AnarchismBourgeoisieCapitalismCominternCommunismCommunist PartyFascismImperialismLeninLeninismOpportunismSocialismSovietStalinStalinismStrikeURSSUnited FrontWorking Class

THE MILITANT Weekly Organ of the Communist League of America (Opposition Vol. III, No. 25 Telephone: DRYdock 1656 NEW YORK, Saturday, June 28, 1930 PRICE CENTS Jobless Millions Must Organize!
Demand Immediate Relief!
vise of capital, put an end to industrial enslavement, eliminate the root causes of war and unity world economy.
The Socialist Five Year Plan The Five Year Plan in the Soviet Union demonstrates the tremendous possibilities of planned economy. Despite capitalist economic encirclement, and the threat of intervention, the achievements of the stand out in splendid contrast to the intolerable situation in the capitalist world, The undeniable difficulties in the and the Five Year Plan are those of Isolation, the retardation of the international revolution. The Five Year Plan provides for a total capital investment of 93 billions for electrification and industrial development. It is in the most vital interests of the international unemployed and especially of the Americani to demand large scale credits for the Soviet Union. There are always millions of dollars availabl: for war expenditures. There are millions for the Young Plan loans. Demand credits be given that would at once result in the employment of Anerican workers, and their participation in the realization of the socialist Five Year Plan.
Organize for Action!
The Chicago Unemployment Confention must appeal to the unemployed army with demands that will strike immediate and effective response in the hearts of the workers mobilizing them for the class struggle against the capitalist state.
Demand recognition and credits to the Soviet Union.
Demand the enactment of social insurance unemployment insurance and old age pensions to compel the capitalists to bear the charges for the break down of the system. Demand the six hour day and five day week.
Demand the freedom of class war prisoners, the release of Mooney and Billings, of the leaders of the New York un.
employed demonstrations, the prisoners in Georgia, class war victims under sentence in Gastonia.
Organize a united front of the uneluployed and employed.
The power of the imperial plutocracy of America is great. But there is a power greater than theirs and that is the powor of proletarian numbers. Mobilize and Organize. MAURICE SPECTOR Demonstrate for the Indian Revolution. The New York District of the Commun1st Party has issued a call to all workers organzation to join in a demonstration of solidnrity with the Indian Revolution for Saturday, June 28 at 2:30 in front of the British consulate in Whitehall Street.
The New York Eranch of the CommunIst League (Opposition) will itselt participate in this demonstration and urges all class coscious workers to do likewise. Demonstrate for the complete independence of India from British Imperalist! For the alliance of the workers and peasants of India under the leadership of the industrial proletariat against the treacherou policies of Gandhi and the Indian bourgeoisie! Demonstrate against the Imperialist MacDonald Labor Government and the Second International! For the emancipation of the Phillipines from American Imperialism!
Bureaucrats Rule Convention Y, Party Group For Opposition The National Unemployment Convention is to meet July 4th and 5th in Chicago.
It it 18 animated by a sense of responsible and militant leadership and effective policles of class struggle If it is not satis.
fied with noise but embarks on serious organ cation and action, this convention can becomo a protest centre for the mobilization of the millions of unemployed.
The danger is that under the present Party leadership with its erratic handto mouth political practises the convention will develop into nothing more than just another formless mass meeting. It is common knowledge that not a stroke of real organization work has been done to crys.
tallize the unemployed movement since the March 6th demonstrations.
No Signs of Ease Up in Crisis There are no signs of any alleviation in the economic crisis taking its toll of misery in every city, town and hamlet in the country. The bank discount rate has been bunk to two and a halt per cent, the lowest since the war but the successive stock market crashes are assuming the character of a panic. Wheat is selling at a dollar.
Automobile production has again registered a decline. Steel production is at 63 per cent capacity. The Commodity price level dropped per cent in two weeks.
The New York Census figures point to 400, 000 unemployed in Now York alone.
The Aonalist Index of Employment is the lowest since 1922.
The Industrial Reserve Army The cyclical crisis has come to add 1ts misery but it must be remembered tbat It only augments an already standing industrial reserve army the victims of the technical advance of civilization under the rule of the anarchie capitalist mode of production. Every new machine, every bus.
iness consolidation, every stop watch econ.
omy for the speed up, has resulted in few.
er jobs. Between 1920 and 1927, the economist Mitchell estimates the number added to the ranks of the unemployment reserve army at no less than 650. 000. This is the balancc sheet of American prosperity.
The power that is the greatest creditor state in the world, of the most millionaires of the most abundant resources, the finest machinery, the most productive labor force is the tragic scene of soup kitchens, frophouses, corporation charity, park benches and starvation for the working class. In an age when science begins to probe seorets of atomie energy, vast masses of producers must form up in bread lines.
