BourgeoisieBujarinCapitalismCominternCommunardsCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyFascismImperialismLeninismMarxMarxismSocialismSovietStalinStrikeURSSUnited FrontWorking Class

NEW PARTY FORCES FOR LEFT OPPOSITION THE MILITANT Weekly Organ of the Communist League of America (Opposition Vol. III, No. 24 Telephone: DRYdock 1656 NEW YORK, Saturday June 21, 1930 PRICE OENTS Unemployment and Defeat the Capitalist Offensive!
Organize United Front Against Unemployment and Wage Cuts. HUGO OEHLER JOINS OPPOSITION The fresh breaks on the stock market June 12 and 16, the most devastating since last November, burst atrother bubble in the medicine man tactics of Hoover, the vaunted Equipped with thousands of dollars for The tribunals of the Spanish Inquisi We openly conspire to rouse the workengineering genius whose election slogan preliminary expenses, the Senate has tion sat in judgement over bourgeois pro ers to resist the mobilization plans for was Business Administration Cotton has launched its star chamber investigation testantism. The Czarlst autocracy sat in the next war by a revolutionary struggle slumped, Steel production has declined, into Communist plotting in the United judgement over Passian revolutionaries. for the defence of the Soviet Union. We The index for automobile production drop States. The Hoover government, the Na The United States Senate investigates Com openly conspire to separate the masses in ped June 14, 36. per cent below that of tional Civic Federation, and the American munism. The past is replete with Judge the American Federation of Labor from last year.
Federation of Labor are a single united ments of the dying over the living, of the tur treacherous and bureaucratic misPut the obviously well fed Secretary front. With the ghost of the infamous Pal forces of reaction over those of revolution. leadership of the William Greens and the of Agriculture Hyde maintains his poise. mer presiding, cabinet officials, labor fa But when have such investigatons and Mathew Wolls. We openly conspire to ore The nation, he declares in a statement, is kers, stool pigeons, hungry politicians and Judgements permanently halted the advance gainze the tollers of the Unted States for back at work. We have suffered from little the remainder of the unsavory crew bur of history or the development of the class the proletarian revolution to overthrow the more than dening society, will testity to the existence capitalist system and replace the business seasonal unemployment.
struggle. The spectre of Communism there was relatively little distress. It ot a Rei Conspiracy.
which Marx marked as haunting the Euro dictatorship by revolutionary Workers you are of a credulous nature you can The crisis of American Capitalism pean bourgeoisie of 1848 has materialized Government.
take his word for it. On the other hand Outside, in every city of the United in the Soviet power of today. Nor could But as a matter of fact the capitalist there are the very conservave figures States, members of an army of six million any Holy Alliance, Romano Ochrana, mas class has no illusions about the nature of of the official Bureau of Labor Statistics the Communist conspiracy. The investigunemployed form in bread line. In the sacre of Communards or strategy of. Biswhich reports a further decline of per shops, relentlessly driven by the speed up. marck prevent it.
ation is a cover for something else. The cent in employment and per cent in workers face the menace of wage cuts. Mas The Open onspiracy of Communism ruling class aims to master the deepening payroll totals in the manufacturing indus ter incited Southern mobs burn and lynch. It needs no investigation to establish economic crisis and improve its position tries in April of this year as compared for a sharper attack on the world market poor Negroes. Militant labor organizers that international Communism is a greatwith April 1929.
and by an offensive for wage reductions. The of the unorganized and the unemployed in er danger to world capitalism than ever be Gastonia, Georgia, California and New fore. Communism is an open conspiracy.
It may be added that there are inemployers are fully aware that as a result The Communists have always disdained to of the mass unenployment and the wageYork are imprisoned, sent to the chain deed unemployed who have suffered gangs, or threatened with the electric conceal their aims. We openly conspire relatively little distress These are the cutting offensive, tens of thousands of chair. But parasitical coupon clippers gar to organize the workers for immediate im workers hitherto faithful to the traditions horde of dividend receivers whose nurner the biggest dividends in years.
Con provements in their living conditions. We tured fingers neither toil nor spin but of capitalist poltics and the cralt prejudices of the of will be radicalized can and do clip coupons. Recorded divopenly conspire to avail ourselves of every gress stamps approval on a Tariff to assure the corporations still vaster monopoly strike, every lockout, every demonstration by their experience of misery. They are furidend and interest payments in May of ther conscious that the leaven in the workthis year were actually 570, 000, 000 comprofits.
to sharpen the edge of the class struggle, Military expenditures for the pared with 490, 000, 000 a year ago.
next imperialist struggle reach the high to lay bare the process of capitalist exploit. ing class is the Communist movement, that est peak in history, ation and government suppression the Communists understand the laws of the The signs accumulate that capitalist cconomy and the fraud of bourcapitalist class will seek a way out of geois democracy. To suppress the comthis crisis by a campaign for the demunists, to terrorize these proletarian leadflation of the workers wages. in close ers who croon no pacifist and liberal lulcollaboration with the social democratic labies, becomes the entering wedge of the bureaucracy of the General Labor FederThrough the adhesion of Hugo Deliler to the platform of the communist capitalist offensive against the whole work.
ation the Clerman industrialists have in League of Amorica (Opposition. the Left Opposition recruits one of the best types ing class.
itlated a movement for a ten per cent of organizers that the American Communist movement has yet developed. Comrade The Tasks of the Communist Party wage cut to challenge coal and steel Oehler was the representative of the National Textile Workers Union in its organizing He was every.
