BourgeoisieCapitalismCominternCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyEnglandFascismFranceGermanyImperialismItalyLeninismMarxismSocial DemocracySovietStalinStalinismStrikeTrotskyUnited FrontWorking Class

Baturday June 21, 1930 THB MILITANT Page Comintern Loses Fresh Opportunity Diego Rivera Retires from Political Life In Germany front which is always the tail end of the social democracy but the Leninist tactics of the united front would have unmasked the Left as well as the Right wing leaders of the social democracy. Not Red Factory slaties at any price, not the abandonment of work in the trade unions but tireless The Wedding convention of the Com ary situation in Germany. e. the demon. ocracy has not only not given the workers work in all the mass organizations was the munist Party of Germany basing itselt on strations The calender like campaigns of the any new reforms but is actively aiding the Reed.
the 80 called third period invented by the Party have been successively weaker, With bourgelosie to deprive the workers of those It was evident to us all that the social Sixth World Congress proclaimed the pre three and a half million unemployed the concessons they had already secured by democracy would be thrown out of office as sence of an acute revolutionary situation Party succeeded in bringing out to the the road of struggle.
soon as the bourgeoisie could afford to disin the country, The permanent phrase streets from to per cent only. The Looking at the situation from this viewpense with its services. But the centrist monger, Thaelmann, strove to demonstrate last demonstrations of February and March point everything was favorable for an adleadership of the Communist Party missed this incessantly in his rhetorical reports. ended in a great flasco.
vance of Communism. Had the Communist the real point of the situation. The result The official Party press dally devoted to Nevertheless, the situation in Germany Party linked its slogans and platform with has been the isolation of the Communist this discovery long winded articles. The has been favorable for the separation of the every day needs and problems of the Party inside the working class and the talk was of mass struggles. of direct great sections of the working class from workers, it could have broken the tie beconsolidation of the social democracy degassaults that would smash the capitalist the social democratic party and the crystal. tween the social democratic workers and pites its betrayals. The even parades state, Because we of the Left Opposition lization of a Communist mass party in their leaders and have assured the triumph now as an Opposition Party. The subGermany.
of Communiem, characterized this appraisal of the situajective factor in bistory the Communist tion as un Marxian and mechanical we were Social Democracy Betrays But all our Communist Party leaders Party has again lailed.
designated as pessimists who had lost The social democracy has entered into could do was to shower the social democ ROMAN WELL their belief in the revolution. The prina new coalition with the finance capitalist racy with abuse.
cipal slogan of the Party for this period In Mexico bourgeoisie. In contrast to its former coal The False Approach of the Staliniste invented by the Party officialdom was: Ition policy, the situation of the was To this end the formula of social tas Proletarians fight for a Soviet Germany.
incomparably more difficult. Why? In for cism was invented. The agitation against On the basis of such an estimation it was mer years of Itts coalition, the social dem social fascism took on a hysterical scope.
no longer necessary to approach the workocracy could still present the workers Not only was the Berlin Police President ing masses exploited by the bourgeoisie with some minimum reforms. The bour Zoergiebel characterized as a social taswith the help of the social democracy, on geoisie could not so quickly forget the rev cist but every worker in the social democthe every day questions.
olution. They still felt the temper of the racy was likewise denounced as a social The leadership of the official Com The Acate Rerolutionary Crisis October atmosphere of 1923. The bour fascist. The slogans became Out with munist Party in Mexico bave been makIt was clear to every Marxist that this geoisie was, moreover, nou strong enough the social fascists from the factories. Out noise of the acute revolutionary situation economically nor politically to force across ing incessant attacks on the expelled with the social fascist children from the Mexican Communist artist, Diego Rivera, was a criminal piece of rhetoric that had its will against the resistance of the work schools.
who for a period of time after his exnothing in common with the Marxist realers. The economic and political organs of The tactics of Remmelle and Thaelmann pulsion was meinber of the Left Opity. The Comintern leadership which since bourgeois authority had not yet been ex gave the social democratic leaders their position group. The position and work of 1924 has brought tremendous defeats to the tensively enough developed. The bour opportunity to cover up their betrayal of this talented artist is such that a good Communist Parties and the proletariat geoisie had still to make concessions to the interests of the workers and aided them Tegime in the International drew him ever through its false policies (1923 in Gerthe workers.
