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THE MILITANT Saturday, June 14, 1930.
LOVESTONE «AMERICANISM The Menace of Fascism Communism and the Negro Problem In Germany door. After the abrupt attack of Scbact against Hilferding (December, 1929. the end of the coalition was only a matter of weeks.
The new bourgeois bloc (BruningSchiele Treviranus) is by its very nature Nowadays nobody with eyes in his hee a transitional regime. With its left foot workers from the social democracy to the can mistake the sorry role that Loveston BERLIN it supports itself on the parliamentary reCommunist Party took place.
and his faction are playing in the Commune For several weeks the new governient gime with its right foot it rests on the ist movement.
Tricked by the yocial democracy, reYears ago bis opportunie of the bourgeois bloc, the government of open dictatorship. It contrary to all pre ic ideas could always find shelter under in pelled by the Communist Party politics Pruning Schiele Treviranus has been dictions, the resistance of the masses of bluft, the bombastic phrasemongering the protecting arm of Stalin Cominterni office. From the outset, it has placed itwhich held sway over the Wedding Conagainst the regime of the bourgeois bloc today he must shiver in the rain of cr10selt under the sign of menacing dictatorgress of the Party, great masses of class should become too strong, the road to a feísm. To illustrate this will point out ship. It sought a parliamentary majority The new coalition would not be barred, several things which occurred at a yout conscious workers sank into apathy and in.
but it declared at the same time that it transition to such a regime as exists in meeting held by the Lovestone group this majority were not forthcoming, it difference, tens of thousands have been Thuringia parlian. entary in its externals the Grand Opera House last week.
lured over into the camp of the fascists, would not resign. but would govern withThe anger, the diycontent and even the and fascist in its essence is quite within About fifteen people attended this meet out parliament.
revolutionary hatred of the social demothe realm of possibilities. What is least ing. The audience was mainly composed of During the twenty one months when cratic party have grown among the masses likely is that the bourgeoisie will at the Lovestoneites, a few League members and the social democracy had power in its but at the same time confidence in the present time openly instal a fascist regime, a stool pigeon of the sent therg handy, it prepared round for a strongleadership and slogang Communist letting the parliamentary mask fall. The to report the League members foolish er reaction; the bourgeois bloc took posParty, in the political correctness of its legal and semi legal possibilities are not enough to think they could attend any session of the Sloc which had been willed line in the immediate struggles, has waned.
yet exhausted, the class struggle in Ger meeting but their own. The reporter of to it by the coation to carry out in a many has not yet taken on that form which The bourgeoisie is well aware of this the evening was Will Herberg. He gave speedler and more brutal fashion that compels the bourgeoisie to renounce the fairly accurate representation of the sitchange in the outlook of the masses. Towhich the social demoracy has begun: the advantages of parliamentarism, uation in the Party, day the bourgeoisie fears incomparably Any halt way eduthrottling of the working class.
The traditional character of the present less than in 1928 the development of a cated Communist can see the countless mis.
It was evident to every revolutionary regime reflects the profound crisis in which revolutionary movement against its domintakes and false policies of the leadership Marxist that the social democratic coalition bourgeois democracy finds itself in Geration, and the impasse into which they have led many. The crisis in all the bourgeois could only play the role of preparing the the But when he tried to analyze The Bourgeolsle Dismisses the way. Nothing could be more false than parties is the expression of the same phen the cases at the bottom of this crisis and Social Democracy the conception that the official Communist Omenon: but the crisis of bourgeois democ.
to estimate the work and value of the Party theoreticians defend nowadays after That is why the preparatory role of racy itself is only the external expression Left Opposition he got himself into an awthe social trying to rid themselves of the theory of democracy has come to its of the crisis of the capitalist social order. ful mess. His only attempt to discuss the social fascism. leading article of the close; the bourgeoisie feel it can now The solution of this crisis will depend questions the Opposition has raised was on International (No. 7) says among other reach its ends without the direct aid of the the further development of the class strug the problem of Thermidor Firstly he le in Germany.
socialist party. The party was shown the KL things that in the course of recent years drew an utterly false picture of no unity every government has marked one step of opinion among the forces of the Left further in the direction of the fascist deDiscussion Opposition on this question. Some, he said, velopment of Germany and that consebelieved that Thermidor was already se quently the Muller government was obcomplished, others that it was on its way viously as reactionary a government as and still others didn believe in it at all.
those which preceded it.
