CominternCommunismCommunist PartyFranceGermanyStalinStalinismStrikeTrotsky

Page THE MILITANT Saturday, June 14, 1930 Our National Tour Senate Red Baiting Probe Starts Meetings Stir Great Enthusiasm Scab Gunman is Acquitted Young him.
Watch This Schedule for Your City PHILADELPHIA. FP. 11 had it WASHINGTON (FP. Edgar Hoover, Good crowds, despite the hot June ity can be expected there.
to do over again, d bump off the four of chief of the Bureau of Investigations in the weather, are turning out to hear comrade Stalinitey Boycott Meeting but Workers you. Those were the words of Red Department of Justice the job formerly Max Shachtman, now touring for the ComTurn Out in Toronto Pheiffer, Aberle mill hosiery gunman tried held by Earns will testify behind munist League of America (Opposition on crowd of 100 attended Shachtman in Philadelphia for the murder of Striker locked doors, June 9, in the first session of bis visit with Trotsky at Constantin meeting in Toronto, Canada. The official Carl Mackley as he rode with Mackley the star chamber bearings to be conducted ople and the conference of the Internation Communist Party boycotted the meeting three companions in a patrol wagon to the by the special House committee on inal Left Opposition at Paris, France and after the fashion of the Catholic Index police station March immediately after vestigation of Communist plots in the Berlin, Germany.
and actually had a picket line before the the murder. Nevertheless he was acquitted.
Rep. Fish of New York, chairman of Splendid Meetings in Boston hall. They did not dare to participate in Walter Morrow, one of the unionist the committee, announced the program The Boston meeting was a splendid and the meeting and to discuss the issues, re companions testified to Pheiffer words as when he emerged from a secret session of enthusiastic gathering with over 100 in alizing that they would be uncovered be the strikebreakers went on trial.
the five committeemen in Speaker Longa tendance. good discussion followed fore the workers and exposed as opportun Mackley was riding with three other Aberworth office, June Longworth, Majority the lecture, in which the Lovestoneite, Ste ists and political cowards. Shachtman le strikers the night their auto was met Leader Tilson and Chairman Snell of the phens took part, and to whom comrade speech made a strong impression upon the by one filled with gunmen, all of whom rules committee, the actual bosses of the Shachtman replied effectively and strongly. audience with his review of the actual fired pointblank into the union car. By House, had been in meeting with Fish and On the morning of the same day, comrade program of the Left Opposition and its ac some miracle Morrow, William Zimmerhis associates. They had apparetnly agreed Shachtman spoke before Branch No. 27 of tivities.
man and John Cooper were not also killed.
that about 40, 000 would be provided by the Independent Workmen Circle on banquest is scheduled on the follow Red Pheiffer and his fellow strike the House for the early expense of the The Communists and Work in the Mass ing day, of which as we go to press, we do breakers were given guns by a private probe.
Organizations. Sixty people were pre not yet have reports.
detective agency employed by the Aberle Barring of the press and public from sent, evincing great interest and applaud The immediate dates that follow on the mill company, the Hosiery Workers Federthe hearings at which the governmental ing the position of the Communist League. tour are Hamilton, Ontario, Canada, and ation charges. All three of the union surdepartments officials will testify, was deThe Boston branch members are highly Detroit, Mich.
vivors, on the witness stand, told of the clared by Fish to be necessary. Oscar pleased over the results and expect as a Chicago, Twin Cities and Lake Cities murder of their friend. The union and Luhring, head of the criminal section or the result to gather new forces and to increase Prepare Extensively the scab car had come to a halt before a Department of Justice, was slated as the their activities.
Deginning with June 9th, comrade red traffic light. Zimmerman heard the second witness. After him would be sumThe Philadelphia Meeting Shachtman will have numerous meetings Scabs yell out, Now throw your bricks.
moned anti radical spokesmen from the In Philadelphia mrade Shachtanan in Chicago, Minneapolis, St. Paul, Duluth Then he heard another cry: Let them Labor, Postoffice, War, Navy. Treasury spoke before 60 workers. warm discus and Superior, and then proceed westward have it.
