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Saturday, July 22, 1930 THB MILITANT Page Its TASKS and its DANGERS Some Stalinist Activities in Czecho Slovakia up for their revolutionary consciousness The Apotheosis of Confusion Manuilskys and Kuusinens will perhaps iat only after some sort of a mystical or rat circles around a piece of cheese on a hook. assured on his word of honor that this answer that they now talk about the dictat mystifying democratic dictatorship is es this sociologist does not by any means want dictatorship can be accomplished only in orship of three classes (workers peasants tablished, our strategists at the same time to fall into the Trotskyist trap a second the oviet form. It sounds very noble.
and the city petty bourgeoisie) and not reject the central political slogan of every time. Disposing of the problem without Why the slogan ot the Constituent Assemfour as it was in China where Stalin had revolutionary dentocratic movement, which much cermony he counterposes to the Con bly? Safarov is ready to agree only with so happily attracted to the bloc his ally, is precisely the slogan of the Constituent stituent Assembly such a perspective: the Soviet form.
Chiang Kai Shek.
Assembly. Why? On what basis? It is The development of a new revolutionThe essence of epigonism its conIf so we reply, then make an effort to absolutely incomprehensible. The demoexplain to us why you reject the national ary ascent on the basis. of struggle temptible and sinister essence lies in the cratic revolution signifies equality to the the proletarian hegemony leads to the confact that from the actual processes of the bourgeoisie in India, that is that ally for peasant above all equality fu the distribu st and the rejection of whom in China you expelclusion (whom? how? why? Ed. that the lessons it abstracts only the tion of land. On this is based the equal.
led Bolsheviks from the Communist Party dictatorship of the proletariat and peasant bare form and convert it into a fetish ity of rights. The Constituent Assembly, This is what has happened to the Soviets.
and then imprisoned them? China is a ry in India can be achieved only in where the representatives of the whole seml colonial country. In China, there is Soviet form. Bolshevik, 1930, No.
Without saying anything about the class people formally draw the balance with the character of the dictatorship VctatorDo powerful caste of feudal lords and feudpage 100. paso and the classes actually draw the ship of the bourgeoisie over the proletaral agents. Eut India is a classical colonial balance with each other, is the natural and Am. zing lines! Martinov multiplied iat, like the Kuo Min Tang, or a dictatcountry with a mighty heritage of the feudal caste regime. If the revolutionary role inevitable combination of the democratic by Safarov. Martinov we know and about orship of the proletariat over the bourgeof the Chinese bourgeoisie was deduced by tasks of the revolution not only in the conSafarov Lenin said, not without tendereoisie, like the October. Safarov lulls someDess: sciousness of the awakening masses of the Stalin and Martinov from the presence in Safarchik will go Leftist, Safarbody and primarily himself, by the Soviet China of foreign oppression and feudal rem peasantry but also in the consiousness of chik will pull boners. The above menform of the dictatorship. As it the sonants, then for India cach of these reathe working class itself. We have spoken tioned Safarovist perspective docs not inviets cannot be a weapon for deceiving the sons should hold with doubled force. This of this more fully with regard to China validate this characterization, Safarov workers and peasants! What else were means that the Indian bourgeoisie, accordand we do not see here the necessity of gone considerably Leftist and it must be the Menshevik Social Revolutionary Soviets ing to the exact basis of the program of repetition, Let us only add that the proadmitted that he did not upset the second of 1917? Nothing but, a weapon for the the Comintern, has immeasurably more vincial multiformity of India, the variegated half of Lenin formula, To begin with, support of the power of the bourgeoiste rights to demand its inclusion in the Stagovernmental forms, and their no less the question of the revolutionary ascent and the preparation of its etato chip.
linist bloc than the Chinese bourgeoisie variegated bond with the feudal caste reof the masses of the people develops on What were the social democratic Soviets with its unforgettable Chiang Kai Shek and lations, Paturates the slogan of the Con the basis of the struggle of the Communin Germany and in Austria in 1918 19191 the true Wang Chin Wel. And if this is stituent Assembly in India with a particiets for proletarian hegemony. The Organs for saving the hourgeoisie and for not so it in spit of the oppression of ularly deep revolutionary democratic conwhole process is turned on its head. We deceiving the workers.
