AnarchismCapitalismCominternCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyFranceGermanyImperialismItalyLeninLiberalismSocial DemocracySocialismSocialist PartySovietSpainStalinStalinismStrikeTrotskyURSSWorking Class

PAR. TH MILITANT Saturday June 81, 1, Our National Tour One Year of Labor Goverment Red Army Men Urge Shachtman Tour Is Extended Trotsky Recall Watch This Schedule for Your City Where To Buy The Militant Ramsay MacDonald, the big shots of The tour of Max Shachtman on behalt Paul comrades prepared extensively for With the deepest indignation we Rui.
the Second International has been reviewof the Communst League of America (Op the lectures. As we go to press, we do not slan Red Army men who under the leading the accomplishments of one year of labor position) is meeting with marked success. yet have reports on the meetings in St. ership of Trotsky created the victorious government in office. His review is signifIn Hamilton, Ont. Canada, despite difficult Paul, Duluth and Superior.
Red Army and fought in its ranks on nue cant for what he did not rather than what les and few forces, a meeting was held, The tour now takes comrade Shacht. merous fronts to triumph over the counterhe did say.
and a growth of the Opposition is looked man into the West and Southwest into revolution, now learn that Stalin threatens Measured by the expectations it aroused for as a result of comrade Shachtman lec Kansas City and St. Louis, Mo. and then our work. For almost six years the Stalinin the minds of its rank and fille followers tures and report upon the program of the to Springfield, Illinots, after which the turn ist leadership, having usurped the helm the second Labor Government has turnLeft Opposition, his visit to Trot is again toward the East, into Clevelaad, of the Parth has been menacing the achieveed out to be as great and calamitous a failsky at Constantinople, and the preliminary Pittsburg and Youngstown. The comrades ments of the revolution.
ure as ever the Labor Government of 1924 International Conference of the Left Op in all these cities are on the job to put over That which millions of proletariang con.
was. Conspicuously it has proven its utter position at Berlin. At Detroit a formal large meetings.
quered under Lenin and Trotsky and thou.
banttruptcy in every basic problem tt faced meeting was not organized; scattered el Return Engagements in Montrael and sands of Red Army fighters secured by The failure of the Labor Government is a ements gathered to hear Sbachtman.
Toronto their blood, is now endangered by the vacstriking, demonstration of the bankruptcy Chicago, Minneapolis Hold Good Meetings The branches of the Communist League illating policies of the Staliniste, now lean of the policies of democracy through In Chicago comrade Shachtman spoke (Opposition) 10 Montreal and Toronso, Can ing to social democracy now to anarchism.
out the world.
for the Communist League before a good ada have asked the National Office to ex We will not permit our work to be Take domestic policy As a first incrowd at the hall. Unemployment tend Shachtman tour to include return destroyed.
hance. Since the MacDonald Government in Chicago is acute and a large number of engagements there. Their request has We will not believe that Leon Trotsky umo into office on June 10, 1929 the num workers were of course admitted free and been complied with, and comrade Shacht organizer of the victory of the Russian and or of unemployed has actually increased 118tened with keen interest to the report man goes to Montreal once more on July therewith the international working class 600, 000, making a grand total of the and to the policy of the Left Opposition 3rd and 4th and to Toronto on July 5th has become untrue to our colors.
unemployed army in Britain of 1, 739, 000 on a number of current issues. Work and 6th. Both cities pledge big turnouts. But we do see clearly that the Stalin regime the biggest since 1921 22.
ere Guard was at hand to protect the meet In Toronto, where the leaders, 80 which dies not hesitate to sboot proletNot a finger has been raised by the MacIng from any disturbance; none occurred. called of the official Communist Party of arian revolutionaries is by its policies preDonald cabinet to repeal the reactionary Literature sales were good. The Chicago Canada picketed Shachtman lecture (evi paring grave disasters for the anti trade union bill passed by the Tory comrades are pepped up now more than dently the rank and fille could not stomach and the international revolution.
government after the general strike.
the yellow policy of the officialdom and The deportation of Leon Trotsky was Take India as another touchstone of In Minneapolis, a stronghold of the Com would not try to prevent the meeting of a serious and shameful blow at the Soviet socialist practise. In 1924 the Labor Gov unist League (Opposition) a very fine meet the Left Opposition. both an exceller. Union. The workers of the world will neernment decreed the Bengal Criminal Or. ing was held from every viewpoint. Al meeting and a banqueu were held. In Tor ver understand nor approve this measure.
dinance to provide for the arrest without ter the lecture, questions were put by mem onto, Shachtman will lecture on another We call upon all who fought shoulder trial of all opposing British authority. bers of the audience, including one mem subject which will be announced in tue to shoulder with Trolaky in the Red Army Hundreds of Indian revolutionaries have ber of the and were answered in full next issue of the Militant.
to return to their posts of struggle. The been rotting in jail for years under this by the speaker. The Minneapolis and St. The balance of the schedule follows: former soldiers of the Red Army who are ordinance. The second Labor Government scattered throughout Europe must stand tame into office, Not a finger has been on guard.
noved to release these prisoners.
