AnarchismAnti-imperialist LeagueBourgeoisieBujarinCapitalismCominternCommunismCommunist PartyEnglandImperialismKirovLeninismMarxismSovietStalinStalinismStrikeURSSUnited FrontWorking Class

Page MILITANT. aturday June 21, 1930 THE The and Two Class Parties Im India ers and Peasants Party Roy wrote: the orders of the Comintern in India and Meeting in this atmosphere of revolu being in favor of the violent overthrow of tionary development from all sides, the the government. The Workers and PeaWorkers and Peasants Party, whose drivsants Party broke down under the offening forces are the Communists, was objec sive. In a few months there was no Party.
tively the most important event of the (Clemens Dutt, Labour Monthly. July 29, moment. The Workers and Peasants Party 1929) This again compelled the official The sharpening of the class struggle in of Stalin sophistry on the Kuomintang is not the Communist Party (sic. Al Comintern press to speak about the necesIndia finds the proletariat of that country That is the argument that the Communists though the Communists play in it the lead sity of a Communist Party in India.
In the absence of a conscious vanguard, a did not organize the party but came into ing and dominating role. Several years ago Safaror Apologetics for Stalin Communist Party, unable to take the lead it in order to get to the masses.
it appeared on the scene as the first sign In a recent issue of the Communist ership in the rising movement against Brit. It should be also noted that the phrase of radicalization of the nationalist masses.
International (Vol. VII. No. 5, English Edish Imperialism. The bourgeois and petty at particular periods (can) be converted As such the Communists supported it and ition) Safarov, a former Oppositionist, bourgeois nationalists are able to get con into ordinary petty bourgeois parties is an aided its growth. Practically all the great with an even more flexible spine than his trol of the movement, lead it into safe underhanded attempt to excuse the Cominstrikes of the last two years were led under fellow capitulators, discusses the situation channels and ultimately betray it. The tern policy of building such parties wat the banner of the Workers and Peasants in India. After condemning Roy position attempts of sections of the nationalist particular times.
Party. The object of the Communists was on India be writes: Of the same werth are movement, e. the All Indian Youth After the Sixth Congress to make this new party the rallying ground the accusations of another careerist. League the workers and peasants of PeshNot only was a Conmunist Party not for all the nationalist revolutionary ele Max Shachtman, in the Militant, who awar, the railroad workers, the textile work.
formed after the Sixth Congress, but the ments, to develop it into a revsiutionary accuses the Communist International of re ers of Bombay, etc. to break away from official Comintern press continued to speak mass party which is a crying need of the sisting the formation of a Communist Party this leadership have met with only partial of the Workers and Peasants Parties moment. Inprecorr, Vol. No. Februin In (Militant Both Right suecens.
as a legal expression of the Communists in ary 1, 1929. The above is a precise sumand the Left renegades ignore the real Why is there no Communist Party in IndiaFor example, the erstwhile Comin mary of the tactics of the Comintern in faets, for the birth of the revolutionary India today? This question which contronts tern specialist on India, Roy, writing India for the past few years.
working class In India in 1928 29 is an inevery Communist and class conscious on the municipal elections in Bombay Roy however criticized the Conference disputable fact. That did not and could worker must receive a definite answer.
stated: Owing to the doubtful position of for not having made provisions for united not take place until the development of the The Two Class Party Policy the Communist Party. and the general front action with the League for Indian class struggle had arousal the masses, The Comintern under the leadership of antagonism to Communism that character Independence (the organization of the until the slogans of the Comintern had Stalin and Bucharin (1924 28) basing izes the present bourgeois political atmos petty bourgeois intellecals which Roy turned into class reality. They could only itself on an incorrect estimation of the de pbere of the country, the election was con wished the Workers and Peasants Party, be embodied in the real life of India thanks gree of stabilization of world capitalism tested (by the Communists in the and the Communists to unite with to forma to the self development of the working and the relation of class forces, separated name of the Workers and Peasants party his Indian nationalist mass party. class, in the process of the revolutionary the question of bourgeois democratic revo. and later adds By contesting the elec Immediately Roy was rebuked. The struggle against imperialism. 48. SaJution in the colonial countries from that tion the Communiste gave another sign of Conference, a Comintern representative farov undertakes a task never before atof the proletarian dictatorship and con their political independence (sic. Most wrote, did make provision for united front tempted in the Party press to explain why sequently based its activities in these resolute fighters for national freedom, they action with the League for Indian In no was built in India.
