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Page тят MILITANT Baturday, June 28 1950 POPULAR EXPLANATION SQUEAK IN THE APPARATUS. By TROTSKY OF RIGHTS ANDALATON. This is the concluding instalment of (agents of the that in all probabile comrade Trotsky popular exposition of ity he be called to save the situation the differences between Lefts and Rights within a few months. Yaroslavsky lles!
The Mensheviks were opposed to the less because the tactical zig zag of Stalin in the questions of Soviet economy and the This is not what said. This is not how October revolution, together with Zinoviev, undermines the revolutionary class stratAssociated International problems. The spoke. Together with the whole Opposition Kamenev, Rykov, Miliyutio and others. egy. But tactically nevertheless, we have Right wing theoretician of the RevoluI said, that the country is entering on Mensheviks were opposed to the revolution this time on the part of the Staliniste not tionary Age surpassing himself in profund.
period of new difficulties on a higher his ary offensive in Germany in 1923 (togeth a Right but an ultra Left zig zag it canity Intely attempted to prove that Trotsky.
torical basis; that the leadership does not er with Stalin. The Mensheviks were op not be called otherwise.
Ismº has made a right turn In denial of see anything and does not foresee that posed to a break with the Kuomintang and its past! It is nothing new for the Right At the Third Congress of the Comintern these difficulties may bring about a sharp the building of Soviets in China in 1925 27 zevisionists to set up a straw man and while working out the tactics and strategy, crisis after two years, after a year or even openly supporting Stalin against our views.
we rejected the ultra Left adventurism of after several months. Then, said, it will proceed to knock him down amid their Our demand to declare war on the General Zinoviev Bela Kun, Maslow and others. Lens own Applause.
be revealed that the government apparatus Council of the Trade Unions in the British In did not at all fear to say that he critThe dshonesty of the Right wing group as well as the Party is over run with burcoal struggle of 1926, the Mensheviks to fcises them this time from the Right. Some in matters of Marxist theory is in complete eaucrats, careerists, political betrayers, etc.
gether with Stalin considered an adven of our friends were confused by this. The accord with the unscrupulous falsification But the Opposition will devotedly fight to ture.
fetishism of words is an unpleasant illness.
of Trotsky position on the rationing of gether with the revolutionary core of the On the other hand the Mensheviks were The Right course as a strategical line Europe which Lovestone peddlod in the Party. You will be ashamed, said, to aga the surrection in Esth in Semintern somo years ago and from which 924, is the reliance on the capitalist farmer in those accompanying it you will have to against the terrorist adventure in Bulgaria, he never disassociated himself even after In the village capitalism in instalments.
call back for aid in that difficult moment against the Canton uprising in 1927. Does he lad been convicted by Trotsky of a the first years Stalin travelled far on this the Oppositionists directly from the prisons iterary forgery Editors. this mean that we must support adventurist road. At present Stalin is moving in diand exile. This prognosis remains in force uprisings or organize them?
rectly the opposite direction. The program even today. What is truer, is that now it In our work on the Third Period we of the administral. ive liquidation of the takes on a more real and acute character.
From the Left or From the Right demonstrated by means of facts and figures Kulak is an ultra Left caricature of a revthe criminal light mindexinass of Moloolutionary course. Tactically we stand at Flattering the Peasantry As was not difficult to foresee, Yarotoy and company in declaring France to the moment to the Right of the zig zag Flavsky now testifies that the Lefo Opposbe on the threshold of revolution. The recourse. Strategically, we continue to stand The crude and senseless economie pluckition has gone to the Right. When we came formists and capitalists may attempt to on the basic revolutionary line.
ing of the peasantry is supplemented by out against the per cent rate of indusgrasp at our figures for consolation. Does On July 14, 1929, when the official turn Yaroslavsky with indecent political attery.
trial development and for 20 per cent we this mean that we should ignore facts and were ultra Lefts. When we give warnto the Left began to make itself felt, In regards to my words that the peasantry, figures? That we should blow out the lanfinding itselt before the closed gates of the ing not to leap over to 30 per cent deteriorwrote to Ch. Rakoveky and to other exiles tern? Roam about in the dark?
as follows: After the tail enders missed market Aifings itself in the direction ating the quality of production and uverFrom this brief and incomplete review of collectivization, Yaroslavsky straining the working force, writes, we are the revolutionary situation in Germany in we see that at all critical moments for rights. Trotsky, still retaining his past views on 1923, a very deep ultra Left zig zag followthe past thirteen years, the Mensheviks toed in 1924 25. This ultra Left zig zag the peasantry as an enemy force, cannot When as against the Thermidorian polgether with the epigones denied the revdeveloped into Right channels; the struggle magine the peasantry as any different 1cy of reliance on the mighty midale peaolutionary situation whenever it was at than cattle which fling themselves into Bant we demanded the policy of collectivinith the industrialists, the coquetting hand. In all these instances they were with LaFollete and Raditch, the Peasant the open gates in the direction of collectivization that was denounced as ultra Leftopposed to us. On the other hand their Invernational, Kuomingtary, etc.
