BolshevismBourgeoisieCommunismFranceLeninMarxismOpportunismSovietStalinStrikeTrotskyURSSUnited FrontWorkers Party

Par THE MILITANT Saturday, July zo YOUNG VANGUARD The League New «Plan of Action»
LENIN AND THE YOUTH Scranton Police Seize Communist Workers Eastman Correspondence with Gold also transform the Labor Sports Union into a mass organization and win a mass circulation for the Young Worker, as well as doubto the League membership, create During the first wecks of tho execu campaigns in eight industries and holding 48 shop nuclei, 85 shop bulletins, and retion of the so called Plan of Action adopted Negro youth conferences in seven districts cruit 10, 000 young workers into the by the National Executive Committee of by August 15 which must culminate in a That is what we, Bolsheviks, call a genthe Young Commur. ist League, we predict mass youth organization affiliated to the uine attack. Stalin. This last quotation The Young Yanguard, begin.
ed that it could not be sucessfully accom by September 30, we are going confirms the correct line of the Shock Plan.
ning with this present issue will plished with the present falsc policies and to have, unquestionably, mass unemploypublish number of important opportunist regime. No doubt there were ment youth conferences and a National On September 30, let every member of many members of the who really the demand an accounting. Let him documents and statements by Len.
Youth Unemployment Day Demonstration believed that our prophecies were based demand the truth and not be satisfied with In concerning the youth.
on August 20. And of course it goes withon nothing but a malicious desire to see specious figures. Then let him draw his The Importance of such pub.
the Plan fall. But the facts of reality are out saying that by September 30, we will own conclusions. GEORGE RAY Ileation manifest although one were to judge by the englect daily demonstrating that the criticism of of this elemenary educational work the Left Opposition is based on a thorough by the official. wbich wastes Marxian evaluation of the situation, The tons of paper on harmful drivel, unvarnished fact of the matter is that June 30, the last day of the Plan, revealed one would not at all thluk 80.
Five workers arrested last week in under arrest, confiscated all books, records All young workers should read an enormous disproportion between the figScranton and charged with sedition are fac and letters and took the organizers to the these fundamental document ures on paper and the negligible gains acing 20 years in prison. They were jailed state police barracks where they were phot tually made. Did the attempt to when the anthracite mine owners and their ographed and finger printed. Only after In this first installment we publish make an objective political analysis of the flunkles in political office feared that a being held 10 hours were they charged with the Resolution proposed by Lenin at the situation and initiate a discussion in the strike of 1, 200 members of the United Mine sedition Since the arrests several more Second Congress of the Russian Social ranks on the basis of the experience of the Workers Union for equalization of work raids have been made on the headquarters, Democrats in 1903 on the attitude towards last few months? To be sure not! For would develop into a militant struggle led move to smash the militant labor movethe student youth.
to do so would expose the complete bankby the National Miners Union. The strike ment being the apparent objective.
Previous to 1905, the various political rutey of its false ultra Left line. Instead however, was short lived as the Lewis The International Labor Defense which parties of Russia obtaineil their propathere is much yelling that the membership Boylan machine ordered the men to return is conducting the defense of the five workgandists and agitators from the students.
of the is not doing enough work, to work.
ers must develop a broad united front This to a large extent included the workfor that they are substituting phrases movement for their liberation. Not only ing class party. With the clearing of deeds, and that, forsooth, is a very crass Those arrested and held in jail for the locals which are very weak, but tho atmosphere that resulted from the expdession for the Left danger itself. the Fall Grand Jury aro: Dan Slinger, the rank and file of the must be storm of the 1905 revolution, and subseThe New Shock Plan district organizer, National Miners Union; appealed to and asked to participate in quent sharpening of the class war the John Little, youth organizer, Trade Union the campaign. This is an issue that can situation changed and the intellegentsia In order to evade drawing the balUnity League; Sylvan Pollack, district be used to strengthen the left wing moveof which the student youth is a section, ance of the so called Plan of Action, it has organizer, International Labor Defense; been renovated, refurbished with a new ment in the anthracite it properly handled.
gravitated toward their own petty bourge.
