Bolshevik PartyBolshevismCapitalismCommunismCommunist PartyEmma GoldmanFascismImperialismLeninLeninismMarxismMussoliniStalinStalinismTerrorismTrotskyUnited FrontWorkers MovementWorking Class

Ares TRE MILITANT Saturday, July 12, 1938 Solidarity on the Streets Stalino fascist Attack New York Demonstrates for India Cleveland Workers Reply to Hooliganism The British consulate was the scene aghamed that what was once a Communist CLEVELAND the hall by one of the Stalinists, Cullen 15 of a militant demonstration of 1, 500 work. paper should have bunk to the degraded Following a fascist attack by the Sta name, who has probably been taught by the er who attempted to address the mass from spiritual level of the yellow Forward. linist clique on the public meeting arranged district organizer, Bimba that even cooption. Following the mass meeting in Batby the Communist League to hear Max eration with the police is permissible in We repeat such factional tactics will tery Park the march of the workery on Shachtman speak on the Leto Opposition the struggle against the counter revolunot deter us. As Communists we continue Wuite ball Street began. Shoating revoluand his recent visit to Europe, local police tionary Trotskyists. The meeting of to participate in every class struggle demtionary slogans and singing revolutionary swooped down on the meeting and arrest course, was then broken up.
onstration of the Party against capitalism battle songs, the procession advanced to ed eleven workers, including comrades The Opposition comrades immediately and imperialism, without abandoning our the vicinity of the consulate. It was here Marxist right and duty to wark for the clarJohn Brahtin and Bryar, the owner of proceeded to the Public Square and an.
that Mulrooney police thugs swept in the meeting place, a couple of Party mem nounced a meeting for the coming evening 1fication of principles, the correction of with their accuton. bictalit OT workbers, and a half dozen others who came to political blunders, and a Bolshevik Party to protest against the shameful knife work er who attempted to address the mass rom the hall. The broad and non partisan of the Stalinists. The next evening, the regime. Sp.
the steps of the building was International Labor Defense proceeded to Opposition comraes arrived to find both the police and pulled down.
ball out everyone but the two comrades of Public Square. stumps occupied by Stathe Opposition.
This was the signal for a concerted «CLARIFICATION linists, who were apparently in frenzied onslaught the police on the demonstraThe meeting was scheduled for the fear of having the workers listen to the tors.
Opposition point of view. We nevertheless The workers fought back bravely Painters Hall, but when the committee and until the police re inforcement arrived in It ever one is looking for clarification the audience of 100 workers gathered there, set up a park bench at the other end of the the shape of an emergency wagon with on certain important questions and he the ball was closed and the caretaker noSquare and comrade Boich had just begun wants to become muddled, he has but one where in sight. His failure to appear was sirens shrieking, prepared to huri ttear speaking when the same hooligans appear.
bombs Four comries were arrested, thing to do. He can ask a member of the ed once more and began to Soo and shout greeted by the assembled members Rollins, Manusky, Cohen and one Communist Party to explain to him. with knowing grins. It was impossible to like madmen. They attempted to rush the other. Several workers were terribly man very striking incident occurred a few days get a new hall immediately, and the Stalin platform, but meeting with better resisthandled and one Beatrioe Blois fer was ago, when another comrade and myself ists were overjoyed, until the Hindu owner ance than they expected, they had to give knocked unconscious.
were walking through a park where many of a restaurant, sympathetic towards the up. Again the cops arrived, and our bold The demonstration was called by the members of the Communst Party and of the Party offered to rent his place as a makeStalinists fled precipitatoly in four directNew York district of the Communist Party Left wing unions hold unofficial meetings. shift.
ions, The committee in charge accepted We remained and continued our One of them appoints himself speaker and the offer and announced the change of place and all workers organizations were invited meeting, with the Party opening up in to par icipate. The Communist Iniyle chairman and answers any questions that on the street. The assembled workers then mediately on the other stump. Comrade (Opposition) in New York immediately sig his comrades may put to him.
proceeded to march through the city to the JohFoley, the chairman, introduce compifted its decision to take part. We wrote restatirant, located two doors from tho rade Shachtman who spoke at length on When joined the group, the sell apletter to the International Laber Defense official Party district office.
the events of the night before and then de pointed speaker was explaining to another After some 70 workers had entered the livered his lecture.
