AnarchismCommunismCommunist PartyLeninLeninismMarxSocialismSocialist PartyStalinStalinismStrikeTrotskyWorking Class

After the Convention James McInerney Ine Liberais Pet UNION be a member. If there is any information that you require, Mr. Black (the vice president of the firm) will be glad to have any of you The news of the death in Walla Walla, come to his office and discuss any matter It is three months since the conven Were Hillman sincere and interested Wash. penitentiary of James McInerney has that you are not clear on.
tion of the Amalgamated Clothing Workers in the suffering of the workers he would come as a shock to every class conscious Years ago the workers were fired for was held in Toronto. Are the clothing declare a general strike and help improve worker in the country. McInerney was one workers better off today than before the joining a union; today, the employers urge the workers conditions. But Hillman of the famous Centralia defendants their workers to join the Amalgamated.
convention. The answer of the workers union is kept up with the aid of the employsentenced by a bosses court to from 20 Isn this in the nature of a miracle? will be, No! The conditions of the workers ers. How can he proceed against the inyears to lite imprisonment for having deare becoming worse day after day.
am sure comrade Hardmanterests of the employers? Although the fended their hall and lives, weapons in Let analyze for a moment what last three conventions have gone on reSalutsky will write an editorial for his hand, against a mob of uniformed Amerhappened at the convention. The writer, cord for the 40 hour week, Hillman has boss to prove that the Amalgamated is still can Legion gunmen who raided it on Arma militant union, as he has done on many in a series of articles in the Militant last never made any effort to carry the decision istice day, 1919, with murder in their eyes.
May, foretold not to expect anything from occasions when the unon officialdom forced Wesley Everest, one of the memreductions in wages upon the workers and the convention, because the rank and file Hillman, you know, is a democrat, a introduced the piece work system.
bers, was lynched by the mob after having were not represented there.
wise statesman, an intelligent leader, a rebeen unspeakably tortured and finally casConvention Accomplishment Where is the Left Wing!
spectable banker. He doesn believe in trated by the masked cowards.
What did the convention accomplish calling strikes. We in the Amalgamated Who is to be blamed, essentially, for McInerney, one of the finest types of except banquetting and boozing? The are better off than the workers in the other not having a strong Left wing militant revolutionary workers in the country, was needle trades.
group in the Amalgamated. The peanut convention was opened with God Save the We only work 20 and 30 With the bulhimself tortured bestially.
King and the Star Spangled Banner hours a week due to Hillman efficiency politicians of the third period who, in let wound received in the famous Verona Then came greetings and praise from the and speed up system. In reality, the work stead of mobilizing the workers and prebattle, the tortures in Centralia, and the chiefs of the organization for not having ers in the contracting shops work 46 and paring them for a fight inside the union, destructive regime in prison the last ten a militant Left wing opposition present.
47 hours week, and officers of the are calling upon the workers to join the years, even his usually robust health was Joint Board know about it.
Industrial Union which simply doesn There was not a single delegate at this undermined He died of tuberculosis and convention who had the guts to take the The Organizational Campaign work under the present relationship of spinal meningitis his blood on the hands floor and challenge the present administra What about the organizational cantforces. This policy will only cause a few and head of the lumber barons, their Lepaign?
tion for the deplorable conditions of the Hillman will surely show wonmore victims to lose their jobs and that is glonaries and their corrupted courts.
the end again. The next day they tell the workers.
ders, just as he did in Philadelphia where Everything at this convention tragic news, the Upon receipt was decided unanimously.
the workers were forced to give a reduction workers to participate in elections which is throughout the country organized advocathed by the counter revolutionary of from 20 to 40 percent under the union memorial demonstrations. In New York There were two cliques at the con.
agreement. We reproduce here a letter Trotskyists. over a thousand workers gathered on two vention, which fought for control of the from the Toronto frm of Wm. Leishman The Left wing must mobilize the work days notice at 14th Street and University.
