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Stalin and his Agabekov Comrade Miller Suspended Who and Where Are the Real Deserters?
Blumkins Successor ver hesitate until they have completely betrayed?
The International Opposition would not be worthy of its name if it were not capable of drawing all the necessary conclusions from the Agabekov affair and of ex At its recent meeting, the national comThe White Guard emigration is cele Service. În full battle array of Stalinplaining them to the Communist workers. mittee of the Communist League of Amerbrating a new victory of which we have Eucharin against the Trotskyists, the CenEvery member of the must be obliged to ica (Opposition) adopted a decision to susalready spoken in the Militant. now trists drag behind them an immense reexamine fundamentally the fact that Blum pend comrade Miller, of Williston, No.
Soviet agent, Agabekov, has just passed into actionary tail which beats them over the kin, the irréproachable soldier of the rev Dakota, from the organization for a period its camp; he is under the special protec head. The Bessedovskys, the Agabekovs olution, was shot by Stalin for Trotsky of three months. The decision was caused tion of the agents of Ta: dicu. The triumph are a part of this heavy tail. Debauched ism. In place of Blumkin was put the loyby the failure of comrade Miller to acknowof the Whites is not without grounds: a Thermidorians have completely revealed al Stalinist, Agabekov who passed over imledge the correctness of the League posiresponsible collaborator of the has themselves abroad, for there there is only mediately to the service of the imperialist tion in condemning the action he took in passed over to their camp. He is preparing a wall to separate them from their real police.
the recent North Dakota primaries. It or has already prepared a book in which he master. And in the How many was his position that since there was no reveals the activity of the in the are there like Bessedovsky and Agabekov The Agabekovs constitute an enormous Communist Party organization in the field, East. The model for this type of book has In every institution, in every region, in layer of the Stalinist bureaucracy: they nor even a farmer labor party or nonbeen furnished by Bessedovsky: the sec every district? Who could count them, are a legitimate product of the Stalinist partisan league, he was justified in runrets and the clandestine affairs which are when they are themselves to be counted? regime. Functionaries can close their eyes ning for the nomination to office on the inevitably bound up with the class struggle Who will purge the Party of them, when to these facts. The revolutionary worker primaries of the Republican Party so long of the workers government against the it is they who purge it of others? Who will must discern the grave peril from these as he announced himself as a Communist imperialist foes are intermingled by these perceive their hesitations. when they ne. symptoms.
and advocated a Communist policy.
gentlemen of invention and calumny, according to the taste of their masters.
Slanderer Answered The national committee of the League took a categorically opposite stand to this Who Agabekov Is action, which flies in the face of all the The White press has already given a teachings of the leaders of the revolutionary movement, of decades of experience, lively account of the great services renThe most revolting collection of slan ting back to the South on his case without and more directly, of the platform of the dered by yesterday Stalinist, Blessedovders yet produced in the struggle against receiving the slightest reply.
Opposition. To run, even as a Communist, sky, to the Rumanian Siguranza by his Trotskyism appeared in the Daily Worker revelations on the Soviet government. AgBut since Browder has spoken about on a Republican primary or list is to sow on July 29, 1930. The individual best fitted abekov begins by giving directly the add desertions. let us ask a few really perillusion and confusion in the minds of the by nature for this scavenger job is, of workers and poor farmers.
tinent questions: To take such ress of the secret agency abroad. At his work of denunciation, he passed the last course, Earl Browder. In this article, Karl Reeve put on his hat and coat an action is to create the illusion in their Browder sinks to a depth we had previousfew months in Constantinople where he in Charlotte when the Party fraution deminds that the machinery of the bourgeois ly imagined nobody in the Communist movearrived directly from Moscow. So it is not cided to go into Gastonia, and said, before parties can be utilized to any extent by ment could reach.
he left to catch the train to New York: the toilers.
a matter of an official who passed a few In this particular instance, it The Final Merger years abroad without leaving and who You people can go down there and get was a repitition on a small scale of TownThat leyism he repeats for the hundreth broke away from his country. No, it is (Non Partisan League. against lynched But m going home! Is this not a matter of a man tested in a long lasting time, like a creature whose mind is wanwhich revolutionists must conduct the most the same Reeve who was rewarded for his work at Moscow itself, named quite redering, that we have finally merged with courage by being made Party district ormerciless struggle. The aim of the Comcently to a new post. He is a man doubly the Lovestone group is of little conse ganizer in Minnesota by this same Browmunists is to separate the masses from the tested, that is, from the point of view of quence, for the workers in the movement der?
bourgeois parties, not to attach them.
his work and from the point of view of the know he is lying as he lied on previous Comrade Miller position in the moveWhere is John Owen who left the South occasions.
