CominternCommunismGermanyLeninMarxSocialismSpainStalinStalinismStrikeSyndicalismUnited FrontWorkers MovementWorking Class

rday, June 28, 1980 THE MILITANT Page In Germany GENERAL STRIKE Bureaucrats Rule Convention Fascist Gains in Saxony IN SPAIN consult the workers before firing them out. Where To Buy The Militant (Continued from Page 1)
instinctively loyal but bewildered rank and fle, who the continual shifting of leaderships and chaotic new turns has plunged into apathy.
The dues paying membership has sunk to a new low 6, 617 in January 1930. The Party Influence in the old unions has been annihilated The new unions under this suicidal leadership and zig zag course have been reduced to mere shadows of their former selves. The National Textile Workers Union has been reduced to a membership of 2, 000. The Amalgamated Focal Workers has been split with a small minority of 500 workers pulled out by the Stalinists to form a dual union. The National Miners Union has shrunk to a few hundred members while the Daily Worker carries screaming columns of bluff about its strikes against Unemployment The Needle Trades Industrial Union is down to a few thousand members. call has been issued by the Stalinists which will split off the few badly organized Left wingers from the main body of the workers in the Amalgamated Clothing Workers.
While the capitalist class is intensifyDg its drive on the Communists as the spearhead of the militant working class, the present Browder Erilacht sub agency of the Stalin regime has utterly failed to organize a mass movement against the Gastonia sentences, against the victimization of the leaders of the New York Unemployed demonstration and elsewhere.
The demonstration on March 6th showed the potential opportunity for developing a great unemployed movement around concrete demands but the incompetent Centrist leadership could not have ruined these opportunities more successfully if they had deliberately set out to do 60. After the March 6th demonstration. April, May, June have passed without any organization, without any planned attempt to give form to the movement, without any popularization of a concrete program. The truth can hardly be covered up that there is no organization of the workers, no linking up with the employed no councils excert those being hastily improvised for the Chicago Convention. And the Chicago Convention looms up as another glorified mass meeting to give the Daily Worker its material for columns of yellow sensationalism, Bat the American Party situation is no exception to the situation in the rest of the Comintern. As we have demonstrated repeatedly the roots of the Party crisis are international. We will continue energetically to prepare fresh cadres in the Party who will take up the struggle of the Left Opposition for the revolutionary principles of Marx and Lenin Switchmens Union Convention Ever since the fall of the Spanish dic The results of the Saxony elections ization. The German situation really is tator Rivera, the atmosphere in Spain has make ominous reading to the German and the most fertile soil for the radicalization international working class.
bee charged of the workers. The German capitalists The general strike declared in Seville against police brutality towards It is generally known that the result have publicly announced their intentions strikers in a wage dispute in an olive facof he Thuringian elections some tme ago for a universal wage cut, the Young Plan tory, indicates how great the tension is gave the Fascists. national socialists. has been set into operation, the economic Police and guards brutally fired, killing and the direct and legal control of the police crisis will be sharpened by the situation wounding men, women anl children inpower. They became the governing party in the United States.
and have launched on the open suppresOne hundred and Arty But the disastrous course of the Stapeople were injured as the police attacked sion of the workers press and organiza linists must be held jointly accountable with sabres and rities.
tions. The tabulation of the returns from with social democratie betrayal for this Fourteen strike and trade union leadthe election to the Saxon diet (it used to failure to give leadership to the revoluers and fifty agitators are under arrest.
be eu Saxony. now shows that the Fas. tion and to bring the processes of mass cists. National Socialists. have tripled radicalization to the surface in the form of Workers are assembling in tarongs in vartheir strength and advanced form the po. political and industrial action.
ious parts of Seville. The city is virtually sition of seventh among thirteen parties under martial law.
to the second strongest party in the state.