Joe Tash, National Executive Board memDame Shock Plan and extended for three Il a sectarian defense campaign is allowed ois nd bourgeois parties. Eds. ber, and Phil Frankfeld, Communmonths, to September 30. This however, to be conducted, conviction of the five ist Party organizer. Joe Tash was arrest workers is certain and the many class war CONCERNING THE STUDENTS will not prevent every sincere member of ed when speaking at a mass meeting at the from putting the question prisoners in the United States will have Resolution moved by comrade Lenin on the Dunmore where he was oxposing the Lewis squarely to himselt (and bone tly trying new recruits. On the other hand, a real attitude towards Students machine. The others were taken into custo discover the underlying cause of the united front movement will not only be a (Passed at the Second Congress of the tody the following day when state troopers whole unsavory situation.
step for the freedom of the arrested workRussian Social Democratic Labor Party Papor plans cannot be substituted for and deputy sheriffs raided the headquarters ers but a réservoir of strength for the held in 1903, with the exception of that of the and in Scranton. WithA correct line grounded on the actual sitLeft wing movement in general and the out a warrant they placed the workers portion in parathenges. uation among the young workers. AdminN. in particular.
This Second Congress of the Russian istrative décisions and bureaucratic comSocial Democratic Labor Party welcome mands and noise. The Shock Plan is a the revival of independent revolutionary combination of all those negative qualities.
activity among the student youth, calls It is a screen for all the recent failures.
upon all branches of the Party to render and an artificial attempt to make good all (Continued from Page 4)
Liberator, Have you forgotten that your every possible aid to the youth in its striy these referues. An examination of its nounce thinking through a passion for it publicity when you started the magazine ings to organize and recommends to al measures conden. it as an adventurist erature. do not necessarily renounce hon was to the opposite offect? What is the groups and student circles: first, to inak enterprise.
orable and decent editorial conduct.
reason for this change? Is this one more it their first duty to imbue their member?
First, the Plan calls for a whole sertrick suggested by your bureaucratic mas.
with a complete philosophy and to get them What is your real reason?
ies of industrial youth conferences. These ters for grabbing prestige at the exponse to study Marxism seriously on the one conferences are to be held in eight different Isither you backed down because you both of sincere ideals and real facts? Did band, and Russian Narodnik isin and West Industries all by September 30. The in are too cowardly to print Trotsky classiit not once occur to you wùile you were European opportunism on the other as dustries are: textile, needle trades, mining. fication of you, or else you consulted your composing that sweet history, and using my the principle opposing groups within the steel auto metal mining. lumber and age masters, the bureaucrats of the Workers name lo advertising your magazine, that it modern fighting progressive tendencies riculture. The in all its recent Party, and they forbade you to print the letter rosolutions and theses has recognized an might be honest to mention among those Secondly, to beware of the false friends of other charming incidents the fact that the youth who are distracting it from serunsnitsfactory sitoation in the But Either position marks oft your paper resigned from the Executive Board of New jous revolutionary education by vapid, rev.
Y(1. ing acquired such completely froin The Masses, from which it Masses stating that despised its sly pussy.
olutionary, idealistic phraseology and phil.
Immense strength and vitality, such re borrowed its name. And yet notice you footing policies and total lack of intellectlistine chatter about the harm and super 00 y forces and organizers, have chosen just this moment to get out ual and moral courage?
fluousness of sharp controversy tenden.
that it can simultaneourly in the criod of a new line of publicity giving what you call Yours sincerely, cies, for these false friends, as a matter of a few months ontor cight difforent indus the au obiography of the New Masses. fact. cultivate merely lack of principle and tries of the United States, and can success. in which you falaely pretend that it is a MAX KASTMAN a frivolous attitude towards revolutionary fully carry on campaigns which will cul mere continuation of the Masses and The offer this letter also for publication. work, and thirdly) in taking up practical minate in mass mind you, the Plan says activity to strive to establish connection mass youth conferences.