Commerce and State Departments. The sion took place in which a Communist to Kansas City. Extensive jireparations Then bullets began to fly. four evidence and allegations given to the conParty defender found himself in a defense have been made in these cities for the gunmen blazed away. bullet grazed mittee by these administration officials was less position. ideologicall. meetings, whic will undoubtedly prove Zimmeraman face and went through his to be confidential. The press would have The small branch of New Haven had the largest yet. The remainder of the hat before he could duck, he testified. He no chance to analyze or dispute it.
a good sized meeting and additional activ schedule follows, flopped behind the rumble seat and pulle On the other hand, Fish said, he exed his companion, young Cooper, with Another bullet passed through the pected to summon President Green of the American Federation of Labor and Acting metal shield and pierced Zimmerman President Woll of the National Civic Fedback and lungs. bullet hit Cooper but The eration to testify in open sessions.
did not wound him seriously.
date for their appearance had still to be Mackley, a youngster highly respected arranged. When Congress adjourns, the MINNEAPOLIS, MINX. KANSAS CITY, NO.
by his fellow workers in the Aberle will committee will conduct hearings in New Friday, June 13, Mass Meeting at Thursday Saturday, June 19 and and staunch strike leader when the mill York City. Ralph Easly of the National COOKS WAITERS LINION HALL, 31 Branch Meetings.
was struck because of wage cuts and the Civic Federation and other prominent anti 520 Hennepin Avenue (above Unique ST. LOUIS, MO.
yellow dog contract, was trying to open Communists will be invited at that time.
Theatre. Sunday Monday, June 22 23. Place the door of the conpe when he morTo the surprise of his critics, Fish an NINNEAPOLIS, MIN.
to be announced. tally wounded, his companions told ihe Saturday, June 14. Twin City nounced that no counsel would be employSPPRINGFIELD, ILL.
court. His body was found lying almost ed by his committee at the start. Four Membership Meeting.
Tuesday, June 24. Place to under the wheels of the car.
be Jawyers are members of the committee, and ST. PAUL, MINN.
announced. it appeared that one or more of them had Sunday June 15. Mass Meeting Leftist Sectarianism in Toronto CLEVELAND, OHIO proposed that the committee do its own at LABOR TEMPLE, Wednesday June 23, Mass Meeting at work, so far as the questioning of witness DULUTII, MINX.
Needle Trades PAINTERS HALL 2030 Euclid.
es is concerned. But a staff of detectives Monday, June 16, Mass Meeting at Thursday, June 26 Membership Meet When in Toronto the bureaucrats of will be employed at once. They will be CAMEL HALL, 12 Superior St.
the G. working with the bosse called investigators, and will be picked by SUPERIOR, WISCONSIN YOUNGSTOWX ONTO betrayed the strike of the cloakmakers, pro.
Fish with a view to gathering all possible Tuesday, June 17, Mass Meeting at evidence of Communist propaganda against Friday, June 27. Place to be anmising them better conditions but utiliz.
WORKERS HALL, Tower Avenue.
nounced. ing the militancy of the rank and file to American government.
PITTSBURG, seat themselves more firmly in the bureatuEdgar Hoover, chief of detectives for Friday, June 20. Mass Meeting at Saturday. Sunday, the Department of Justice, was the law 28. 29.
cratie se lle expected that now the. HALL, 914 Grand Avenue, 2nd Floor. Place to be announced. Left wing Industrial Union would underofficer of that bureau at the time of the stand its duty and organize the Left wingPalmer red raids and what the late Louis ers inside the shops. Numbers Post called the Deportation Delirium of Left wingers have been forced by econof 1919 20.
THE WORK IN THE OLD UNIONS omic necessity to register with the class.
period of unrest, and he convinced imcollaboration Speed Up The work in the old unions has been migration Commissioner Caminetti that the virtually abandoned. This fact is clearly This has not been the case. Under the Communists were about to attempt armed MINNEAPOLIS revealed in the almost complete disapdirection of the Stalinist Party officialdom, revolt if conditions seemed favorable. Cam Upholsterers Union No. 61, Minneapolis pearance the Party representatives from one opportunity after another has been inetti, frightened, caused warrants to be is conducting a drive to organize the un trade union gatherings. Still worse, lost to give organized expression to the issued for the sudden arrest on deporta organized upholsterers, The organization leaders of the factions are competing with grievances of the rank and file in the tion charges, of 20, 000 alien workers in in Committee, composed of John Brinda, Israel each other in the elaboration of theories Schlesinger union and also to the readi.
dustrial centers throughout the country.