Alfonso henchman General DerengФ uer issued the usual official Orde. bas They polled 376 724 votes and acquired 14 been restored in Warsaw statement. It seat: as against five in the old legislature. On Friday June 20th some 400 workers The social democrats, it is reported, held appears that the trouble is past he deemployed by the Long Island Railroad were their own, and the Communists won two cleared after a cabinet meeting.
seats. The socialiste now have thirty two, discharged. These fresh recruits to the The General is mistaken. The Seville the fascist fourteen and the Communists army of the unemployed were mainly en strike is symptonatic of the development thirteen seats.
gaged in the maintainence of way depart of a mass movement that will compel AlThese terrible results for the workng fonso and his corrupt reginie to think serment and the passenger and freight serclass na province that once had the vices.
iously of suitable Enropean refugee for strongest proletarian movement in Germany In addition 100 temporary employaristocratic emigres are the consequences of social democratic ees taken on three months ago were disbetrayal, developing deep disappointment missed. The corporation did not of course among the masses. But instead of the revolutionary Communists being the gain on the slave market.
LOS ers, it is chiefly the fascists. The Commun The learned professor Carver of HarANGELES, Calif. Western News ist Party is hustrung by its adventurist vard should try consoling there workers by Box 604, Arcade Station.
leadership, its false centrist theories, its proving that now they will live off the SAN FRANCISCO, Calif. McDonald 65 third period policies. The Stalin regime, stocks, shers and dividends thrown as Sixth St.
with its Molotovs and Manuilskys is, con capitalists. Suppose they start business WASHINGTON, Gale ok Shop ce tinually pounding the tom tom of radical for themselves?
Tc. St.
PITTSBURG, Pa. A News Co. 220 Federal St.
CHICAGO, ILL, Cheshinsky Book Store, 2720 Division St. Horsley Book Store, 1633 Division St. Walden Bookstore The Switcbnen Union of America fighting organizations of the workers 311 Plymouth Ct. Britseke Store, 1611 concluded on June 18th a ten day conven against the employers. His speech aroused Kedzie and on various newstands tion at Buffalo, Two hundred and the delegates and the resolution was overSPRINGFIELD, ILL. Joe Angelo, 431 No.
forty one delegates attended. During this whelmingly defeated.
We ay St.
the con tion failed to To everyone surprise the reactionary BOSTON, Mas8. Shapiro s, Beach St adequately with the major and immediate officials tried to introduce the same reso near Washington. Andelnian 284 Tre needs confronting the Union. The greater lution again in rifferent cloth. But mont St. Newsstand, 38 Causeway St.
part of the delegates was made up of those other delegates arose and denounced the ROXBURY, MASS, Goldberg Store, 636 having seniority rights. Thus they failed resolution and it was once more defeated. Warren St.
to comprebend directly the acute issue of The program adopted was a lifeless, REVERE, MASS. Trachtnang Store 87 unemployment taking its toll among the hopeless one, so far as the needs of the Sherley Ave.
railroad workers in the United States and rank and file is concerned, with tbe bare MINNEAPOLIS, MINN. Engelson News Canada by the tens of thousands through exceptions irilicated.
Co. 234 2nd Ave. 20.
layoffs, spoed up and rationalization The Convention adopted a resolution KANSAS CITY, MG. Buchir Book Store, The convention as a whole carried 230 West 13th St.
through a reactionary program, only readdressed to the railroad workers of all PHILADELPRIA, Pa. Newstands at 19th crafts and industries to cooperate in a lieved hero and there by an occasionally and Market, Cor. 15th and Market, novenient to establish the six hour day progressive act of resistance to the reacS. Cor. 13th and Market, cor. and five day week.
tionary proposals of the organization of Warwicks News Depot, 262 11th St. 11th Resolution for Railroad Conncils ficialdom.
and Market, cor. 5th and Market, The most important action of the Con cor. 5th and Pine Sts. cor. After Secretary of labor Davis of the vention, if properly understood and mea 9th and Locust Sts. cor. 40th Hoover Administration had recited his piece These sores are taken to carry it through, wag of cant, the officers reports began Girard Ave. cor.
a resolution for the establishment of Railreports were hopelessly inadequate and did NEWARK, Alter Stand: 58 Prince road Councils of all railroad workers in all St not deal in any sense with the Switchrailway centres. This is similar in plan men and railroaders needs generally, CAMDEN 326 Market St.
and scope to the Railroad Council initiated They consisted of details on this and that SCATTLE, WASH. Raymer Old Book in April by a delegated body of railroad point, but contained no proper review of men in Minneapolis and St. Paul. This Store, 905 Third Ave.
the organization gains and tagses. Ils TACOMA, Wash; Walsh, 1, 203 Pacitie St.
