BolshevismCentrismCominternCommunismCommunist PartyFascismFranceGermanyLeninLeninismMarxismOpportunismSocialismSocialist PartyStalinStalinismTrotskyUnited FrontViolenceWorking Class

Saturday, June 7, 1930 THE MILITANT Page The «New Turn» in the In Germany struggle against social fascism.
The editorial of the May number of the The need for working within the free Cahiers du Bolshevisme sets itself the task trade unions (social democratic. to which of analyzing the new opposition. The obmore than 6, 000, 000 workers belong, can jectives that guide the analysis are no longer be evaded.
clear, One, to discover a scape goat upon But to conceal the which to cast the guilt for the errors comrecognition of this necessity, the work is mitted by the bureaucrats themselves since USRLIN speech are only the reflection of the con made equivalent to that done in the Christthe inaugаration of the third period conformity with the new cours de tradictions of Centrist policy in general, ian trade unions and at the same time the and lately condemned by the infallible Mancreed by the Stalinist leadership after the Each attempt to correct itself inust be most chergetic strengthening of the revo.
uilsky Stalin. The other, to discredit the 15th of March the presidium of the Exec paid for by the deepening of its past lutionary trade unions is demanded.
real opposition as much as possible in the utive Committee has ordered a general errors; in this manner, Centrism more and Effects of the Turn eyes of the workers.
turn in all sections of the Communist Iu more prepares the ground for avowed opThis cowardly right about face of the The second objective produces only a ternational.
portunism and favors the development of Party bureaucracy which, within 24 hours, barrage of abuse and slander, which the The new turn cast its shadow before adventurism and openly Right wing telltramples underfoot what it still proclaimed workers will hardly tolerate. The new it a while ago. It was announced in the dencies.
to be patented Bolshevism yesterday, bas oppositionists are called centrists. allies speech of Manuilsky last November during The Tnrn Thaelmann and. had various cffects in the Party. part of the Popists. hidden opportunists. the sessions of the Young Communist InterThe most perfect picture of internal of the apparatus, specialists sworn to the agents of the reformist minoritaires and national. During the course of his speech contradictions, of half measures and of struggle against social fascism, has re.
similar epithets. But it is well known Manuilsky attacked with extreme violence the most dangerous opportunism is furthat the militants of the new sponded to the turn by an apparatus rethe Central Committee of the Austrian nished us by the turn affected in Germany belliou.
opposition have always fought the syndicAt the head of this apparatus Communist Party which he reproached at this moment by Thaelmann, Neumann rebellion is the trade union strategist, alists and opportunist tendencies of the Monatte group as well as of the Rights.
with having sectarian conceptions for and Remmele. The resolution adopted at Paul Merker, member of the Political BurComrades like Aulas, Douemanget, Villatte having spoken of an imminent revolutionthe meeting of the of the eau and the Central Committee. Among the possess a prestige among the workers for ary situaton at the time of the aggravation on March 20 and 21, declares that all members of the there is above all, that. After analyzing the opposition eurof the Austrian crisis, and for having the recent events prove that the revolution an extreme agitation. The rebellion of rents into pessimists and left phrase played with insurrection. He thus exposed ary upsurge, in spite of its unequal devel Merker has found substantial support in mongers (the discovery, then, of some the choroughly opportunist eharacter of the opments is rising upwards as before. the Central Region (Berlin. The Party ephemeral Merker group in France. te turn.
And in the Dame of the revolutionary functionaries. by 70 votes against 7, have the editorial writer proceeds with illuminaFor it was the leading bodies of the upsurge, the resolution of the de rejected the new turn. and demanded the tions.
Comintern, with the German Central mands a strong consolidation of the exclusion of Remmele and Feinz Neumann Findjug a Scape Goat at its head which had simply thrown the struggle against social fascism.