The first view (that Thermidor is alThis mechanical conception has nothing The Mutant welcomes membership realy accomplished in the Soviet Union)
in common with Marxism and completely discussion on all the basic problems When the American Civil War oceuris held by Urbahns, he maintained. And of the Communist movement.
disregards the development of the class We do then, like a typically bankrupt politician red, Marx was strongly for the Northern struggle which is full of contradictions. not regard leading committees as the he attacked this view as the one of the Opcause and supported Abraham Lincoln. He Why did the bourgeoisie, which called sole repositories of all the wisdom of position.
saw that part of the American working This he succeeded in doing, since the Socialist party to the government after Marxism and Leninisn. What is called it doosn take much braing to expose as class was still under chattel slavery. Their the elections of 1928 so brutally dismiss the Negro problem especially is one erroneous a theory like this one. But he color was not a factor. Today the whole ite socialist domestics in 1930?
that will bear a good deal of thorough didn dare attack the official viewpoint of American working class is underwage The Communist Party and the Left. study and discussion. The easiest line lavery and color is not a factor. Continued on Page 8)
ward Movement of approach would be to repeat some The finest way in the world to play glib formula.
into the hands of the Southern bourgeoisie The bourgeois government bloc sutThe Role of American Imperialism Discussion articles on this or oth is to talk about Negro Soviete. They will fered mark defeat in 1928 in the Reichstag er questions of Communist theory and immediately translate this into Negro dom Every estimate of the present situation elections. The piratical tariff policy and strategy should be as briet and to the inance, aw with this slogan they can must proceed from the fact that the world the reactionary social policy, the brutal point as possible in view of our limited alfenate the Southern whites of the work center of economic gravity has shifted to measures of capitalist rationalization had space. Editor ing class.
the United States. American imperialism set the masses in motion. About a million Philadelphia, Pa. Segregation even when apparently for and a half petty bourgeoisie, workers and now levies tribute from practically all the Editory, the Militant tbe good of the Negro is wrong.
capitalist countries of the world. This medium and poor peasants turned from the Some time ago heard a member of Our policy should be to knit closely development which has risen to its height Right to the Left wing of the bourgeoisie, the Communist Party, Ben Thomas, state together all workers, black and white, na in the period after the world war, has towards the social democracy, which inin a lecture that the Negro should be given tive and foreiga.
creased its vote from 7, 881, 000 to 9, 151, 000 bound up the fate of American imperialism autonomy, and that in such districts where There is no physiological or biological with the economy of the whole world in an votes. Half a million workers abandoned the Negro is in a majority, a Negro Soviet race hatred. Race prejudices are purely inextricable form.
reformism and the open bourgeois camp, No analysis of its fuRepublic should be set up. My reaction to social and economia to go to the Communist Party whose vote was raised in ture economic course, internally as well as this was strongly in Opposition. It seemed Washington, and Virginia. know increased from 2, 700, 000 to 3, 260, 000. The externally, can be made without a considto me that this was a purely mechanical years 1927 and 1928 witnessed an increasthat as kids we white and black children eration of its international position, ing activity of the masses. To stop the attempt to introduce European, African or associated freely and without prejudice. It The effect of America direct interAsiatic conditions into America. am was only later, when we realized that the development to the Left and to bring convention in European affairs after the war not afraid of being nailed as an exception Negro had a lower position, lower even Tusion to the masses, to disintegrate their was the temporary, partial stabilization of ist when state that the American Negro elan that was the function of the coalition, than our own as Poor White Trash. that European capitalism. This stabilization oc, Problem is an American problem and must one must We developed a superiority complex. White Today after nearly two years curred in direct connection with the defeat be solved on the basis of actual conditions and blacks in the South won mingle admit that the bourgeoiste has largely at of the German proletariat in 1923 and retained its object. Despite as reactionary in America. That it cannot be solved with freely if permitted. In fact they do in sulted in the consolidation of social dema policy as possible in nearly every field, any transplanted formula.
such lowly circles as bootleggers. pros ocracy for the time. In turn it enabled What is the situation here? Jy the the social democracy succeeded in putting a titutes, etc. where they feel that there is the United States to avoid the convulsions brake on the militancy of the masses.
