapfuture the peasants are able. to The domestic scissors is not the final ment. The harmony between the prices of tation to them, then statistics and economy index. There is another, a higher one: produce a lot more than before with the bread, cotton, beets and so forth on the could consider them non existent. Emthe scissors of domestic and international same expenditure of labor. And after one hand and calico, kerosene, plows and piricism is most frequently the pre condithis, once more: How can one say, after prices so forth on the other hand, is the decisive They measure the productivity of tion for subjectivism, and it it is bureau.
all this. that the October revolution did fudex for evaluating the mutual relations labor in Soviet economy with the produc cratic empiricism, it inevitably becomes not bring any gain to the peasant? Is it between the city and the village, of intivity of labor in the world capitalist mar the pre condition for periodic turns. The ket. We received from the past, in this not clear that people saying such nonsense dustry and agriculture, between workers art of the general leadership consists in sphere as well as in others, an enormous, are obviously telling lies about the Party and peasants. The problem of the scisthis case of converting tho turns into and the Soviet power? The reference to sors of Industrial and agricultural prices heritage of backwardness. In practise, the smaller turns and distributing them equally nonsense and lies is quite in place therefore remains, for the present period task for the next few years is not immed among the helots called exeoutors. If, at iately to catch up with and outstrip we here, as may be seen. Yes, some people as well, the most important economic and the end, the general turn is attributed to are obviously telling lies about chron social problem of the whole Soviet system.
are unfortunately still very far from this! Trotskyism. then the problem is settled ology and common sense.
Now how did the price scissors change be but planfully to close the scissors be But this is not the point. The essence of tween the last two congresses, that is, in tween domestic and world prices, which Stalin as we see, makes his nonsense the regardless of the sharp change the last two and a half years?
can be accomplished only through systemmore profound by depicting matters as Did they in the essence of Stalin thoughts about close, or, on the contrary, did they widen?
atically approximating the labor productIt the Opposition not only exaggerated the it lies as before in the determination by We look in vain for a reply to this Ivity in the to the labor productFebruary revolution at the expense of the the market of the economic Inter relations ivity in the advanced capitalist countries.
October, but even for the future refused the central question in the ten hour report of between the city and village. If the Stalin to the Congress. Presenting piles This in turn requires not statisticallylatter the capacity for improving the conremains then the sciesors of agricultural of departmental figures, making a bureauminimum but economically favorable plans.
ditions of the peasant. For what tools, may and Industrial prices remain the most imcratic reference book out of the principal The oftener the bureaucrats repeat the bold We ask, Is this intended? We beg the parportant criterion of the whole economic report, Stalin did not even attempt a Marxformula to catch with and outstrip. policy don of the honorable professor Pokrovaky!
ist generalization of the isolated and, by the more stubbornly they ignore exact comhim, thoroughly undigested data given to The Aim of the Opposition him by the commissariats, secretariats and ist industry or, in other words, the probother offices.
lem of the scissors of domestic and world However, half a year before the Conprices. And on this question also not a gress, we heard Stalin call the theory of Incessantly advancing, since 1923, the Are the scissors of industrial and agriword is to be found in Stalin reporti the scissors a bourgeois prejudice. This problem of the economic scissors of the cultural prices closing? In other words, The problem of the domestic scissors could is the simplest way out of the situation, city and village, the Opposition pursued a is the balance of the socialist revolution, have been considered liquidated only under If you tell a village quack that the temperquite definite aim, now incontestable by a9 yet passive for the peasant, being re the conditions of the actual liquidation of ature curve is one of the most important anyone To compel the bureaucracy to duced. In the market conditions and we the market. The problem of the foreign indices to the health or illness of an understand that the struggle against the have not yet liberated ourselves from them, scissors with the liquidation of world organisin, he will hardly believe you. But danger of disunity can be conducted now and will not for a long time to come the capitalism. Stalin, as we know, was preif he grasps some sage words and, to make with sugary slogans like Face to the closing or widening of the scissors is of paring, at the time of his agricultural re.
matters worse, learns to present his quackvillage. etc. but through: a) faster tempo decisive significance for an evaluation of port to send the to the devil.
ery as proletarian medicine. he will most of industrial development; and b) ener the successes accomplished and for check But he changed his mind within the six certainly say that a thermometer is a bourgetic collectivization of peasant economy. ing up on the correctness or incorrectness months that elapsed. As is always the geois prejudice. If this quack haa power In other words, the problem of the scisin his hands he will, to avoid a scandal, Hors as well as the problem of the peasmash the thermometer over a stone or, sants balance of the October revolution what is still worse, over somebody head.
was advanced by us not in order to disIn 1925, the differentiation within the Soviet credit the October revolution what is the We are proud to announce the publicapeasantry was declared to be a prejudice very terminology worth. but in order gan of the Opposition in the Communist tion of four new organs by the Internaof panic mongers.
Yakovlev was sent to to compel the self contented and conserva.
Party Greece. The first number contains tional Left Opposition, solid proofs of the the central statistical department, from tive bureaucracy by. the whip of the Opamong other articles, the following: forward march of our movement in the which he took away all the Marxist therposition to utilize those immeasurable ecface of all obstacles put in its path by Criticism of the Report of the Comintern, onomic possibilities which the October remometers to be destroyed. But unfortunby Maximos. Proportional Elections or ately, the changes in temperature do not volution opened up to the country.