When ization. did not compare the peasantry 18m. When in the form of anti religious Judgement episodically and purely formally, with cattle.
propaganda, we come out against the myth For such comparisons the happened to coincide with ours, when the ultra Leftism smashed its head on the of the faultless beginning of socialism, we lackey psychology of Yaroslavsky is needed.
Mensbeviks condemned an insurrection ag Right path, a Right course developed. It is therefore not inconceivable that we have At no time did consider the peasantry are. rights.
such, while we dented the presence of conan enemy force, neither did consider it Ever since Molotoy feet became the here an extended reproduction of the same itions for a successful insurrection. The measure of all things questions are decided a conscious socialist force. The peasantry thing in a new stage, that is, ultra Leftism same is now happening in the question of supporting itselt on opportunistic premises.
is contradictory. Within it the dependence with great simplicity.
the tempo of industrialization and collecon the elementary forces of nature are All the Mensheviks, cackles Yaroslav vization.
The accompanying economic forces may however, break down this ultra Leftism at still terribly strong even today, with its sky, came out against the present tempos of Lnd stion and terribly split up and help. 13 economy.
ctivize It is Tail Endism (Chvostism) the very beginning and immediately give the whole course a decisive turn to the Marx and Engels wrote in their time about therefore clear that the Opposition shares or Adventurism Right.
the Idiocy of rural life. The Populists tbe Menshevist point of view. Yaroslavsky Is out to scare comebody. Is it us? No, he uttered not a few sorry words on this Some comrades are disturbed by our A3 the principal activity of Yaroslavaiming to intimidate his own peoplethome, and deduced from the Communist sky is the stealing of Oppositionist coraccusation of the present Stalinist course ecause he hears a squeak in the apparatus.
Manifesto the supposed enmity of the as ultra Left adventuriyni. One of our respondence he can easily check up on this Monsbevism is for the return of the Marxists towards the peasantry. In what friends proves that the complete collecquotation. Neither Stalinist ultra Leftism nor the newest turn to the Right was unexway doce Yaroslavsky differ from them? to capitalism which must for Men tivization has on the part of the leadIn 18 much as the peasant is a realist pected by us. As Marxists we should orBhevist satisfaction be crowned by a bour ership not an adventurist but a pureiy tail.
towards the questions surrounding him. geois democracy. By the way, the Men endiet character. There is on iontradictentate ourselves not on the bureaucrats Just in so far does he become a victim of psychology but on the accompanying ecshevik: supported the Stalinist industrial tion here. Tail endism always and unblind onomic forces instinct on bigger questions. The ization program of yesterday against the avoidably results in utira Left adventurism, whole history of the peasantry is such that Opposta platform, seeing in the former either as its supplement, or else directly.
Our Prognosis after decades and centures or heavy he elements of economic realism and de The regeneration of Bolshevism means the immobility, it plunges either in one ilaring tho latter romantic This is the unavoidable chemical disassociation of the Shall we call for a retreat. The or another direction. The peasant soldiers historic fact. It is self evident that the elements of opportunism and bare revolu above mentioned comrade. exxpresses the crushed the Revolution of 1905. The po Mensheviks are now too, for a lowering tionism.
idea that the slogan of Back does not santry elected in 1917 Social Revolution.
of the tempos of industrialization. Docs It must not be forgotten that adven suit 118. Just the same, he says, Stalin will aries to the Constituent Assembly but This mean tha from the Marxian viewpoint turism can be of two sorts. One expresses now continue to retreat. Is it worth our helped the Bolsheviks to throw off the So.
the tempos of industrialization have no the revolutionary impatience of the van while to add our voices to the outeries of cial Revolutionaries low many times did limits in general?
gaurad and resultts in running ahead too these drag in the rear politicians? It it fing itself from one direction to another It is remarkable that in the same ar preciptiously, the second expresses the this were a case of a bourgeoig state such during the civil war before it firmly bound cle, Yaroslavsky refers with great sat political desperation of the lagging rear a criticism would be correct. We are not its fate to that of the Soviet power Isfaction to the old socialist revolutionary, guard. In the April and July demonstra at all obliged to give advice even to the To liberate the peasant from the elemenMinor, who spoke sympathetically of the tions of 1917, some of the Bolsheviks un most democratic and social democatic bour tary forces pressing down on his conscious.
