AnarchismBolshevismBourgeoisieCapitalismCentrismCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyEnglandGermanyImperialismSocialismSocialist PartyStalinStalinismStrikeTrotskyViolenceWorking Class

THE MILITANT Published Twice a Month by the Communist League of America (Opposition)
Vol. III, No. 30 NEW YORK, September 15 1930 PRICE CENTS RAKOVSKY, Issues in the Elections IN DANGER!
Capitalist Parties Put Up Fake Issues to Conceal Jobless Sufferings priests that will solve solve that! Yankee Revolution in the Argentine no The silence of the leadership of our Party and the International continues to be profound. We will continue without cease our appeal to the workers for the Bolshevik Sufficient has occurred in the last few The socalled prohibition issue is the gles to resist the offensive of the capitalist Oppositionists deported by Stalin.
show on what basis the twin best one that could be chosen for the class? Give them a prohibition prize fight capitalist parties intend to conduct the capitalist class. It conveniently cuts across to distract their minds from woe and struAbove all, comrade Christian Rakovsky election campaign: Prohibition for anle party lines so that neither singly nor to gle!
must be saved!
against! The faithful servant of Tammans gether can they be made responsible for The dislike and total incapacity of the The workers must be informed, and to Hall, Governor Roosevelt, has issued aything. It is an expedient gas gun for capitalist parties to face the real problema those responsible for the Party policy, courageous statement for the repeal of shooting clouds around fundamental and the masses are confronted with, are quite we must constantly raise the question: the 18th Amendment. The wet Republi really burning issues.
understandable. Republican or Democrat What are you doing to the Left Opposition cans of New York are warning the Party Is there mass unemployment, misery, they are the ramparts of the system that in the Why do you persecute it? high that unless they do the same, starvation, suicide in the country? Eboze produces wars, unemployment, crises, misJustify your repressive measures 1t you the parched Party sheep will flock to the Are wages being cut to ery, child labor, exploitation, inequality and can!
flowing brooks of the Democracy. In 14 the very marrow?
Booze will make the Illinois, the Democratic oppression with an ever increasing fresenatorial nominee, workers forget that! Is a form of social quency and permanency. Their crimes and On Rakovsky Hamilton Lewis, has declared the great insurance needed by the workers? No, it festering corruption are the crimes and issue to be bringing the government back beer and light wines they need! Are the corruption of capitalism, with which the (Extract from a Letter)
to the principle of the fathers. which, workers clubbed during strikes, bludgeoned whole country is reeking like a pestilence.
if he refers to the George Washingtons. Rakovsky is writing an enormous at demonstrations of the jobless, evicted For a worker to support them is to kiss means cheap booze. Michigan has alamount. Whatever reaches us is read by from their homes? Prohibition caused it the chains that enslave him and ready defeated two prominent dry Repuball!
all; in this sense Christian Georgevitch 19 Do the workers want bread? Give with gratitude the blows he receives.
doing a great work. His position does not lican Congressmen in the primaries. Ver them beer and they won need bread! Is mont has given an unknown wet a nomReformist Aldes to Capitalism differ one wbit from our own (that of there a bleak winter ahead, a winter of Ination over Trotsky. like ourselves, he is resisting prominent dry. The same Then should he support the Socialist deepened crisis of horrible suffering, of food comedy 18 being enacted everywhere.
party? No. It the Republican and Demothe Party regime. Here are some extracts riots perhaps and certainly of bitter strugcratie parties are the ramparts of capitalfrom one of his last cards: ism, the Socialist party is the ditch around All our warnings have been verkfied the fortress that traps those who seek to much more rapidly and fully than we storm it. The socialist party has removed might have imagined. Right now a reevery mention of the class struggle from its treat is being beaten, and the positions are Militarist revolutions in South Amer. tion and coolly driven them back to a program, constitution and works.
But it being abandoned, evidently by the usual ica are occurring with bewildering fre position of quiescence and subjugation as has not left the class struggle; it has only zig zags. The slogan of generalized col quency and abruptness. First Bolivia, then soon as they have seized power. For the become an assistant to capitaltam. It is lectivization in three years still continues Peru, now Argentina, and tomorrow, per masses, in a word these revolutions have the party of the petty bourgeoisie. It is only for the purpose of frightening the hap, Brazil. In virtually every one of these progressive significance, and often a the party of the respectable business men middle peasant and increasing the retail countries, the balling over of conflicting more reactionary one.
who faithfully manage the municipal affairs price by its pressure. The middle peasant elements results from the volcanic heat What is even more disturbing is the of Reading and Milwaukee for the capitaMet will be the axis around which the turn of generated by the world capitalist crisis. complete absence of the Communist move class. It is the devoted workman who 180 degrees in Centrist policy will revolve.
Even more precisely, the revolutions in ment in these affairs. They appear no goes about his master house, with plaster question mirror the unconcealed rivalry After Centrism, without resistanoe, where as as a political factor.
They do not and trowel, begging for permission to cover between Britain and the United States. In ruined the economy of the middle peasant, even appear to attempt to turn the guns up the more unsightly holes in the decayboth these imperialist powers, their an the masses aginst the militarist puppets ing structure.
it will again begin to make a fetich of him, archistically organized industries and with the ritual sacrifices, not on the backg of the native bourgeoisie and imperialism.