New York organization: the Forward and Co. signed by president John Mills, ers inside the Amalgamated and fight for Beckerman clique and the Hillman clique, Speakers representing the Lovestone group, and dated may 6: policies of the class struggle, as we have the Lore organization, the Socialist party, Both fought to keep the workers in submis. From investigation, it appears that pointed out in the Militant a number of sion. When the question of the New York the Proletarian party, the anarchists, spoke times.
quite a number of our group are desirous The Left wing zig zag policy of organization came before the convention, from the platform. Max Shachtman spoke that our shop be a Preferential Union Shop.
praising Hillman to the skies one day and Beckerman took the floor and made for the Communist League (Oppositton)
pulling isolated members out of the union speech.
We have given a good deal of thought to and Herbert Mahler, the chairman, and He showed how the workers in this proposition and have come to the conthe next day that is what Hillman and his suffer, and that the organization is Fisher spoke for the The leadclusion that to avoid serious disturbance, machine want. This will keep the machine in a critical condition. There was no one ers of the Communist Party and the nonit is advisable that we carry out your sugin power and the workers will be left the to laugh at him, and it would be proper partisan LD. refused to participate or gestion by entering into an agreement with prey of Hillman, Salutsky and Beckerman.
were not the conditions of the tailors so send a speaker on the grounds that they Let us unite our forces inside the organiza.
would not occupy san the Union and subscribe to the Market Agtragic.
platform with This is the man responsible for reement now in force with the greater tion and do away with the Hillman machine most of the evils in the organization, Trotskylsts and Lovestoneites. This act of majority of the Toronto manufacturers. as we once did away with Tom Rickert spiteful and criminal sabotage did not raise such as the introduction of piece work We have arranged with the Union that of the United Garment Workers.
systems, reductions in wages every season, the prestige of the Party among the gymthrowing workers off the job, blackjacking pathetic workers; it was only greeted with the reduced rates offered our Group will. A, SCHNEIDER them, etc. and he was the one to oppose be available to any or all of our employees bitter indignation. This article was written during the the administration. This was merely a poIn the meantime the balance of the who wish to join them at this time. You recent lockout of a few branches of the litical maneuver.
Centralia men are still imprisoned, all of Beckerman will realize that in order to be employed New York men clothing workers. Ed. speech thein under the thrent of MeInerney marproved one thing; he was compelled to tyr death. They are among the men that admit that the workers in New York sut.
have created one of the sturdiest traditions fer and work under the most inhuman of the American labor and revolutionary conditions.
Maurice Malkin, now serving a sentence incapable of tending for themselves, and novement. Their continued imprisonment It did not take the shrewd politician, in Comstock prison for his activities in the relied upon their son. The threat to with remains a rebuke to the workers particularHillman, long to patch things up and make furriers strike of a few years ago, W99 draw the financial aid of the would ly the militants among them. The untimely peace between the two cliques and divide the first rank and file worker to ralls to have condemned them to virtual starvation. death of McInerney is a startling reminthe spoils among them. With this the the banner of the Left Opposition upon its Never in the history of our movement, der of the obligations the working class, opposition came to an end.
expulsion from the Party, His incessant far as we are aware, was financial pressure for whom these fighters worked so loyally, The convention went on record for agitation and general activity for our move. exerted upon a class war prisoner by a de has toward them.
life insurance, which means the protection ment was a source of permanent irritation fense organization to compel him to change Are our prisoners to die in their cells, of the workers when they are dead, not to the Party bureaucrats. They tried to his political opinions. It remained for the like trapped rats? Shall the hand of death when they are alive. The convention also end his activities by gangster methods, but cynical hacks appointed to run and ruin alone release them from imprisonment, or went on record for the 40 hour week, without success. It was only after comthe and the Party to use this mon sball it be the linked arms of labor batteran organizational campaign in every center, rade Malkin was sentenced and had al strous method of Ideological enlightening down the steel and stone that holds and the strengthening of the New York ready begun to serve his term that the Stament.
oranization. Has Hillman made any at linist clique began to exert different Understanding as we do the circumtempt to carry through these decisions. No! kind of pressure upon him, stances under which comrade Malkin was The New York Lock out CASE OF COLD FEET In October, 1929, the Daily Worker tri compelled to make his statement, we do not umphantly published a statement allegedly make an apology for it here. But there In the New York organization, a serious KANSAS CITY situation developed. Three branches of the written in prison by comrade Malkin, in are no words too sharp to condemn the Sorenson, of was adverindustry were locked out: canvas makers, which he was to have repudiated the Opcriminal procedure of the Stalinists in this tised to speak August 1st at 15th and The position and returned to the Stalinist camp.