countries on dual composition class parties, will defend the interest of the working dependence. Roy is wrong, says the writFirst, he does not deny the accusation (in China, the bloc of the four classes in class not only against foreign imperialism, er, Communists must not try and build a of commude Shachtman that the Comintera the Kuomintang and later the Left kuo but also native capitalism. Pry these tac mass nationalist party. but must build a resisted the formation of a in India Tointang, in Japan. the Workers and Pea tics of the revolutionary class struggle the Communist Party. But how about the WorkSecondly, who denies the existence of a sants Party. in Mexico, Workers and Pea Community will mobilize and lead the ers and Penunts Party? The writer revolutionary working class in India in sants Block in lodia. Workers and proletariat as the driving force of the na states that confusion exists in the party: 1928 29? Certainly not the Left! Third, Peasants Parties. tional revolution. laprecorr Vol. 9, No. although it is showing signs of a decided it one is to make sense of this quotation one very once in a while one reaal of a 12 March 1st, 1929. What could be plain improvement. its confusion is due to its must interpret Safarov as saying: There declaration of the Communist Party of er? Roy and his political allies, Lovestone character, in its composition of two classwas no revolutionary working class in InIndia or representatives of such a Party and Brandler, demogogically criticise the ex, which is bound to result in rendering dia until 1928 29, because the development would appear at Congresses, Plenums, etc. Stalinists today for not having built a vague the proletarian line itself. The of the class struggle had not aroused the In reality there are only a bandful of in Communist Party in India! These individ implications of the writer Scb. are clear, inasses; therefore a Communist Party could ditvidual Communists, according to a lead uals who share the responsibility with the The line of the Workers and Peasants not be built. Let us dissolve the Communing member of the Anti Imperialist League, Stalins and Kuussinens for the past Kuo Party must be a class. policy; the Comist Party of the United States because there about 75 scattered throughout the country, mintang tactic now call for the building of munists must organize themselves in a is no revolutionary working class in this having no central organization and no col a Communist Party side by side with a but at the same time struggle for a class country!
lective activity. Most of them, under in wational resolationary party. But what line in the and party. Inprecorr, Vol.
structions from the worked. will be the role of the Communist Party? 91, No. 16, March 29, 1929. Nowhere in his It is the Communist Party which must in hand with petty bourgeois elements in The objective logic of their policy means arifele does Seh attempt to repudiate help intensify the class struggle. Fourth, building Workers and Peasants parties the subordination of the to the na Roy above quoted characterization of the a could not be built in India until the But, a combination of events forced a slogans of the Comintern had been turned tional revolutionary party. the duplicating role of the communists in Indin. The Com change. This was the Joint pressure of of the events of 1925 26 27 in China. intern, through Sch offers the concepinto class reality (Page 48. Who was to the Left Opposition led by comrade Trotpropagate the slogans of the Comintern?
Again, after the Sixth Congress. the tion of a left Kuomintang as against a sky the change in the correlation of class the Workers and Peasants Parties, indivbitlerto scatterei and uncontected Work whole Kuomintang.
idual Communists?
forces in the Soviet Union, the crushing deWhat slogans had a ers and Peasants parties, for the first In April 1929, that is only a few month be turned into class reality? The demfeat of the Chinese proletariat due in great time organized a national party, the Work after the National Conference of the measure to the criminal subordinatiou of ocratic dictatorshp of the proletariat and ers and Peasants Party of India What Workers and Peasants Party of India. the of China first to the Kuomintang peasantry or perhaps (and we are not was the attitude of the Comintern towards and later the Left Kuomintang, etc. The the British and Indian governments started very far from the truth) the realization of this conference?
a general offensive against strike leaders, occasion for this change was the Sixth a powerful magn Workers and Peasants The Workers and Peasants Party revolutionary workers and Communists.
Congress of the Comintern August Septemparty. ber. 1928. Discussing the Conference of the Werk Thirty one were arrested for carrying out The official press once again carries reports of leaflets issued by the Workers and At this time the Comintern leadership easants Party without comment of its was compelled to admit that it was reown, sponsible for the Workers and Peasants The Stalinist press gives little inparties in India and officially to repudiate forniation as to what the Comintern is acHelston, Cornwall ren in numbers, were seeking such rest such tactics. Sikandar Sur, the reporter tually doing in India today.
on the Indian question, in his summary, Editors, the Militant: ax can be found under conditions of over The Daily Worker from time to time We know stated that ghastly destitution crowding. In one case. officially reported speaks of the formation in the near fuabout the time of the bolding of one of The Workers and Peasants Parties prevails in your country as in ours; and ture or an All Indian Communist Party.
the recent courts) seven people adult that in your city streets, and upon the high In one of its issues. Wednesday, May 21, exist owing to the wrong tactics and inand children were found to be sleeping in structions of the Comintern. The last reroads affluence and misery are often sharpone bod!