British Imperialism and the whole heritage With the further tent think that the proletarian vanguard enters development of the revolutionary movement of the Middle Ages, the Indian bourgeoisie The theoretician of the Indiau revolu or 18 preparing to enter or should enter in India, with the greater swing of mast is capable only of a counter revolutionary tion in the Communist Party of the Soviet a struggle for hegemony on the basis of a struggles and with the weakness of the and not a revolutionary role then conUnion at present is Safarov, who with the new revolutionary ascent. The perspective Communist Party and the latter is inev.
demn mercilessly your treaceorous policy in China and correct immediately your price of a happy capitulation transferred of struggle, according to Safarov, is the itable with a Safarovist muddle prevailing his injurious activities to the camp of Cendictatorship of the proletariat and peasantin its mind the Indian national bourge.
program in which this policy has left cowardly but sinister traces!
trism. In a programatic article in the ry. Here, for the sake of Leftism, the olsie itself may create workers and peaBolshevik about the forces and tasks of word democratic is shaken off. But it is sants Soviets in order to direct them just Who Will Lead the «Bloc» the revolution in India, Safarov carefully not bald frankly what kind of a dual comas it now directs the trade unions, in circles around the question of the Con position dictatorship this: a Kuo Min Tang order thus to slaughter the revolution as But this does not exhaust the question.
stituent Assembly just like an experienced or an October type. But for that we are the German social democracy, by getting It in India you construct a bloc without at the head of the Soviets slaughtered it.
the bourgeoisie and against the bourgeoisie, The treacherous character of the slogan then who will lead it? The Manuilskys ani Kuusinens will perha answer with of the democratic dictatorship lies in the their characteristically gentle ardor: The fact that it does not close tightly to the proletariat, of course! Good, we answer, enemies, once and for all, such a possibility, it is quite complimentary. But 11 the The struggle of the Centrists against were two Communists who had been hailed Indian revolution will develop on a basis the Left Opposition Communists develops of a union of workers, peasants and the its own objective logic. Where there is and activity, for their struggle against imThe Indian Communist Party, the crea petty bourgeoisie; if this union will be didefault of principled policy, there precar perialism, and for the revolutionary detion of which was held back for six years rected not only against imperialism, feudious maneuvery arise, where revolutionary fense of the Soviet Union (the leaflet they. and what years! Is now deprived, in alism, but also against the national bourintegrity is throttled, bureaucratic slander distributed left no doubt on that score. the circumstances of revolutionary demgeoisle which is bound up with them in all flourishes. Where the capacity to think is But still they were at the same time Oppoocratic ascent, of one of the most important basic questions; 11 at the head of this union bankrupt, crude violence is the substitute. sitionists and therefore this would be Comwill stand the proletariat, if this union weapons for mobilizing the masses, preThe Stalinists in Russian do not hold back munist Attorney, who is a leading member conies to victory only by sweeping away the cisely the slogan of the democratic Confrom the abuse of revolutionary justice of the League of the Rights of Man, the enemies through armed uprising and in stiuent Assembly. Instead of that, the young against the Oppositions proletarians and Anti Imperialist League, the Anti Fascist this way raises the proletariat to the role Party which has not yet taken its first likewiss they do not hesitate in Western League, etc. simply refused to take up the of the real all national leader then the Europe to make a united front with the po defense and stood by passively while these steps is inflicted with the abstract hogan question arises: in whose hands will the lice against Opposition worker Communists. workers were being condemned to all. of Soviets as a form of abstract dictator.
power be after the victory if not in the The facts are strong enough in themselves sorry picture indeed!
ship, that is, a dictatorship of nolody knows hands of the proletariat? What is the to make every commentary superfluous. We How the Workers Think what class. It is truly an apothesis of significance in such a case of the democrat draw the attention of the workers to the confusion! And all this is accompanied ic dictatorship of the workers and peasants following facts.
The bureaucrats have also not hesias usual with disgusting coloring and su in distinction to the dictatorship of the protated to exploit the confidence of the workThe Soviet Diplomats and the Police garing of an as yet difficult and not in the ers and their belief in the authority of the Ietariat leading the peasantry? In cther delegation of Communist workers least sweet situation.