to pass over from a defensive to an offen eloser to Communism a bad regime re many: 1925 27 in China; 1926 in England But the coalition policy of Hilferding sive position. The slogan of social faspulses him As a fellow traveller hits Russia, Bulgaria, Esthonia, Poland) And Mueller in 1928 was that of the Wrect be clem played into the hands of the social services to the Communist movement have which since 1928 has carried out an ultratrayal of the every day interests of the democratic demagogues: To the extent been and can continue to be in the fie Left zig zag, would not take the real sitworking class. The social democrats work that the Comintern identifies the democrat ture very considerable.
uation into consideration.
So long as the ed not only for the extension of the power ic domestics of capitalism with its fascist Stalin faction regarded him as a useful Let us return to the realities of the of the capitalist state (cruisers, police, De bodyguard, it does the social democracy intellectual lackey a la Enrbusse in German situation, What do the figures tence of the Republic Act) not only sup the very best service. In those countries France and Michael Gold in the United say regarding the struggles and temper of ported the further offensive of the banks where fascism represents a power, Italy States he was held in high esteem by the working class?
and trusts (concentration, rationalization, first, then Austria and Germany, the thom. When Rivera began to revolt against Facts and Figures etc. but betrayed everything the workers social democrats have no difficulty proving the poisonous atmosphere created in the In 1928 the number of strike days in had conquered from the capitalists in the to the masses not only the differences but Comintern by the bureaucracy he was dise Germany was 10. millions and in 1929 this period of the revolutionary wave. Through even the hostility between themselves and covered to be a counter revolutionary Dumber sinks to millions: in 1928, 780, their Minister of Labor Wissell, the social fascism. To this extent the social demo Owing to big conflict with the author 000 workers went on strike whereas in democrats agreed to the wage reduction. crats are relieved of the necessity of dis itdey Rivera lost his painting assignment in 1929, 233, 000 went on strike. Whoever will They voted for the reduction of the unem proving that they are the democratic ser the National Palace and was expelled togeth.
not take these figures into account cannot ployed benefits. They began the reduction vants of capital. The whole political strug er with all bis followers, teachers and stuunderstand that strikes are a barometer of the Sick Benefit pensions. With their gle is shifted to an artificial plane which dents from the National Autonomous Unis of the militancy of the working class. These support of the Concordat agreement, the 13 exceptionally favorable to the social versity of Mexico for the radical course of figures mean that the militancy of the social democrats helped to re establish the democrats. Trotsky Open Letter) studies he introduced into the School of workers had declined.
clorical reaction. They helped to impose The very favorable situation could have Fine Arts. In his fight against the reactionThe results on the Provincial (Landtag)
further indirect taxes on the masses. And been utilized had a different policy been aries the slogan of Rivera group of stuelections and the municipal (communal)
all this in the period of the greatest un applied not the social fascism slogan dents was Against the bourgeois univerelections both show everywhere a marked employment in Germany. The social dem nor the Brandierist conception of a united sity, for a University of the Workers and decline in the votes of the Compinisu Peasants. The more beroic sacrifices of Party of Germany. On the other hand the In France the embattled Barbusses and Golds are unsocial democracy has elther held its own or known to us. We do know this: that the evon made gains. The National Socialists Haming proletarian litterateur and editor of (Fascisti) have registered very considerthe Ney Masses, Michael Cold, Dever reable successes. In Red Thuringia the Comcolled in horror from the idea of having the munisu fraction in the Provincial Legislature is composed of six comrades as against The International Left Communist Op the fury of the attack of the government proletarian banker, Otto Kahn finance the seven representatives of the Fascisti. position has extended its struggle to one against the Left Opposition, the leadership his productions.