Organize that the banner of the Red MacDonald in India carries on in the Army and the Soviet Union of the internaJest traditions of Bloody Balfour suppres.
tional revolution is once more raised on son of Ireland. In Peshawar, In Sholapur, high as in the days of Lenin and Trotsky.
in Bombay, the Indian masses are prodded KANSAS CITY, Mo.
Comrades. rally to the ranks of the with British bayonets, shot down, impriThursday, June 26 Membership Meet Left Opposition.
soned. The responsibility falls directly on Friday, June 20. Mass Mecting at Demand the recall of Leon Trotsky to Ramsay MacDonald and his Labor Govern. HALI. 914 Grand Avenue, 2nd Floor. ing.
the Soviet Union, to the Party and the nent. The responsibility rests on the SeKANSAS CITY, MO.
YOUNGSTOWN OHIO leadership of the Comintern.
bond International which is an accomplice Friday, June 27. Place to be anThursday Saturday, June 19 and Down with the disloyal Stalinists!
in all the crimes of the Labor Government nounced. 21 Branch Meetings Long live the Left proletarian wing of 18 of the social democracy in Germany.
The New York Nation feels a little ST. LOUIS, MO.
Sunday, June 22, p. Masa Saturday, June 28. Mass Long live the world revolution!
Bmbarrassed for its statesman like conMeeting at Labor Lyceum, 35 Miller St. RED ARMY MEN OF SLOVAKIA tributing editor MacDonald. It seeks for Meeting at Odeon Theatre Bldg. Grand and Finney.
an explanation, and with the superficial Sunday, June 29, Branch Meeting Rim of liberalism finds it in the taming ST. LOUIS, MO.
effect of. office holding on the radical.
Monday, June 23, Branch Meeting MONTREAL, CANADA down to the July 4tb (Place to be announce: SPPRINGFIELD, ILL.
This explanation is false LOS ANGELES, Calil. Western later. News ground. The taming effect of office holding Tuesday, June 24. Place to be Box 604, Arcade Station.
for wliom? MacDonald acts as he does beannounced. TORONTO, CANADA SAN FRANCISCO. Calit. McDonald 65 cause he holds office for the capitalist CLEVELAND, OH10 July 6 (Place to be announced Sixth St.
The social democratic policy must plass.
later. Wednesday June 25. Mass Meeting at WASHINGTON, Gale nok Sbp S3 breed the MacDonalds because it is classText St.
bollaborationist, nationalist, petty bour.
PITTSBURG, Pa. A News Co. 220 reols and anti revolutionary British Federal St.
rotormist cannot support an Indian revolu» Disarmamenta Imperialist Contradictions CHICAGO, ILL, Cheshinsky Book Store, Meanwhile, the internal contradictions 2720 Division St. Horsley Book Store, Mon. He can stile the masses and try to God Hail to the Kellog Peace Pact!
arrange a compromise with the nativ of American imperialism, bound up with 1633 Division St. Walden Bookstore bless Disarmament and those noblemea Sourgeoisie.
its world economic interdependence, are 311 Plymouth Ct. Britscke Store, 1611 comic touch to the tragedy is the Hoover and MacDonald. The League of niaturing a severe crisis which is foreN. Kedule and on various newstands truly entertaining argument of the friends Nations bas Just issued its armament year shadowed by the current partial Industrial SPRINGFIELD, ILL: Joe Angelo, 431 No.
of the Labor Government that MacDonald book for 1929 30 and the upshot of its fig depression. The present situation, which We. ay St. has not had a chance. He had to take ures is that in 1928 when the Kellogg Peace is only the harbinger of this coming BOSTON, Mass. Shapiro s, Beach St, over all these knotty problems of India Pact became etfective there were 50 per crisis, has already brought to a high level near Washington. Andelman 284 Tree Egypt, unemployment, etc. from the Torles.
cent more cruisers than in 1913 and that the process of rationalization and attack mont St. Newsstand, 38 Causeway St.
