BolshevismBourgeoisieCapitalismCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyEnglandImperialismSocialismSocialist PartySovietStalinStalinismTrotskyURSSVíctor Raúl Haya de la TorreWorkers PartyWorking Class

THE MILITANT Vote Communist!
Published Twice Month by the Communist League of America (Opposition)
Vol. III. No. 29 NEW YORK, September 1, 1930 PRICE CENTS The Military Revolt in Peru The constant struggle between British Against the Parties of Unemployment and Wage Cuts, and the «Socialist» Reformers way.
the opportunity and North American financial Interests, 18 The election campaign is well under than Tammany Hall, with candidates whose of paper into the ballot box to elect the clearly discernable in the present military The capitalst class has put up chief aim is to attract votes and not to ad right men revolt in Peru. Following close on the dummies who execute its orders in the vance the class Interests of the workers. The control of government, of industry, heels of the fall of the Siles dictatorship city, state and national legislatures, and The party of Debs has become the party of power are never decided on the floors of in Bolivia, Augusto Leg ta, director the sham battles between the two openly of Norman Thomas, with his quack reforms, congress, but on the battlefield of the class capitalist parties have begun with the usual and Heywood Broun, the idol of the liberal struggle. The elections give the workers Peru, has been forced to resign the governattacks entirely correct upon each other intellectuals.
testing their strength, ment of that country into the hands of a integrity, malfeasance and corruption in The Bulwark against Bolshevism their mood for struggle. The elections give military committee.
office, dishonesty and gråft. The bank. The American Socialist party is the the workers the opportunity of transforming For eleven years, Leguia has served ruptcy of the Republican and Democratic the fraudulent paper battle around the balspiritual and material brother of the Briparties has rarely been brought out in such lot box Into a genuine struggle for their Wall Street well as its Peruvan viceroy.
tish Labor Party, under whose administrabold relief.
demands: a struggle in the form of dembeing ever ready to support the American tion unemployment in England has grown Capitalist Bankruptey onstrations and strikes that break through imperialist interests against their British and flourshed like the green bay tree, unrivals as well as against the masses of na The apostle of permanent prosperity. der whose knout, saber and machine gun the hypocritical veil of spurious democratie elections.
tive peons and worker The various Hoover, has been neither desirous nor cap the Indian workers and peasants are being The Main Issue movements which have attemtped to struggle able of stemming the tide of misery and massacred. The Socialist Party is the poin one form or another against the existing suffering that has inundated millions of un litical machine of the corrupt labor bur The principal issue of the day is unemwa regime have been suppressed arbitrarily employed workers and those at work whose eaucracy in the needle trades and else ployment, and the wage cute, evictions, and and in the most ruthless fashion. Conse standards are being brutally lowered. Hoo where, the parasites who work hand in starvation that accompany it.
The Comquently the prisons are filled with politi ver Democratic critics, who are making hand with the bosses against the cruelly munist Party has properly focused the atcal prisoners ranging from the liberal the most of the political capital with which exploited workers. The Socialist Party tention of the working class on this point.
bourgeois elements around Haya de la his incapacity serves them, shout all the is a vote catching machine that constitutes This party is the only one in the field Torre in the which under the more loudly against their Republican a safe deposit for the discontentment of the that represents not only the immediate veil of the anti Imperialist struggle. covers brothers under the skin because they must workers. It is a bulwark against Bolshebut also the final aim of the proletariat.
up its services British capitalism, to the themselves conceal their total failure to vism as the more enlightened capitalist The Communist League of America workers and peasants leaders who have alleviate the indescribable conditions of the papers perceive that (Opposition) has many disagreements with bulwark dared to organize the masses against the workers in those localities where there are against the advance of the working class in the policy of the Communist Party. We imperialist exploitation, Democratic administrations (New York City struggle against their oppressors.
warn against the Party tendency to make New York state, throughout the South, etc. The workers are confronted not only the social insurance All the focal point in few years ago considerable attention etc. on election day but all through the yearthe election campaign It is not through was called in the revolutionary and even The truth is that the capitalist polit by a dictatorship of the capitalist class, bills in Congress that the unemployed will in the bourgeois press to the system of icians, who represent the system which proby that group of James W Gerard multi obtain relief, the evicted a rent moratorium, forced labor existigs in te mines asd highduces unemployment, child labor, prostitu millionaires who REALLY run the country, the workers an end to wage) cuts. To ways of Peru. the beasants and Indians of tion, wars and misery, are cynically uncon a dictatorship that can be abolished only cause the workers to believe otherwise certain regions being forced to work for cerned about the sufferings of the workers a nominal wage and at times for nothing by a dictatorship of the workers, that is, would be to sow the most destructive muexcept insofar as it of the overwhelming majority of the people, ofar as it gives them arguments sions among them.
at all for a certain number of days yearly It is not Congress that against those in office and for those who a dictatorship that would be a thousand can and will aid the unemployed by adoptas a sort of patriotic contribution to the want to get at the trough.
times more democratic than any capitalist ing a social insurance plan; it is not a bi country progress.
