AnarchismBourgeoisieCapitalismCominternCommunismCommunist PartyGermanyImperialismLeninismMarxMarxismSocialismSocialist PartySovietStalinStalinismStrikeTrotskyURSSUnited FrontWorkers MovementWorking Class

Page THE MILITANT Saturday June 21, 1930 Towards a Concrete Program of Action Hugo Oehler Joins Left Opposition SQUEAK IN THE APPARATUS Comrade Raymond Spector, an active member of the Communist Party and who has been tarmen of same risks if they permit the enactment of tion In this age military strength itsell Social Insurance the Control Commission in Section uneraployment insurance in the United depends on industrial power. In the case Brownsville, New York spoke beof the Soviet Union it depends not only on The problem of social insurance in a States fore his nucleus on June 17th on industrial power but on the consolidation program of Unemployed Demandy is treat King and his associate bourgeois the policy of the Comintern in of the proletarian dictatorship and socialed by the present Party leaders as an China and endorsed the line of ecnomists make a deep mystery of the re ism. But socialism cannot be built up in illegitimate child. This despite the the Left Opposition. His expulsion currence of the business cycle. They find the Soviet Union entirely out of its own spasmodic proddings of the Comintern and followed immediately. Such is the every explanation of it under the suu, inner resources and separated from the the upon the Party on different freedom of the pre convention disbut the real one of the anarchic character world market by a Chinese wall. The dircussion.
occasions to evince a little greater activof capitalist production for profit. Tbe ficulties that the great Five Year Plan and ity and sincerity in this field. statement of the views of capitalist system is responsible for the collectivization are experiencing today in The demands for Unemployment In business cycles and for the standing and Comrade Raymond Spector tothe demonstrates this exactly.
surance, Old Age Pensions, Sickness Insether with that of other party and To hold anything else is a flagrant The Capsurance recurrent mass unemployment.
the and like treated are Young Communist League memitalist State must be compelled by the or rupture with Marxist analysis and proletby the Browder Bedacht pontiffs as evibers will appear in the next issue dence of secret social fascist cravings.
ganization and struggle of the masses to arian internationalism, shoulder the charges of unemploymert.
International Solidarity of the Militant.
They apparently envisage the demand for The demand for credits for the Soviet social insurance as purely parliamentary Union at once reveals the inner link bemanoeuvering and not a by product of the Credits for the Soviet Union tween the interests of the American workclass struggle like all other reforms and ing class and the workers of the Soviet concessions granted to the workers by Not the least of the derelictions of the Union. Millions are idle in the United capitalist legislatures. Social insurance Stalinist leadership of the Communist Par States But the socialist plans of the Sovdoes not fit in with the rantings of the ty has been its failure to rally the unem iet Union cry out for machinery and other bird period.
ployed around the demand for credits for industrial equipment. Employment here Social Insurance as a By Product of the Soviet Union. Unremittingly and wind and collaboration with the Five Year Plan. Continued from Page 1)
Struggle ily the Daily Worker aloganizes for the in the would be the consequences organizer of the revolution for the overBut for the revolutionary party to sur. Defence of the Soviet Union. but when of large scale credits. Thousands of Amer throw of capitalism The first duty of Perwer the representation of these de the whole international economic crisis ican workers would receive practical les every Communist is the success of the rermands of the socialist party, the Muste favors the crystallization of one of the sons in the implications of internationalism olution and so long as the Party has a progroup or the other petty bourgeois re widest mass novements yet for the real in tåe fundamental struggle between gram based on Marxism there is an ua.
formers would be a great blunder. and substantial Defence of the Soviet capitalism and socialism and the meaning broken chain between the class, the Party the Party does that it does not seriously Union, the Stalinist regime and its Amer of Communism Thousands could be mob and the success of the revolution. Just ican agents, Browder Bedacht Foster do have regard to the possibilities of a revilized for the and against the as soon as the leading individuals or groups olutionary utilization of parliamentary ac nothing but hamper the Party from mea capitalist government of the United States. in the ty revise Marxism and Leninisin tion. In fact the Communist Party is suring up to its great opportunity. The The slogan of credits to the Soviet a danger of the elimination of the Party being misled by the adventurist leader reason for this attitude of the Party lead Union is one that the labor bureaucracy as the leader and organizer of the class is ship at its head into the frame of mind ers flows not from any malice but inev and the international social democratic at hand unless we are capable of defeating and tactics of the bourgeois boycottists itably from their false theory of national leaders will resist. They would sense in it the revisionists. But it the revisionists are in the history of the Russian social desocialism. Stalin Russian exceptional the possibilities of a united front thiet able to dominate, it spells ruin unless the mocracy. It will become so pure that ism membershp liquidates such a leadership.
would draw the rank and file away from will end in sterility.