from the It is a typical trait of As to the latter, he writes, they leadership of the Austrian into the Now, the strong consolidation conthe hypocrisy of the leadership that it displace the practical work by bombast and ever of insurrection. The Constance sists in the fact that the suddenly now tries to convince the militants that by mechanical procedure. and surrender conference of September 18. 1929, declared discovers the difference between the social the manifestation of the ultra Leftist Mer themselves to Leftist demagogy (exaggerathat today the question of the seizure of democratic workers and their counter revker group is. a resurrection of vanquish tion of the crisis. slogan of the conquest power presents itself in Austria and Remolutionary chiefs, At the same time, the ed Trotskyism. And this after having of power as a practical task (so. etc. mele declared at a meeting of the Central resolution attacks the Leftist sectariandeclared for years that the Trotskyists peruşal of the Humanite of the third Committee of the German Communist Party ism and declares that the fraction work knd the Right wing were identical! The period in any arrangement of days what at which were present members of the has considerably diminished lately in the leadership of the Party will not succeed soever would enable anyone to call these Austrian Central Committee, that it was reformist and Christian unions.
in unloading its faults, and the responsibil mysterious latter by the real give tot ufficient to propragate the idea of SoAnd still at the same time, the ity for the line it defended up to now.
names. But it seems the texts were, viots but it was now necessary to set about nevertheless correct; the question here ceclares that the existing revolutionary upon the Merker group. It will succeed realizing them.
deals, with such latter phrase nongers, unions must be strengthened in the most still legs in putting into the same bag the The Real Responsibility who. interpreted the texts, falsely deenergetic manner.
real Left of the Party and the ultra Leftist naturer our estimations etc. It is clear The Left Opposition rose up against Rarely has a leadership tried in a Merker group.
that this to date non existent ultra Le this playing with insurrection and ubowed more cowardly and disgusting manner to The Left Opposition which has been group is to be picked in the main from that the Parly had already let slip a dewash its hands of its mistakes behind the fighting for years the erroneous course or the conscientious lower layers ot functioncisive occasion when it neglected to mobbacks of its adherents. It is at last dis. Stalin and Thaelmann, now fortified by aries who simply took the slogans issued ilize the masses against the repressive recovered that the theory of the little Zoer the unification of the Left Opposition that by the directing organs on good faith. To gime of Schober; nevertheless it was degiebel (according to which the simple took place on March 31, will figlit more vis.
these are to be attributed all the sins of nounced as deleatist and its slogan the the Left turn in the first section of the social democratic worker is a class en orously than ever in the larty in order creation of defense committees in all fac.
emy. belongs to the realm of absolute to win to the ideas of the International Op.
third period just finished.
tories against the threatening fascism. was cretinism. This discovery is masked by position the most advancest elements of the Towever, it is extremely difficult to nor even given a hearing.
the slogan of the consolidation of the Parly. Ki.
find all important personage who has The hopeless bankruptcy of the Left gained the disfavor of the ouncil of the Stalinist course was revealed in all its All High, to attach to this group as a sort In France tragico comie aspects last fall in Austria of a loadstone. Even Vassart, among the The cowardly and pitiful retreat of the loading until recently in the Party and the can only merit the label pesstheoreticians of adventurism, of the Third imist Period inventors, before the politicat con(despite his well known attack against (bambelland of the forty years of clusions of their slogans and their thesocial peace. This is a real dilemna ories in the Austrian crises clearly por The Communist Party of France and the At the Grange Aux rolles. the CC.
for the analysi. Yet, the new opposition trays the character or rather lack of char French revolutionary trade unions have headquarters, only the flics (cops were to has been prover. an ally of the Right acter of the new turn.
had eter since their foundation, a con be seen in appreciable numbers. Rue Lawing: Vassart as skoptic and pessimist Without appearing to do so, Manuilsky siderable handicap in the struggle for in fayette (the Party office) was likewise dehas been created a confederate of Chamin his report set out to outline a new fluence among the workers. The powerful serted. At the Sante prison, where the belland, in the Party ranks and even those interpretation of the Third Period. Un wave of post war revolution carried an Party called for a demonstration in the ephemeral Leftists are some sort of opportil quite recently it was the period of vio enthusiastic majority of the old Socialist evening. there was inste:VI, veritable tunists anyway. And so, our writer tremParty over into the ranks of communism, demonstration of flics.