The third party of the bourgeoisie, the democracy. The whole election system is a that will aid the jobless in some dim, disPeru is one of Wall Streets most prosocalled Socialist Party, is still in the field monstrous fraud of capitalism, a fraud tant future (if ever under capitalism)
19 ductive colonies, being especially rich in with its petty shop keeper reforms. It which creates the illusion that the workers is the living, genuine struggle of the unoil, copper, vanadium and molybdenum.
has become a pure and simple election ap can seriously improve their lot or take conemployed and the starving for food of The interests of British imperialism are paratus, with ho more fixed membership trol of industry by throwing enough bits which there is plenty; of the homeless and also large, amounting to 140, 897, 897 on evicted for roofs over their heads and January 1, 1929 as against 150, 889, 000 for against the grasping landjords and homes the United States at the same date. Prior there are enough in short, it is only by to geulah administrations British investtheir own struggles every day (and not ments greatly exceeded those of the United around a ballot box) that workers can obEvery day brings news of intensified States bankers, but the war, together with accusations has bees set going by the Stalin tain relief the control by Wall Street of the political measures of repression against the Left ist apparatus. Our comrades are accused The Communist League is also opposed machine headed by Leguia, gave American can Opposition in the Soviet Union. Stalin of explonage in the interests of the counter. to the appeal the Communist Party is makinterests the opportunity to expand and to taking new steps forward. In order to revolution when their relations with Op.
ing to the farmers an appeal that does outstrip the British Interests. So far as apply the law with even greater cynic position Communists outside the not unite the interests of the workers of the can be judged by the information available isin, he constantly extends the meaning of are discovered. This monstrosity was discity with the workers in the fields and the up to now Legula downfall, while heraldthe accusations against our comrades. closed by an accusation of espionage poorest section of the famers, but sets the ed throughout the world and especially Counter revolutionist addressed to them brought against a comrade imprisoned at interests of the farmers in general against throughout Latin America as a blow to is not an insulting and lying epiphet, it Chimkent under the pretext that he was those of the city working class. absolutism is recognized on the New is an accusation involving five and ten corresponding with comrade Trotsky. This Where We Stand blow to the years in prison. Comrade Trotsky hag is no isolated act but a system. We learn York stock exchange as a.
But the Communist Party nevertheless American investors, This is seen by the been expelled fom the with that comade Pestov, at at Slavianskoye Selo, remains OUR PARTY. Its errors and sudden drop taken by stocks of the Vanadaccusation of org organizing counter revolu was accused in the same sense at the mo shortcomings are the errors and shortcom ium Corporation, the Cerro de Pasco Copper tionary movements that is of organizing ment of his arrest of entertaining rela ings of a temporary leadership violently imCorporation, and by the government bonds the Bolshevik, proletarian resistance to the tion with the counter revolution abroad posed upon it.
The Communist League and sharp fall of the Peruvian currency.
pressure of class enemies whom the Stal Similar accusations are brought against has appealed to the Party for united action Calvin Coolidge expressed the feelings of inist apparatus fights in words.
other comrades.
in support of the Communist campaign.
his masterh when he stated in his daily At one time Yaroslavsky invented the The aim of this new and abominable inThe faction agents who run the Party by gargle that the reports of a revolution police conspiracy of the Wrangel officer. vention is clear. The accusation of belong grace of appointment have rejected this making headway in Peru are disquieting of a socalled collusion with an agent pro ing to the counter revolution in general appeal.
We will continue in spite of that and discouraging. vocateur, former Wrangel officer sent into is not sufficient to attain the aim sought, to support the Communist Party campaign On the other hand we cannot refrain the Opposition ranks by the in which is the physical extermination of the with all our strength.
order to compromise our comrades in some from cautioning the editors of the Daily Left Opposition! To be able to lock up The Communist Party is the only Party Worker against going into ecstasies over infamous plot. Stalin continues to create revolutionists for ten years in solitary con of the working class. It embraces the main the attempt of the Peruvian masses to amalgams of this kind at every occasion. finement prison, to externisate the test elements in the revolutionary movement.
seize power. They made the mistake of But he no longer needs such complicated groups of the Opposition by shooting them Despite its incompetent leadership and so analyzing the Bolivian military coup fables.
He directly amalgamates the op at will, they have invented espionage and their destructive policies, the Party re relations positionists with the laws that punish with Etat of a few weeks ago. Unfortunately the counter revolution mains the only one that workers conscious counter revolutionary activity of White the organization and fighting abilities of the abroad. The mechanics of Stalin are obof their class interests can support.
Guards, capitalists and speculators. Hun vious.
Peruvian proletariat, as well as of the It is this blind and murderous vote to the Democratic, Republican or SoBolvian, are at too low an ebb to make dreds of militants, revolutionary workers, mechanics that had Elumkin shot, who fol cialist parties is a vote thrown away to have been sent into places of deportation, lowed Entov and others to their death Stathe class enemies of the workers and their possible at the present moment an effective utilization of these family quarrels among then into prisons and solitary confinement lin is trying to generalize his activities loyal assistants and moderators. vote the imperialists and their lackeys.
under the lying accusation of counter wich are genuinely counter revolutionary. for the Communist Party is a vote for workrevolutionary activity.
Stalin is persecuting the very best.
ing class power. RUSSELL BLACKWELL. Now we learn that a new system of (Continued on Page 5)
VOTE COMMUNIST. n Blumkin Dead Is Rakovsky Next?