Economies and Milltary Defence them and towards the leadership of the SoThe Struggle of the Left Opposition The Defence of the Soviet Union is not viet Union and the Communists. They are. This was the case with the Stond The presence of social insurance in Great Britain and Germany on the statute As the Daily Worker would like to impress right. Credits for the Soviet Union. 18 Interuational when the revisionists doinbooks for many decades has not prevented its readers, a purely military question, a one of the most forceful focal points for a inated and eliminated it as the leader and matter of preventing imperialist interven united front movement. SP.
the development of the class ruggle, organizer of the revolution. We saw the transformation of the Second International and can not so long as the basic contrafrom an instrument for liberation to an dictions of capitalism dominate the soinstrument of suppression cial structure, The British workers have the workers and peasants. The same process is at work continued to organize great strikes ant to move steadily to the Left.
in our International. Fortunately, however, Bismarck Continued from Page 4)
correctly that is in a revolutionary manfor the proletariat we are tving in legislation to steal the thunder of the ner.
different historical period; this process is socialists has not prevented the rise of a Our Slogan of Collaboration with the Under the present circumstances this only in the beginning stage in our InterCommunist mass party and the develop Soviet Union slogan is above all one of the most valuable national; and lastly we have an Interna ment of revoluvionary crises that under weapons for the mobilization of the unemrevolutionary leadership could have re The approaching crisis of Soviet ectional Opposition led by LD. Trotsky that ployed and the workers in general in conBulted in a German Soviet Power.
onomy coincides with the growing world capexposes the revision, explains the deternection with unemployment. This is not mining causes of the crisis and mobilizes Capitalist Responsibility for Unemployment talist crisis. This coincidence has in the merely a matter of the possible delivery will anyone revolutionary seriously arWorld the forces to win the International for the final analysis common reagong.
of commodities to the Soviet Union as im Marxian Leninist path again.
gue that the Salvation Army, private soup capitalism has outlived itself but the unportant as this question is in itselt. It We members of the Communist Party kitchens, the net work of social service and dertaker 18 not yet ready for his work.
is a question of getting out of the ask for an answer to tais manifesto and charitable institutions maintained by the The crisis of Soviet economy, if we leave historical impasse, of altogether new for the readmittance of comrade Trotsky.
business interests are preferable to State aside the mistakes of the leadership, is the economic possibilities of a United and the Left Opposition into the Party.
insurance in the sense that they make the economic consequence of the isolated conEuropean economy. With this kind We do not ask for a religious campaign of workers more class conscious or pauper dition of the That is the vory of concrete supra national plan based on Loyalty to the to take the place of Lee them less? The bourgeoisie in Creat fact that the world proletariat bas not yet experience in oun hands, the worker Com objective consideration of these proposals Britain is constantly seeking ways and swept away capitalism. The problem of the munists can and must approach the social means for cutting down the dole. proletarian revolution is the problem of the If the policies of the leadership is Marxian democratic worker. Under the conditions then there is no conflict between loyalty King, the well known American statistician organization of social economy on of the crisis this is the most important to the and loyalty to Marxism but attacks the dole on the ground that it is world scale. For Europe whose capitalism approach to the problem of the socialist when the present leadership revise Mars.
the real reason preventing an industrial is most overripe and sickly, the proletarreconstruction of Europe. With the cor ism and present theories that are non.
revival. He wants a free market in the com ian revolution means first of all the econMarxian Leninist the membership must modity of labor power, governed by supply omic unification of the continent.