notifying them of our intention and asking Almost a thousand the position and purpose of an industrial whether legal aid and defense would be workers packed the square, and the loudrestaurant and taken seats, a gang of some union. After ho had exhausted all the extended to any comrades of the Opposition 20 Party members came down from the ness with which the radical workers of stories he knew about his comrades in Ruswho would be arrested in the course of the Party office. up the stairs leading to the Cleveland denounced the fascist attack of sia about his shopmates, and had omitdemonstration. We received no reply from restaurant, and attempted to break through the Stalinists was cnough to make the latted to answer the question, he asked for the which still leaves the question the guard at the door. They were comter ears tingle. The Party speaker, one other questions. very naively asked him open whether the LD. is an organization posed largely of the same peole who had Ford. who was delivering himselt what the dispute was between Trostky for the defense of the revolutionary movecome down armed with blackjacks arld a despicable attack upon the Opposition and Stalin and wherein they differed in ment at large or only the auxiliary for the knives a year before to break up the meet.
aus counter revolutionistu and enemies principle. The question was taken up.
defense of the adherents of the Stalin facing organized to hear comrade Cannon.
of the workers. was properly exposed by tion which momentarily controls the Partiy After speakng about a hall hou. co ex In spite of their fascut record, the door comrade Boich as having been a private machinery.
plain why he thought he ought to answer committee offered to let 10 ot teir numdetective, e. a stool pigeon, just a little that question saying that in site of the ber come in free of charge in order to Immediately we arrived at the 6bmonwhile ago, before he joined the Party and fact tha Trotskylam is a dead issue he con take the floor and speak for the Stalinist became so ardent a supporter of Stalinism.
etration we unfurled the banner of the Communist League which bore. slogans desiders to il duty to explain to a young standpoint.
The quick and authentic reaction of the worker the truth anl to keep her from 80 The hoodlums refused to accept this Cleveland workers to Stalinist gangsterism nouncing British Imperialism and manifesting astray; he wasted another halt hour proposal and started to create violent ing solidarity with the Indian Revolution.
was one of the severest blows the latter telling me about Emma Goldman. Finally disturbance. The door was nevertheless has yet suffered. These contemptible tacIt was here that the functionaries of the he came to Trotsky. He began from the held, until the gang suddenly pulled out Stalin group struck an Uly note that tics imported into the labor movement from end, he said to come to the beginning their weapong of Stalinist enlightenmentthreatened to disrupt the mass meeting bethe armory of Mussolini. Lewis, Sigman blackjacks, clubs, iron bars, brass knuckles, discredit the whole Communist movement, and their ilk, only serve to disgrace and fore the demonstration could get under way. Now this Trotsky, who sel himselt series of physical attacks began on our to the capitalist class, who writes for their knives and began wielding the murderously against the Opposition comrades at to expose the political weakness of Stalincomrades who carried the placards bearing press, who betrays the working class, has the door. Our comrade. Joseph Keller ism, and allonate the best sections of the our slogans and Militants. Among the rank been expelled from the Communist Party working class. The rank and ble workerg was badly cut around the head, his lip was and file Party comrades there was a notice because he is a traitor. Here many of the laid open and he was kicked repeatedly in in the Party have no stomach for them Able current to resist this breach by their other members of the Communist Party the stomach. Despite their superior numwherever they are practised, it is only un.
officials of the united front of the demon objected. That is not the way to explain bers, however, these fascists who disgrace der threats of discipline from the bureaustration. But the officials went around a question, they all said. This is a very the name of Communism were repulsed by crats who stay discreetly at home.
agitating for a pogrom and comrades Bersignificant fact for us.
man and George Clarke were set upon by the Opposition comrades who were aided Let the Party members and the millThe comrade started again. said that by many of the workers in the hall, includthe functionaries tools, certain half undertant workers in general reflect sorlously on would not listen to any acandal stories ing members of the who were in.
this: What is it that the Stalinist bureauworld types that have bored their way into but wanted to know the difference in prin censed at the outrageously anti working cracy fears so desperately in the platform the Communist Party under the present ciple. The comrade was in a loophole class tactics of the Stalinists.
of the Opposition that it attempts by the regime. Finally our placard was destroyed, basest methods of fascism to prevent its comrades held their ground and again started to tell me all the black squad of police and detectives apbut our stories he knew about comrade Trotsky. peared immediately, and were directed to being heard? These methods will not do.
staunchly and would not be eliminated.
Finally was given the chance to explain Many cities have already shown that While the Dally Worker maintains sithe question myself.