Do the Steuwith social democratic organizations bebene. Harveys, Greens, and the other marforehand in order to be able to be guided tonettes, who place all theso directives so by the instructions and to avoid as far easily on paper, understand the significance BOSTONin view of the act that 718 was invited to as possible important errors in the very of these grandiose schemes? Is this not the camp banquet not so long ago?
beginning of the work stupid and criminal adventurism? Can Another Left wing organization is being pired under the leadership of a these light minded people realize that it And now question to the ex manager would be far better to concentrete on ley Party members: the cooperative camp of Camp Nitgedaiget who is now chairman Nitgedaiget of Boston. When the camp some one or two industrieg yes, we are of Branch 718: How does your own medwas founded in 1927, individuals as well modest and sensible enough to ask for icine taste, Mr. Robinson? We still reonly one or two where the objective conas organizations were approached to buy member last cummer when the shoe workshares.
ditions are most favorable and really hold One of its shareholders is John ers of Boston were on strike and a comReed Erranch 718 of the Workmen Circle a successful mass youth conference? Whom mittee came to camp with an effort to and like most shareholders participated in are these bureaucrats trying to befuddle raise funds for the strikers. Mr. RobinBULLTTIN OF RUSSIAN OPPOSITION with their toud prattle?
canin affairs and contributed toward its son bitterly attacked the shoe workers com. Double No. 12 13 for June July. 1930 establishment mittee for coming on his ground to exploit Second. the Pion. a nart of its reTo the opening of the camp this seagon, is workers and was greatly in favor o.
Containing: cruitment quota, calls for the gaining of Towards the 16th Congress of the 500 young Negro workers for the Branch 718 was formally invited as usual putting the committee out of the camp. The Revolution in India, by Trotsky Here the inventors of the Shock Plan real to the banquet and responded by sending It is interesting also to hear some of The Period between the 15th and 16th Con delegate with instructions to buy another ly become realistic. In order to win 500 the pembers of 718 crying for a free platshare. The branch in turn felt that Camp gresses of the by Dingelstaedt form for discussion when we recali an inyoung Negro workers it is necssary to do Notes of a Journalist, by Alfa Numerous Nitgedalget is ita home and applied tor the This mags Negro work, you understand.
cident of about a year and a half ago letters from the metropolises and centers Is actually stated in the Plan. So in ad camp grounds for its annual outing which when comrade Cannon was in Boston and of exile in the Soviet Union. Tw8 Concep was to take place on June 29, dition to carrying on mass campaigns in our branch of the Communist League (Options, by Trotsky Stalin and the Red Army etght industries, we are going to hold mas The board of directors of the camp exposition) appealed for the platform and by Markin Letter to the Spanish Opposi nothing but mass, mind you. Negro youth tended their welcome to Branch 718 and all was rejected by these very members. It taon, by Trotsky What is Centriem! by conferences against lynching in Bevon was fine and dandy, until a few days before seems that it makes a difference into whose Trotsky The German Situation, by Roman window the stone falls.
League districts by August 15, and by Sep the outing was to take place a letter was Well The Jewish Movement France, by tember 30 we are going to have a mass received by the secretary of 718 stating We hope that the camp board of di Senine The Opposition in South America. note well. mags) Negro youth organiza the withdrawal of the invitation to the rectors will realize before it is too late by Dvorin Letter from Prar e Etc. etc.
tton affiliated to the American Negro Labor branch for its outing, due to the fact that the detrimental policy they are adopting 26C a copy Congress (Another mass organization whose the board of directors suddenly realized that la barring workers from the camp grounds Send orders and funds to exlatence is grossly exaggerated. Presto! the John Reed Branch is a Right wing or while the members of 718 should, in the It to done.
future, think for themselves and not be TIK MILITANT And tbirdly, in addition to waging I, renlization come a hit late ruled by the iron band of a clique. 25 Third Avenue Yes Camp Nitgedaiget in Boston 00 yea