CentrismCivil WarCominternCommunismGermanyLeninMarxismSovietStrikeTrotskyURSS

sturday, July 26, 1930.
THE MILITANT Page The Communists in the South The Sources of Manuilsky and Co. Review and Criticism blacklisted, arrested, evicted and terror The Lying Campaign ized textile workers.
Some of our Jewish comrades may bave One of the outstanding weaknesses of read the account of the India demonour work brought to the surface by this period of reaction following June 7th was stration given in the Freiheit. In the midst of overwhelming paragraphe describthat all members recruited in the union ing the heroism of the workers in defendBy HUGO OEHLER were admitted through the Gastonia central office AND IN THIS WHOLE PERIOD ing their demonstration, was a short reNO MILL LOCALS HAD BEEN SET UP, ference to the part played by the Com( Continued from Last Issue)
before it materialized and the terror ot yet we had plenty of material and time to munist League of America (Opposition. Success or failure of any struggle de the thugs increased with a plan of endThe Freiheit reported that we appeared, do so. If a few mill locals had been set up pends on how wide your first break is, ing it all before the new drive would start.
burrounded by a bodyguard of dotectives.
the union would have been able to weather According to the reporter, our only purpose and how fast you follow this up with ad The Company plan, like the union this storm in a far greater stable fashion ditional attacks before the bosses can mob fell short wth the murderous raid of and chaos would not have reigned. And In attending the meeting was to advertise ilize a counter attack. This is true in every Chief Aderholt and his death through the instead of the auxiliary organizations reour organ, the Militant. Probably the restage of the development of the struggle. workers self defense on June The plan organizing and laying a base they would porter was too exhausted by his struggles For example in Passaic, the first attack of ned drive of the union was transformed have acted in a helpful secondary fashion to read the whole of the placard displayed workers was followed up with not one into a counter attack of the law with the by the Communist League of America (Opand on the whole we would have been It several victories before the bosses Committee of 100 to follow up and clean able to answer this with greater success.
position. Or perhaps it is more convencould begin an important counter attack. them out. The first part of this counter ient to forget that our banner, as well as The mill bosses through the control of If our first attack is not broadened attack of the bosses legal troops was those of the Party, supported the Indian Gaston County and the City of Gastonia before tbe bo9909 answer, we are not so transformed into their defeat by the heroic government as well as the state governRevolution.
able to withstand these blows but if we action of the striking textile workers. The ment, lost no time and indicted 23 for The comrades made short work of us make big inroads and then the bosses at bosses force followed up the June 7th raid murder 16 for first degree murder. counter. revolutionaries prevented our tack, it is not felt so easily and we can with terror for a week, wholesale arrest, breaking up of the meeting, and destroyed The fact that the union did not answer not only better withstand their blows but intimidation, searching of homes, beatinge, this attack and indictment and replace our papers and leaflets, says the article.
answer them much faster before the bosses attempted lynching of Beal and others who In spite of the confident report of the Dical at once, lost our forces valuable time can follow up.
were jailed.
that as far as the Loray strike was conFrotholt, however, many of our members remarked the sympathy of the surrounding Such was not our fortune in Gastonia. With the entire force of active strikers cerned could not be made up.
Party comrades. Most them objected to, Our mass picketing was very good, but and leaders arrested. held without right of The new force sent in over a month did not enable us to follow up this first rather than helped in, the work of disbail, the police closed the destroyed tent after this terror, July 12th, inherited the point with anything of consequence. The This in itself is a significant colony and union headquarters and reaction strike of Loray and Bessemer that weeks persing us.
fact. It seems that they are beginning to bosses answered the first blow with the and terror rode the county.
before had been settled as far as life and realize that in a matter, such as the InLoray Committee of 100, organized from In this atmosphere came the national immediate demands were concerned but a dian demonstration, in which we are at one overseers, thugs and superintendants, led representatves of the and strike that was still officially on. On top by Major Bulwinkle of Loray Mill. To this with the Party, to divide forces and fight and although at first arrested and intimi of this they inherited the bombastic action among ourselves is the stupidest folly, and was added wholesale arrests by the local dated the took the lead and opened of the fly by night org. nzere sent in, and the best inducement to police intervention.
police and the cavalry terror, the church a new tent colony with the preparing add to this, the loss of records and chaotio and the local press, April 10th the cavalHaving dubbed ue renegades. the for legal aid. This force brought new hope conditions of the union forces after this program. In spite of the persistent lles, ry was removed and 35 deputized American to the shattered and scattered forces of month period.