Stalinism, and a refutation of all the fan Extra Parliamentary Struggle? Economic cease when there are no thermometers, tastic tales concerning our disintegration To the official kulak bureaucratic courbe Adventurism, by Trotsky. The First of But for that, the appearance of hidden of 1923 1928, which had its expression in The first is the International Bulletin August and the New Turn by Mon. The organic processes takes the healers and of the Left Communist Opposition printed the every day legislative and adminstrative Par Hellenic Congress of the of those being healed unawares This 13 in Paris by the Provisional International work, in the new theory, and above all, in Greece and the Duty of the Revolutionary what happened in the grain strike of the Secretariat of the Opposition.
the persecution of the Opposition, the latThe first Workers, by Tassos Dimitriou. The StrugKulak, who unexpectedly appeared as the number, just received here, is printed in ter opposed, from 1923 on, a course togle against the Right Wing at the 16th leading figure in the village and compelled wards an accelerated industrialization, and French and German, and contains the fol Congress, by Senine. In the Light of Stalin, on February 15, 1928 (see Pravda from 1927 on, after the first successes of lowing material: An Appeal to the Proof that date) to make a turn of 180 degrees.
Marxism, etc. etc. Greek comrades in the industry, the mechanization and collecti letarians of the World. Editorial Notice.
The price thermometer is of no less algUnited States can get copies by writing to vization of agriculture, List of Organizations Adhering to the Innificance than the thermometer of differenJean Monastiriotis, Poste Restante, Athens, tiation within the peasantry. After the Let us once more recall that the Opternational Conference of the Opposition. Greece. The Militant hopes to have them position platform which Stalin conceals, The Left Opposition and the Party in GerTwelfth Party Congress, where the term on sale at its office soon. sclesors was first used and explained, but from which he fetches in bits all of many.
The Crisis in the Belgian Opposi The fourth is Jiskra (Spark. organ everybody began to understand its signihis wisdom, declares: The growth of prition. Resolutions of the Charleroi Federof the Leit Opposition in Czecho Slovakia. ficance. In the three years that followed, vate proprietorship in the village must be avion and the Executive Bureau. The It is published monthly in the Czech and the scissors were invariably demonstrated offset by a more rapid development of col Development of the Opposition in France.
German languages and marks a big step at the Plenums of the Central Committee, lective farming. It is necessary systemati The Conditions of the Oppositionists De ahead for our Czech comrades. The first at Conferences and Congresses, as precisecally and from year to year to subsidize ported in the What is the Sit Issue contains a declaration of their point ly the basic curve of the economic temthe efforts of the poor peasantia to organ uation in the Austrian Opposition move of view and a definite demarcation from perature of the country. But afterwards, ize in collectives. Page 68, English ed ment? Future issues will contain articles the Right wing liquidators around Haisthey gradually began to disappear from ition. much larger sum ought to be in English translation also. The price per Muna Neurath Kowanda and the Centrists usage, and finally, at the end of 1929, Stalin appropriated for the creation of Soviet copy is cents, to be purchased through of the official Party. The enormous task declared them to be and collective farms. Maximum indulgen. a bourgeois the Militant ces must be accorded to the newly or of our comrades is Czecho Slovakia In winprejudice. Because the thermometer was The second is Claridad. published by ning over the bulk of the Communist worksmashed in time, Stalin had no reason to ganized collective farms and other forms the Mexican Opposition. The first number present the Sixteenth Congress of the Party of collectivization. People deprived of elcontains the following articles in the Spaners discouraged by Centrism or misled by with the curve of economic temperature.
ective rights cannot be members of the ish language: An Address to the Mexican Right wing will be greatly facilitated now Marxist theory is the weapon of thought sercollective estates. The whole work of the with the issuence of their own paper.
cooperatives ought to be penetrated with a Communists. The Expulsion of Andres Nin ving to clarify what has been, what is beCzech workers in the can obtain consense of the problem of transforming smallfrom the The Recent Revolucoming, and what lies ahead, and for the denections with the paper by writing its termination of what is to de done. Stalin scale production into large scale collective tions in South America Marti Areditor, Ferdinand Jerabek, Ziskov, Domaz theory is the servant of bureaucracy. It serves production. The work of the land distribution rested in Nicaragua. The Opportunists of licka, 8111, Praha, Czecho Solvakta.
to justify zig zage after the event, to conmust be carried on wholly at the expense Transport Workers Confederation and the ceal yesterday mistakes and consequentof the state, and the first thing to be Government. The Crisis in the ComMIMEOGRAPH WANTED ly to prepare tomorrow The silence over taken care of must be the collective farms munist Party. The Situation in Cuba. The mimeographing machine in workable the scissora occupies the central place in and the farms of the poor, with a maxi Expulsion of comrade Golod from the Spancondition is needed by the office of the Stalin report. This may appear paramum protection of their interests. Page ish speaking section of the Party.
Militant. The machine must be of the doxical, because silence is an empty place.
71. And many more other important items.
automatic pick up type, and be offered at But it is nevertheless a fact: in the cenIf the bureaucracy had not vacillated Copies of Clarldad can be purchased in really reasonable price. Those wishing ter of Stalin report is a hole, consciously under the pressure of the petty bourgeoisie, the United States at cents each by writing to sell can see the secretary at 25 Third and premeditatedly bored.
but had executed the program of the Oppo Gonzalez, 25 Third Avenue, Room 4, New Avenue, Room 4, at any hour during the Awaken, so that no harm shall come to sition since 1923, not only the proletarian York, day, or can write full particulars to the the dictatorship out of this hole!
but also the peasant balance of the revo The third is Spartacus. monthly out same address (To Be Continued)
Four New Organs of the Left Opposition