Party line. Had he not been, Agabekov Party comrades now know ment, and his years of devotion to the without permission. Where is Otto Hall would not have been named for post that this Stalinist floor walker speaks so cause, convinced the national committee who refused to go to Gastonia or any other still fresh from the death of Blumkin. For incessantly about the Trot, aky Lovestone that the error arose out of an unclear unpart ofthe strike area? Where is unity in order to make them forget the such is the irony of the fate of Stalin: Johnstone who refused to participate in derstanding of the principles involved rahaving killed Blumkin he found nobody to real Browdre Lovestone united front which ther than a conscious departure from Comthe strike, saying: am not going to be replace him with than Agabekov.
expelled the Left Opposition from the Parmunism. The three months suspension was made a fool of. Where is the president of ty, burglarized us, and used gangsters to therefore decided upon, as well as an atNow we receive first hand confirmation: The Jim Reid, who always refused break up our meetings.
tempt by correspondence to change the Agabekor has stated to journalists that to go to the South, was finally taken there Blumkin was shot for his Trotskyism. Nor will any serious person be imopinion of comrade Miller, in addition, it almost by force, and then disappeared from was decided, that should comrade Miller and that he, Agabekov, was called to Mog pressed when Browder writes: They act Charlotte, turning up in New York and fail to acknowledge the complete incorrect.
cow as an unbending supporter of the genas stool pigeons and provocateurs in the explaining his presence by the need to pay eral line. He was initiated into the whole class struggle in the United States. For ness of his position at the end of the sustaxes on his Rhode Isand properties. does not every Communist know that it is situation, from the angle of his special work Where is George Penshing, who left the pension period, his expulsion will follow Browder international faction not oursautomatically. It is the desire and hope as well as of Trotskyism. Experts of Bessemer City strike at the most critical of the national committee that this step Stalinism like Menzhinsky, lagoda, Tril which has produced Chiang Kai Sheks, Pur moment without permission or notice and can be avoided and comrade Miller return isser (didn they take Yaroslavsky into this cells, Bessedovskys and Agabekovs without skipped North?
thing as a partner. did not find the slightto his active functioning in the organization.
Is the Sroka who is still organizer for est blemish on the political face of It is when this paid employee of the the the game Sroka who left the Agabekov.
Stalin clique speaks of desertions that Pinevill strike without permission, so that After an examination, and an author he deserves his proper reply. This person the picket line collapsed and the strike was ized Instruction, he was sent to Constanwho hides away comfortably in an obscure laat?
Three years ago a certain Xenophon tinople to replace Blumkin, shot a while office writes of the two noted fighters who Is the Murdoch whom Browder just discovered that besides the epochs of Marx before by Stalin. And immediately after have recently adhered to our platform. made secretary of the the same and Lenin there was still another: the his arrival, Agabekov began to write a book, Hugo Oehler deserted his post in the Murdoch who refused to heed the instrucepoch of Stalin or rather a report to the agents of world South at a difficult moment, without notice, At the 13th Convention of the Comtions to go to Elizabethton?
imperialism on the secret work of the and simply disappeared. When discovered munist Party of White Russia that just We could speak about more notorious and the Comintern in the East. The later in Chicago, he was found in pathtook place it remained for Manuilsky to cases, some of which will yet be heard book finished, he went with it to Paris and ological condition suffering form hallucinprove that this epoch puts that of Lenin from But not being stool pigeons, we do immediately placed himselt under the pro ations, which was the only factor saving in the shade. Manuilsky stated: not furnish the state prosecutors with intections of Tardieu agents.
him then from expulsion from the Party. Comrades, ask you: when was the formation as to who skips ball or who run The trustworthy diplomat of Stalin, He is suffering from a serious case of parParty, even in the period when it stood away from sentences even when there are Bessedovsky, before leaping over the Em anoia. His conversion 10 Trotskyism is under the gifted leadership of Ilitch, so such cases. This contemptible work we consolidated, Iron a power today?