Party cannot reconcile this supposed charLegion men replaced them. In the meantime the National Textile Workers Union acter of the Left Opposition with our continued support of the correct part of 1te was doing its best to push ahead. Several bowever, Party members are becoming hundred struck in Bessemer City several miles from Gastonia. The small force of more and more sympathetically inclined organizers who had strike experience were towards the Left Opposition.
Manuilsky is now drooling about the regards to Trotsky.
pressed to handle this mays of determined LILLIAN BORD Bonapartist tendencies of Trotsky. The Therefore it says in the review, but inexperienced workers.
cheap Bohemia of the New Messes and he let loose at Trotsky. Here the author The Strike in Full Swing other publication of the same type have puts into motion his whole baggage of the ernment to the middle peasantry, and By April the 15th the strike was in also seized on this theme. For these peo most impossible lies, slanders and charla speaks of rumors to the effect that Lenfull swing with the the ple, Bonapartism is an individual feature of tanism. In the face, the beard, the lips in and Trotsky are not in harmony, that and Communist youth handling the work. character and not a regime flowing from in everything he anxiously looks for con thero are big disagreements between The use of police, militia, gunmen and prese class relations, from the policy of veering firmation for his calumnious words. First them, and especially upon this subject could be expected.
between classes. Where must one eyes be of all power. He (Trotsky) wanted the of the middle peasant.
We did not have long to wait. On to discover at present Bonapartism in the hevolution, it says there, because he wantComrade Trotsky has already given April 18, a bossen mob, under police and Opposition when all the preparations for ed himself. Others spoke about the seizure bis answer in Izvestia for Febraury deputy protection wrecked the union office the Sixteenth Congress represent a repiti of power because they considered the his Comrade Trotsky says that the rumors in a well planned fashion. The demolish tion, a rehearsal of Bonapartism on the torical moment ripe for the transier of of disagreement between him and me are ing of the supplies and the continual Party proscenium!
power to the last powerless class. He a monstrous lie, propagagated by the wholesale evictions, arrests and intimidBut we do not wish to raise here gen spoke about the seizure of power because landiords and capitalists or their conations of strikers through the rest of April eral questions, but to contribute some his he considered himself ready to fake pos scious or unconscious servitors. I, upon and in May showed us that the bosses were torical data on the source of the spiritual session of the power. Page 83. in the my part, fully confirm this statement of gaining in the counter attack.
inspiration of Manuilsky and his Ameri building of Trotsky ministry exemplary comrade Trotsky. There are no disIn this whole period from the strike to can and other pupils.
order and cleanliness prevail. Aha! This agreements between him and me, and, in the mob terror the spirit of the strike robe In 1923 a book by Oskar Blum appear is the secret of Trotsky personal power. rogard to the middle peasants there are and repulsed each atack with sakrifice ed in Germany giving the personal charac In Trotsky military orders, military style no disagreements not only between Trotand determination but without effective tristics of the leaders of the revolution. is felt. Aha! There are the signs of the sky and me, but in general in the Comcounter offense, entirely confined to counThis book was first to discover in Trotsky new Corsican And the palace guard, and miunist Party of which we are both memter defense. In this period of attack on signs of the new Corsican. Before we the body gurad true, not in gilded livery, bers.
the workers we could have answered in a give a characterization of the book, how but in the orderly uniform of the Red Comrade Trotsky in his letter exmore positive way, it our leading force had ever, it is necessary to say a few words Gaurd!. The pamphlet ends with a trans plained clearly and in detail why the been handled right.
about the author.
parent insinuation: Material power is in Party of the Communists and the presIn the period of the first revolution, his hands. What next. Proletarian Hall the time Beal and the other leadent workers and peasants government Oskar Blum was considered a social dem Revolation, November 23, 1923, pages 247 elected by the Soviets and members of ing comrades were sent back and forth ocrat and a Marxist, a partisan of Plekhan. 248. from Elizabethton to Lexington, etc. hunibal Party do not consider the middle dreds of miles with most of those in oy. In the years of reaction he was sus Now take Manuilsky article on Trot peasants their enemies. subscribe the Gastonia area handicapped and those pected of connections with the gendarmerie. sky Autobiography. Take the review of with botin hands to everything Trotsky Arriving from Riga to Vienna, he addressed the Yew Masses and the rest of the reptile wrote.
