CapitalismCommunismCommunist PartyImperialismMarxismSocialismSocialist PartyStrikeWorkers MovementWorking Class

THE MILITANT Weekly Organ of the Communist League of America (Opposition Vol. III, No. 26, Telephone: DRYdock 1656 NEW YORK, Saturday, July 12, 1930 PRICE CENTA Mooney Billings Stay Jailed Appellate Court Turns Down Foster, Minor, Amter and Raymond APPEAL TO QUR READERS The Supreme Court of California last most prejudiced atmosphere and convicted ery development since then has only served week refused to recommend the release of on the basis of corrupted, perjured evi to confirm Mooney and Billing innocence Warren Billings, working class fighter dence, bought and paid for by the man. of every crime but that of having antag.
who is serving a lite sentence in the most ufacturing and industrial interests of the onized the California boss class.
notorious anti labor frame up that Amer State. One by one, the witnesses against Class conscious workers have pointican history redolent with these crimes of the two militants were exposed as prosed out for years that Mooney and Billings capitalism has known for decades. Betitutes, pimps. gamblers, drug addicts, forwill be released only after a vigorous camcause Billings has been in prison before gers and similar types. The frame up was paign of the workers to compel the Jallfor his labor activities, the governor can so manifest that a commission appointed not act on a pardon until the Supreme ors to open the prison doors. Liberal and at one time by President Wilson revealed soclalist friends of the prisoners have, Court makes a favorable recommendation.
it publicly in all its criwinal detail. Evinstead, sought to obtain their release by few days later, the Advisory Parcringing before their fatlors, by back door don Board of California handed in a redickerings. by appeals to capitalist polcommendation to Governor Young against ticians.
of of Billings, who was convicted together LOVESTONE SYMBOL! manner have been shattered a dozen times, and once more today by the recent deci.
with the latter, allegedly for having sions, Gandhi, says Lovestone, is the symbol throw. the bomb at the San Fransisco of the revolutionary umurge in India. Justice in capitalist Preparedness Day Parade in 1917. but in courts is not actuality, because his activities among the Gandhis closest lieutenant is Pandit Val meant for workers. We emphasize what workers were a thorn in the side of the labhi Patel, president of the all India Na. we have constantly repeated: Mooney and open shop magnates who have made Sunny tional Congress. On July 6th the New Billings will be freed only by the ma94 California a hell for the workers. York Times reported a speech of Patel pressure of the working class. Mooney In New York, at about the same time, was saved from hanging by the protest ot to the rich Parsee merchants of Bombay.
the highest state Court of Appeals refused and this is what this Lovestoneite symlabor. Labor can obtain his and Billing to ct against the outrageous decision of freedom only by the sar method. This the lower court in convicting and sentenbol of revolutionary upsurge said: holds true for the New York Communists, cing the leaders of the Communist Party, It has been suggested that the Parwhose continued imprisonment is a blot on William Foster. Robert Minor, Amter the working class movement and a burnsees might lose all their wealth under and Raymond who are serving terms ing indictment of capitalist class Justice.
swaraj, but instead of being millionaires for leading the unemployment demonstra.
as at present, you would all become multiThe fight for the relase of our class tion in Union Square on March 6th.
war prisoners is the fight of every worker millionaires under swaraj.
The frame up against Mooney and Bill.
of the whole labor movement. There is ings is one of the most dastardly mon Apparently imperialism abrogates the still time for the building of a broad, pow.
strosities of American capitalist class jus class struggle in the eyes of the Buchar erfol mass movement of defense. The Left tice. In the 13 years of their imprison ins. Stalins, Roys and Lovestones but not wing inust initiate it and Imbue it with ment, exhaustive investigation has proved in the eyes of the Chiang Kal Sheks, Patels spirit and determiniation. united battle to the hilt that they were tried in the and the good Parsees of Bombay.
will defeat the Jallors. CAPITALIST MURDER ON THE STREETS!
Last week the Militant was compelled to omit publishing its reg.
ular number. Lack of funds made it impossible. The income of the Militant has been sharply affected by the intense unemployment and by the summer period which usually cuts down activities. The decrease in our income never very highhas been a serious blow to the activities of the organization and to the Militant in particular.
The difficulties with the Militant are all the more harmful now. at a time when the Marxist truths it has been hammering home, against the greatest obstacles, have taken deep roots in the Communist and class conscious movement in this country. The living evidence of this is contained in the numerous statements of adherence to the Onposition made by rank and file and leading comrades of the Communist Party, which cannot forever be kept in a state of injurious ignorance by the prevailing regime of organized falsification The Opposition is growing, and the Militant must keep pace with it. Up to now, the financial support for the paper has been received largely from the members of the Communist League (Opposition)
and their most direct sympathizers.
The maintenance of the Weekly Militant by this small group has entail.
ed some pretty heavy burdens in many cases.