Cleveland has just shown it again. The lence regarding our presence at the demAfter a short talk noticed that quito standpoint of he Opposition is making its onstration, the Freiheit, and the UJ Elore a number of the Party members were in way to the workers. It has only become both shamefully surpass themselves.
The Freiheit is the Party organ whose full sympathy with me. Many of them stronger and better consolidated in Cleveagree that it was not a question of per Our comrades of the Communist Oppoland after the hooliganism of the Stalinits editor 18 the old Menshevik, Olgin, Abe sonal grievances that put comrade Trotsky sition in Brazil just issued the first numwas used against it, Cahan old crony and a former strong be out. Many of them objected to the way ber of their paper, Lueta de Classe (The liever in the Sisson documents that Lenin the Communist League of America (Oppo Class Struggle. As has already been AFTER THE CLEVELAND RIOT This and Trotsky were German sples.
sition )bad been treated in the last de pointed out, the Left Opposition in Brazil (The author of the following letter Freiheit came out with the unspeakable monstration. Some agreed that it will 18 rallied around the Lenin Communist was one of the Opposition comrades bruth statement that the Left renegades were wrong for League members to e expelled Group. which has strong working class ally attacked by the Stalinist pogromfats in a united front with the detectives to because of their views. This all is very support in Rio De Janeiro and Sao Paulo, at the Cleveland mass meeting for combreak up the meeting, etc. etc. 10 would significant to us beca te it shows that we the largest industrial hity in the country.
rade Max Shachtman. be tragic if it were not so ridiculous that are growing in influence. Those that agreed We enthusiastically greet the appearCleveland, Ohio no worker in his senses reads this without with us that it was a question of prinsbrugging Dear Comrades and feeling his shoulders ance of this paper which strengthens the ciple and that principally comrade Trotsky Left Opposition on American soil.
Although still in pain, am determined There is correct said that the only reason that now exist in the Americas four journals to rush whatever little help can toward they did not join us was that they had to of the Left Opposition, around which the gustaining our fighter, the Militanti Comkeep the unity of the Party. That, to them, workers are being organized in spite of rade Michael Miklovich paid his debt in counts above everything else. However, he difficulties that confront renewing his sub for the Militant, while he them The (Continued form Page 2)
we are breaking through the thick wall Militant, in the United States, the Bulletin decided to donate two dollars towards the kept secret from the membership until they set up by the Party bureaucracy.
of the Communist Opposition, in Mexico, Sustaining Fund. He offered said amount have received the approval of Stalin. Bal. REVA CRAINE La Verdad in the Argentine, and Lucta to me in order to help me pay the doctor lam. En laht and Wicks, the last of the de Classe in Brazil.
bill, but advised him to help our paper since am still in a position to pay the Lovestone Mobionus in the Party leadership THE FOSTER FACTION The Journal of our Brazilian comradea doctor bill. Tell Max that finally bad were uropped from the Ella Reeves will probably, appear semi monthly. It is Bloor takes the place of Anna Damon ag Lack of principle, characterlessness, to go to the doctor to have my wounde printed in four pages of large format. In the dowager. Tb. Party secretariat God intellectual and political cowardice on the examined, and they were accordingly treatthe first number we fp an editorial on Our save the mark. is composed of Browder, part of the Foster Bittelman group of ed, and now feel much better. don leaders. 80 clearly and so disgustingly Objectives. articles on May Day, on the Hathaway and Bedacht. However, Bittelthink you would believe what a terror the new policy of the Communist Party, Trade man is on his way home fore conquests revealed in the whole pre convention and Stalinists organized against us. Max could Union notes, an oxte five labor obronicle in the Indian revolution and Bedacht will anti Trotsky campaign. are the manifestell you what a beating the Stalinists edof Sao Paulo, Lenin Testament, and an be transferred to Moscow. Alexander will tations and tho result of thelr contradicministered to any body. but my enthusiasm extract from Trotsky on the Radicalization for our cause would surpass any timeDow prepare to wield the sceptre while tory und Impossible position.
of the Mases.
all the beatings of the terrorists in Stalin Browder and Hathaway run messages.
FROM THE PLATFORM OF The Opposition is on the march! Against But the very last word in the Party THE COMMUNIST OPPOSITION camp They got theirs and they have learnthe Right wing and Contrism and for the ed lesson for future discussions will be with the Bolshevik Leninists.
ADOPTED CHICAGO) MAY preservation and strengthening 10lu closed you will find money order 20 1925 tionary Martin JOSEP The Opposition in Brazil The 7th Party Convention Mer