The Party itself has not only not in more sector. This is in connection with the of the French Communist Party and the In his desire to take the wind out of revolutionary creased its membership but has lost memmovement in Indo China Humanite bave MAINTAINED COMPLETE the sails of Stalinist demagosy, Rivera has bers. The Party membership can at most aginst the sanguinary acts of repression Hent ug the following statement for publicaSILENCE because our Indo Chinese comtion: be estimated at 70, 000.
of French Imperialism.
rades fought under the flag of the Com declare that neither the ComParty Influence Sinks The official Communist Party in France mudist Leaguo (Opposition. It was only In all proletarian organizations and munist Party nor the bourgeoisie can 18 non existent so far as Indo China 18 after direct protests and by way of leaflets hold the Communist and public notices that the Humanite finconcerned where the proletariat is being Opposition particularly in the trade unions the influremy actions ence of the Party has almost completely ally made up its mind to defend our Indo sponsible for for ferociously exploited and where Imperialwhich assume full responsibility, not having had disappeared. The tremendous successes Chinese comrades.
ism maintains its police dictatorship over since the deportation of comrade Negrete of the Party in the factory committee elec. the native proletarian population by Ore But the opportunist leadership of the tions with the help of the red shop com and sword, torture and death. This atro Party and the Humanite even while deany contact with the Opposite The special character of my professional workmittee glates were in the first instance cious misery has already evoked move. fending our comrades, betrayed them. In only the result of the dissatisfaction of the that of a mural painter obliges me to sue ments of spontaneous revolt that the young the articles of the Humanite they were reptain certain economic contacts with tho.
workers, a protest against capitalist re native bourgeoisie more or less indepen resented as being the adherents of the offwho pay for this work wbich has always pression and its henchmen the reformists. dent of French capital, has sought to di cial policies of the Communist Party and been used in the interests of the revolution They did not at all represent any readiness rect to its own ends. In consequence of the Stalinist policy in the colonies for the immediately to smash the capitalist state. as my paintings can prove. For this reathe revolte of Yen Bay, of Vinh, etc. 39 right of self determination for their comson however am continually utilized by the The best proof of the Justice of this esti Indo Chinese revolutionaries have been sen plete independence (Humanite, May 28th, Stalinist party and by the bourgeoisie as an mate are the results in the Leuna Works, tenced to death and four of these have al 1930. Nothing could be more false.
in the Opel Automobile Works and the arm against my own comrades, in conseready been executed. The Criminal Com The Indo Chinese comrades have conquence of which, declare that cannot Hamburg Docks which record a huge de mission of Phu Tho is about to condemn tien demned the Stalinist colonial policy apcline in the votes of the Communist slate.
amputate from my personality that which other revolutionaries to death, one tic life plied by the Comintern regime throughout is my life itself, that is to say, my art; and Percentage of Total Votes in long imprisonment, twenty six to hard la the world and particularly in Asia. The Leann Works Berlin being unwilling to binder the activities of bor for the rest of their livees, thirty eight Indo Chinese comrades are an integral part 1929 1930 1929. 1930 the Opposition by my presence in its ranks, to deportation, etc.
of the International Opposition.
and considering it my duty, retire definiteRed List 51. 34. 52. 28.
The Indo Chinese workers in France Together with the Left Opposition, the ly from all political activity. Free Trade and the French proletariang have under the Indo Chinese comrades are not satisfied Unions 32, 37 29 Rivera further declares that his sym28 leadership of the Communist League of to fight for self determination up to compathy continues as formerly with the OpChristian Union 5. 7. 8. France (Opposition) embarked on an en plete independence after the fashion of Patriotic Uniong 16 position program as against the opportunergetic protest action to prevent these sen Chiang Kai Shek but call for the formation ism and adventurism of the official leaderNationalists 7. tences from being carried out any further of an Independent revolutionary party of ship.
Fascist and this campaign must strike an echo in the working class to wage the struggle for The workers who gave their votes to the hearts of the workers of all countries. the social revolution against both French the Communist Party in the preceding year If the number on your wrapper is In front of the Elysee in Paris imperialism and native bourgeois exploitturned their backs on the policies of the strong demonstration took place on the ation equally and in closest contact with Party because they showed no way out call of the Communist League following the French working clasg. Proletarians of against the capitalist offensive.
which several comrades were imprisoned. all countries, unite must become more than then your subscription to the Militant has And what are the facts concerning the Despite all the attention this demongtration mere slogan. It must be carried into expired.
Renew immediately in order to most recent proof of the acute revolution starred up in the bourgeois press, despite life. NAVILLE Avoid missing any issues, Opposition Defends Indo Chinese Rebels 49