It is imperative to maintain the Weekly! It is necessary to distribute this burden. one which we gladly assume as our elementary risht and duty in the workers movement to broader sections of our readers. The existence and maintenance of a revolutionary labor journal is a precarious affair under the best of circumstances. At present, under multiplied difficulties, only the greatest sacrifices and solidarity can accomplish the task, The National Committee of the Communist League (Opposition) decided to make an intensive drive for a 000100 fund to maintain the Militant ah a Weekly. certain response has already been given.
But it is far from sufficient. Much more money forwarded at greater speed, is needed IMMEDIATELY!
The urgency of this appeal caunot be exaggerated. Money is need ed NOW for the next issue, and the one thereafter. Upon the rapidity and generosity in the response to this appeal, depend the forthcoming numbers of the Militant.
Answer with your contribution right away. Every reader can and must help.
Send all moneys to Three revolutionary workers murdered in one week. That is the toll taken by police savagery and reactionary labor thugs in New York City and Chicago.
In Chicago, Herzel Weizenberg, a member of the was set upon by gangaters of the Painters Union bureaucracy because he was engaged in distributing leaf.
lets for the Left wing group. The brutal scum of society, paid employees of the reactionary labor braitors, attacked comrade Weizenberg with brass knuckles, black jacks and lead pipes and left him in such a condition that he died a few hours later in the hospital.
in New York City, at a street meeting 18 Harlem of the Communist Party, the police came to the aid of the black chauvinists of the Garvey movement who had started to break up the Communist meeting.
Wielding their clubs in a rabid frenzy, the blows tell thickest upon Alfred Levy, an unemployed member of the Party. The inJuries he received at the hands of the polico proved fatal.
Forty eight hours had barely passed when the police claimed another victim.
This time it was the Mexican worker Gon.
zalo Gonzales, also a member of the Communist Party who was shot down in cold blood by a policeman in Harlem for march.
ing through the streets with a small group of workers on their way to an indoor meeting Comrade Gonzales dled an hour later.
The New York militanth responded to this outburst of barbaric police fury by au improbelve funeral parade of more than five thousand workers, a united march of hunreds of Negro workers together with their white brothers, a symbol of the coming day of the revolutionary labor unity which the capitalist citas seeks so des: perately to hamper and destroy. The splen.
did march of the workers is only a beginning. real struggle must now be begunagainst police brutality, against the mur.
der of the workers, and for the freedom of speech and a tembly of workers.
Pollee Savagery Why are the police so savage in their attacks on workers meetings? There are thousands of gangsters engaged in the most nefario to work, openly, every day, in the city. Thirty thousand speak easies run with cynical disregard for capitalist law.
Corruption, bribery, peculation run rampant throughout the official administration.
Aud the police are silent and inert as the tomb. But the activities of the labor movement, particularly of its revolutionary section, immediately arouse the uniformed thugs to mad activity: because the properuy. the wealth, the right to exploit and crush, the power of the boss clash is endangered; because the threat rises of a vorkng class aroulied out of its lethargy and inspired to militant struggle. That is the funcion of the police: the suppression of the militancy of labor and the preservation of capitalist cla power.
The awakening of thousands of workere under the influence of the economic crisis has impelled the police to more brutal activity. The workuig class must be kept in ii place the place of the underdog! The offensive against it must be sharpened on every front. Therefore, the most violent measures against the vanguard, the most militant section of the working class, the Communists. Break up their meetings! Raid their hollg! Shoot down their fighters!
The attack on the whole workog class is always started against itemt conscious section. The canitale the value to the workers of the Communist movement, and its dangers to their class rule.
They know that the Communists alone not the bosses agents in we trade unions or the middle class socialist party seek to mobilize the workers for htrug.
gle against their misery. They hate the Communist Party and fear its potential strength not because of the blundering and harum scarum policies and leadership of the Party, but in spite of them.
Workers Stirred The attack on the Communists is first blood drawn from the whole working class.
The whole working class must thedefore unite against this attack. It must prezent an iron front to the murderers of workers on the street. The worker have been profoundly Borred by these slaughters.
The workers must activel resist the disruption of labor meetings.
The Communist Party must strike back at the police thugs and their masters with the weapon of the unid front the organized power of labor. We do not speak here of the paltry (rauds, the hollow, selfdeceptive united fronts that have been pracised recently by the official Party, We urge instead a genuine united move ment of all the progressive workers and their organizations to batter down the pol ice terro, to fight militantly for that which is being taken from labor so violently: tree speech, tree assembly and free press.
Such a movement and such slogang van make powerful reply to the Blue coated murderers and their captallstaployera.
The creation of such a movement will proceed from the elimination o! the Party official phrase mongoricg. meanlagleus to the masses of workers and tocapable of set.
ling them to motion THE MILITANT 2: Third Ave. Rm. New York