In this situation very heavy responsmarkets of Great Britain and the United campaign in the South during the Gastonia struggle and thereafter, sibilities rest upon the leadership of the States. The capit. ts of the Untted where hailed as a courageosu and clearheaded fighter and leader, Communist Party.
States will not lag far behind.
Hugo Oehler has held numerous posts in the communist Party. He was or.
Sectarianism in these It will circumstances would be tantamount to pobe a dastardly betrayal of the interests ganizer of the Kansas District of the communist Party, and during the Colorado coal of the German workers by their leader. minors strike directed the Party work in the field. He is well known to all mill litical crime against the interests of the proletariat.
ship but noting that the bureaucrats tants, class conscious workers and revolutionists in the West and South, as well as The possibilities for the advance of the revolutionary movement are of the American Federation of Labor can to the Party organization generally. Oeluler has presented the statement in the cur.
great not emulate.
rent Issue of the Militant to the Central Executive Committee of the communist Party But to avail ourselves of this hisGovernment reports indicate that per and to the District Committee in Chicago where le is at present working.
tor opportuity. the Party must give leadership to a UNITED FRONT movement capita, earnings in manufacturing tylusThe pre convention discussion of the offig. It can only be obtained and held by against the capitalist offensive. The Party tries in April of this year had dropped Communist Party, the Thesis to the conven actual leadership in theoretical and prac will uot be able to do so until it breaks per cent from the levels of 1929. The tion and the Comintern organization letter tical problems facing the working class. with its present course of blind factiontextile capitalists. bituminous coal and list the greatest number of shortcomings Leadership in the Marxian sense cannot alism and adventurism. The situation steel industries, where unemployment is the Party has ever had presented to any of sprout from the top like the eppers, Love must be soberly analyzed for what it is.
on the increase are beginning to talk its conventions. review of these docu stones and the present incompetents. The There is no immedate acute revolutionary openly of wage cuts. The open shop orments will convince one at once that they are thesis presented dealing with the short crisis. There are yet no offensive revoluganizations are becoming increasingly acnot shortcomings in the nature of a progres cominge does not and cannot deal with tionary struggles on the horizon. The tive.
sing party that is at a higher level but at their fundamental causes.
masses have not yet deserted the labor The situation requires a thorough a lower level in comparison with the past.
The Menace of Revisloolsm bureaucrats and the social reformists. The overhauling of the present course of the especially relation to the increasingly The Manifesto of the Communist Op capitalist class of this country has not yet Communist Party. The theology of the favorable objective situation.
position to the rank and file and the 7th lost its confideuce and its power to rule. third period must give place to a Marxist Bankruptcy of the centrist Party Regime Couveution is a document that clears the But the defensive struggles of the workers appraisal. The workers of the United States The Central Committee is presenting to way for the membership to correct can with correct leadership become the are on the eve not of offensive revolu the 7th convention a unanimous thesis and dersin ading. The Manifesto points out starting point for revolutionary struggles tionary struggles but of defensive strug resolutions that have been printed in bookthe roots of the present Party crisis. in the future. The Party must weed out gles to resist the capitalist onslaught. It let form (after Bedacht trip) which only facing us in this country but facing the verblage of the third period or the the Party does not give leadership to tho means it is approved by our parent body our comrades in the other parties of our Party will be wrecked for years.
masses, if it fails to develop a concrete in the International Office. This procedure, International. The revision of Marxisin For Communist Unity!
program of action, it it refuses to orfollowing the Comintern organization letter by the Stalin Bucharin leadership has de. The Left Communists ganize a broad united front of the masses, to the convention and the admitted mass ralled the movement in the swamp of tho (Communist League of America) are profoundly opposed if it blindly adheres to its impotent and of blunders. mistakes and shortcomings non Marxist, eclectic, utoptan, reactionary to the present Party regime and its reviblind agitation against social fasoism. means (1. That our present leadership is theory of the Building of Socialism in one sionist theories on an international scale.
the social democrats and the labor burnot capable of drawing up an analysis of country. the colonial revolutionary policy But in the interests of the promotion of the eaucrats will be the gainers; the masses of the present situation. That our in and the tactics of the third period. Ac. workers United Front, we and the Party will be the losers.
ternational leadership does not trust this are prepared tivity and more activity will not replace The Communist movement has sulto support every step that the Party under task to our American leadership. That correct Marxist theory and these problems takes for a concrete program of action fered heavily from the present factional re the delegates to the 7th Convention, are first brought up by the Russian Opposition, against the capitalist offensive. Once startgime and its false theories. Thousands not trusted with this task seemingly remote and ot no concern to the od in this direction, we are confident that of workers have been alienated from its leadership not capable of drawing class struggle in America are the deter the momentum of the class struggle will influence. But there is still time to re up its own analysis is not capable of lead taining causes of the present chaotic con vindicate to the Party mebership the full trace the steps of the Party to a line of ing the revolutionary party. conven dition in an otherwise objectively favorable justice not only of the strategy we advocate revolutionary realism. The great tasks tion that does not protest this action is a situation for the every day struggle but the historbefore the Party demand a concentration straft jacket convention and not a unity The Communist Party is the instrument ical yalidity of the revolutionary Leninist of communist forces on the basis of Par convention. Leadership of the masses can of the working class used as the leader and principles which motivate our tactics.
ty domocracy.
not be appointed tenon tha Taternational Contnued on Page MAURICE SPECTOR