case. Their boasts of Malkin capitulation kneepants makers and children jacket Paseo. When time came to call the meeting We wrote at that time, in the face of this are groundless. He remains with the Oppomakers. The employers asked a reduction Sorenson, the falls to appear.
sition. repudiation that Malkin had been an OpIn his letter to us, he says: in wages from the already meager earnings Comrade Jenne Rovinsky, who remains hter and ould remain one. Ideem it necessary to make this of the workers. Hillman, instead of mobila loyal (but honest) Stalinite, gets up on that when the whole story of this state statement to clarify my position. was the box and addresses the 40 or more izing the workers for a strike and demandone of the first in the of A, to align ment was made known it would expose workers who turned out ing the 40 hour hear the week, the abollition of the Party and bureaucracy in a dis.
myself with the Leninist Opposition, the piece work, production standards and reof Kansas City.
graceful light. We are now in a position group that defends the teachings of Lenin How Jennie Rovinsky who is a sincere duction of wages, is doing everything in his to make the truth known, and that on and Marx, and will remain with this power with the aid of his paid agents to and courageous fighter can have any conthe basis of comrade Malkins own letter to group which is led by Lenin co worker send the workers back to work with reduce fidence in these bluffers like Sorenson tions in wages.
and collaborator, Trotsky, until the and the Browders is a mystery, Who is responsible for the lock out of The statement printed in the Daily day the Russian and the international workN. Sorenson shows up August 2nd and Worker last year was obtained in a man.
ing class has removed the leadership of the jacket makers? Max Kaplan, the mansays he was held by the police. Fear of ner which set a precedent and a dospicStalin, Molotov and Co. and the Internaager of the contractors association. This exposure made him change to country offable one in the labor and revolutionary tional Opposition is returned from prison cials. We have found on investigation that man was expelled years ago from local 12 movement.
and exile to their rightful posts.
for being a scab agent and breaking a no Sorenson (or alias) was held by city That statement was not made by me. Only then will be able to realize, strike of the Journeymen Tailors Union.
not the building of socialism in one country police or county officials on August 1st.
writes comrade Malkin, but by some of He was exposed in Hillman office and according to the reactionary theory of Sorenson will have a hard time to explain Hillman has been dealing with him for the Lovestone agents in the office or one Stalin and Co. but a real Leninist Interhis actions to the comrades here in of the Stalinist leaders in the national Sorenson, of has left the past few years (see Fortschritt, official office of the Party. challenge the Party national and a world Communist society.
city and put Peterson in charge as actA. organ of August 11, 1916, page Long live the Leninist Opposition!
The Amalgamated fought a lockout for officials to publish the original statement ing Long live Leninism and its leading 26 weeks in 1920 21 and Hillman refused with the one printed in October which was defender, Trotsky! Peterson two years ago defled the extorted from me and then falsified so that and District Committee when asked to negotiate with the manufacturers as Long live Rakovsky and the other Opas soon as read it in the Worker imto make a financial report as District Litsociation until lawyer Gordon was with mediately wrote Wm. Foster demanding positionists exiled and imprisoned by the erature Agent. When pressed later on he drawn. For the past few years now Hillpresent anti Leninist regime led by Stalin!
that the original be printed. It had been admitted he was short over 100. 00 in his man has been dealing with a scab agent. squeezed out of me under threats and pres. MAURICE MALKIN account. He has been looking for a Party Is it to be wondered at that the work sure from the and Party leadership Comrade Malkin re adherence to the job for over four years now. At last temers have to yield reductions and production to the effect that they would stop my det ranks of the Opposition is an index, added porarily he is a big job holder.
and starve under such a bunch of parasites fense and economic support of my parents to the many that have appeared recently, of Faking, bluffing and misappropriating that call themselves union officers? What unless made a statment.
the growing strength and vitality of our Party funds is not going to build a Comhave the pen slaves and professional boos Comrade Malkin parents are of course movement.
We welcome him again into munist Party in the ters to say about this?
so advanced in years that they are totally our ranks. BUEHLER Maurice Malkin Stands with the Opposition!