rect application of the united front policy The the slogan of collaboration with the choose between loyalty to that leadership and demand. He blames the trade unions only way we can and must prepare the Eur. and the economic transformation of and loyalty to Marxism. We stand or fall opean workers for the seizure of power is and the dole for preventing the deflaEurope can be made the wodge that would by Marxism and Dialectic Materialism and tion of waves. And he warns the Amer by revealing to them the immeasurable adbreak of large circles of social democratic by now life itself has proven the correct.
loan capitalists that they are running the vantages of a correctly planned all European workers from the present leaders. ness of the Left Opposition group as Marx and later on a World organization of socialist economy. The slogan of the Soviet But for that we must first of all ism lighting revisionism. The readmitenes liquidate, reject and condemn, the theory of the Opposition to the International, reTHE PARTY AND THE UNORGANUnited States of Europe which is imperof socialism in one country. We must make gardless of how painful it is to some lead.
IZED MASSES ative now more than it ever was is inadThe main reservoir of labor militancy ers is a necessary step to prepare the arequate however, in its abstract political clear to the world proletariat that the ty as the leader and organizer of the big Russians are not constructing separate Is the masses of unskilled and semi skilled form. This slogan must be filled with conclass struggles we can expect in the presocialist home for thomgelves, and that workers in the unorganized, basic induscrete economic content. The economic exsent period in order that pressure of world tries. The full horror of the capitalstraperience of the Soviet Union is fully sufi such a structure on a national scale is capitalist economy can be relieved from generally impossible. They are constructtionalization falls directly upon them, and cient to create an exemplary variant of the and the extension of the dicthe attacks of the capitalists in the present the plan based on the collaboration of the ing a national wall for the European and tatorship of the proletariat over greater later on also for the world socialist home.
depression and coming crises strike them with the industrial countries sections of the earth can be accomplished Arst and hardest.
The further they get the harder it will The Party must turn of Europe. In the final historical analysis Our demands are: its face to these unorganized masses, put this is the only way out for the be to raise this wall, because it may crash from the growing internal contradictions. without the timoly fonstruction of the itselt at the head of their struggles and The rendmittance of the Communist Neither has Europe any other way out of other walls. About building the root over lead the work of organizing them into new Opposition and the adoption of the Xorsian the crisis (unemployment, the growing opthe national wall there cannot even be program of the Opposition.
industrial uniong. This historic task must any talk.
pression of America and the perspective of We must get started with the Replace the present isolatian tactics.
be accomplished in the fire of struggle simultaneous work in other countries acwith Leninist United Front tacies fa tride against the capitalists and their state powwars. The problem of collaboration in cording to a common plan. This plan must union work and all other activity.
er as well as against their agents in the its full dimensions can be decided only Eliminate mechanleal control of through labor movement, the reactionary bureauca proletarian revolution be worked out by the government of the and through the creation of the Soviet United Soviet Union, at any rate, its basic fearacy of the of the Socialist Party Auxiliary organizations and replace with tures, as a plan of mighty material and control through Marxian poliey.
and allied groups of social reformist eleStates of Europe which through the medments, Reject VERBAL transformation of spiritual growth of the peoples of Europe In this protracted struggle on all lum of the Soviet Union will also be tied and the whole world.
defensive struggles and demonstrati into up with liberated Asia.
fronts, extending over a period of years revolutionary upheavals.
the decisive break of the workers with the The European workers must be led by This is what the slogan of economic. Reject slogan of Social Piscism ideology of capitalism will be effected and this perspective. They must be presented collaboration with the Soviet Union means that renders aid to the reformist.
the genuine clase movement of the workers with a clear and broad plan of economic in its developed form, under the present Rejoet Third Period Citie zig.
be built.
collaboration based on the exceptionally historical circumstances. But such a polzag course and replace with di: 141. FROM THE PLATFORM OF high coefficients of growth accomplished icy presupposes a radical revision of the ysis and tacties.
THE COMMUNIST OPPOSITION even in backward isolated Russia. This theory and practice of the Soviet leader7. Correct 7th (onvention thesis on ADOPTED (CHICAGO) MAY is the immeasurable revolutionary siguil ship. The Yaroslavskys are very little above points and other minor pop flow20, 1929.
cance of slogan economic fit for such a policy.
Ing from these root causes.
ation with the if it lg advanced (To Be Continued. UGO IN