Negro a National Minority, in the European nothing to lose. Only social advantages that would have affected it inevitably in the sense? Has he a culture, or a language With the aid of the Young Plan it suedraw the color Jine. Communists are not event of the development of the revoluthat is different from the American people? snoby, our base is the workers, and on this ceeded in sowing illusions inside the protionary wave in Europe.
Most emphatically no! The American base we can and must build up a united letariat. And as the Communist Party The United States has expanded its Negro is integrally a part of the American front of the earth exploited.
did not know how to lead the masses into productive capacity which has Srought working class and any attempt to segre In the South our soviets must be built about a further contraction of markets for struggle step by step, or to organize gate him is absolutely wrong. The Com up from the workers, black, white and mix European capitalism and consequently them by the revolutionary application of munist movement should bend every effort ed. If the official Party fosters such wrong the tactics of the united front, no real contraction of the European market itself.
to eradicate every tendency in that direc ideas of Negro segregation we should fight The post war chaos of Europe has made it struggle was developed against the Young tion.
Plan against the capitalist offensive, and impossible for the debtors of that continWhat the Negro needs is class cong Summing up then let me state: as the Left current of 1928 did not develop ent to present a sufficiently consolidated ciousness, not race consciousness.
No national minorities exist in the united front to which they are inclined.
further, no real mass desertion of the Bourgeois Negroey are themselves try United States. Any efforts to transplant a The very strength And expansion of ing to build up race consciousness, shoutΦ foreign culture, Negro, Jewish, Polish, Eur. American imperialism has laid the founding for race interests. They desire that the opean or what not, should be vigorously ation for the most violent struggles in Negro should be segregated into separate combatted. There is one American work Europe and in the colonial countries. The ing class, and it works only to the interEuropean powers must fight among themto become est of the Ruling Class when efforts are The Militant is glad to report that the selves for a larger ration in world econschool teachers. They want Negroes to pat made to differentiate between the workers omy, and against the United States for the Spanish section of the International Left ronize Negro doctors, dentists, merchants, Particularly the Negro has no separ same reason, Opposition has just been able to establish bankers, etc. Why? For the particular The pacifist effect which ate interests. He is not a foreigner. He is American Intervention had upon the Euroan organ of its own under the name of advancement of the Negro professions, etc. American for many generations. He has pean situation in the beginning is now be Against the Current. It is to begin as The Communist movement should avoid no national culture. Russians may be ing transformed by the process of devela semi monthly and will aim to become a this pittall. Every effort to segregate the interested in Russia, Poles in Poland, Jews weekly.
Negro should be fought. Negro girls should opment into a revolutionizing effect. Amerin Jerusalem, but the Negro is interested ican imperialism is now beginning to look The situation in Spain, with the pre not teach Negro cvbildren, they should, in America. He is American, Garvey 18 for a solution of its own approaching invalling terment among the workers and when qualified 28 teachers teach any doing all he can to manufacture an artiternal convulsiong at the expense of Eurpeasants following the end of the Primo school, no consideration of their race or ficial background for the Negro in Africa. ope, and primarily of Germany, and inde Rivera regime is favorable. The Oppo color should be given. Negro children Let us be careful to avoid such nonsense. creased exploitation and imperialist raka sition has already made gratfying gains in should go to schools in the districts in Fraternally, on Latin America and China.
the fight to win the masses for the revolu which they live, there should be no Negro WHITTEN. FROM THE PLATFORM OX tionary line against the Stalin faction schools. mean bootleggers in the Southern THE COMMUNIST OPPOSITION which has control of the Party appar There should be no Negro lador unions. sense, who gold drinks out of a bottle in a ADOPTED Our warmest fraternal greetings to. CHICAGO)
Workers should unite!
MA Marx Was not small way, not our modern capitalet Al 20, 1929.
our Spanish comrades.
wrong when he said, Workers of all lands. Canone tvne Spanish Left Organ Appears schools, in order that Negro daughtera have