Colton and Carl Cowl has issued the first which preclude the idea of serious work ness of the Left wingers to fight the Schles.
of a series of leaflets describing conditions Thousands of these workers were herded in the old uniong in the future.
inger machine from within. The Party into over crowded cells, into corridors of among the upholstery workers and calling The factions are outdoing each other bureaucrats and their puppets in the inupon the workers in the industry to join federal buildings and other unfit places of in irresponsible striving to be Left in dustr union leadership simply proceeded imprisonment, and were held under bar the union. The Union meets the 1st and 3rd this burning question. These theories and to expel from both the Party and the Young barous conditions for days. Their release Thursday of each month at 60 4th Ave So. practises are a menace to the Party and Communist League the needle trades comrades who had been forced by the meanunder bond or upon showing of false ar at o clock.
threaten to put it off the track again It rest, were effected in some cities, such as aco of starvation to register.
MINNEAPOLISis time to sound a warning and begin a Detroit, only after citizens committees If we had a fraction inside he Mike Mihalick, upholsterer at Levin determined struggle against them. The we could have had a big following. The had demanded that Palmer hysterical per Brothers Furniture Co. suffered the loss building of the new unions and the work in betrayals and the class collaboration of secutions be stopped Only a few of the of one eye and possibly both from injur the old unions must be carried on together army of victims of these raids were found ies received from a flying piece of spring and not the one set up against the other.
the Schlesinger clique are so menifest that the workers are ready to follow the Left if to be legally liable to deportation. Several steel while tying up springs. Due to the. FROM THE PLATFORM they were given an organized lead. All deaths resulted from the raids. The wife Vicious speed up system in Levin Brothers THE COMMUNIST OPPOSITION of one man thus arrested went insane. such accidents are growing more and more ADOPTE (CHICAGO)
Summer the Cloakmakers Section of the MAY Industrial Union did not even meet and common. Upholsterers Union No. 61 has 20, 1929.
did not discuss their needs and policies.
launched a campaign of organization in the Evidently things are no better in Montreal.
industry as a step towards the abolition of SAN FRANCISCO (FP) Five Com the misery and sickness produced by the KLORKEIT No. The Stalin policy works the same ruin in the unions as in the Party.
munists one a woman, Ida Rothstein,. or speed up.
LA TORONTO CLOAKMAKER ganizer for the Trade Union Unity League, Yiddish speaking comrades should take have been sentenced to the San Francisco PITTSTON, Pa. FP) general strike note that the second number of Klorkeit, countly jail on rioting charges arising from of all Pittston Coal Co. miners is near It the number on your wrapper 18 organ of the Jewish Left Opposition group demonstration against deportation of unless the company retreats from its posi in France, has arrived. It contains among members of the Party. All received 30 days tion of closing down part of its mines except one, sentenced to 90 days; one de altogether while allowing others to operate.
other articles the second installment of then your subscription to the Militant has fendant failed to appear. All have appeal The union miners are demanding that work comrade Trotsky The Third Period of expired. Renew immediately in order to ed the case and are out on bail.
be equalized among the various collierieg. the Mistakes of the Comintern.
avold missing any issues.
June against labor radicals in that after war Upholsterers Organize to Fight 48 THE MILITANT, Vol. IIINO, 23, June 14, 1930 Published weekly by the Com munist League of America (Opposition) At 25 Third Avenue, New York, Subeription rate: 00 per year; foreign 50. Five cents per copy. Bundle rates, cents per copy. Editorial Board: Martin Abern, James Cannon, Max Shachtman. May.
Ice Spector, Arne Swabeck. Entered as second class mail matter November 28, 1928, at the Post Office at New York, under the act of March 1879 (Total