That wasn fair. MacDonald would be there were three times more in process upon the standards of the working class ROXBURY, MASS. Goldberg Store, 536 that is causing it to move progressively well on the way to introducing socialismof construction than in 1913.
Warren St.
if the capitalists had been gracious enough Italy, which had no cruisers building in away from its previous inertia into REVERE. MASS. Trachtman Store 81 to introduce it for him. But all they are period of struggles.
1913, not only led the world in this reThe realization of Sherley Ave.
about is to trip him up and make things spect in 1929, but, with 71, 000 tons under the crisis which will intensity the pro MINNEAPOLIS, MINN. Engelson News harder for him.
construction, was building more than the cess of rationalization, unemployment, and Co. 234 2nd Ave. So.
Meanwhile to this day Hillquit, the total of 68, 800 tons the whole world was lead to severer attacks on the living stand. KANSAS CITY, MO. Buehle Book Store.
ards of the workers, will result in an even leader of the American socialist party has Japan stood second in bullditz in 1913.
20 West 12th St.
not breathed a syllable of protest against 1929, with 40, 000 tong building: the Uniten broader basis for the radicalization of the PHILADELPHIA, Pa. Newstands at 19th States third with 30. 000 tons; Spain tourth, American workers and their entry into the misdeeds of his British contrere and and Market, Cor. 15th and Market, when a resolution was introduced at the with 20. 000 tons, and France fifth, with struggle. It is a process which must be Cor. 13th and Market, cor. convention of the Socialist Party in Penn10, 000 tons.
analyzed not only in comparison with the Warwicks News Depot, 262 11th St. 11th Leftward movement ot Bylvania to demand the freedom of India Submariens formed per cent of the the European and Market, cor. 5th and Market, from British Imperialism, it was violently world fleet tonnage in 1913; per cent workers, but chiefly on comparison with the cor. 5th and Pine Sts. cor. when the war ended, and per cent when historical backwardness of the American attacked by the leaders and finally altered.
9th and Locust Sts. cor. 40th Working class. Upon this development is the Kellogg Treaty went into force.
Girard Ave. cor.
New York Open Air Meetings The world total naval tonnage, which conditioned the coming period of struggles NEWARK, Alter Stand; 58 Prince in 1913 was 6, 891. 000 tons, stood at 5, 312, 000 of the American workers and the necessity St The New York Branch of the Comfor the revolutionary Party to understand (Opposition)
munist League tong in 1929, the difference being due to the is holding CAMDEN. 326 Market St.
Binking of the Gesman fleet and the limita it and prepare itself properly for it.
large and successful street meetings every PATTLE, WASH. Raymer Old Book tion of battleships in 1922. The figure for. FROM THE PLATFORM OF Saturday night at the corner of 125th St.
Store, 905 Third Ave.
The workers have been 1929, however marked an increase of 21, 000 THE COMMUNIST OPPOSITION and 5th Avenue.
TACOMA. Wash; Walsh, 1, 203 Pacific St.
tong over 1928.
MAY TORONT. ONT. CANADA. On addressed on numerous 18gues of importvarious There wll be disarmament until the 20, 1929.
ance by comrades Maurice Spector, Martin Abern, Albert Glotzer, Max Rose, George workers are stong enough to disarm the NEW YOR. :On various newestands in Clarke, Charles Curtiss, Russell Blackwell capitalists. Military disarmament will fol.
MILITANT OUTING New York and Brooklyn; Biederman Bookand other members of the Branch. The low on the economic expropriation of pristore, 2d Ave and 12th St. Randkstore, vate property. Capitalism and universal Members of the New York branch of Branch reports that the interest shown Eaat 15th St. The Militant, 25 Third Ave.
the Communist League of America (Oppo.
by the workers this year is greatly in disarmament are contradictions in terms.
esition) and sympathizers will have an CALGARY, ALTA. CANADA: Boston News creased. good amount of literature, MilWIN FIVE DAY WEEK outing Sunday, June 22, at Hunter Island Co. 109 8th Ave, West Itants, etc. 18 regularly sold. The Branch NORWICH, Conn. June 14 Organized Hikers will meet at Pelham Bay Park Sta.
In addition to the stores liste above, intends to hold au additional meeting bricklayers secured the five day week, Hod tlou at 10:30.
The Militant also can be talned thugb week at another corner. Other members carriers and laboreres are equally succes. Bring lunch, bathing suits and sport of the Branch agsist in the work of members and branches of the Communi tut.
izing the meetings.
League of America.