Does offer promises to the workers?
means of distribution are paralyzed, their of the bureaucracy which The truth is: They have been crushed and More even than its masters everybody home markets sluggish and contracted, their would have to approve but at the exrendered impotent by the ravages of Sta offer. It offers a MacDonald regime in the financial systems in disorder. Primarily pense of the poor peasants and the proletlinism, which has virtually dissolved the United States, a regime which has so effectthese two, it has become wy ariat matter of econ once promising Communist movement in ively solved unemployment in England omic existence to fight tooth and nail for the Latin American countries.
that millions miserable dole; a larger share of the world market, limited it has solved the oppression of imperialLetter from Russia as This struggle for markets, raw The German Elections ism in India by massacring the the Indian By chance received some inmaterial, spheres of influence and the like, people. Haven Huquit and Co. endorsed produces the most violent eruptions in We go to press too soon to report the formation on the solitary prison of the Britisl: Labor government? Aren every corner of the world, of which the outcome of the elections in Germany, and One of our comrades confined there prethey in one and the same socialist interrecent events in South America are only must therefore leave it to the next issue to viously developed the theory of the fernational? Are they not comrades of characteristic.
contain a detailed analysis of the results.
ment that is, that we are ferment of the Zoergiebel, the butcher of Berlin proletIn this case, however, as in all capitalist next revolutionary rise, but today, in his The overthrow of the tyrannical butariat, and Pencour, the agent of the French, elections, the casting of ballots is falr letter, a change is to be felt. Everybody cher of the Peruvian toiling massea, Leguia, war mongers? Are they not in the party The fate of works to deepen and increase his theoretical from the decisive question.
the Wall Street adjutant who was surroundof the socialist trade union racketeers knowledge, they study and strengthen their ed by American financial and naval adGermany and its working class will be who practise for power by beating up and knowledge of foreign languages, with a decided in the open field of the class strugVisors. marked an offensive of Britain expelling Left wing workers? They are gle.
The problem for the bourgeoisie 19 marked preference for German. The diam against the Yankee dollar never very popthe gay deceivers of the working class, its ability to unload the burden of the cussions go on without cease.
ular with the Latin American masses typified by Mr. Heywood Broun and Mr.
jects: knowledge of the world, space, time, pribis upon technico industrially weaker which has yet to say its final word.
Norman Thomas, who keep the workers countries and by intensified exploitation of mechanics, the sorties of the Right wing, With almost the precision of a military from fighting their class enemy by telling the working class, in order to carry out the third period. etc. etc. Nothing more counter offensive comes the engineered upthem that their lot can be improved by the Young Plan. The answer depends can be learned of the essence of the dis rising in Argentine with its removal of the largely upon the Communist Party and its voting against capitalist politiciang.
cussions, since all abstract considerations notoriously pro British Irigoyen adminisability to mobilize for struggle the workers Yote Communist are censored or held back by the censor; tration and the establishment of the prostill in retreat. The failure of the Com The worker vote should go to the even the situation with regard to food is wo American Uriburu dictatorship.
Both the munist Party can bring the same ruinous worker party the Communist Party. All part of the the solitary mystery American and Brilish imperialist press consequences to the proletariat as did the Hunger strikes are frequently carried on.
our differences with it, our criticisms of its treat the event with a frankness for which failure of the Brandler leadership of the internal regime and its ruinous policies, The causes are the regime, and and apparently, we can only be thankful: the former greets in 1923. On the temper and mood of the food; after the first hunger strike, they does not change the fact that it is the it with unfeigned glee, the latter with apthe proletariat, which will be partially forced the permission to receive twelve only political party of the working class prehension. The United States, with its guaged by the elections this week, depends letters instead of four letters a month.
in the field which stands for a revolutionary hypocritical policy of not recognizing The strike was long, there were many gerthe question in a political sense of whe struggle against capitalism and all power Latin American governments that have suc ther the bourgeoisle will go forward with to the proletariat. The casting of The second hunger strike was ceeded to power by violence. is quite paper its democratic dictatorship supported by ballot does not and cannot decide the burna protest against the bastonnades (beatprepared to make an exception in the Aring with sticks. As a result, the prisoners the servile collaboration of the social dem ing problems of the workers. But support gentine case.
were refused all communication ocrats, or prepare for an open Fascist for the Communist campaign draws the with the outer world. The old social democrcy left In all these revolutions. the native dictatorship. Unfortunately, the Communist workers more closely together, and enables the prisons and places of exile much more bourgeois demagogues have skilfully util Party under the misleadership of its Thael them to transform the electoral farce into healthy than the Bolsheviks will leave the ized the dissatisfaction of the masses with manns, Remmeles and Neumanns offer too a genuine fight for the demands of the the economic crisis and tyrannical dictat insufficient guarantee or hope of an intellisolitary prisons of Stalinism.
workers not in futile polling booths, but orship. They have used the workers and gently revolutionary leadership of the mass in serious class struggle.
June, 1930.
peasants for troops of the popular revolu es for today and the coming day.
Vote Communist!
are stii it is.
The subprisons.
hously 111.