Twin City Council, among other things, perspective for the union, the question of also called for a national campaign among TORONT. ONT CANADA: On various the unorganized the unemployed, etc. The railroad workers for the six hour day and newsstands.
officers reports had, as one rank and file five day week. The Railway Councils have NEW YOR, :On various newsstands in delegate expressed it, no more Information potentialities for rank and file control by New York and Brooklyn; Bicderman Bookthan a time table. Of course, the officers the railroad workers and for the rebuildshowed why they needed an ine store, 21 Ave and 12th St. Rand ing of the railroad organizations on a milakstore, salaries. East 15th St. The Militant, 25 Third Ave.
itant basis.
Nevertheless, a rank and file delegate CALGARY, ALTA. CANADA: Boston News Railroad workers everywhere should took the floor and wanted to know where Co. 109 8th Ave. West the union was heading? What were the strive for the establishment of Railway In addition to the stores liste above, Councils similar to that begun by the Twin aims of the organization? How were they City Railroad nen.
The Militant also can be ained ugh going to meet the attacks of the railroad members and branches of the Communist barons, the smashing of the unions, etc. Another resolution adopted by the SwitchA three hour discussion followed, in wbich men Convention provided for the attempt League of America.
sharp criticism was made of the poor and to set up machinery to consoridate the Insurance features of the various Railroad flabby reports of the officials. But noUnions into one; and also to investigate thing happened as a result and the conways and means to wipe out jurisdictional vention returned to its routine work.
BUFFALO, June 14th There are disputes. What the officialdom has in mind 23, 499 unemployed men and women in this Rod Baiter Resolution Defeated are those jurisdicational disputes which city according to a preliminary report by Later the Resolutions Committee brought hinder their bureaucratic hold in their field. the Federal Census Bureau, in a resolution calling for the expulsion The rank and Ale have to agitate for ac This does not include those who are from the Union of all Communists, Amalgatually removing causes for jurisdictional ill, sugering from injuries or temporarily mationiste revolutionists, Reds, etc. in disputes through the amalgamation of the unemployed, but only those usually work line with the ideas and practices of the railroad unions, as a first step toward the ing at gainful occupations Groens, Wolls and Casheng. This regolureorganization of the railroad workers on Lion aiming to eliminate all opposition and an industrial union basis.
all remaining militants from the Union, The officials not satisfied with their If the number on your wrapper la was attacked by a delegate from the floor.
present huge salaries, even while unemHe pointed out that the passage of this resolution meant playing the game of tho ployment is heavy, sought a further inbosses and of the bureaucratic officials, and crease in salaries. To the bitter disappointment of the officers the Convention then your subscription to the Militant has was the way to break, not build, the union.
voted this down.
He described the role of the Reds. etc.
Renew immediately in order to As thet tone nf uninn militancy which made. TANK AND FILE DELEGATE avoid missing any issues THE NEW UNIONS AND THE UNITED FRONT In the work of forming new unions of the unorganized workers, no less than its work in the of the Party must revive and apply the united front tactic.
Maintaining always its independence and freedom of criticism, the Party must form alliance with groups and organizations willing to co operate with lis on a minimum class struggle program and the non Party militants over to the course of joint struggle. An approach to revolutionary syndicalist workers in the spirit of Lenin is especially necessary.
he Party must strive to establsh its decisive influence and leadership in these united front struggles by its initiative, superior tactics and conscientious persevering work.
These methods must replace the growing tendeng towards exclusiveness and mechanical, monopolistic Party control which only result in the narrowing down of the base of the new movements and organizations, in their degeneration into impotent cliques, in their isolation and defeat. Under the present conditions and relation of forces, the Party cannot put forth the demand for arbitrary and mechanical control without endangering the developing movements and blocking its own approach to the awakening non Party masses.
The leadership of the Communists, which 18 alone able to steer the new movements on a correct course, must be won in struggle. FROM THE PLATFORM OF THE COMMUNIST OPPOSITION ADOPTED. CHICAGO MAY 20 1929 50