lent revolutionary upsurge. of the immibling for his own hide (as Lovestone, for at the scission of Tours, The splitting, nent collapse of stabilization; now, howRise of Left Opposition instance, did for his, in the days of our ever, the maturing of a world economic bureaucratic policy of the Jouhait led Why this inactivity, why this apathy own Trotskyist Right danger) concludes: drove still more workers toward crisis is very modestly announced and the among workers organized in hundreds of In our Tarty cannot speak of two the revolutionary trade union center, the phenomena of the crisis coming to light in thousands in mass revolutionary organiza battle fronts (this is already sacrilege) as born under the United Front the various countries are examined. It tions? The apparachiki, the greater and the among the youth (reference to Manuilsky. slogan. Thus, organizationally, the origlesser bureaucrat explain this away with The few Lert errors, which might have is not yet the finish of stabilization that inal post war conditions favored the revo self criticism. They didn make a bou been committed by good revolutionary workapproaches, but only the beginning of the lutionary movement, gave the Communists boulot (good job) of the preparation! They ers ought to be eliminated, but they should decomposition, for the collapse of capitalist a considerable advantage over the yellow are in general imbued with an entirely not to be confused with the Left bombast stabilization would mean the collapse of reformists.
non Communist, non Marxist spirit of sub of se braggarts. who by that means the capitalist system, that is, the birth of The Stalinist Course in France jectivisin. Revolution to them is merely attempt to disguise their opportunism.
an objectively revolutonary situation in the However the vacillating, equivocal, ad an administrative affair, a matter of ster There is only one opportunist front with capitalist countries. that is what Manveuturist character of the Comintern line cotyped routine, As a result: Among the different shadingy which we have underuilsky announced while the Berlin Rote after Lenin death, initiated, as elsewhere. youth a positive abhorence for theory, a lined above.
Fahne spoke, since February 1st of the in France too, a serious dislutegration of the strong inclination for revolutionary gymThe erspectives capitalist collapse that is developing at revolutionary ranks particularly as far nastics. for the many times over discredThis confusion, this uneasiuess in the a breath taking pace.
as the political side of the movement is ited and unmasked Herveism. Among the ranks of the bureaucracy, marks an imBut isn such a re interpretation concerned. The membership of the Party adults, slavish execution of instructions. pending crisis. Couple this bureaucratio made to reveal the whole stupidity of the has been almost decimated. From well The more serious, the more sincere uneasiness with the growing dissatisfaction theory of the Third Period? Does not the over 120, 000 members after Tours, there elements in the Party and the League among the better rank and file elements, whole strategy outlined by the Sixth Con remain now from 15 to 30, 000. The in have, however, lately begun to be a trected who watch in pain and despair, the fluegress threaten to give way under this weak fluence of the press has immensely fallen. by the meager results of their work. They tuation and the diminution of the Party in attempt made at revision behind the back The socialists have been able to recover are beginning to think things over. In fuence, who begin to recognize the disof the Party? And does not the collapse and strengthen their positions at the exthe these element: are rapidly respect, the neglect of revolutionary theory, of the theoretical and strategical basis of penge of the Communists.
developing into a principled. pro. Party as the source of the evil, and we perceive the Left Stalinist course threaten to An example of passive reaction among anti bureaucratic opposition, grouping the dawn of a fierce inner struggle in the the rank and file, was offered to view on themselves about our comrades of the Yer French Party, an important opportunity to shake the authority of the all powerful apthe First of May.
paratus of the The fear of seeing The Party and the Ite and the Ligue Communiste, Among lead to the rehabilitation of the Party as Issued a manifesto, calling for a these questions posgd openly absolutely the youth, a similar process is taking place. the party of the proletariat. The French Day of Struggle appealing to their ad The Stalinist apparatus men Have, in section of the International Left Opposi.
dominates the exemplary bureaucrat in herents to come All into the Streets. fact, become alarmed already. They are ton under the leadership of Trotsky the first and timid attempt at revision. And What actually happened, was this: now groping about for a suitable label and the Russian Leninist Bolsheviks, will that is why Manuilsky swiftly thrown a In Paris and in the suburbs several to tag on to these new oppositionists, be be at its post in the days to come. Under morsel to the astonished members of the hundreds of thousands of workers struck. fore proceeding with the customary sus the banner of Leninism. It will fight to lead Communist Party; he declares that the obeying the call, not only of the pensions and expulsion measures. And the French Parly on to the correct Comgrowing revolutionary lipsurge has already and the Communists, but also that of the this groping about displays a pitiful intei. munist path, as part of the struggle for the nuounted a dogree. and the There were, however, lectual confusion, a true reflection of renovation of the comintern These contradictions in Mansilsky 11o demonstration. 110meetings, whatsoever, chained intelligence Paria. Mar 10 The Impending Crisis in the Party