in New York ordering these drives as (Lenin Vol. XIV, pp. 28 29, though they were sending some one from himself to Trotsky with a request to help press: In what do they differ from Oskar Pravda, No. 35, February, 1919. him re establish hi revolutionary honor. Bium? In nothing. What have they added New York City to Passaic. Such a broadThis is the way the epigones and their On the basis of his own tales, Trotsky to his revelations? Nothing. Their writening out activity and especially in relation office howlers, among them also the soto activity must be carried on but came to the conclusion that Blum could not ings are a direct plagiary from the stipen called Friends of the Soviet Union, simply not at the expense of our base and South be tolerated in the revolutionary ranks. ary of the Riga gendarmarie. Is it repeat for a number of years what Lenin ern center and that only further played After the revolution of 1917, documents because these sentimen themselves have in 1919 characterized as lies spread by into the hands of a powerful enemy attack were found which proved conclusively that the paychology of stipendaries, which is ir. landowners, etc. or their conscions or ing 19 on all sides in the Gastonia area Blum was in the employ of the gendarmerie reconcilable with the psychology of revo unconscious servitory.
Added to this improper draining of tho of Riga. Evum was arrested and after lutionists?
This is how sadly matters stand. And field center was tho sending of comrades wards, through someone thoughtlessness, Lenin on the Libellers of Trotsky not by accident. Centrism is not very insuch as Crouch and Pershing, etc. who he was freed from jail after which he fled At any rate, the source of Mannllsky ventive. It is ideologically poor and posmay be able to function some pleces under abroad where he published the book about inspiration is revealed very aceurately.
sesses a short niemory. When this interproper leadership but who only messed the leaders of the revolution. The general This. however is not the only incident.
mediary, shaky, unprincipled current leads things up in the strike area with bombast character of the book can be sufficiently There is a more important one which. by a struggle against the revolutionary wing, ic disconnected radicalisni.
dtermined by the character of its author: the way, has already been quoted by the it must necessarily borrow conclusions This first mob action and police attacks it is scurrilous libel.
Opposition, but we will bring it to mind from the Right wing. It has none of its were answered by rebuilding and continA Plagiary from Oskar Blum once more because it has incomparable own and by its very nature, it can not have uing he work. Broken picket lines were review of Blum book was printed conviction. It is known that the whole And because by the logic of the struggle, refcmed. Throughout the country the in the organ of the Bureau of Party His campaign against Trotskyism began with Centrism is compelled to deepen its ac1scue was raised for Gastonia and funds tory, Proletarian Revolution, in November, the question of the peasantry: Contrary cusations against Trotskyism it is by started to flow in to hely. Mass meetings 1923, when the campaign of the epigones to Lenin, Trotsky is supposed to have unthat itself compelled to look for all the were lield daily at the Union headquarters against Trotsky was already being widely der estimated the peasantry in general and more muddy sources of inspiration. On in Gustonia and workers for many miles diffused. Nevertheless, in that period, the the middle peasant in particular. The epithis road matters have reached plagiarism around came in and asked for organizers brains of the Party and the Comintern were gones have forgotten the source of this legof Manuilsky and Co. from the agent of for their mill towns. Hundreds were signnot yet piled up with the tons of gossip end. Nevertheless it is rooted in the agithe Okhrana, Oskar Blum.
ed up into the Union from all parts of the and slander and generally with all kinds of tation carried on by the White Guards What next.
ar The unorganizable were starting refuse, and the official publications had among the peasants during the Civil War.
to nize.
not yet gotten out of the habit of using the Lenin, in his day, took advantage of the If the number on your wrapper le rebuilding and recruiting inspired language they were writing in Lenin time. first suitable occasion in order to dispose pe and the stubborn picket lines The author of the article in the Proletarian ne of this legend. These are his own words: firm ranks. The union planned to Revolution, not knowing that Blum had In the Izvestia of February ith, this drive with a new drive on sufficient personal reasons to be dissatisfied there appeared a letter from the pea then your subscription to the Militant had close the mill. This belated at with Trotsky observed in bewilderment sant Gulov, who asks about the re expired. Renew immediately in order to known to the Committee of 100 the particular viciousness of Blum with letion of our workers and Peak avoid missing any 18gues.