collectivization in the at a cer doubtedly brought in the element of ad geoisie as to how to get out of their dill ness, he must de do peagantized. This is tain Paris meeting. From the personal venturism. The same kind of tendencies, culties. On the contrary we must merci the task of socialism. But this is decided standpoint Minor declaration undoubtedly but expressing itself more sharply and hav lessly exploit all its difficulties in order not by a formalist collectivization, but by does him honor, because it shows that he ing far worse consequences can be per to rouse the working class against the cap. a revolution in agricultural technique. The has a socialist conscience, that he is try ceived in the insurrection of the Spartacists italist state. The position of Urbahns in re advanced peasant will sooner or later ing to understand what is actually happen. in 1919, whn they attempted to jump over lation to the is a caricature of understand that the Oppositionist is far ing, without the malicious pre conceptions the Constituent Assembly. On the other Marxist policy in relation to a bourgeois more farsighted in the question of peasant of an offended petty bourgeois. But from hand, the tactic of the German leadership state. But in spite of the one thousand and economy than the ruling bureaucrats.
political viewpoint, it must not be for in the March days of 1921 was an attempt one lies of Yaroslavsky we considered and Evidently, fate wanted to enjoy a pargotten for a moment that Minor is one of to stage an insurrection on a declining still consider the Soviet State a proletar ticularly hearty laugh at the expense of the oldest Populists (Narodniki) who by wave. The tactic of the ultra Left leader lan state. Even though Yaroslavsky Yaroslavsky. In the same number of the his whole past is the most insulated ship in Germany in 1924 was an adventurist brings words he ascribed to us from the Pravda (March 30th) where this malicious Against Marxian ideas. How many spears supplement of the tail endism of 1923. The Bulletin about the unavoidable death of and wretched article is printed there is did the Marxists not break in their strug Canton uprising of 1927 was an adventur the October Revolution. this honorable report of Bullatt speech at the Plenum gle against the populist utopians in regard Ist transformation of the opportunism of eavesdropper lies. We never said that, we of the Moscow district conference. Bullat to the construction of a soeialism based on 1925 27 and together with that a classic never wrote that, and never thought that, Bays, that in one of the sections the Right the peasant primitive plow and commune? example of the desperation of the rear even thqugh we do not in the least hide moods within the Party organization were Agrarian socialism bore an adventurist guard.
from outselves nor from the Party the very strong The district committee restamp with the Left wing social revolu The movement of the peasants into the tremendous danger that the October Revo moved several leading functionaries And tionaries ard bureaucratic character collectives, called forth by a combination lution is approaching as a result of the then the whole organization flung itself to with their Right. In the Stalinist policy of economic and admtnistrative reasons monstrous mistakes of the last period. The the Left to the extent of a complete turn.
the elements of adventurism and bureau acquirei a mass character. The policy of Opposition does not plentify the Sovick This is what was literally said. This cratism unite. It is no wonder that Minor the bureaucracy was at bottom an example State either with Yaroslavsky or with Sta speech is not about a peasant mass but found in the new Stalinism some of the el of tail endism. But the bureaucracy not lin. It considers the Soviet State Its own about a party organization which is upements of his own old past.
only proclaimed this policy as its greatest State and will defend it not only from its posed to personify the consciousness of the One of the possible definitions of Bol vitory to speed is to speed! exclaimed open class enemies but also from the in working class. And the official leader tells Thevism is that it gave in practise the most the parrot, when the cat pulled it by the ternal damagers among whom Yaroslavsky uy how after removing severai Rights emarkable synthesis of reform and revo tail but also developed a mad pressure on occupies not the last place.
the organization was flung toward: ultraution. At first the social democracy was the peasantry under the flag of the liquid In the same article About the Evo Leftism. This is far more becoming of or reform against the revolution; now it is ation of classes. Tail endism was transform lution of the Trotskyltes Yaroslavsky once cattle. to make use of the lackey vocabwen against reform out of fear of revolu ed directly into adventuriem.
more repeats that LD. Troteky was con ulary of Yaroslavsky.
Hon. Social democracy is always against Can this adventurism be called ultra vinced a year ago that our Party would Nevertheless, the platere drawn by revolution. Does this mean that every den Leftism and can it be said that we, the be compelled to call him back for ald. In Bullat symbolizes the whole fato of the of a revolutionary situation in a given Opposition, attack it from the Right? Stra that sense Trotsky was supposed to have Party for the past two years. After the wangert 18 Menghevigno?
tegically. this would, of course, be sense warned those who accompanied him (Continued on Page 7)