bassy wall to render his services to the a by prouct of his mental breakdown. The leave to the Browders who are so skiltul Rumanian Siguranza, disposed of all the case of George Saul differs somewhat; he From this deification of the Stalinist regime, which throttles every opinion in the affairs and the documents belonging to Ra ran away from a six months sentence on Why is Browder so recklessly venomkovsky. That is not all. Bessedovsky par the chain gang in Carolina, covering up Party, to a disguised accusation against ous against the Opposition and its support Lenin who, as is known, undermined the ticipated directly in the expulsion of Rakov his desertion by leaving the Party and anere? For two reasons. The first is a quite nouncing himself as a Trotskyite.
sky from the Party. Christian Georgevitch iron power of the present Party by the Rakovsky was not trustworthy enough: in personal one. The Militant has already ex methods of inner Party democracy is only Repelling as it is even to write about posed this revolutionist as the banquet a short step.
the first place, he did not admit that a gen this garbage a few facts as well known uine Russian socialism could be constructing campanion in China of the butcher of At about the same time, Pravda pubto Browder as they are to us, must neverCanton Communists, General LI TI Sin. lishes in a leader a brief outline of the ed with the Kulak, and then he denied that thelegg be established. The unblemished Browder dared not anl could not deny this, history of the Moscow Party generation, the Kulak could be suppressed in two years records of comrades Oehler and Saul need and it sticks in his craw.
Main content: The struggle against Trotby means of the And, untrust no defense. It is sufficient to remind our skyism.
worthy and Inconsistent element that he The second reason for his bile is the readers that they fought for Communism was, Rakovsky was placed under conditions And most remarkable: the history of growth of the Opposition in the face of all and the textile workers in the South, under his attacks, both literary and gangsterist. the Moscow organization is begun with the that prevent him from continuing his revthe daily threat of lynchings while their year 1923! What was there up to 1923?
olutionary work, uninterrupted for forty The step taken by comrades Saul, Oehler present detractors directed them from the years, and which expose him to physical and others recently has been additional What was there under Lenin? Why does safe vantage point of New York. That the ruin. Death for Rakovsky! The open road the history of the Moscow Party begin only paranolac Oehler (Phillip Scheldemann proof that the truth of the Opposition continues to penetrate into the ranks of the with the date of Lenin illness?
for the Bessedovskys!
used to say exactly that about Karl LiebThe answer is clear. It is with 1923 The Breach in Stalin Monolithism Party, convincing its best workers. Naknecht. after his desertion from the turally this enrages the Browders who have that the new epoch of the Stalin regime Beginning with 1924, a rule was es South was offered the post of national secno ideological weapons with which to com begins, the highest perfection of Party tablished in the then in the army, retary of the National Textile Workere VALENTIN OLBERG by virtue of which Communists not only bat the Opposition, but only falsehood, cal development Union and other responsible Party posts umny and thuggery.
in New York and Chicago. That comrade Their rage concea have to fulfil their duty towards the Party, their fear.
Saul, after his desertion. was made orbut they must also think every minute like The victory of the Marxist Opposition means an end to the Browders.
If it is at all possible, to realize sothe Central Committee. Subsequently, the ganizer for the International Labor DeTheir spirit is incompatible with revoluciu in one country then one can believe rule was extended to the whole Party and fense That James Allander Party trade in that theory not only after the conquest rounded out with another: the Central union director in Denver, wrote comrade tionary movement.
of power but also prior to it. If socialCommittee must think like Stalin. After Saul, under date of July 4, 1930. after the ism can be realized within the national this, Stalinist monolithism seemed to be 100 desertion. was instructed by the boun laries of backward Russia then there percent guaranteed. But now a breach is Central Committee to take up with you, As long as we still have capitalism and is the more reason to believe that it can opened; not having the right to think, to your coming into Denver to take the posi socialism, we cannot live peacefully either be realized in advanced Germany Todoubt, or to reason, the monolithic Stalinistis tion of district organizer for our new disthe other wil the victor in the morrow she lead of the of Cermany have begun to jump directly from the trict. etc. etc. That comrade Saul, now end.
The obituary will have to be sung will surely tring forward this theory The heights of their responsible posts to the working in the Western wheat fields, has either over the death of world capitalism Draft Program empowers them to do so.
French, British and Rumanian Secret repeatedly written to the about get or the death of the Soviet Republic. LENIN TROTSKY The Epoch of Stalin at it.