1930. it carries on its front page photoport of the Annual conference of the Benly contrasted when the motor car of the static copies of two issues of the Workers In no country except England can gal Peasants and Workers parties show millionaire scatters dust or mud on the Weekly. The story underneath it runs: such senseless and provocative displays as unemployed worker tramping hopelessly The first. Marxist Leninist paper published that the party is falling into the hands of ubese Royal Courts of oury be found at the pbilanthropic petty bourgeoisie. Our comon the search of a job which does not present time. That they are still popular in India, is shown above in the headings of two issues.
rades do not hold office iere.
exist. But these contrasts are the result The Workers Weekly begat Comrade or chance encounters; the rich man is among the wealthy English bourgeoisie, Shubin (Soviet Union is absolutely publication in Borbay on January 26, and (whose female offspring make their social wrong when he talks of the inadvisability out on his daily business or possibly he is acting as the ideological leader and ordebut at such ceremonies) is proof of the of forming a Communist Party on account is bent on pleasure. In no case does he ganization center for the forces of the inherent snobbishness of the English charof objective difliculdies. But should we working class in the Judian Revolution.
organize hundreds of his wealthy friends to display themselves in gorgeous attire acter; and also of an incapacity to think surrender to obstacles or should we overThe April 30 issue of Inprecorr avail seriously and in detall even on a most come them. Inprecorr Vol. 8, No. 78 at a given time, 28 a provocative and able at least one month before the Daily pressing subject. The present situation in 1473. Even here, we have no real repudshameful contrast to the wretchedness of England in this: the fertile soil, which Worker story, carries an article by Chat.
lation of dual composition class parties, thousands of the surroundng population.
topadhayaya (one of the secretaries of the would feed Inillons under intensive cul World Anti Imperialist lengue and the lat.
but such parties in which our comrades But this is the spectacle we can see tivation is held up in the hands of the big do not hold any offices.
in London whenever a Royal Court is held landlords. Industrial unemployment is inest of the Stalinist writers on India) with the following: The Workers Weekly, the The oflicial colonial theses of the Con and we have had four of them this spring. creasing and no political party Conserva new organ of the Workers and Peasants gress had this to say in reference to the The women have worn gowns of silk and tive, Liberal or Labor, can find a cure Party, points out in its last issue that the question at band. Special Workers and lace with trains encrusted with jewels, and for worklessness, for not one of them in Peasants Parties wbatever revolutionary had ornaments of precious stones.
movement has gone far beyond Gandhi and Some prepared to get rid of the landlords who the Congregg, and calls for a general strike character they may possess, can too easily have even worn shoes with jewelled heels. hold all the basic materjals minerals as at particular periods, be converted into And all this perfectly unnecessary d19throughout India. The Revolutionary Sith well as the surface soll in their grip. Mis uation in India Chattopadhyaya Vol. 10 ordinary potty bourgeois parties, and ac play has been made in a wealthy capital ery a daily increasing among the poor, cordingly. Communists are not recommend city which can sbow the most appalling couple with a bitter resentment, and beNo. 21. depth of poverty among its hosts of glum ed to organize such parties. Inprecorr, Is the How are we to explain this?
fore long we may see the wealthier memVol. 8, No. 88. 1670. Communists dwellers.
bers of society displaying their heels jewComintern at present building a Left Kuomintang in India or doing nothing at all?
are not recommended, not advised to build While the company at the palace at a elled or otherwise in real earnest before What efforts are being made to build a workers and peasants parties! Since when recent court were partaking of the custom the onrush of starving and furious niobs. Communist Party? What has happened to does the Comintern hand out mere advice ary refreshments, served on gold plate, a But where is the leadership which will the All Indian Communist Party that was and recommendations to Communists? It fleet of motor care could speedily have give us revolution while preserving us from to be formed in the near future? What is 18 obvious that this literary change in conveyed the whole of the guests to houses anarchy? Not in the discredited Commun this revolutionary Marxian Workers Parpolicy is meant primarily for the record. It where (after supping in a very different Ist Party under stalinist leadership. ty? These questiong must be answered.
also leave the door open for a repetition fashion) adult of both sexes and child SHOOTER. JOSEPH CARTER Flaunt Royal Courts at British Workers