Comintern and the Russian workers state.
words: in what way will the hypothetical made a demand upon the representatives Under these colors they have often enough dictatorship of the workers and peasants The official press, particularly this of the Soviet Union in Prague, Arosew, for be distinguished in its type fro the actual tried to rouse a pogrom sentiment against same Salarov depicts the situation as 11 dictatorship which the October revolution an explanation of the shooting of Blumkin.
the Opposition. But the deeper one penebourgeois nationalism in India is already He thereupon alleged that he would make trates into the Party ranks, the more evia corpse, as It Communism has either gotestablished. a direct inquiry of Moscow. After several dent it becomes that the rank and file of ten or is getting at the head of the proThere is no reply to this question. futile interventions this successful com the workers have a strong aversion to beatletariat, which, in its There can be no reply it. thi те munist declared in the course of a debate rn, is already al.
ing up their fellow workers. In Zizkov, one most leadng the peasantry behind it.
of historical development the democratic on being driven into a tight corner by a of the working class quarters of Prague, leaders and their socioligists, in the most Thg dictatorship has become not only an emp worker, that the shooting of a Communist our comrades arranged a discussion evenconscienceless manner, proclaim the dety fiction but a treacherous trap for the did not come within his diplomatic juris ing on the lessons of the Canton insurrecBired as the existingTo put it more corproletariat. That slogan is correct which diction. The comrades, on leaving the tion. Party official who learned of this admits the possibility of two diametrically building, were surrounded by secret serrectly, they proclaim that which might have meeting, thought that the best method of opposed explanations: in the sense of the vice men, detained and subjected to a carrying it on would be by smashing in been with a correct policy for the past dictatorship of the Kuo Min Tang and in severe cross examination: the above men Opposition workers heads. He demanded six years, for what has actually developed the sense of the October dictatorship! tioned worker was then arrested. The bold at one Party meeting that energetic meaas a result of the false policy. But when There can be nothing in between these two. Arosew had displayed his finished dip sures be taken to break up our meeting.
the inconsistency of the inventions and In China, the Stalinists explained the deni lomatic art having arrived at secret But the workers have their own opinion realities are revealed, the ones to be blamel ocratic dictatorship twice, at first as a understanding with the bourgeois police and were guided by their own instinct.
wil be the Indian Communists, as bad ex.
dictatorship of the. Kuo Min Tang of the for the banding over his Party comrade Not a single man among them signified his ecutors of the general inconsistency which Right, and afterwards of the Left. But to them, assent to the proposal of the bureaucrats.
is advanced as a general line.
how do they explain 10 in India? They are Communist as State Attorney Prague, June 17, 1930. JAN The vanguard of the Indian proletar silent. They are compelled to keep silent Some time ago, two worker Communф lat is as yet at the threshhold of its grea for fear of opening the eyes of their sup ists, members of the Opposition who had a tasks and there is a long road ahead. porters to their crimes. This conspiracy long revolutionary past behind them, wero PUBLIC WARNING!
series of defeats will be the reckoning no of silence is actually a conspiracy against halled before the bourgeois court on the only for the general backwardness of the the Indian revolution. And all the pre charge of having distributed illegal leaflets We note with alarm that Stalin first proletariat and the peasantry but also for sent extremely Left or ultra Left noise of the Opposition. As they belonged to the public unleashing of Karl Radek (Inprecorr, the sins of the leadership. The chiet task does not improve the situation one fota for Red Aid, a com 2de demanded that they sup No. 28, page 505. for the purpose of throwat present is a clear Marxist conception of the victories of the revolution are not seply a lawyer for their defense. The latter, ing a stink bomb at the Oppopition standthe moving forces of the revolution, and point in India, is immediately accompanied cured by noise and clatter but by political a certain Dr. Pertoschek, refused to assume a correct perspective, a far sighted pol.
by a deviation! In the very second paraclaris.
the duties of defense counsel as soon as he learned that it was a counter revolution graph of his article, Citizen Radek speaks icy which rejects stereotyped, bureaucrati But what has been said does not yet ary Trotskyist who was up on charges. of the so called third period. What does prescriptions, but which, in the accomplish unt:ind the tangled yarn. No. Here 18 Apart from the formal aspect of ths affair, he mean so called third period? We dement of great revolutionary tasks, care proricely where new threads are twisted that is, that he wag an official of the Red mand that he be con pelled to issue a new fully adjuste itself to the actual stages o in Giving the revolution an abstract Aid who was supposed to defend every statement of error, and that forth with.
the political awakening and the revolution character and permitting it worker against the persecution of clagg Why should he be any more privileged than ary growth of the working class. the dictatorship of the proletar justice. the following is not. Tinen Kameney?
May 30, 1930.