The General Crisis of Capitalism What is the answer of the capitalist government to the unemployed The Hoo.
ver brand of mental healing. HawleySmoot Tarify to Increase the cost of the necessities of life and assure the Trusts the monopoly of the market. Even the mis.
erable Wagner Dill for the establishment of official instead of private employment bureaux is ro out of court. At the Sonate Investigation into Communist plotting. even Wm. Green pleads with his capitalist masters that he will not guarantee to be able to keep the of rank and file in submission unless some small reforms are forthcoming.
The workers must be clear that even were the exploiters willing to grant them with out struggle no ere palliatives or reforms could lead out of the blind alley of the antagonisms and contradictions of capitalits imperialism. Partial demands can only serve the working class if they are the starting point for revolutionary class struggle. The only decisiv) solution of the gen.
eral crisis of capitalis:n in the interests of the millions of toilers lles in the international emulaton of the Russian workers. Only the revolutionary workers state can release the forces of production from the explol TO THE SEVENTH NATIONAL CON We declare our complete agreement VENTION OF THE COMMUNIST PARTY with the Manifesto of the National Commit.
OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA tee of the Communist League of America AND THE SIXTH NATIONAL CONVEN. Opposition) addressed to the 7th National TION OF THE YOUNG COMMUNIST Convention of the Party. Back to Lenin LEAGUE. The Militant, June 14, 1930. In our opDear Comrades inion the line laid down in this manifesto We. the unders: Güed Communiste deprovides the only solution to the present c!. re our soli xity with the Lt (posi Party crisis. This line must become the tion. We anno ince our agreement witn the line of the Party. We further express our vit ws of the Let wing faction of the accord with the Platform adopted by the American Communist Party the CommunLeft Opposition at its National Conference ist League of America (Opposition. After at Chicago. May 20, 1929, and which the thorough examination of the Party and course of events in the United States has Young Communist League situation and the fully confirmed.
three viewpoints that exist in the Commun.
To many of the comrades who know ist movement today, we have come to the us and who have worked together with us conclusion that only Marxian and Lenin the Party and the Our stand will inist view is the one maintained by the come as a sudden surprise. Of course there Left Opposition. This correct view of the will be numerous bureauorats and smallnational and international situation we are minded people who will now suddenly disprepared to defend. Continued on Page 8)
The seventh annual convention of the Communist Party of the is now in sespion. The opening was at Madison Square Garden, Friday June 20.
The calibre of the discussion at the convention has so far been on the camo mediocre level as the so called pre convention discussion in the Dally Worker No one dares, nor is competent to raise fundamental questions of principles and policy. The apparatus bureaucrats watch cach other closely for every deviation.
Every slip of a fellow bureaucrat means an opening to work oneselt up one notch higher in a caroer.
We have already indicated in our manHesto to the Party membership the terrific gap that exists between the possibile ities for the revolutionary movement in America and the paralytic ineffectiveness of the under the third period leadership of the Centrists. There is much that can be added by way of concrete 11lustration, and we propose to estimate the completa results of the convention on its conclusiou.
Meanwhile rumblings are heard of the latest late turn of Stalin in the discussions on the economic crisis and the third period. Bedacht has at last begun to talk of the present economic crisis as a cyclical crisis in the period of the general decline of capitalisin and not as the immediate acute revolutionary crisis of StalinMolotov imagination. certain Merker tendency has consequently been virtuously repelled by the Browder Bedacht Old Guard. Such a leaders as Sam Don accused them of entertaining exceptionalIsm because they did not emphasize the acute revolutionary crisis sufficiently. Don was ridiculed out of court and told to go back to the Party school.
The Canadian Party representativetittle udventurer named Smith who received the letters patent to the leadership of the Canadian Party with his sheepskin diploma from the Lenin School. also accused Browder and Company of opportunism for their too conservative estimate of the third period and was duly castigated.
But this slight advance towards political sanity by Bedacht and Company is Atill a mere drop in the bucket of their swollen theorizings about social fascism etc. those tenth plenum analyses that 80 thoroughly stultified the political influence of the Communist Parties.
What in brief is the balance sheet of stalinism at the present convention! In the leadership of the Party bureaucracy clinging to office by the most desperate acts of servility to the higher ups in the Comintern hierarchy at the bottom an apathetic and terrorized membership 20. Continued on Page 5) LECTURE on the ROAD OF THE INDIAN REVOLUTION Au exposition of the driving forces of the Icdian Revolution, the struggle gaainst British Imperialism, the role of Ghandi, the treachery of the MacDonald Labor Government, the Comintern policy (Chinese experiences and India) and the Position of the Left Communists.
at the Stuyves ant Casino 9th St. and Second Ave. Room 22 WEDNESDAY, JULY 2nd at p. m, BY MAURICE SPECTOR of the National Committee of the Communist League of America (Opposition)
Comrade Maurice Spector was one of the witnesses refused admission by the British Government who were nominated to testify on their behalt by the trade unionist and revolutionary worker defendants in the great Meerut Sedition Trial now proceeding in India.
Auspices: New York Branch, Communist mission 35 Cents League of America (Opposition)